Until King Hitler Jr. became a resident of our White House the word race wasn't used in the context that it is so widely used today.
Now, I'm not dumb enough to think that the word "race" isn't used in context that people like Al Sharpton use it. But today's blog is to reflect the overwhelming context that the word "race" has been used since this man King Hitler Jr. has been in our White House.
Remember when the word race was mostly used as in, "race to the end zone", or "the track star's race to the finish line", or "the race for the championships in today's athletic world", or even "the political race heating up in the campaigns".
There are so many contexts that the word "race" is better served to use instead of the word "race" being used for a wedge between African-Americans, Hispanics, and Caucasians.
In November, 2008 the majority of American voters strongly believed that a bi-racial man could move into our White House and begin to solve racial problems, especially those that existed between African-Americans and Caucasians. Of course we must also remember that King Hitler Jr. is half-Caucasian.
However, and this is certainly a gigantic HOWEVER, since King Hitler Jr. has been in our White House there has never been a division between African-Americans and Caucasians as there are today. Emerging today are stories of the gigantic chasm between these two races. It is more prevalent now than it has ever been. Some have even said it is worse and more violent now than even before the great Civil War.
Maybe the saddest issue today is we have so many evil-doers misusing our First Amendment rights to incite riots between Blacks and Whites. And leading the hateful riot-based speech-making is the evil Al Sharpton from MSNBC.
To help remedy the rising racial conflicts that exist in our country today, MSNBC would do well to eliminate Al Sharpton from their broadcasts and not allow him a platform to preach his racial rhetoric. His racial speeches serve no purpose except to reach out to young Black criminal thugs and urge them to "rise up, stand up, and fight against those that oppress the freedoms of the African-American". We are now experiencing more Black on White horrific crimes than ever before.
At one time TV journalist Glenn Beck called King Hitler Jr. a racist, and was heavily chastised by many. There are many stories and facts to reflect that the man living in our White House now is indeed a racist against Caucasians, and even against most Americans. I now consider the man in our White House is in truth a racist.
The latest news may be the most outrageous evidence that this man in our White House shows what a racist he is. Today, right now as I'm typing this there is an individual within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), whose function is to procure guns and ammunition for the DHS. He is being paid with American taxpayers' dollars.
By itself, it doesn't seem to be too newsworthy. However, did you know that this individual also writes a blog where he is urging Blacks to prepar for a civil war against Whites. Now wouldn't it make sense to remove this man from the DHS? Oh no that would be considered racist, and Sharpton would be right there screaming about this evil man's first amendment rights.
We have the leader of the free world living in our White House that is not doing a thing to advance and cure tension among races here in our own country. In fact, with Hitler Jr.'s slave media it is now understood that nearly the entire media labels anyone that speaks out against Hitler Jr.'s policies is considered a racist.
This man, along with his slave media, and with the likes of Al Sharpton have caused more dire race relations than ever before. He is also causing races and ethnic groups around the world to show ultimate disrespect for our great country.
Americans that want to resolve the horrid race issue our country is enduring now must take the first step next November. We must take our Senate back and retain our House.
Once this is done, we can take our first step to impeach this racist president.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God Bless our country...and our troops
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