With all the political junk going on today my head feels like it's going to explode; it feels so stuffed up. My wife says it' s from me breathing in burnt lead and gunpowder from being on the shooting range for three hours today. Maybe she's right, so no politics today, but I've just got to address a certain issue about us "old folks".
OK, I'm a crossword puzzle freak. What's 15 letters, two words for "stupid waste of money". Give up? The answer: COSMETIC SURGERY.
I don't know all the stats, but Americans outspend almost all countries COMBINED on lotions, creams, diet pills, and cosmetic surgery. Why is it that all TV commercials and magazine ads that "promise" smooth skin, everlasting love, and a weight loss of 30 pounds in two weeks if you just "sign up" for some great product, are always shown by some 20-year old gorgeous beauty or a six-pak abs 20-year old Chippendale's man?
I'm 78 years "young", and have accepted that I'll never have a 32" waistline again, and I have wrinkles and sags, and while I'm not fat at all, I could stand to lose a few pounds.
I have a saying today, "the two main people I want to make happy are my wife and my Doctor".
I get a physical every year, and my Doctor tells me my heart, lungs, and blood are fine. I get the dreaded colonoscopy every five years. I certainly don't get second looks when I go anywhere. After a career wearing shirts, ties, and suit coats, today if the weather's warm I'm usually in shorts; weather chilly and I'm in a Carhart and jeans.
To me, it seems that Americans today are subtlety broadcasting that they dislike senior citizens so much that they will spend not millions, but BILLIONS, every year just to have someone say, "gee you look great...you look so young". And why? Just to look younger? So, I guess I'm a bad person because not only do I not only do I look old, I am freakin' old!
My wife and I have friends, and even a few family members that have gone the "better beauty through chemistry" approach. We know someone who complains about the high finances of today, and how rough it is with price increases, but magically found $3,500. for eyelid surgery.
We have another friend that years ago got a breast augmentation before the soft silicones were affordable to her. Today, she's 70, and when I hug her I feel she's gonna break a rib or two of mine.
There was a TV actress that was drop-dead gorgeous and her series was cancelled, so I didn't see her a lot on TV. Last week she was a guest on a TV show. Honest, she looked like a chipmunk with her puffy cheeks. I think she had a gallon of Botox injected in her cheeks.
Now, I go to the gym every other day, but if I spend thousands on Botox, face lifts, and nose correction do I think I'm going to successfully hit on a woman 30 or 40 years younger than me?
Do older people realize how comical they look with all those Botox and other skin lifts, and then think they belong with the younger crowd? Puulleease!
Here's a news flash for everyone: No matter what you do, no matter how many Botox injections you get, no matter how many face-lifts you endure there is one outstanding fact, you will grow old, and you're gonna die someday.I didn't make that up people, God told me so.
I almost gag when people say, " well, I'm getting all this work done, because it makes me feel good". Today, we have medical problems with diabetes, heart failures, COPD, Alzheimer's, etc., and instead of money for those dire issues, we spend billions to look younger. I say, if you want to make yourself feel good, then bend or kneel down and help those less fortunate than you. Yeah, I know it's private money, and you can do what you want with your own money, but if you can only feel good about yourself if you do something for yourself then you are one vain person.
But the truth is if someone is going to make a comment about you because you have a wrinkle, sag, or slightly larger waistline then they're not worth your time, and if someone judges you because you have a sag or wrinkle, then they're definitely not worth your time.
Here's another news flash: What's wrong with growing old? It's something we all have in common. The human body ages. Everyday, when my shower is done, and I push the curtain back and see the guy in the mirror I get the real clear message that I'm old. And so what?
So folks, you can spend all the millions, no BILLIONS you want, and it will not knock off one hour of your approaching birthday. Enjoy life...grow old...love your family...quit worrying about the wrinkles and sags. There aren't enough plastic surgeons around to cover all the wrinkles and sags in my 78-year old body.
And by the way, if I want an extra scoop of ice cream or piece of pie I'm going for it.
And that's NO Politics with Pete for today...God bless us old wrinkled saggy people
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
I pray it never happens, but
Now, I'm going to write this now, and write it again before I sign off, so that no one misunderstands my point. I pray to the Almighty that we will never see the likes of the KKK or groups like the Arian Brotherhood ever again in our country.
But I do want to make a point about our media, the NAACP, and other left-wing liberal groups. Everyone knows the senseless Black on White crimes that have emerged since the jury verdict surrounding the George Zimmerman trial.
There have been so many senseless Black on White crimes since the Zimmerman trial, and still the Obama slave media refuses to cover any of these stories. A young Australian was gunned down out of boredom, a 13-month old was shot in the face for a few dollars robbery, an 88-year old war vet was beaten to death with flashlights, a young girl was killed just for her bicycle, a 26-year old was beaten and killed by Black thugs while his girlfriend was forced to watch; You don't want me to go on do you? There are many stories like this happening right now.
Now, have you heard the latest? There is a gang of Black thugs that actually do "random beatings" of Whites. They drive through the city, see a White person that they outnumber, stop and beat them, for no apparent reason than to "just beat up on Whitey".
And while this is going on every day we have the likes of the evil race hustler Al Sharpton urging Blacks to "fight" for their entitlements. However, never has Al Sharpton and the rest of the slave media ever addressed the huge surge of Black on White crimes. Recently the NAACP wanted, and still insist, that criminal charges be brought against the rodeo clown that mimicked Obama. Remember the movie Hollywood made about the assassination of G.W. Bush? Short memory eh Al?
Obama's slave media refuses to cover any of the Black on White crimes. Obama went so far as to tell the country if he had a son he'd look like Trayvon Martin. Which one of the three teen-agers that, out of boredom, shot and killed a 23-year old would look like Barack?
Here's my point, and as I wrote earlier, I pray it never happens. But what if our country suddenly experienced a resurgence of the KKK and the Arian Brotherhood, and crimes of White on Black began to take place? Do you think Obama's slave media would cover these stories? Do you think Eric Holder and the DHS would send out troops to put a stop to those senseless crimes?
You can bet the evil likes of Al Sharpton would be screaming about the injustice of White on Black crimes. MSNBC would be leading every program with stories of the resurgence of the KKK or Arian Brotherhood and their White on Black crimes.
Today, Obama's slave media will not even cover Black on Black crimes that are of epidemic proportions in the streets of Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Cleveland, and even D.C., let alone the horrific Black on White crimes.
As I'm typing this I'm watching the M.L. King Jr. tribute on TV. I've watched countless African-Americn civic leaders address the crowd. Their topics range from freedom, equality, rights for all, etc. I have discovered a common thread among all these African-American civic leaders; victimization. It's certainly not the fault of the African-American community that things are the way they are.
Not one of the speakers addressed crimes of the Black community; crimes of Black on Black; crimes of Black on White. People like Al Sharpton, Ben Jealous of the NAACP, and even Barack Obama have done more to widen the chasm between the races of this country than ever before.
Why are there no talks about Black teen-age births, why are there no talks about the lack of educations, why are there no talks about the upsurge of crimes in the Black community. It seems so easy to make yourself a victim in today's society, but the truth is the greatest helping hand you'll ever find is at the end of your arm.
I pray that our great country will never, ever see the likes of the KKK or the Arian Brotherhood again, but isn't it time for the African-American community to work hard to help the African-American community.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
But I do want to make a point about our media, the NAACP, and other left-wing liberal groups. Everyone knows the senseless Black on White crimes that have emerged since the jury verdict surrounding the George Zimmerman trial.
There have been so many senseless Black on White crimes since the Zimmerman trial, and still the Obama slave media refuses to cover any of these stories. A young Australian was gunned down out of boredom, a 13-month old was shot in the face for a few dollars robbery, an 88-year old war vet was beaten to death with flashlights, a young girl was killed just for her bicycle, a 26-year old was beaten and killed by Black thugs while his girlfriend was forced to watch; You don't want me to go on do you? There are many stories like this happening right now.
Now, have you heard the latest? There is a gang of Black thugs that actually do "random beatings" of Whites. They drive through the city, see a White person that they outnumber, stop and beat them, for no apparent reason than to "just beat up on Whitey".
And while this is going on every day we have the likes of the evil race hustler Al Sharpton urging Blacks to "fight" for their entitlements. However, never has Al Sharpton and the rest of the slave media ever addressed the huge surge of Black on White crimes. Recently the NAACP wanted, and still insist, that criminal charges be brought against the rodeo clown that mimicked Obama. Remember the movie Hollywood made about the assassination of G.W. Bush? Short memory eh Al?
Obama's slave media refuses to cover any of the Black on White crimes. Obama went so far as to tell the country if he had a son he'd look like Trayvon Martin. Which one of the three teen-agers that, out of boredom, shot and killed a 23-year old would look like Barack?
Here's my point, and as I wrote earlier, I pray it never happens. But what if our country suddenly experienced a resurgence of the KKK and the Arian Brotherhood, and crimes of White on Black began to take place? Do you think Obama's slave media would cover these stories? Do you think Eric Holder and the DHS would send out troops to put a stop to those senseless crimes?
You can bet the evil likes of Al Sharpton would be screaming about the injustice of White on Black crimes. MSNBC would be leading every program with stories of the resurgence of the KKK or Arian Brotherhood and their White on Black crimes.
Today, Obama's slave media will not even cover Black on Black crimes that are of epidemic proportions in the streets of Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Cleveland, and even D.C., let alone the horrific Black on White crimes.
As I'm typing this I'm watching the M.L. King Jr. tribute on TV. I've watched countless African-Americn civic leaders address the crowd. Their topics range from freedom, equality, rights for all, etc. I have discovered a common thread among all these African-American civic leaders; victimization. It's certainly not the fault of the African-American community that things are the way they are.
Not one of the speakers addressed crimes of the Black community; crimes of Black on Black; crimes of Black on White. People like Al Sharpton, Ben Jealous of the NAACP, and even Barack Obama have done more to widen the chasm between the races of this country than ever before.
Why are there no talks about Black teen-age births, why are there no talks about the lack of educations, why are there no talks about the upsurge of crimes in the Black community. It seems so easy to make yourself a victim in today's society, but the truth is the greatest helping hand you'll ever find is at the end of your arm.
I pray that our great country will never, ever see the likes of the KKK or the Arian Brotherhood again, but isn't it time for the African-American community to work hard to help the African-American community.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Now you know why
My roots are here in Northeast Ohio. Grew up here, and at 18 I joined the U.S. Air Force. After serving four years in the military, and with the enormous high grade of C-, I enrolled, under the G.I. Bill at a State university.
Took me a while to finish, and boy was I consistent. I finished school with a GPA of a whopping C- average. Brilliant wasn't I?
In 1968 I was offered a great job in Southern California, so my then-wife and three toddler daughters, one in diapers, relocated to the great golden state of sunny California.
Coming from snowy Northeast Ohio to beautiful and year-round sunny weather I thought I'd arrived in heaven. Oh yeah, and add to that the economy in 1968 was doing fantastic. My recollection is unemployment was around 4%.
The housing market was unbelievable. You could drape a sheet over two sticks and sell it for $100,000, and then three months later you could sell it for $300,000, or in many cases, refinance your home and "pull out" equity money, for anything you wanted. Oh, life was good.
I would phone my family and friends back in Ohio, especially during the winter months, and brag about the gorgeous California living with the world's greatest weather.
In 1968 I purchased a home in southern California for $26,000. In 1972 I sold that very same home for $42,000. I purchased a home for $49,750. Remember that price. I'll get to it later.
In 1973 a young 37-year old named Jerry Brown was elected Governor of California. He was so far out there with his whacko antics he attained the nickname of "Moonbeam" Brown. His girlfriend was Linda Ronstadt the singer. He wouldn't live in the Governor's mansion, and rode his bike around the streets of Sacramento.
Businesses were flourishing; people were moving into California at an unbelievable pace. Life was so good that no one really paid attention to "Moonbeam" Brown, and his far out policies because the economy, jobs, and the housing market was skyrocketing out of sight.
In fact, no one really cared too much about Hispanics "sneaking" across the border. Californians had the hidden mentality that projected "hey, let them come over here and pick the strawberries and do our yard work...we're doing so good we don't have time for that stuff".
"Moonbeam" Brown left office in 1983, but Californians were still living the good life. I must admit, I was right there in the middle of it all, soaking it up. In a Democrat controlled House and Senate Congressman Barney Frank and Senator Chris Dodd passed a housing bill allowing "affordable" homes to all, especially the minorities. The Dodd-Frank bill allowed Fanny-Mae, Freddie Mac to fund homes for just about everyone with a pulse, even if they couldn't truly afford it. Their Constitutional rights said they were entitled it under the Dodd-Frank housing program.
These mortgages were then sold to banks and other lending institutions. And still the housing market was soaring. Remember that home I purchased in 1972 for $49,750? You may not believe me, but I have proof that my ex-wife later sold that very same house for $680,000
At the same time my daughter purchased a home for $375,000, and in less than two months it was appraised at $500,000. My other daughter purchased a home for $565,000, and two years later it was appraised at $920,000.
Then, the economy could not sustain this outrageous, unbelievable skyrocketing surge. Soon the gigantic housing market bubble burst, but more in California than anywhere else. People, that should not have been granted the mortgages they applied for could not sustain their mortgage obligations.
Banks and lending institutions began calling in their mortgage debts, with forecloses to follow. Housing property values plummeted so fast that many homeowners found their mortgage debt was actually higher than the appraised value of their home.
Of course this had a gigantic negative effect on employment, jobs, and the overall economy. Citizens of California and many businesses began relocating to states with better tax advantages and employment opportunities. California began to economically "sink", and soon the good life in California was gone, and this great golden state became famous for only its great weather and not much more.
In 1999, while back in Northeast Ohio for a class reunion I met a classmate I've known since the 7th. grade. She was a widow, and after two dates I fell in love. Eleven months later we married and I moved back to the area where I had grown up. At first the teasing was coming from both Ohio and California on why I would leave the beautiful sunny California for snow-laden Northeast Ohio. I said it thirteen years ago, and I still say it today: "other than great weather what else does California have to offer"? Gee, I don't get teased too much anymore.
Today, California is just about broke. Several cities are about to file bankruptcy, not being able to even meet their monthly government payroll. Lately, however California suffered their worst setback.
In the most recent California gubernatorial race Californians had an opportunity to elect a successful businesswoman, Meg Whitman, who had a proven business track record as CEO of Hewlett-Packard. Her opponent? Back on the scene emerged "Moonbeam" Brown for his attempt at a second term as California's Governor.
Ms. Whitman campaigned on returning California to prosperity by creating jobs to stimulate the California economy. "Moonbeam" campaigned on promises to the minorities of free education, free healthcare, and a tax increase to the wealthy. Guess who won?
Today, the state of California is getting exactly what it voted for and exactly what it deserves.
The beautiful golden sunny state is economically sinking faster every day, from which they may never recover, but hey the weather is sure great there.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
Took me a while to finish, and boy was I consistent. I finished school with a GPA of a whopping C- average. Brilliant wasn't I?
In 1968 I was offered a great job in Southern California, so my then-wife and three toddler daughters, one in diapers, relocated to the great golden state of sunny California.
Coming from snowy Northeast Ohio to beautiful and year-round sunny weather I thought I'd arrived in heaven. Oh yeah, and add to that the economy in 1968 was doing fantastic. My recollection is unemployment was around 4%.
The housing market was unbelievable. You could drape a sheet over two sticks and sell it for $100,000, and then three months later you could sell it for $300,000, or in many cases, refinance your home and "pull out" equity money, for anything you wanted. Oh, life was good.
I would phone my family and friends back in Ohio, especially during the winter months, and brag about the gorgeous California living with the world's greatest weather.
In 1968 I purchased a home in southern California for $26,000. In 1972 I sold that very same home for $42,000. I purchased a home for $49,750. Remember that price. I'll get to it later.
In 1973 a young 37-year old named Jerry Brown was elected Governor of California. He was so far out there with his whacko antics he attained the nickname of "Moonbeam" Brown. His girlfriend was Linda Ronstadt the singer. He wouldn't live in the Governor's mansion, and rode his bike around the streets of Sacramento.
Businesses were flourishing; people were moving into California at an unbelievable pace. Life was so good that no one really paid attention to "Moonbeam" Brown, and his far out policies because the economy, jobs, and the housing market was skyrocketing out of sight.
In fact, no one really cared too much about Hispanics "sneaking" across the border. Californians had the hidden mentality that projected "hey, let them come over here and pick the strawberries and do our yard work...we're doing so good we don't have time for that stuff".
"Moonbeam" Brown left office in 1983, but Californians were still living the good life. I must admit, I was right there in the middle of it all, soaking it up. In a Democrat controlled House and Senate Congressman Barney Frank and Senator Chris Dodd passed a housing bill allowing "affordable" homes to all, especially the minorities. The Dodd-Frank bill allowed Fanny-Mae, Freddie Mac to fund homes for just about everyone with a pulse, even if they couldn't truly afford it. Their Constitutional rights said they were entitled it under the Dodd-Frank housing program.
These mortgages were then sold to banks and other lending institutions. And still the housing market was soaring. Remember that home I purchased in 1972 for $49,750? You may not believe me, but I have proof that my ex-wife later sold that very same house for $680,000
At the same time my daughter purchased a home for $375,000, and in less than two months it was appraised at $500,000. My other daughter purchased a home for $565,000, and two years later it was appraised at $920,000.
Then, the economy could not sustain this outrageous, unbelievable skyrocketing surge. Soon the gigantic housing market bubble burst, but more in California than anywhere else. People, that should not have been granted the mortgages they applied for could not sustain their mortgage obligations.
Banks and lending institutions began calling in their mortgage debts, with forecloses to follow. Housing property values plummeted so fast that many homeowners found their mortgage debt was actually higher than the appraised value of their home.
Of course this had a gigantic negative effect on employment, jobs, and the overall economy. Citizens of California and many businesses began relocating to states with better tax advantages and employment opportunities. California began to economically "sink", and soon the good life in California was gone, and this great golden state became famous for only its great weather and not much more.
In 1999, while back in Northeast Ohio for a class reunion I met a classmate I've known since the 7th. grade. She was a widow, and after two dates I fell in love. Eleven months later we married and I moved back to the area where I had grown up. At first the teasing was coming from both Ohio and California on why I would leave the beautiful sunny California for snow-laden Northeast Ohio. I said it thirteen years ago, and I still say it today: "other than great weather what else does California have to offer"? Gee, I don't get teased too much anymore.
Today, California is just about broke. Several cities are about to file bankruptcy, not being able to even meet their monthly government payroll. Lately, however California suffered their worst setback.
In the most recent California gubernatorial race Californians had an opportunity to elect a successful businesswoman, Meg Whitman, who had a proven business track record as CEO of Hewlett-Packard. Her opponent? Back on the scene emerged "Moonbeam" Brown for his attempt at a second term as California's Governor.
Ms. Whitman campaigned on returning California to prosperity by creating jobs to stimulate the California economy. "Moonbeam" campaigned on promises to the minorities of free education, free healthcare, and a tax increase to the wealthy. Guess who won?
Today, the state of California is getting exactly what it voted for and exactly what it deserves.
The beautiful golden sunny state is economically sinking faster every day, from which they may never recover, but hey the weather is sure great there.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
Friday, August 23, 2013
Race? Race? Race?
Until King Hitler Jr. became a resident of our White House the word race wasn't used in the context that it is so widely used today.
Now, I'm not dumb enough to think that the word "race" isn't used in context that people like Al Sharpton use it. But today's blog is to reflect the overwhelming context that the word "race" has been used since this man King Hitler Jr. has been in our White House.
Remember when the word race was mostly used as in, "race to the end zone", or "the track star's race to the finish line", or "the race for the championships in today's athletic world", or even "the political race heating up in the campaigns".
There are so many contexts that the word "race" is better served to use instead of the word "race" being used for a wedge between African-Americans, Hispanics, and Caucasians.
In November, 2008 the majority of American voters strongly believed that a bi-racial man could move into our White House and begin to solve racial problems, especially those that existed between African-Americans and Caucasians. Of course we must also remember that King Hitler Jr. is half-Caucasian.
However, and this is certainly a gigantic HOWEVER, since King Hitler Jr. has been in our White House there has never been a division between African-Americans and Caucasians as there are today. Emerging today are stories of the gigantic chasm between these two races. It is more prevalent now than it has ever been. Some have even said it is worse and more violent now than even before the great Civil War.
Maybe the saddest issue today is we have so many evil-doers misusing our First Amendment rights to incite riots between Blacks and Whites. And leading the hateful riot-based speech-making is the evil Al Sharpton from MSNBC.
To help remedy the rising racial conflicts that exist in our country today, MSNBC would do well to eliminate Al Sharpton from their broadcasts and not allow him a platform to preach his racial rhetoric. His racial speeches serve no purpose except to reach out to young Black criminal thugs and urge them to "rise up, stand up, and fight against those that oppress the freedoms of the African-American". We are now experiencing more Black on White horrific crimes than ever before.
At one time TV journalist Glenn Beck called King Hitler Jr. a racist, and was heavily chastised by many. There are many stories and facts to reflect that the man living in our White House now is indeed a racist against Caucasians, and even against most Americans. I now consider the man in our White House is in truth a racist.
The latest news may be the most outrageous evidence that this man in our White House shows what a racist he is. Today, right now as I'm typing this there is an individual within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), whose function is to procure guns and ammunition for the DHS. He is being paid with American taxpayers' dollars.
By itself, it doesn't seem to be too newsworthy. However, did you know that this individual also writes a blog where he is urging Blacks to prepar for a civil war against Whites. Now wouldn't it make sense to remove this man from the DHS? Oh no that would be considered racist, and Sharpton would be right there screaming about this evil man's first amendment rights.
We have the leader of the free world living in our White House that is not doing a thing to advance and cure tension among races here in our own country. In fact, with Hitler Jr.'s slave media it is now understood that nearly the entire media labels anyone that speaks out against Hitler Jr.'s policies is considered a racist.
This man, along with his slave media, and with the likes of Al Sharpton have caused more dire race relations than ever before. He is also causing races and ethnic groups around the world to show ultimate disrespect for our great country.
Americans that want to resolve the horrid race issue our country is enduring now must take the first step next November. We must take our Senate back and retain our House.
Once this is done, we can take our first step to impeach this racist president.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God Bless our country...and our troops
Now, I'm not dumb enough to think that the word "race" isn't used in context that people like Al Sharpton use it. But today's blog is to reflect the overwhelming context that the word "race" has been used since this man King Hitler Jr. has been in our White House.
Remember when the word race was mostly used as in, "race to the end zone", or "the track star's race to the finish line", or "the race for the championships in today's athletic world", or even "the political race heating up in the campaigns".
There are so many contexts that the word "race" is better served to use instead of the word "race" being used for a wedge between African-Americans, Hispanics, and Caucasians.
In November, 2008 the majority of American voters strongly believed that a bi-racial man could move into our White House and begin to solve racial problems, especially those that existed between African-Americans and Caucasians. Of course we must also remember that King Hitler Jr. is half-Caucasian.
However, and this is certainly a gigantic HOWEVER, since King Hitler Jr. has been in our White House there has never been a division between African-Americans and Caucasians as there are today. Emerging today are stories of the gigantic chasm between these two races. It is more prevalent now than it has ever been. Some have even said it is worse and more violent now than even before the great Civil War.
Maybe the saddest issue today is we have so many evil-doers misusing our First Amendment rights to incite riots between Blacks and Whites. And leading the hateful riot-based speech-making is the evil Al Sharpton from MSNBC.
To help remedy the rising racial conflicts that exist in our country today, MSNBC would do well to eliminate Al Sharpton from their broadcasts and not allow him a platform to preach his racial rhetoric. His racial speeches serve no purpose except to reach out to young Black criminal thugs and urge them to "rise up, stand up, and fight against those that oppress the freedoms of the African-American". We are now experiencing more Black on White horrific crimes than ever before.
At one time TV journalist Glenn Beck called King Hitler Jr. a racist, and was heavily chastised by many. There are many stories and facts to reflect that the man living in our White House now is indeed a racist against Caucasians, and even against most Americans. I now consider the man in our White House is in truth a racist.
The latest news may be the most outrageous evidence that this man in our White House shows what a racist he is. Today, right now as I'm typing this there is an individual within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), whose function is to procure guns and ammunition for the DHS. He is being paid with American taxpayers' dollars.
By itself, it doesn't seem to be too newsworthy. However, did you know that this individual also writes a blog where he is urging Blacks to prepar for a civil war against Whites. Now wouldn't it make sense to remove this man from the DHS? Oh no that would be considered racist, and Sharpton would be right there screaming about this evil man's first amendment rights.
We have the leader of the free world living in our White House that is not doing a thing to advance and cure tension among races here in our own country. In fact, with Hitler Jr.'s slave media it is now understood that nearly the entire media labels anyone that speaks out against Hitler Jr.'s policies is considered a racist.
This man, along with his slave media, and with the likes of Al Sharpton have caused more dire race relations than ever before. He is also causing races and ethnic groups around the world to show ultimate disrespect for our great country.
Americans that want to resolve the horrid race issue our country is enduring now must take the first step next November. We must take our Senate back and retain our House.
Once this is done, we can take our first step to impeach this racist president.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God Bless our country...and our troops
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Where was this in 1958?
I am so freakin' mad. To know that I've had a job since my first paper route at the age of eleven. Then as a stock boy in two grocery stores. Then I delivered food orders for a delicatessen. Then I graduated from high school, went to work in the steel mills for eight months, and then enlisted in the U.A. Air Force.
Then college under the G.I. Bill of Rights after I was discharged, and on to work, work, work, till I retired. Today my wife and I live on Social Security, a monthly insurance annuity, and a stock program.
Now, at the age of 78 I'm being told I did it all wrong. Now they tell me I could have lived very well by doing absolutely nothing. Why, in heaven's name did I bust my hump all those years?
Today, in 35 states a person can get unemployment, food stamps, medicaid, subsidized housing, even free cell phones that calculates to approximately $38,000. per year. Statistics now show that this FREE $38,000. is actually higher than average entry-level employment of $21,000. per year. Now, I ask you, why would you go out and try to get a job?
And the good news for King Hitler Jr. is that as long as he keeps handing out these benefits he will be the Pied Piper of the entitlement class. He and his Democrat leaders actually have these people believing they are "entitled" to their nanny state on the backs of hard working taxpayers.
I just want to know where was all this in January, 1958 when I was discharged from the U.S. Air Force at the age of 22, and became a freshman in a state university. I got married, got a job, and had to finish college in night school. Gee, where was King Hitler Jr.'s plan then?
And then to know I could've received even more from welfare because my wife and I had two daughters back then. Then a few years after college another daughter came along. Man, I could've been living like a king with all these "entitled" benefits.
Just last week the news anchors were exploiting a 29-year old beach bum in California for living the good life, surfing every day, while not having a job. This 29-year old "surfin' dude" keept telling the news anchors, "why work man...got my food stamps....got all I need thanks to taxpayers". Everyone is angry at this "beach bum"....me, I'm jealous. Where was all this in January, 1958?
TV was showing this 29-year old buying lobster with his food stamps, strumming his guitar on the beach with pretty young ladies; having a great time...all thanks to us taxpayers. Didn't seem it was that many years ago that I was bragging to a friend over a beer after being promoted to salary that "I was now at $1,058.00 a month". Wow, I had arrived! But to think I could've received all this free from the government.
Of course I'm being sarcastic. My education and hard work has enabled my wife and I to live a decent life financially in our 70's. What is the 29-year old going to do when the nanny state of entitlements run out of money? You can bet he'll be part of that riot crowd "demanding" his entitlements. I can see him now throwing chairs through the windows of hard working, taxpaying, small business shops, while screaming, "this isn't fair...where's my money...I'm entitled".
Then, all together we can say: Welcome to the United States of Greece.
But we can take the first step to stop this next November, 2014.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Then college under the G.I. Bill of Rights after I was discharged, and on to work, work, work, till I retired. Today my wife and I live on Social Security, a monthly insurance annuity, and a stock program.
Now, at the age of 78 I'm being told I did it all wrong. Now they tell me I could have lived very well by doing absolutely nothing. Why, in heaven's name did I bust my hump all those years?
Today, in 35 states a person can get unemployment, food stamps, medicaid, subsidized housing, even free cell phones that calculates to approximately $38,000. per year. Statistics now show that this FREE $38,000. is actually higher than average entry-level employment of $21,000. per year. Now, I ask you, why would you go out and try to get a job?
And the good news for King Hitler Jr. is that as long as he keeps handing out these benefits he will be the Pied Piper of the entitlement class. He and his Democrat leaders actually have these people believing they are "entitled" to their nanny state on the backs of hard working taxpayers.
I just want to know where was all this in January, 1958 when I was discharged from the U.S. Air Force at the age of 22, and became a freshman in a state university. I got married, got a job, and had to finish college in night school. Gee, where was King Hitler Jr.'s plan then?
And then to know I could've received even more from welfare because my wife and I had two daughters back then. Then a few years after college another daughter came along. Man, I could've been living like a king with all these "entitled" benefits.
Just last week the news anchors were exploiting a 29-year old beach bum in California for living the good life, surfing every day, while not having a job. This 29-year old "surfin' dude" keept telling the news anchors, "why work man...got my food stamps....got all I need thanks to taxpayers". Everyone is angry at this "beach bum"....me, I'm jealous. Where was all this in January, 1958?
TV was showing this 29-year old buying lobster with his food stamps, strumming his guitar on the beach with pretty young ladies; having a great time...all thanks to us taxpayers. Didn't seem it was that many years ago that I was bragging to a friend over a beer after being promoted to salary that "I was now at $1,058.00 a month". Wow, I had arrived! But to think I could've received all this free from the government.
Of course I'm being sarcastic. My education and hard work has enabled my wife and I to live a decent life financially in our 70's. What is the 29-year old going to do when the nanny state of entitlements run out of money? You can bet he'll be part of that riot crowd "demanding" his entitlements. I can see him now throwing chairs through the windows of hard working, taxpaying, small business shops, while screaming, "this isn't fair...where's my money...I'm entitled".
Then, all together we can say: Welcome to the United States of Greece.
But we can take the first step to stop this next November, 2014.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
My wife is mad at me!
It all started at a wedding reception dinner this week. The hostess arranged the seating before dinner. I sat across from my lovely wife, and was seated between two young unmarried gentlemen. After about five minutes I discovered both of these gentlemen were strong firearms advocates.
Of course there were the occasional bride/groom toasts and some family speeches, and my adoring smiles at the most beautiful woman in the room; my wife.
Soon my new gun advocate friends and I delved into "gun talk". My .357 carry revolver was locked in the car, so all I had to drink was ginger-ale all evening. We talked about every firearm, ammo, and reloading supplies on the market.
I was bragging that even my wife carries a snub-nosed five-shot .38 in her purse. I began talking that I was looking for a good .22 magnum for my wife, amid all the glares I was getting from my wife.
On the way home my wife started in; "why do you tell everyone, especially people you just met that you and I carry a firearm? It's nobody's business that we carry firearms".
Of course I began spouting off why I disagree starting with, "not only do I want everyone to know that I am legally licensed to carry a firearm, I also believe that there should be a lanyard around the neck of legal licensed gun carriers, so everyone would know 'that person you may think of assaulting is legally carrying a firearm'. Sure might stop a lot of crime".
For example, the number one city in gun crime is Chicago, which happens to be in a state where it is illegal to carry a firearm. Does anyone really believe that the thug criminals that use guns for their crimes care about some law?
Oh, I was on a roll now. I continued, shouting back at my wife, knowing I was sleeping on the couch that night, "so a couple of hoodlums want to rob a 7-11 in Chicago, but before they go into the store they see a sign that says, 'STORE OWNER LICENSED TO CARRY A FIREARM FOR PROTECTION OF HIS PROPERTY'...do ya think they might consider not trying to rob the 7-11"?
Even with that unspoken look of hers that silently said, "you wanna try for two nights on the couch", I continued, "how come all of the people that want to take away firearms from us law abiding citizens refuse to relinquish the firearms of the body guards that protect them"?
King Hitler Jr., Oprah, Rosie O'Donnell, and many other liberal progressives that are in favor of gun control, and want to take away our Second Amendment rights are the same people that have numerous armed body guards surrounding them and their families. Are the president's family more precious than my own family? Not to me.
King Hitler Jr. has been named firearm and ammunition salesman of the year. In fact, the NRA want to make him an honorary member. Did he really think he could take on the NRA or the Second Amendment loving citizens of this great country? I don't think so!
Since this radical Islamic Muslim Brotherhood member tried to take away our Second Amendment rights actual sales of firearms and ammunition has skyrocketed to a record breaking pace, and it is still rising.
The largest and greatest military force this country has ever known are its Second Amendment law abiding citizens. I pray that all I ever point at and shoot is a target, but my founding fathers have promised me "the right to bear arms".
By the way, this is my last night on the couch. You think I'd learn.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops.
Of course there were the occasional bride/groom toasts and some family speeches, and my adoring smiles at the most beautiful woman in the room; my wife.
Soon my new gun advocate friends and I delved into "gun talk". My .357 carry revolver was locked in the car, so all I had to drink was ginger-ale all evening. We talked about every firearm, ammo, and reloading supplies on the market.
I was bragging that even my wife carries a snub-nosed five-shot .38 in her purse. I began talking that I was looking for a good .22 magnum for my wife, amid all the glares I was getting from my wife.
On the way home my wife started in; "why do you tell everyone, especially people you just met that you and I carry a firearm? It's nobody's business that we carry firearms".
Of course I began spouting off why I disagree starting with, "not only do I want everyone to know that I am legally licensed to carry a firearm, I also believe that there should be a lanyard around the neck of legal licensed gun carriers, so everyone would know 'that person you may think of assaulting is legally carrying a firearm'. Sure might stop a lot of crime".
For example, the number one city in gun crime is Chicago, which happens to be in a state where it is illegal to carry a firearm. Does anyone really believe that the thug criminals that use guns for their crimes care about some law?
Oh, I was on a roll now. I continued, shouting back at my wife, knowing I was sleeping on the couch that night, "so a couple of hoodlums want to rob a 7-11 in Chicago, but before they go into the store they see a sign that says, 'STORE OWNER LICENSED TO CARRY A FIREARM FOR PROTECTION OF HIS PROPERTY'...do ya think they might consider not trying to rob the 7-11"?
Even with that unspoken look of hers that silently said, "you wanna try for two nights on the couch", I continued, "how come all of the people that want to take away firearms from us law abiding citizens refuse to relinquish the firearms of the body guards that protect them"?
King Hitler Jr., Oprah, Rosie O'Donnell, and many other liberal progressives that are in favor of gun control, and want to take away our Second Amendment rights are the same people that have numerous armed body guards surrounding them and their families. Are the president's family more precious than my own family? Not to me.
King Hitler Jr. has been named firearm and ammunition salesman of the year. In fact, the NRA want to make him an honorary member. Did he really think he could take on the NRA or the Second Amendment loving citizens of this great country? I don't think so!
Since this radical Islamic Muslim Brotherhood member tried to take away our Second Amendment rights actual sales of firearms and ammunition has skyrocketed to a record breaking pace, and it is still rising.
The largest and greatest military force this country has ever known are its Second Amendment law abiding citizens. I pray that all I ever point at and shoot is a target, but my founding fathers have promised me "the right to bear arms".
By the way, this is my last night on the couch. You think I'd learn.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops.
Friday, August 16, 2013
Hate to say it....but
If there was ever an opportune time for another Fox News "fair & balanced" network it is right now folks...immediately. There is certainly enough room on the TV and radio networks to report the daily news objectively to America.
In radio, all we have is the great El Rushbo, Rush Limbaugh. Have you noticed that over the years numerous liberal progressive radio stations, like "Air America" with Franken and Maddow tried to report the news with a strong liberal bias, but they have all failed. Rush continues to be the number one TV news- talk show in America today.
I really hate to say (write) it but the poor American people are really uninformed. They are so uniformed that everything spoken by King Hitler Jr., or reported by ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC is totally and completely believed by an overwhelming majority of American people, even though in most cases their spoken word and their reported word is completely false.
The main problem is the TV networks are overridden with liberal progressive networks and broadcasters. Every time Barack Hussein Obama, aka, Barry Soetero, aka King Hitler Jr. stands in front of his infamous teleprompters and speaks he is heavily supported by ABC, CBS, NBC. CNN, and MSNBC. These networks are jammed with the likes of Letterman, Sharpton, Matthews, Maddow, Bashir, McDonnel, Brian Williams, and so many others. They are nothing more than slaves to Hitler Jr.
The liberal progressive left-leaning journalists with the support of Hitler Jr.'s adoring Hollywood types consistently preach the word of their beloved leader King Hitler Jr., and they just assume we will believe them because they have deemed their words to be the truth.
A great example is just recently King Hitler Jr. gave another of his Obamacare speeches to a large group where he proclaimed, "the Republicans in Congress just attack my health care plan, but haven't submitted a plan of their own". This is an out and out blatant lie, however, who is going to call him on it? No one of course, except Fox News TV and radio's Rush Limbaugh.
The truth is that including an alternative health care plan, the House of Representatives have introduced many bill proposals. However, the Senate, led by Harry Reid, will not even bring any House bill proposals to the Senate floor for a vote.
King Hitler Jr. continues to overtly lie, and mislead to the American people about Benghazi, the IRS scandal, the DOJ lying about Fast & Furious, the DOJ spying, and the NSA surveillance spying.
But the Hitler Jr. regime and his slave media are just laughing at most of us Americans, saying, "so what....what are you gonna do about it"? Americans are being told only what King Hitler Jr. tells his slave what to say to the people.
There is a very strong reason I feel justified in referring to the man in our White House as King Hitler Jr. I am reminded by an Austrian woman in her 90's explaining the Nazi take-over by Adolph Hitler in the 1930's. He didn't take over Austria with tanks and guns. He was a smooth talker with outrageous promises to a failing people. Adolph Hitler won his first political race in Austria with an overwhelming 89% approval rating. We all know what happened next.
This King Hitler Jr. in our White House now is doing the same exact thing to the good people of this great country. He continues to trample on our U.S. Constitution, with no respect to what our founding fathers laid out in the Constitution. If he wants something done and Congress says no, then he just exercises his executive authority and gets it done, whether it's legal or not.
This man, King Hitler Jr., sat on Jay Leno's couch a few days ago and proclaimed to America that the NSA was not spying on Americans. Since then it has been proven that thousands upon thousands of times the NSA, has in fact, and is continuing, to spy on Americans.
Why does this continue? It's very simple, and again I hate to say (write) this, but there are so many uninformed people in our country. Having barely getting out of college with a C- average, I certainly can't cast a judgement on people. However, our uninformed populus get the majority of their information from ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC, so they're inclined to believe whatever the slave media speaks is the truth.
The uninformed also believe the Hollywood mogul types must be telling the truth because we adore our movie and TV sitcom stars. I mean, who wouldn't believe what comes out of the mouths of Joy Behar, Whoopi, Ba-Ba Wa-Wa, and my favorite progressive liberal racist, Oprah Winfrey.
All of the news being aired on MSNBC by the leg tingle man Christ Matthews must be true and factual right? These people will only report the news they want you to hear and see, and for the most part their news are full of lies, and continue to be the slave trade for Hitler Jr.
As I wrote earlier, now, more than ever our radio and TV need more stations like Rush Limbaugh and Fox News. We need our information to be objective for Americans, and we can take our first step towards this next November, 2014 in the mid-term elections.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
In radio, all we have is the great El Rushbo, Rush Limbaugh. Have you noticed that over the years numerous liberal progressive radio stations, like "Air America" with Franken and Maddow tried to report the news with a strong liberal bias, but they have all failed. Rush continues to be the number one TV news- talk show in America today.
I really hate to say (write) it but the poor American people are really uninformed. They are so uniformed that everything spoken by King Hitler Jr., or reported by ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC is totally and completely believed by an overwhelming majority of American people, even though in most cases their spoken word and their reported word is completely false.
The main problem is the TV networks are overridden with liberal progressive networks and broadcasters. Every time Barack Hussein Obama, aka, Barry Soetero, aka King Hitler Jr. stands in front of his infamous teleprompters and speaks he is heavily supported by ABC, CBS, NBC. CNN, and MSNBC. These networks are jammed with the likes of Letterman, Sharpton, Matthews, Maddow, Bashir, McDonnel, Brian Williams, and so many others. They are nothing more than slaves to Hitler Jr.
The liberal progressive left-leaning journalists with the support of Hitler Jr.'s adoring Hollywood types consistently preach the word of their beloved leader King Hitler Jr., and they just assume we will believe them because they have deemed their words to be the truth.
A great example is just recently King Hitler Jr. gave another of his Obamacare speeches to a large group where he proclaimed, "the Republicans in Congress just attack my health care plan, but haven't submitted a plan of their own". This is an out and out blatant lie, however, who is going to call him on it? No one of course, except Fox News TV and radio's Rush Limbaugh.
The truth is that including an alternative health care plan, the House of Representatives have introduced many bill proposals. However, the Senate, led by Harry Reid, will not even bring any House bill proposals to the Senate floor for a vote.
King Hitler Jr. continues to overtly lie, and mislead to the American people about Benghazi, the IRS scandal, the DOJ lying about Fast & Furious, the DOJ spying, and the NSA surveillance spying.
But the Hitler Jr. regime and his slave media are just laughing at most of us Americans, saying, "so what....what are you gonna do about it"? Americans are being told only what King Hitler Jr. tells his slave what to say to the people.
There is a very strong reason I feel justified in referring to the man in our White House as King Hitler Jr. I am reminded by an Austrian woman in her 90's explaining the Nazi take-over by Adolph Hitler in the 1930's. He didn't take over Austria with tanks and guns. He was a smooth talker with outrageous promises to a failing people. Adolph Hitler won his first political race in Austria with an overwhelming 89% approval rating. We all know what happened next.
This King Hitler Jr. in our White House now is doing the same exact thing to the good people of this great country. He continues to trample on our U.S. Constitution, with no respect to what our founding fathers laid out in the Constitution. If he wants something done and Congress says no, then he just exercises his executive authority and gets it done, whether it's legal or not.
This man, King Hitler Jr., sat on Jay Leno's couch a few days ago and proclaimed to America that the NSA was not spying on Americans. Since then it has been proven that thousands upon thousands of times the NSA, has in fact, and is continuing, to spy on Americans.
Why does this continue? It's very simple, and again I hate to say (write) this, but there are so many uninformed people in our country. Having barely getting out of college with a C- average, I certainly can't cast a judgement on people. However, our uninformed populus get the majority of their information from ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC, so they're inclined to believe whatever the slave media speaks is the truth.
The uninformed also believe the Hollywood mogul types must be telling the truth because we adore our movie and TV sitcom stars. I mean, who wouldn't believe what comes out of the mouths of Joy Behar, Whoopi, Ba-Ba Wa-Wa, and my favorite progressive liberal racist, Oprah Winfrey.
All of the news being aired on MSNBC by the leg tingle man Christ Matthews must be true and factual right? These people will only report the news they want you to hear and see, and for the most part their news are full of lies, and continue to be the slave trade for Hitler Jr.
As I wrote earlier, now, more than ever our radio and TV need more stations like Rush Limbaugh and Fox News. We need our information to be objective for Americans, and we can take our first step towards this next November, 2014 in the mid-term elections.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Not an American
I was just wrapping up today's blog on voting fraud to publish when I got the breaking news about our Wounded Warriors being denied their on-campus "Warrior Care" cafe at Walter Reed Hospital. It was further reported that these Wounded Warriors would have to walk over one-half mile on leg and arm prosthesis's just to get to the cafe to serve them. So I switched to this blog. I am furious folks. Please join to stop this.
To me, this is full proof that that radical Islamic Muslim Brotherhood person that today lives in America's White House is definitely not an American. How can a man stand in front of cameras and teleprompters with false praise to our military men and women while he denies them a proper on-campus cafe for them.
This arrogant hubris radical Muslim will spend American taxpaying money to the tune of $7.6 million to vacation and golf on Martha's Vineyar, while at the same time our Wounded Warriors that have sacrificed so much, are denied easy access to a simple cafe, just to save a few dollars.
I proudly served in the U.S. Air Force for four years, and was blessed to never having seen combat duty. I was honorably discharged with all both arms and both legs intact. I am a proud Wounded Warrior monthly contributor, and a day never passes without thinking of the brave Wounded Warriors who have given so much to secure my freedom.
But this King Hitler Jr. in our White House wants to push blame on Republican leaders for his stupid sequester, hoping to gain favor with our military who already despises this evil man. This King Hitler Jr. thinks our military is stupid enough to believe it's the fault of our Republican leaders that has caused their on-campus Walter Reed Hospital to shut down.
How can this man call himself an American while he continues to reduce the power and support of our great military forces. Yes, he likes the photo-ops of talking pictures with our Wounded Warriors while strolling though the floors of Walter Reed, but then makes sure funds are being cut off to support our Wounded Warriors as soon as he leaves the hospital our Wounded Warrior lay in.
And while our Wounded Warrior veterans are struggling to walk to a cafe over one-half mile away, this King Hitler Jr. is only complaining about a two-foot put he just missed on a vacation that cost Americans over SEVEN MILLION DOLLARS!
This evil dictator must be impeached and literally thrown out of our White House; yes the same White House our Wounded Warriors sacrificed so much for. He does not deserve to even walk past our White House, let alone live in it.
Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetero, aka, King Hitler Jr. must leave our White House to stop desecrating the office of the presidency.
And that's Politics with Pete for today..God bless our country...and our Wounded Warriors.
To me, this is full proof that that radical Islamic Muslim Brotherhood person that today lives in America's White House is definitely not an American. How can a man stand in front of cameras and teleprompters with false praise to our military men and women while he denies them a proper on-campus cafe for them.
This arrogant hubris radical Muslim will spend American taxpaying money to the tune of $7.6 million to vacation and golf on Martha's Vineyar, while at the same time our Wounded Warriors that have sacrificed so much, are denied easy access to a simple cafe, just to save a few dollars.
I proudly served in the U.S. Air Force for four years, and was blessed to never having seen combat duty. I was honorably discharged with all both arms and both legs intact. I am a proud Wounded Warrior monthly contributor, and a day never passes without thinking of the brave Wounded Warriors who have given so much to secure my freedom.
But this King Hitler Jr. in our White House wants to push blame on Republican leaders for his stupid sequester, hoping to gain favor with our military who already despises this evil man. This King Hitler Jr. thinks our military is stupid enough to believe it's the fault of our Republican leaders that has caused their on-campus Walter Reed Hospital to shut down.
How can this man call himself an American while he continues to reduce the power and support of our great military forces. Yes, he likes the photo-ops of talking pictures with our Wounded Warriors while strolling though the floors of Walter Reed, but then makes sure funds are being cut off to support our Wounded Warriors as soon as he leaves the hospital our Wounded Warrior lay in.
And while our Wounded Warrior veterans are struggling to walk to a cafe over one-half mile away, this King Hitler Jr. is only complaining about a two-foot put he just missed on a vacation that cost Americans over SEVEN MILLION DOLLARS!
This evil dictator must be impeached and literally thrown out of our White House; yes the same White House our Wounded Warriors sacrificed so much for. He does not deserve to even walk past our White House, let alone live in it.
Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetero, aka, King Hitler Jr. must leave our White House to stop desecrating the office of the presidency.
And that's Politics with Pete for today..God bless our country...and our Wounded Warriors.
Monday, August 12, 2013
I want asylum too!!
So there I was down in my man-cave seating primers, and loading 4.1 grams of Bullseye powder into my .38 special casings. You re-loaders know what I'm writing about.
Anyway, there I was reloading while listening to Rush with one ear and watching Fox News on the man-cave TV. Suddenly some news flashed on the TV that, at first, I didn't quite understand. When I first saw it on my TV I hollered up to my wife, "turn on your TV...you won't believe this".
The Fox News satellite reporter was reporting from Otay, California, which is a small border town separating the U.S. and Mexico. It was reported that in the past week over 550 Mexicans crossed the border in this small town claiming they needed "asylum from the Mexican drug cartel".
OK, get off the floor, wake up, and read the last paragraph again. Yes, the United States government is legally allowing Mexicans asylum, and guess who's paying for it? C'mon, now guess...yep, you're paying for it with your taxpayer dollars.
Of course this is a scam. Congress is now fighting over an amnesty bill, so in the meantime there are those finding loopholes to enter this country illegally. How are these people being taken care of; food, shelter, housing, education, and health care.
And for every one of these seeking asylum through "the loophole" there are those that are being prevented from properly seeking asylum here; professionals like engineers, doctors, educators, etc., because those from Mexico are destroying the true meaning of asylum.
Mexicans are now crossing the border claiming they are seeking asylum from the bad drug cartels in Mexico, and we are putting them up in very nice hotels, and even supplying armed guards to protect them.
They are coming across in such droves that we're even sending them to Texas and Florida for asylum protection. Is this a great country or what?
Last year over 30,000 foreigners were granted asylum in the U.S. Over thirty-four percent of these seeking asylum were from China; that's the country we are debt to for billions of dollars. We even borrow money from China to pay interest on the loan for the money we borrow from China. Go figure.
So, I've decided that there is so much crime here in my native country, so much national debt, and so much fear that my great country is declining that I'm thinking of moving to Switzerland to seek asylum from my declining country.
Switzerland would be ideal for this old gun owner. There is no military in Swiss land, and the government relies on its citizens for its own militia protection. In fact, in Switzerland every household must have a firearm. I love that.
Switzerland is a rich country, and ranks among the top five countries in GDP. There is virtually no gun crime, and I love that Christianity is the overwhelmin religious belief there; mostly Roman Catholic, of which I am one.
You can also believe that you won't find people roaming the streets there handing out flyers that encourage people to go on food stamps. Their unemployment is among the lowest in the free world.
Of course I'm being sarcastic. I love this U.S.A., and I could never leave, but I'm having trouble that we allow over thirty-thousand people a year to seek refuge here, and many of these countries we provide aid to already, and many of these that seek asylum here are from countries that hate the U.S.
We came to this country when it was just a vast wasteland and made it the greatest and most powerful country the world has ever known. Why can't other cultures do the same in their own country? Why not strive to make themselves strong, resourceful, and rich for their own citizens? Of course it won't come easy, but we did it. And if any want to come here do it the legal way.
We cannot maintain this country as the greatest if we keep supporting those that come here illegally, wanting financial support from us. Our national debt will reach $20.trillion before Hitler Jr. leaves office. What then?
This great country is having enormous problems taking care of our own citizens. We cannot and will not survive if millions continue to come here illegally. We'll become the United States of Greece if we don't grow our own economy for our own legal citizens.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Anyway, there I was reloading while listening to Rush with one ear and watching Fox News on the man-cave TV. Suddenly some news flashed on the TV that, at first, I didn't quite understand. When I first saw it on my TV I hollered up to my wife, "turn on your TV...you won't believe this".
The Fox News satellite reporter was reporting from Otay, California, which is a small border town separating the U.S. and Mexico. It was reported that in the past week over 550 Mexicans crossed the border in this small town claiming they needed "asylum from the Mexican drug cartel".
OK, get off the floor, wake up, and read the last paragraph again. Yes, the United States government is legally allowing Mexicans asylum, and guess who's paying for it? C'mon, now guess...yep, you're paying for it with your taxpayer dollars.
Of course this is a scam. Congress is now fighting over an amnesty bill, so in the meantime there are those finding loopholes to enter this country illegally. How are these people being taken care of; food, shelter, housing, education, and health care.
And for every one of these seeking asylum through "the loophole" there are those that are being prevented from properly seeking asylum here; professionals like engineers, doctors, educators, etc., because those from Mexico are destroying the true meaning of asylum.
Mexicans are now crossing the border claiming they are seeking asylum from the bad drug cartels in Mexico, and we are putting them up in very nice hotels, and even supplying armed guards to protect them.
They are coming across in such droves that we're even sending them to Texas and Florida for asylum protection. Is this a great country or what?
Last year over 30,000 foreigners were granted asylum in the U.S. Over thirty-four percent of these seeking asylum were from China; that's the country we are debt to for billions of dollars. We even borrow money from China to pay interest on the loan for the money we borrow from China. Go figure.
So, I've decided that there is so much crime here in my native country, so much national debt, and so much fear that my great country is declining that I'm thinking of moving to Switzerland to seek asylum from my declining country.
Switzerland would be ideal for this old gun owner. There is no military in Swiss land, and the government relies on its citizens for its own militia protection. In fact, in Switzerland every household must have a firearm. I love that.
Switzerland is a rich country, and ranks among the top five countries in GDP. There is virtually no gun crime, and I love that Christianity is the overwhelmin religious belief there; mostly Roman Catholic, of which I am one.
You can also believe that you won't find people roaming the streets there handing out flyers that encourage people to go on food stamps. Their unemployment is among the lowest in the free world.
Of course I'm being sarcastic. I love this U.S.A., and I could never leave, but I'm having trouble that we allow over thirty-thousand people a year to seek refuge here, and many of these countries we provide aid to already, and many of these that seek asylum here are from countries that hate the U.S.
We came to this country when it was just a vast wasteland and made it the greatest and most powerful country the world has ever known. Why can't other cultures do the same in their own country? Why not strive to make themselves strong, resourceful, and rich for their own citizens? Of course it won't come easy, but we did it. And if any want to come here do it the legal way.
We cannot maintain this country as the greatest if we keep supporting those that come here illegally, wanting financial support from us. Our national debt will reach $20.trillion before Hitler Jr. leaves office. What then?
This great country is having enormous problems taking care of our own citizens. We cannot and will not survive if millions continue to come here illegally. We'll become the United States of Greece if we don't grow our own economy for our own legal citizens.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
How long?
A few days ago three of us old timers, all in our 70's, got on a crazy topic. We started to ask one another, "hey, how long would you like to live"?
Old timer Ron said, "I'd just like to live long enough to watch my granddaughter get married".
My other buddy Ted, said, "I'd like make it to my great-granddaughter's high school graduation".
After some silence my two buddies started joking and teasing me as they said, "OK, Mr. news junkie, how long do you want to live"?
I was like a race horse at the starting gate, chomping on the bit. Then I started:
I would like to live long enough so that years after King Hitler Jr. is out of our White House, I can witness the large shrouds of camouflage being lifted and the truth about this man become known to the American people.
First, where was this guy really born? I'd like to see a real authentic birth certificate. What about all those hidden passports when he traveled? Was he really a foreign aid student receiving U.S. taxpayers' dollars to attend college? Speaking of college, I want to see some of his college grades. How come none are made available to us? Yeah, and that's not all.
I want to live long enough to see Hitler Jr.'s slave media wake up and start reporting the news fair and objectively to the American people. I may live long enough to see that in ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN, but I know I'll never see that in MSNBC.
I want to live long enough to hear from and/or read about all of Hitler Jr.'s college professors and friends? I want to live long enough to know the real truth about Reverend Wright's facilitating a "Down Low" men's club for Hitler Jr. and his friends. Was this a secret men's club for Black homosexual men of which Hitler Jr. was an avid member? Is it still in operation?
I want to live long enough to find out where Hitler Jr. really was on the night of the Benghazi massacre of for American heroes. I want to live long enough to find out the true objective facts surrounding the "phony scandals" of Benghazi, the IRS, Fast & Furious, the DOJ spying, and the illegal NSA snooping.
I just figured it out: If I have to live until Americans find out all these things I'm really going to live a long time.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
Old timer Ron said, "I'd just like to live long enough to watch my granddaughter get married".
My other buddy Ted, said, "I'd like make it to my great-granddaughter's high school graduation".
After some silence my two buddies started joking and teasing me as they said, "OK, Mr. news junkie, how long do you want to live"?
I was like a race horse at the starting gate, chomping on the bit. Then I started:
I would like to live long enough so that years after King Hitler Jr. is out of our White House, I can witness the large shrouds of camouflage being lifted and the truth about this man become known to the American people.
First, where was this guy really born? I'd like to see a real authentic birth certificate. What about all those hidden passports when he traveled? Was he really a foreign aid student receiving U.S. taxpayers' dollars to attend college? Speaking of college, I want to see some of his college grades. How come none are made available to us? Yeah, and that's not all.
I want to live long enough to see Hitler Jr.'s slave media wake up and start reporting the news fair and objectively to the American people. I may live long enough to see that in ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN, but I know I'll never see that in MSNBC.
I want to live long enough to hear from and/or read about all of Hitler Jr.'s college professors and friends? I want to live long enough to know the real truth about Reverend Wright's facilitating a "Down Low" men's club for Hitler Jr. and his friends. Was this a secret men's club for Black homosexual men of which Hitler Jr. was an avid member? Is it still in operation?
I want to live long enough to find out where Hitler Jr. really was on the night of the Benghazi massacre of for American heroes. I want to live long enough to find out the true objective facts surrounding the "phony scandals" of Benghazi, the IRS, Fast & Furious, the DOJ spying, and the illegal NSA snooping.
I just figured it out: If I have to live until Americans find out all these things I'm really going to live a long time.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
Saturday, August 10, 2013
I am not ashamed!
I am not ashamed to be WHITE. I make no excuses to be WHITE. Both of my parents were born in Italy, and came through Ellis Island, and became U.S. citizens. While I believe in many customs of my Italian heritage, I do not call myself an Italian-American. I proudly proclaim myself to be WHITE Caucasian American.
Before I go any further I have a message for Mr. Sharpton, and Mr. Jackson. Somewhere in this great universe there is a place where the sun doesn't shine. I suggest you take your race-baiting lies and tirades; write them on a piece of sandpaper, fold it, and shove it in that place where the sun doesn't shine.
Since our very first President, George Washington, there have been people of all colors and ethnicities casting aspersions, throwing insults, and demanding them to step down from the office of the Presidency.
There have been millions of African-American Blacks initiating violent protests and rallies against WHITE Caucasian Presidents claiming they were unfair to African-American Blacks. Yes, many claims were justified in the days of slavery, but the "chip on the shoulder" of those days must be abolished if the Black and White races are to live and flourish in harmony.
People like the Poverty Pimps racial arsonists Al Sharpton and Jessee Jackson have claimed for decades that the awful WHITE Caucasian have committed terrible unjustices against their African-American race.
Every single crime against Blacks that were "allegedly" committed by WHITES were constantly highlighted by these two "civil rights" men. Soon the progressive liberal media supported the "allegations" put forth by the Sharptons and Jacksons of our country.
It seems the likes of Sharpton and Jackson love to blame the misfortunes, high crime, lack of education of Blacks squarely on WHITE Caucasian racism. With the support of the media the African-American civil rights leaders had, and still have carte-blanche blaming the evil WHITE Caucasian Presidents on all the misfortunes of the Black race.
And now we fast forward to the first African-American Black president this great country has ever had. Now how about this 78-year old WHITE Caucasian citizen of this great country state some facts that cannot be challenged, since the country elected the very first African-American Black president.
Let's start with a clear cut fact that since this African-American Black man has been president over nine million jobs have been lost. Now since I disagree I'm sure Sharpton and Jackson say I'm a racist. Another fact: Since this African-American Black president has been in office, prison population by African-American Blacks has risen over twenty percent. Now, I'm sure Sharpton and Jackson will call me a racist for writing this.
Unemployment among young African-American Blacks has risen to over 40% since an African-American Black has been elected. Because this WHITE Caucasian blogger writes this I guess I'm a racist; right Reverend Al? By the way, true unemployment in our country is over 16%.
Since January, 2013 there has been 900,000 jobs created, however, 700,000 of those jobs are part time employment. Again I'm a racist huh Al?
Welfare and food stamp participation has increased by over 45% since this African-American Black has been in office. Black on Black crime, especially in the president's home state of Illinois, has increased over 30% since this man has been in office. Black on Black crimes within the city of Chicago is up 25% since this country has elected an African-American president. Just mentioning this makes me a racist I guess.
I'm sure Reverend Sharpton and Mr. Jackson consider this 78-year old WHITE Caucasian blogger a racist for writing this. In fact, and I do mean fact, anyone who disagrees with the policies of this African-American Black president is definitely considered racist by the standards of Sharpton, Jackson, and even recently claimed by our Senate Majority leader Harry Reid.
The truth is that never before has race been the main issue of a president's unproven and failed policies. For that matter, when any American speaks against the failed policies of this president you can bet that the likes of Sharpton, Jacksson, and Reid will scream "racist".
Racism is an ugly shroud that is used to make excuses for the failed policies of this man. Sharpton and Jackson, with the help of the slave media, seek to find any excuse and lie they can to invoke racism into our culture. Rather than discuss the failure of the core of the African-American family, they are comfortable in casting blame on the WHITE Caucasian population for their failures.
Now, if I wrote that I wanted this African-American replaced by a WHITE Caucasian man/woman then Sharpton and Jackson have the right to call me a racist. However, I want to see this man replaced and his failed policies reversed by any man/woman president regardless of their color or their ethnicity.
Please know Sharpton and Jackson; I am proud to be a WHITE Caucasian American.
We need to turn this country around and get back to the America that made this the greatest country ever. Hiding behind the lies and incitement of racism is not the answer.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Before I go any further I have a message for Mr. Sharpton, and Mr. Jackson. Somewhere in this great universe there is a place where the sun doesn't shine. I suggest you take your race-baiting lies and tirades; write them on a piece of sandpaper, fold it, and shove it in that place where the sun doesn't shine.
Since our very first President, George Washington, there have been people of all colors and ethnicities casting aspersions, throwing insults, and demanding them to step down from the office of the Presidency.
There have been millions of African-American Blacks initiating violent protests and rallies against WHITE Caucasian Presidents claiming they were unfair to African-American Blacks. Yes, many claims were justified in the days of slavery, but the "chip on the shoulder" of those days must be abolished if the Black and White races are to live and flourish in harmony.
People like the Poverty Pimps racial arsonists Al Sharpton and Jessee Jackson have claimed for decades that the awful WHITE Caucasian have committed terrible unjustices against their African-American race.
Every single crime against Blacks that were "allegedly" committed by WHITES were constantly highlighted by these two "civil rights" men. Soon the progressive liberal media supported the "allegations" put forth by the Sharptons and Jacksons of our country.
It seems the likes of Sharpton and Jackson love to blame the misfortunes, high crime, lack of education of Blacks squarely on WHITE Caucasian racism. With the support of the media the African-American civil rights leaders had, and still have carte-blanche blaming the evil WHITE Caucasian Presidents on all the misfortunes of the Black race.
And now we fast forward to the first African-American Black president this great country has ever had. Now how about this 78-year old WHITE Caucasian citizen of this great country state some facts that cannot be challenged, since the country elected the very first African-American Black president.
Let's start with a clear cut fact that since this African-American Black man has been president over nine million jobs have been lost. Now since I disagree I'm sure Sharpton and Jackson say I'm a racist. Another fact: Since this African-American Black president has been in office, prison population by African-American Blacks has risen over twenty percent. Now, I'm sure Sharpton and Jackson will call me a racist for writing this.
Unemployment among young African-American Blacks has risen to over 40% since an African-American Black has been elected. Because this WHITE Caucasian blogger writes this I guess I'm a racist; right Reverend Al? By the way, true unemployment in our country is over 16%.
Since January, 2013 there has been 900,000 jobs created, however, 700,000 of those jobs are part time employment. Again I'm a racist huh Al?
Welfare and food stamp participation has increased by over 45% since this African-American Black has been in office. Black on Black crime, especially in the president's home state of Illinois, has increased over 30% since this man has been in office. Black on Black crimes within the city of Chicago is up 25% since this country has elected an African-American president. Just mentioning this makes me a racist I guess.
I'm sure Reverend Sharpton and Mr. Jackson consider this 78-year old WHITE Caucasian blogger a racist for writing this. In fact, and I do mean fact, anyone who disagrees with the policies of this African-American Black president is definitely considered racist by the standards of Sharpton, Jackson, and even recently claimed by our Senate Majority leader Harry Reid.
The truth is that never before has race been the main issue of a president's unproven and failed policies. For that matter, when any American speaks against the failed policies of this president you can bet that the likes of Sharpton, Jacksson, and Reid will scream "racist".
Racism is an ugly shroud that is used to make excuses for the failed policies of this man. Sharpton and Jackson, with the help of the slave media, seek to find any excuse and lie they can to invoke racism into our culture. Rather than discuss the failure of the core of the African-American family, they are comfortable in casting blame on the WHITE Caucasian population for their failures.
Now, if I wrote that I wanted this African-American replaced by a WHITE Caucasian man/woman then Sharpton and Jackson have the right to call me a racist. However, I want to see this man replaced and his failed policies reversed by any man/woman president regardless of their color or their ethnicity.
Please know Sharpton and Jackson; I am proud to be a WHITE Caucasian American.
We need to turn this country around and get back to the America that made this the greatest country ever. Hiding behind the lies and incitement of racism is not the answer.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Don't give up!
Yeah, I know; it seems like a hard uphill battle we face as we prepare for the November 2014 mid-term elections. First, we are saddled with this hubris, self-centered egotist "using" our White House and infusing a nanny state with dependent Americans.
And in turn these uninformed Americans are buying into this arrogant man's program because they believe with him in our White House their "free" life will continue.
As if it wasn't bad enough having this self-centered hubris of a man in our White House we have a fawning slave media that dares not tell Americans how bad our economy really is.
Well, what are we going to do about it? Throw in the towel? Do you think our forefathers came over in luxury ocean liners when they fled the tyranny in the British empire? When they landed at Plymouth Rock to start life anew, do you think they were welcomed to a resort area?
Do you think our great Revolutionary War leader George Washington didn't have any horrific problems as he took our first war to free America from tyranny? Of course not.
Our forefathers drafted a Constitution and Declaration of Independence to help steer our country in the right direction. Do you think these were easy tasks? Of course not.
After what the Plymouth Rock travelers, and our forefathers did for this great country, now is not the time for us to roll over and throw the towel in because of what the dictator King Hitler Jr. is trying to do to this great country.
We have seen and heard the lies that spew from this arrogant self-centered man, while his slave media spreads this lies like manure on a farm. So, we should put our tails between our legs and run off, right? Yeah, all is lost. Don't you dare give up on this great country. Don't you dare!
Right now we have a Congress full of people that seem more concerned about their daily battles against each other's political party, and at times more interested in getting reelected than doing what we sent them there to do......represent us. What are we to do?
Well, the framers of our Constitution gave us plenty of ammunition in the Articles and Bills of Rights in our Constitution. By the way this is the very same Constitution that the dictator King Hitler Jr. calls "flawed", and wants to change.
Now, why would King Hitler Jr. want to change and revamp our Constitution? Can you guess? Give up? He just plain and simple wants to continue to "rule" the United States of America. He actually believes he can do a better job than our forefathers did.
He does not believe in the Constitution. He does not believe in the American democratic way of life. Someday, in the future, it will be proven that this man, whose identity has been hidden for years, does not even have the right to be the president of this great country.
But, there is great hope folks. Very great hope. This man and his regime administration can and must be taken down. With his slave media supporting him, there is only one true way to bring this man down. It is the true right and privilege our founding fathers bestowed upon us.
And that is in a two-step process. The first step is to vote in the November, 2014 mid term elections to retain our House and take back our Senate.
The second step is to strongly stand behind the right GOP candidate, and vote him/her into our White House and undo all the damage this horrible dictator King Hitler Jr. is doing now, and will continue to do.
The temporary good news is that if we have the House and the Senate starting in January, 2015, this man can do no harm. He'll just go on vacation and golf, and that's a good thing for America; a very good thing. Encourage all Americans to vote to take back our country.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
And in turn these uninformed Americans are buying into this arrogant man's program because they believe with him in our White House their "free" life will continue.
As if it wasn't bad enough having this self-centered hubris of a man in our White House we have a fawning slave media that dares not tell Americans how bad our economy really is.
Well, what are we going to do about it? Throw in the towel? Do you think our forefathers came over in luxury ocean liners when they fled the tyranny in the British empire? When they landed at Plymouth Rock to start life anew, do you think they were welcomed to a resort area?
Do you think our great Revolutionary War leader George Washington didn't have any horrific problems as he took our first war to free America from tyranny? Of course not.
Our forefathers drafted a Constitution and Declaration of Independence to help steer our country in the right direction. Do you think these were easy tasks? Of course not.
After what the Plymouth Rock travelers, and our forefathers did for this great country, now is not the time for us to roll over and throw the towel in because of what the dictator King Hitler Jr. is trying to do to this great country.
We have seen and heard the lies that spew from this arrogant self-centered man, while his slave media spreads this lies like manure on a farm. So, we should put our tails between our legs and run off, right? Yeah, all is lost. Don't you dare give up on this great country. Don't you dare!
Right now we have a Congress full of people that seem more concerned about their daily battles against each other's political party, and at times more interested in getting reelected than doing what we sent them there to do......represent us. What are we to do?
Well, the framers of our Constitution gave us plenty of ammunition in the Articles and Bills of Rights in our Constitution. By the way this is the very same Constitution that the dictator King Hitler Jr. calls "flawed", and wants to change.
Now, why would King Hitler Jr. want to change and revamp our Constitution? Can you guess? Give up? He just plain and simple wants to continue to "rule" the United States of America. He actually believes he can do a better job than our forefathers did.
He does not believe in the Constitution. He does not believe in the American democratic way of life. Someday, in the future, it will be proven that this man, whose identity has been hidden for years, does not even have the right to be the president of this great country.
But, there is great hope folks. Very great hope. This man and his regime administration can and must be taken down. With his slave media supporting him, there is only one true way to bring this man down. It is the true right and privilege our founding fathers bestowed upon us.
And that is in a two-step process. The first step is to vote in the November, 2014 mid term elections to retain our House and take back our Senate.
The second step is to strongly stand behind the right GOP candidate, and vote him/her into our White House and undo all the damage this horrible dictator King Hitler Jr. is doing now, and will continue to do.
The temporary good news is that if we have the House and the Senate starting in January, 2015, this man can do no harm. He'll just go on vacation and golf, and that's a good thing for America; a very good thing. Encourage all Americans to vote to take back our country.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
What then?
Let's say you borrow around $30,000. from your bank and your interest is around $100. per month. Subsequently you fall on hard times, but you want to keep your credit in good standing, so the bank allows you to pay the interest only on your loan every month.
Well, you continue on in your hard times, and pay the interest only on your $30,000. bank loan, full well knowing that your original principal of $30,000. is never reduced. The bad news is while you remain "in good standing" with your bank, the principal of $30,000 is still there and must eventually be paid to the bank.
Of course the bank is happy, and doesn't really care how long you take because they're making $100. of interest from you each month, and they still hold the legal binding of the original $30,000 loan.
OK, let's go another step further; you find yourself on more hard times and cannot even pay the $100. monthly interest on your bank loan. So, you go to the same bank, and ask for another loan, so you can pay the interest only on your original loan of $30,000.
Sounds crazy huh? You're borrowing money to make your interest-only monthly payments from the same bank you originally borrowed the $30,000.
Before you jump up and say "what kind of crazy deal is that....who would do that"? Well, folks, wake up...that is exactly what King Hitler Jr. is doing to our country right now. Our national debt is $17.Trillion. A great portion of our debt is for the billions we owe China, and like everyone else we must pay interest on our enormous loans.
And guess where we go to borrow to pay for our interest-only loans and debts. Yep, you guessed it; back to our "great friend" China. In essence folks, our great country is actually borrowing money to pay for the interest on our loans and debts from the same country we are borrowing money from.
And yet the Democrat run Senate keeps saying the Republicans are destroying the middle class because we're trying to cut back spending so we can reduce our national debt and our loans to China. The very sad reality in all this is most people aren't even aware of this scenario, especially people that today live in King Hitler Jr.'s nanny state.
The people that now rely on welfare, food stamps, subsidized housing, along with extended unemployment must know that hard working American taxpayers are paying for their nanny state. Some of these nanny state people actually believe this money comes from their beloved leader Hitler Jr.
While Hitler Jr. and his followers, and the slave media keep telling everyone that the economy is doing great and the recession is over they refuse to face reality on how bad our economy really is.
How many of these nanny state people realize that we need a gross domestic product growth of 4% to even maintain a modicum of stability and growth for our economy. Today, it was reported that our gross domestic product (GDP) is just a little over one percent (1%)
I certainly don't want to insult anyone, but I will venture to guess that the majority of our nanny state population doesn't know what GDP means and what it's measurement really means.
Our gross domestic product (GDP) is the total value of goods and services produced here in the U.S. For the U.S. to grow and economically survive we should grow at the rate of approximately 4% a quarter. We are now at 1% GDP growth.
At this pace a few things will happen; our national debt will grow, grow, and grow to the point where it becomes unsustainable, and countries like China may not provide loans to us. The economy suffers more, and jobs dry up as unemployment grows.
And then another scenario emerges; it's the "what then" syndrome. It simply means we will run out of funds to sustain our nanny state. There will be no funds for welfare, food stamps, subsidized housing, health care, and yes, even social security for the retired population. And again I ask "what then"?
Look what happened in Greece. And before anyone thinks that this could never happen here, take a look at bankrupt Detroit, along with the twenty other cities here in America that is right now close to bankruptcy.
People in the nanny state have the mentality that they "shouldn't bite the hand that feeds them", therefore they bought into Hitler Jr.'s promise of living the good life off the backs of hard working American taxpayers.
It seems no one cares to find a solution to all this economic mess. They just want to make sure it isn't their fault. Hitler Jr.'s answer to all this is simply, "it's what I inherited, and it's Bush's fault".
Not many have the complete solution to this problem, but to continue spending at this pace will certainly assure we will hit the "what then" syndrome, meaning there will be no money. Yes, as simple as that; and soon we'll be adopting the line from the Jerry McGuire movie, "Show me the money".
Economically, our great country is falling faster and faster every day, and the man that refuses to do anything about this will be going off into the sunset in January, 2017, and he won't care at all about the economic mess he caused. And you can bet, at this pace, our economy may be at at level that we can never recover from.
Of course he'll still claim, "it's all Bush's fault".
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Well, you continue on in your hard times, and pay the interest only on your $30,000. bank loan, full well knowing that your original principal of $30,000. is never reduced. The bad news is while you remain "in good standing" with your bank, the principal of $30,000 is still there and must eventually be paid to the bank.
Of course the bank is happy, and doesn't really care how long you take because they're making $100. of interest from you each month, and they still hold the legal binding of the original $30,000 loan.
OK, let's go another step further; you find yourself on more hard times and cannot even pay the $100. monthly interest on your bank loan. So, you go to the same bank, and ask for another loan, so you can pay the interest only on your original loan of $30,000.
Sounds crazy huh? You're borrowing money to make your interest-only monthly payments from the same bank you originally borrowed the $30,000.
Before you jump up and say "what kind of crazy deal is that....who would do that"? Well, folks, wake up...that is exactly what King Hitler Jr. is doing to our country right now. Our national debt is $17.Trillion. A great portion of our debt is for the billions we owe China, and like everyone else we must pay interest on our enormous loans.
And guess where we go to borrow to pay for our interest-only loans and debts. Yep, you guessed it; back to our "great friend" China. In essence folks, our great country is actually borrowing money to pay for the interest on our loans and debts from the same country we are borrowing money from.
And yet the Democrat run Senate keeps saying the Republicans are destroying the middle class because we're trying to cut back spending so we can reduce our national debt and our loans to China. The very sad reality in all this is most people aren't even aware of this scenario, especially people that today live in King Hitler Jr.'s nanny state.
The people that now rely on welfare, food stamps, subsidized housing, along with extended unemployment must know that hard working American taxpayers are paying for their nanny state. Some of these nanny state people actually believe this money comes from their beloved leader Hitler Jr.
While Hitler Jr. and his followers, and the slave media keep telling everyone that the economy is doing great and the recession is over they refuse to face reality on how bad our economy really is.
How many of these nanny state people realize that we need a gross domestic product growth of 4% to even maintain a modicum of stability and growth for our economy. Today, it was reported that our gross domestic product (GDP) is just a little over one percent (1%)
I certainly don't want to insult anyone, but I will venture to guess that the majority of our nanny state population doesn't know what GDP means and what it's measurement really means.
Our gross domestic product (GDP) is the total value of goods and services produced here in the U.S. For the U.S. to grow and economically survive we should grow at the rate of approximately 4% a quarter. We are now at 1% GDP growth.
At this pace a few things will happen; our national debt will grow, grow, and grow to the point where it becomes unsustainable, and countries like China may not provide loans to us. The economy suffers more, and jobs dry up as unemployment grows.
And then another scenario emerges; it's the "what then" syndrome. It simply means we will run out of funds to sustain our nanny state. There will be no funds for welfare, food stamps, subsidized housing, health care, and yes, even social security for the retired population. And again I ask "what then"?
Look what happened in Greece. And before anyone thinks that this could never happen here, take a look at bankrupt Detroit, along with the twenty other cities here in America that is right now close to bankruptcy.
People in the nanny state have the mentality that they "shouldn't bite the hand that feeds them", therefore they bought into Hitler Jr.'s promise of living the good life off the backs of hard working American taxpayers.
It seems no one cares to find a solution to all this economic mess. They just want to make sure it isn't their fault. Hitler Jr.'s answer to all this is simply, "it's what I inherited, and it's Bush's fault".
Not many have the complete solution to this problem, but to continue spending at this pace will certainly assure we will hit the "what then" syndrome, meaning there will be no money. Yes, as simple as that; and soon we'll be adopting the line from the Jerry McGuire movie, "Show me the money".
Economically, our great country is falling faster and faster every day, and the man that refuses to do anything about this will be going off into the sunset in January, 2017, and he won't care at all about the economic mess he caused. And you can bet, at this pace, our economy may be at at level that we can never recover from.
Of course he'll still claim, "it's all Bush's fault".
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Monday, August 5, 2013
Our own "hope & change"
"bin Laden is dead and el Qaeda is on the run". Let me repeat that cause we've heard it so often by King Hitler Jr., and his followers and the slave media; "bin Laden is dead and el Qaeda is on the run". Now we know what a joke that is.
The only "phony scandal" that's going on now is King Hitler Jr. hiding behind the Benghazi massacre. This radical Islamic Muslim actually placed himself and his reelection ahead of the four lives of American heroes.
As in the Ft. Hood shooting, this evil dictator, who lives in our White House, would not allow the term "terrorist attack" to be spoken or written just before his reelection bid. To this very day no one in the White House, or our Secretary of State, or Ambassador, or spokesperson can even explain exactly where King Hitler Jr. was at the time of the Benghazi massacre. Do we need any more proof to show that this hubris man cares for no one but his own personal agenda?
This man has completely failed in everything he stands for; our economy, job creation, our national debt, his horrendous health care plan, his outrageous spending of taxpayers money, and mostly his just plain old lying to the American people on all levels.
Wouldn't you like to ask this evil dictator, "hey if el Qaeda is on the run, why are you so afraid of them"? All it took was a little "head fake" by the el Qaeda and what does King Hitler Jr. do?
He closes twenty embassies and consulates in the middle east and Africa. And as soon as he did that he ran off to hide in Camp David and had a gigantic birthday celebration. By the way did anyone see Jay-Z and Beyonce at the party?
The media slaves of King Hitler Jr. won't report that el Qaeda is definitely not "on the run". The truth is they are stronger than ever, and have grown substantially since Hitler Jr. has been in office. Thank God for Fox News and the Tea Party Community website, so we can get the actual facts about this evil man.
I'll wager that the 51% that voted to reelect King Hitler Jr. back into our White House are sitting around scratching their heads and uttering, "what the heck were we thinking"?
Many years ago the USSR prime minister Nikita Kruschev claimed, "America is too strong of a super power to overtake physically.....better we just stand back and watch them implode and fall from within". And it certainly appears this is exactly what King Hitler Jr. is attempting to fulfill.
Countries around the world are laughing at us, while other countries hate and despise us. The very sad realization is that some of these very same countries that hate us are receiving money and military aid from us.
The best proof of this is Hitler Jr.'s health care plan. If it wasn't so true it would be hilarious that the very same people that are jamming Obamacare down our throats are the very same Congressional members, their staff, the IRS, Unions, etc. that are given the privilege of not having to participate in the King's legacy plan. Now there's a good story for the "goose and gander" scenario.
There is great hope though folks. This great country was founded on the principles that we can actually "chase" evil people out of our Congress and start the road to a democratic recovery. Our first step is next November, 2014 we vote to maintain the House and take back the Senate.
By doing this we can just watch this evil dictator continue to fail, and then in 2016 we can elect a solid Republican, and start rebuilding all the damage this man has done, and will do in his second term.
Don't give up folks. There is hope ahead. Let's show this evil dictator what "hope and change" really means.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
The only "phony scandal" that's going on now is King Hitler Jr. hiding behind the Benghazi massacre. This radical Islamic Muslim actually placed himself and his reelection ahead of the four lives of American heroes.
As in the Ft. Hood shooting, this evil dictator, who lives in our White House, would not allow the term "terrorist attack" to be spoken or written just before his reelection bid. To this very day no one in the White House, or our Secretary of State, or Ambassador, or spokesperson can even explain exactly where King Hitler Jr. was at the time of the Benghazi massacre. Do we need any more proof to show that this hubris man cares for no one but his own personal agenda?
This man has completely failed in everything he stands for; our economy, job creation, our national debt, his horrendous health care plan, his outrageous spending of taxpayers money, and mostly his just plain old lying to the American people on all levels.
Wouldn't you like to ask this evil dictator, "hey if el Qaeda is on the run, why are you so afraid of them"? All it took was a little "head fake" by the el Qaeda and what does King Hitler Jr. do?
He closes twenty embassies and consulates in the middle east and Africa. And as soon as he did that he ran off to hide in Camp David and had a gigantic birthday celebration. By the way did anyone see Jay-Z and Beyonce at the party?
The media slaves of King Hitler Jr. won't report that el Qaeda is definitely not "on the run". The truth is they are stronger than ever, and have grown substantially since Hitler Jr. has been in office. Thank God for Fox News and the Tea Party Community website, so we can get the actual facts about this evil man.
I'll wager that the 51% that voted to reelect King Hitler Jr. back into our White House are sitting around scratching their heads and uttering, "what the heck were we thinking"?
Many years ago the USSR prime minister Nikita Kruschev claimed, "America is too strong of a super power to overtake physically.....better we just stand back and watch them implode and fall from within". And it certainly appears this is exactly what King Hitler Jr. is attempting to fulfill.
Countries around the world are laughing at us, while other countries hate and despise us. The very sad realization is that some of these very same countries that hate us are receiving money and military aid from us.
The best proof of this is Hitler Jr.'s health care plan. If it wasn't so true it would be hilarious that the very same people that are jamming Obamacare down our throats are the very same Congressional members, their staff, the IRS, Unions, etc. that are given the privilege of not having to participate in the King's legacy plan. Now there's a good story for the "goose and gander" scenario.
There is great hope though folks. This great country was founded on the principles that we can actually "chase" evil people out of our Congress and start the road to a democratic recovery. Our first step is next November, 2014 we vote to maintain the House and take back the Senate.
By doing this we can just watch this evil dictator continue to fail, and then in 2016 we can elect a solid Republican, and start rebuilding all the damage this man has done, and will do in his second term.
Don't give up folks. There is hope ahead. Let's show this evil dictator what "hope and change" really means.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Isn't it great. WOW! The unemployment dropped to 7.4% this month. King Hitler Jr., Bernanke, Spokesman Carney, and Hitler Jr.'s entire administration are doing wild victory dances, claiming, "the recession is over...we're on our way to full recovery".
Of course my favorite quote is from our esteemed Vice President Joe Biden, when he proclaimed, "bin Laden is dead and GM (Detroit) is alive and well".
And when you add Hitler Jr.'s media slaves to the mix all America through ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC is supposed to be cheering in the streets that we are certainly on our way to a prosperous America. What is truly sad, is that so many Americans, uninformed Americans, actually believe this garbage.
Now, everyone who knows me knows that math is my truly biggest downfall. It's shameful how bad I am at math. In high school, after one da
y in Geometry class the teacher very strongly suggested I change my class to an easier math course. In college I needed some math hours to qualify for my Bachelor's Degree, so I would take my college math home on the weekends to have my kid sister do my math for me.
Why am I telling you all this? Well, I want to show that even a very mathematically challenged person like me can figure just how bad our jobs economy is doing, and how the Hitler Jr. administration is lying every month to the American people.
OK, grab your calculator and go with me on this. Since King Hitler Jr. has been in our White House starting January, 2009, over nine million jobs have been lost to the American public.
Now fast-forward to the past six months OK? Since January, 2013 through June, 2013 there have been 900,000 jobs created. However, what Hitler Jr. won't tell you, or for that matter, either will his media slaves, is that of these 900,000 jobs created, over 700,000 of these jobs are nothing more than part time.
Every month the White House and the slave media will proudly announce the thousands of jobs created, however, King Hitler Jr. and his slave media will never announce the "adjusted" jobs created figure in the following three weeks reflects a much, much lower figure every month.
The main fact that the White House and the media will never, ever disclose is that the jobs created is less than those coming into the work force for the first time every month. Here's another fact you can bet you won't get from the White House or slave media: over 350,000 Americans left the work force last week alone. Yes, just threw in the towel and stopped looking for any type of work.
Now we all know that we are averaging close to 350,000 Americans per week, yes, per week filing for the first time unemployment.
So, even a dummy like me can "crunch" these figures against America's work force and arrive at the true figure of 11.6% unemployment.
So, instead of opening the Keystone Pipeline, and stopping the strict EPA regulations on coal manufacturing in West Virginia, what does Hitler Jr. do? He hops on Air Force One, and spends over seven million tax payers dollars and flies to hide in Martha's Vineyard.
And we all know the ethnic group that has been hit the hardest by unemployment since Hitler Jr. has been in office. Yes, the African-American population, specifically the young African-Americans. Young Blacks are sustaining over 40% unemployment since King Hitler Jr. has been in office.
So, last night Bill O'Reilly was interviewing the director of Black Entertainment Television (BET), and Bill asked the gentleman, "there has been more unemployment among Blacks than ever before, and yet over 93% of Blacks voted him for a second term...why is that"?
Want to read the answer this BET executive told O'Reilly? He said, "well, the African-American population want to express how proud they are of an African-American being elected president, so they voted him in to prove it". So, with the highest rate of Black unemployment ever, and proof that this man in the White House cares more about his own personal agenda than he does for the African-American population, the Black community still put this man ahead of themselves. Why?
This man has done nothing at all to advance the great African-American race. More Blacks were employed under G.W. Bush than this man by a very large margin, and yet the Black leader activists like Al Sharpton and Jessee Jackson will urge Blacks that it is the White race, and Republicans like President Bush that has caused their employment problems, and even urging riots against Whites.
The African-American race must wake up and realize this man they voted into our White House does not care about them at all. He just gives great speeches.....and by the way has anyone seen King Hitler Jr. speaking to Blacks in Detroit and Chicago? Hmmm....why?
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops.
Of course my favorite quote is from our esteemed Vice President Joe Biden, when he proclaimed, "bin Laden is dead and GM (Detroit) is alive and well".
And when you add Hitler Jr.'s media slaves to the mix all America through ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC is supposed to be cheering in the streets that we are certainly on our way to a prosperous America. What is truly sad, is that so many Americans, uninformed Americans, actually believe this garbage.
Now, everyone who knows me knows that math is my truly biggest downfall. It's shameful how bad I am at math. In high school, after one da
Why am I telling you all this? Well, I want to show that even a very mathematically challenged person like me can figure just how bad our jobs economy is doing, and how the Hitler Jr. administration is lying every month to the American people.
OK, grab your calculator and go with me on this. Since King Hitler Jr. has been in our White House starting January, 2009, over nine million jobs have been lost to the American public.
Now fast-forward to the past six months OK? Since January, 2013 through June, 2013 there have been 900,000 jobs created. However, what Hitler Jr. won't tell you, or for that matter, either will his media slaves, is that of these 900,000 jobs created, over 700,000 of these jobs are nothing more than part time.
Every month the White House and the slave media will proudly announce the thousands of jobs created, however, King Hitler Jr. and his slave media will never announce the "adjusted" jobs created figure in the following three weeks reflects a much, much lower figure every month.
The main fact that the White House and the media will never, ever disclose is that the jobs created is less than those coming into the work force for the first time every month. Here's another fact you can bet you won't get from the White House or slave media: over 350,000 Americans left the work force last week alone. Yes, just threw in the towel and stopped looking for any type of work.
Now we all know that we are averaging close to 350,000 Americans per week, yes, per week filing for the first time unemployment.
So, even a dummy like me can "crunch" these figures against America's work force and arrive at the true figure of 11.6% unemployment.
So, instead of opening the Keystone Pipeline, and stopping the strict EPA regulations on coal manufacturing in West Virginia, what does Hitler Jr. do? He hops on Air Force One, and spends over seven million tax payers dollars and flies to hide in Martha's Vineyard.
And we all know the ethnic group that has been hit the hardest by unemployment since Hitler Jr. has been in office. Yes, the African-American population, specifically the young African-Americans. Young Blacks are sustaining over 40% unemployment since King Hitler Jr. has been in office.
So, last night Bill O'Reilly was interviewing the director of Black Entertainment Television (BET), and Bill asked the gentleman, "there has been more unemployment among Blacks than ever before, and yet over 93% of Blacks voted him for a second term...why is that"?
Want to read the answer this BET executive told O'Reilly? He said, "well, the African-American population want to express how proud they are of an African-American being elected president, so they voted him in to prove it". So, with the highest rate of Black unemployment ever, and proof that this man in the White House cares more about his own personal agenda than he does for the African-American population, the Black community still put this man ahead of themselves. Why?
This man has done nothing at all to advance the great African-American race. More Blacks were employed under G.W. Bush than this man by a very large margin, and yet the Black leader activists like Al Sharpton and Jessee Jackson will urge Blacks that it is the White race, and Republicans like President Bush that has caused their employment problems, and even urging riots against Whites.
The African-American race must wake up and realize this man they voted into our White House does not care about them at all. He just gives great speeches.....and by the way has anyone seen King Hitler Jr. speaking to Blacks in Detroit and Chicago? Hmmm....why?
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
14 and counting...fast
It's very encouraging and hopeful to be a part of the Tea Party community. I'm very proud to have, to date, one hundred and thirty (130) of my blogs posted on the Tea Party Community website. I'm very proud to be considered a premium member by Mr. Crow and Mr. Selaty.
It's nice to share stories of common interest on a website where so much respect and acknowledgement is displayed. We all have a common goal of taking the first step to maintain the House of Representatives, and take back our Senate.
Yes, it would be only the first step in stopping this man in our White House. Of course step two would be to elect the right GOP person to overturn and mend all the damage that King Hitler Jr. has done and will do until January, 2017.
How many times have you thought and said, "Gee where has all the time gone...time really flies by fast doesn't it"? My point here is that we have a very, very large storm brewing ahead of us folks. And it's called the 2014 mid-term elections.
I believe in God, and I also believe God tests us, and works in mysterious ways. I firmly believe God sent King Hitler Jr. just to show us what our great country could be diminished to.
I also believe God loves us, thereby giving our great country the opportunity to correct the deplorable mistakes we made in the past two presidential elections. We have been given a great opportunity to exercise our democratic way of life when we vote next November.
Yes, it's gratifying to write on the Tea Party Community website to exchange views and encourage other TPC members. But I'm writing here to warn all of us not to get into any type of "comfort zone". We're in for a hard battle folks.
I feel we were lulled into a false sense of security in the 2010 mid term elections, and felt Governor Romney would be our next president to save us from what King Hitler Jr. did to us in his first term. However, King Hitler Jr., and his merry band of corrupt followers went into their fraudulant mode and vavoom, he's back in our White House for another four years.
Stand by, get ready, and be prepared folks. You can bet that King Hitler Jr., along with Jarret, Axelrod, Cutter, Reid, Pelosi, Holder, and the rest will be using every unlawful fraudulant trick in the book to win the mid-term elections.
I thought we still had the power of our vote, however it's hard to even believe in that with this current administration. You can bet there will be illegal voting in the voting districts all across the country next November. King Hitler Jr. realizes his legacy will be disgraced if the GOP retains the House and takes back control of the Senate.
King Hitler Jr. knows that there is a great possibility of an impeachment process put in motion if the GOP takes control of the House and Senate beginning next November. We must not allow this disgraceful man to retain control of the Senate and take control of the House if we are ever to maintain the democracy our founding fathers laid out for us in the Constitution.
Chief Justice Roberts allowed Hitler Jr. to name Obamacare as a tax, and thereby with a Democrat controlled House and Senate he enacted Obamacare into law. If Obamacare is already enacted into law why are there so many waivers and year-long delays? Why does King Hitler Jr. still fly all over the U.S. trying to convince Americans that Obamacare "is a good deal for all Americans"?
We must all contact our House and Senate representatives to be alerted to maintain legal voting laws at all voting locations. You can bet King Hitler Jr. and his Democrat corrupt maachine will use every illegal method they can in the upcoming November, 2014 mid term elections. We cannot let them do this to our country.
An example of this is in Philadelphia there were several voting polls where Governor Romney did not receive a single vote. Isn't that strange? Another example is in Las Vegas Senator Reid was actually losing in his Senatorial bid during the voting. Then a power failure occurred and vavoom, then the power was turned back on Senator Reid was ahead. Another strange occurrence huh?
If King Hitler Jr. is allowed to maintain the House and Senate during his last two years in office our country will be on its way to Muslim rule. If we all love our country we must stop this.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
It's nice to share stories of common interest on a website where so much respect and acknowledgement is displayed. We all have a common goal of taking the first step to maintain the House of Representatives, and take back our Senate.
Yes, it would be only the first step in stopping this man in our White House. Of course step two would be to elect the right GOP person to overturn and mend all the damage that King Hitler Jr. has done and will do until January, 2017.
How many times have you thought and said, "Gee where has all the time gone...time really flies by fast doesn't it"? My point here is that we have a very, very large storm brewing ahead of us folks. And it's called the 2014 mid-term elections.
I believe in God, and I also believe God tests us, and works in mysterious ways. I firmly believe God sent King Hitler Jr. just to show us what our great country could be diminished to.
I also believe God loves us, thereby giving our great country the opportunity to correct the deplorable mistakes we made in the past two presidential elections. We have been given a great opportunity to exercise our democratic way of life when we vote next November.
Yes, it's gratifying to write on the Tea Party Community website to exchange views and encourage other TPC members. But I'm writing here to warn all of us not to get into any type of "comfort zone". We're in for a hard battle folks.
I feel we were lulled into a false sense of security in the 2010 mid term elections, and felt Governor Romney would be our next president to save us from what King Hitler Jr. did to us in his first term. However, King Hitler Jr., and his merry band of corrupt followers went into their fraudulant mode and vavoom, he's back in our White House for another four years.
Stand by, get ready, and be prepared folks. You can bet that King Hitler Jr., along with Jarret, Axelrod, Cutter, Reid, Pelosi, Holder, and the rest will be using every unlawful fraudulant trick in the book to win the mid-term elections.
I thought we still had the power of our vote, however it's hard to even believe in that with this current administration. You can bet there will be illegal voting in the voting districts all across the country next November. King Hitler Jr. realizes his legacy will be disgraced if the GOP retains the House and takes back control of the Senate.
King Hitler Jr. knows that there is a great possibility of an impeachment process put in motion if the GOP takes control of the House and Senate beginning next November. We must not allow this disgraceful man to retain control of the Senate and take control of the House if we are ever to maintain the democracy our founding fathers laid out for us in the Constitution.
Chief Justice Roberts allowed Hitler Jr. to name Obamacare as a tax, and thereby with a Democrat controlled House and Senate he enacted Obamacare into law. If Obamacare is already enacted into law why are there so many waivers and year-long delays? Why does King Hitler Jr. still fly all over the U.S. trying to convince Americans that Obamacare "is a good deal for all Americans"?
We must all contact our House and Senate representatives to be alerted to maintain legal voting laws at all voting locations. You can bet King Hitler Jr. and his Democrat corrupt maachine will use every illegal method they can in the upcoming November, 2014 mid term elections. We cannot let them do this to our country.
An example of this is in Philadelphia there were several voting polls where Governor Romney did not receive a single vote. Isn't that strange? Another example is in Las Vegas Senator Reid was actually losing in his Senatorial bid during the voting. Then a power failure occurred and vavoom, then the power was turned back on Senator Reid was ahead. Another strange occurrence huh?
If King Hitler Jr. is allowed to maintain the House and Senate during his last two years in office our country will be on its way to Muslim rule. If we all love our country we must stop this.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
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