If there was ever an opportune time for another Fox News "fair & balanced" network it is right now folks...immediately. There is certainly enough room on the TV and radio networks to report the daily news objectively to America.
In radio, all we have is the great El Rushbo, Rush Limbaugh. Have you noticed that over the years numerous liberal progressive radio stations, like "Air America" with Franken and Maddow tried to report the news with a strong liberal bias, but they have all failed. Rush continues to be the number one TV news- talk show in America today.
I really hate to say (write) it but the poor American people are really uninformed. They are so uniformed that everything spoken by King Hitler Jr., or reported by ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC is totally and completely believed by an overwhelming majority of American people, even though in most cases their spoken word and their reported word is completely false.
The main problem is the TV networks are overridden with liberal progressive networks and broadcasters. Every time Barack Hussein Obama, aka, Barry Soetero, aka King Hitler Jr. stands in front of his infamous teleprompters and speaks he is heavily supported by ABC, CBS, NBC. CNN, and MSNBC. These networks are jammed with the likes of Letterman, Sharpton, Matthews, Maddow, Bashir, McDonnel, Brian Williams, and so many others. They are nothing more than slaves to Hitler Jr.
The liberal progressive left-leaning journalists with the support of Hitler Jr.'s adoring Hollywood types consistently preach the word of their beloved leader King Hitler Jr., and they just assume we will believe them because they have deemed their words to be the truth.
A great example is just recently King Hitler Jr. gave another of his Obamacare speeches to a large group where he proclaimed, "the Republicans in Congress just attack my health care plan, but haven't submitted a plan of their own". This is an out and out blatant lie, however, who is going to call him on it? No one of course, except Fox News TV and radio's Rush Limbaugh.
The truth is that including an alternative health care plan, the House of Representatives have introduced many bill proposals. However, the Senate, led by Harry Reid, will not even bring any House bill proposals to the Senate floor for a vote.
King Hitler Jr. continues to overtly lie, and mislead to the American people about Benghazi, the IRS scandal, the DOJ lying about Fast & Furious, the DOJ spying, and the NSA surveillance spying.
But the Hitler Jr. regime and his slave media are just laughing at most of us Americans, saying, "so what....what are you gonna do about it"? Americans are being told only what King Hitler Jr. tells his slave what to say to the people.
There is a very strong reason I feel justified in referring to the man in our White House as King Hitler Jr. I am reminded by an Austrian woman in her 90's explaining the Nazi take-over by Adolph Hitler in the 1930's. He didn't take over Austria with tanks and guns. He was a smooth talker with outrageous promises to a failing people. Adolph Hitler won his first political race in Austria with an overwhelming 89% approval rating. We all know what happened next.
This King Hitler Jr. in our White House now is doing the same exact thing to the good people of this great country. He continues to trample on our U.S. Constitution, with no respect to what our founding fathers laid out in the Constitution. If he wants something done and Congress says no, then he just exercises his executive authority and gets it done, whether it's legal or not.
This man, King Hitler Jr., sat on Jay Leno's couch a few days ago and proclaimed to America that the NSA was not spying on Americans. Since then it has been proven that thousands upon thousands of times the NSA, has in fact, and is continuing, to spy on Americans.
Why does this continue? It's very simple, and again I hate to say (write) this, but there are so many uninformed people in our country. Having barely getting out of college with a C- average, I certainly can't cast a judgement on people. However, our uninformed populus get the majority of their information from ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC, so they're inclined to believe whatever the slave media speaks is the truth.
The uninformed also believe the Hollywood mogul types must be telling the truth because we adore our movie and TV sitcom stars. I mean, who wouldn't believe what comes out of the mouths of Joy Behar, Whoopi, Ba-Ba Wa-Wa, and my favorite progressive liberal racist, Oprah Winfrey.
All of the news being aired on MSNBC by the leg tingle man Christ Matthews must be true and factual right? These people will only report the news they want you to hear and see, and for the most part their news are full of lies, and continue to be the slave trade for Hitler Jr.
As I wrote earlier, now, more than ever our radio and TV need more stations like Rush Limbaugh and Fox News. We need our information to be objective for Americans, and we can take our first step towards this next November, 2014 in the mid-term elections.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
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