Saturday, August 10, 2013

I am not ashamed!

I am not ashamed to be WHITE. I make no excuses to be WHITE. Both of my parents were born in Italy, and came through Ellis Island, and became U.S. citizens. While I believe in many customs of my Italian heritage, I do not call myself an Italian-American. I proudly proclaim myself to be  WHITE Caucasian American.

Before I go any further I have a message for Mr. Sharpton, and Mr. Jackson. Somewhere in this great universe there is a place where the sun doesn't shine. I suggest you take your race-baiting lies and tirades; write them on a piece of sandpaper, fold it, and shove it in that place where the sun doesn't shine.

Since our very first President, George Washington, there have been people of all colors and ethnicities casting aspersions, throwing insults, and demanding them to step down from the office of the Presidency. 

There have been millions of African-American Blacks initiating violent protests and rallies against WHITE Caucasian Presidents claiming they were unfair to African-American Blacks. Yes, many claims were justified in the days of slavery, but the "chip on the shoulder" of those days must be abolished if the Black and White races are to live and flourish in harmony.

People like the Poverty Pimps racial arsonists Al Sharpton and Jessee Jackson have claimed for decades that the awful WHITE Caucasian have committed terrible unjustices against their African-American race. 

Every single crime against Blacks that were "allegedly" committed by WHITES were constantly highlighted by these two "civil rights" men. Soon the progressive liberal media supported the "allegations" put forth by the Sharptons and Jacksons of our country.

It seems the likes of Sharpton and Jackson love to blame the misfortunes, high crime, lack of education of Blacks squarely on WHITE Caucasian racism.  With the support of the media the African-American civil rights leaders had, and still have carte-blanche blaming the evil WHITE Caucasian Presidents on all the misfortunes of the Black race.

And now we fast forward to the first African-American Black president this great country has ever had. Now how about this 78-year old WHITE Caucasian citizen of this great country state some facts that cannot be challenged, since the country elected the very first African-American Black president.

Let's start with a clear cut fact that since this African-American Black man has been president over nine million jobs have been lost. Now since I disagree I'm sure Sharpton and Jackson say I'm a racist.  Another fact: Since this African-American Black president has been in office, prison population by African-American Blacks has risen over twenty percent.  Now, I'm sure Sharpton and Jackson will call me a racist for writing this.

Unemployment among young African-American Blacks has risen to over 40% since an African-American Black has been elected. Because this WHITE Caucasian blogger writes this I guess I'm a racist; right Reverend Al?  By the way, true unemployment in our country is over 16%.
Since January, 2013 there has been 900,000 jobs created, however, 700,000 of those jobs are part time employment. Again I'm a racist huh Al?

Welfare and food stamp participation has increased by over 45% since this African-American Black has been in office.  Black on Black crime, especially in the president's home state of Illinois, has increased over 30% since this man has been in office.  Black on Black crimes within the city of Chicago is up 25% since this country has elected an African-American president. Just mentioning this makes me a racist I guess.

I'm sure Reverend Sharpton and Mr. Jackson consider this 78-year old WHITE Caucasian blogger a racist for writing this. In fact, and I do mean fact, anyone who disagrees with the policies of this African-American Black president is definitely considered racist by the standards of Sharpton, Jackson, and even recently claimed by our Senate Majority leader Harry Reid.

The truth is that never before has race been the main issue of a president's unproven and failed policies. For that matter, when any American speaks against the failed policies of this president you can bet that the likes of Sharpton, Jacksson, and Reid will scream "racist".

Racism is an ugly shroud that is used to make excuses for the failed policies of this man. Sharpton and Jackson, with the help of the slave media, seek to find any excuse and lie they can to invoke racism into our culture. Rather than discuss the failure of the core of the African-American family, they are comfortable in casting blame on the WHITE Caucasian population for their failures. 

Now, if I wrote that I wanted this African-American replaced by a WHITE Caucasian man/woman then Sharpton and Jackson have the right to call me a racist. However, I want to see this man replaced and his failed policies reversed by any man/woman president regardless of their color or their ethnicity. 

Please know Sharpton and Jackson; I am proud to be a WHITE Caucasian American.

We need to turn this country around and get back to the America that made this the greatest country ever. Hiding behind the lies and incitement of racism is not the answer.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.

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