Monday, September 23, 2013

Feel the squeeze yet?

My wife and I live in rural Northeast Ohio, and have been fortunate to endure six successful surgeries at the Cleveland Clinic. Three of those surgeries were diagnosed as major surgeries. Of course to this old timer, any surgery is major.

The Cleveland Clinic is located in the heart of Cleveland, Ohio, and has the honor and distinction of being one of the most advanced hospital facilities in the world. Their advanced medical technology is among the cutting edge now and for the future of specialized medicine.

And in today's dire economy the people of Cleveland have been grateful for what the Clinic has provided them, and that is EMPLOYMENT. Yes, the Cleveland Clinic employs thousands of  Cleveland workers. For decades thousands of Cleveland workers have depended on the Cleveland Clinic for successful years of employment.
 In 2009 the evil man that resides in our White House proclaimed that all medical entities should follow the path of the Cleveland Clinic. Do you remember that particular part of the speech when he said, "the Cleveland Clinic knows how to do it, and they do it right. This affordable health care law will aid in the continued growth and success of this outstanding medical facility in  Cleveland, Ohio".

Well, two days ago the Cleveland Clinic announced that due to Obamacare they will need to cut over $300.Million from their operating budget. Furthermore, plans are underway at the Clinic to reduce their work force by 3,000 employees. I am curious; I wonder how many of the 3,000 Cleveland Clinic employees that will be laid off actually voted for this man in our White House.

This man in our White House knew beforehand that his signature trademark Obamacare was going to bankrupt the country and cause economic havoc even before his infamous health care law was enacted. He blatantly lied about his affordable health care plan, beginning with "if you like you plan you can keep it....if you like your Dr. you can keep your Dr.". Even the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has proven this to be a lie by our president.

While this man in our White House, along with his supporting cast of liberal progressive liars, continues to mislead the American public. This is definitely treasonous. 

While this treasonous man continues to preach that his health care act will provide affordable health care to millions of Americans, investors are refusing to invest, big companies continue to downsize and lay off employees, mid-size and small businesses continue to cut back on hours to employees. Some employers are now offering less than 29 hours to workers, so they won't have to participate in Obamacare.

While the polls reflect that an overwhelming majority of Americans do not want Obamacare to go into effect October 1st., our White House Hitler Jr. is spending hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayers money to hire "navigators" to go around signing up young citizens for this ridiculous plan.

And these "navigators" will have access to ALL your personal and financial data. Isn't that great? Just what we need to help the IRS and NSA; another government group to spy on us. 
Whether the navigators are successful in signing up people for Obamacare, what do you think they're going to do with all that personal information about you?

To date there are 1,472 entities that have been granted waivers from participating in Obamacare. They include unions, members of congress, and certain large Demorat donors.  However, the good old middle class hard working Americans must either participate or go to a healthcare plan that will increase their premiums or may even cancel their healthcare policy. 

A great analogy of this would be to invite guests to your house for dinner, serve them the food you have prepared, and then not put any of your own cooked food on your own plate. Then your guest may ask, "How come you're not eating any of the food you've cooked"?  Then you reply, "Oh, I wouldn't eat that's terrible". Welcome to Obamacare folks.

First the Cleveland Clinic, which will be surely followed by other medical facilities throughout our country, followed by corporations, followed by health care insurance companies dropping customers, or raising premium prices.  Can anyone honestly say this is what the American people want? The latest is even hard working Americans may not be able to keep their Doctors and their policies.

The only people who believe Obamacare is "a good deal" are those that are getting health care coverage free with no strings attached. Instead of focusing on tort reform and purchasing healthcare policies across state lines, we force hard working Americans to pay for healthcare for those that do not work. 

Years ago my Dad had a saying, "the guy who puts two sandwiches in a brown bag and goes to work every day is the one getting squeezed in this country".  Are you feeling squeezed yet?

This man in our White House is treasonous; and must be impeached right after his Obamacare is repealed.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.



Friday, September 20, 2013

Something's wrong with my guns!

Yesterday morning I went to the pistol range with my two .38's and my .357. I fired over 300 rounds at stationary targets, and had a great time. 

When I returned home I put my 300 spent casings in the tumbler to clean for my reloading later. Then I thoroughly cleaned all three firearms. I love the look and feel of a stainless steel firearm after its cleaned and polished.

Then I placed my three firearms in the designated areas in the house, informed my wife, and told her all three firearms were loaded. Then I headed for the shower to get ready for lunch.

Then a strange phenomenon  occurred for several hours after I placed the guns in their designated locations. The three firearms did not move at all. I kept looking in on the two .38's and the .357, and they remained motionless.

I couldn't get over it. All three firearms remained still, and did not rise up and shoot at any target or person for that matter. I knew something was wrong. I silently kept reminding myself what the gun-control advocates have been telling us for  a long time now.  The advocates keep telling us that these horrible weapons are solely responsible for killing people. These guns must be taken away from Second Amendment, law abiding citizens.

The firearms used in Tucson, Aurora movie theater, Newtown, D.C. Naval Yard, and on the streets of Chicago just yesterday appeared on their own and mysteriously began firing.  No humans were involved in the firing of these weapons.

Sorry that I'm taking so long to write this blog. Every few minutes I stop typing, and go check up on my firearms in the house. Yep, they're still laying their motionless. According to the gun control advocates maybe my firearms would just rise up and start firing away on their own.

CBS, CNN, and MSNBC, along with many Democrat congressional leaders like Barbara Feinstein claimed the Naval Yard massacre occured because of the AR-15 assault weapon.  At first CNN and CBS in their eagerness to "be first" even identified the wrong man as the shooter, and kept reporting about the AR-15 used in the shooting.

Please excuse me for a minute....I'm going to check on my firearms to see if they've moved at all.  I'm back again, and my firearms are still not moving.

Have you ever given any thought what would happen if all law-abiding Second Amendment citizens had to surrender their hunting rifles, and handguns, and all firearms?  Simply put, "if you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns".

I can't seem to get an answer from a gun control advocate when I ask them, "Why is the highest gun crime in the U.S. in cities that have gun-free communities? Their only answer is a long drawn out diatribe that ALL guns must be taken off the streets. When I ask if they think criminals will surrender their firearms they just continue with some senseless diatribe.

Believe it or not; some even blame gun crimes on the poverty that Bush started, so of course, "IT'S ALL BUSH'S FAULT". Of course I always expect that when Democrats are stuck for an intelligent answer.

Some of the finest law-abiding, Second Amendment loving citizens I've ever met have been on the pistol range shooting at stationary targets with their .38's, .22's, 9mm.'s, etc. Has anyone ever seen a thug criminal on the pistol range? I never have.

Yep, my firearms are still laying there as I left them. Do you think that just maybe, "guns don't kill people....people kill people".

By the way, this week there will be over a thousand car accidents in the country, and over one hundred killed in car accidents. Will you please help me in my quest to take all automobiles off the highways so we can save prevent auto accidents and save hundreds of citizens. Can I count on your help?

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

what are you complaining for?

Short blog today. Watching my Brownies play the Ravens, and switching over to hope that Furyk wins the BMW golf tournament today. 

Talk about buyer's remorse. All that you read about, hear on the radio, and see on TV is what a horrible job this president is doing. Well folks, millions of us saw this in 2008, and voted the right way, but with the aid of a fawning media and some "suspect" balloting, the "community-organizer-in-chief" managed to attain residency in our White House.

You would think America saw the "signs" back then. First he proclaimed  he was going to "fundamentally transform" our great country. Many G.W. Bush haters, along with the progressive left wing liberals, thought this was a great idea. Then he surrounds himself with unqualified friends that will agree with everything he does and proposes. I mean, really, Holder, Jarret, Axelrod, Cutter, and maybe a very clear signal was his VP selection, Joe Biden. Then, this man, elected to the highest office in the land, travels to other countries with apologetic speeches about all the "faults" our great country.

Did anyone really believe that a man with no job experience, no military experience, and having served only 143 days as a Senator, that voted "present" nearly all the time, could really become the leader of the free world? 

Remember that famous saying, "fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice shame on me"? My point is we Americans have no one really to blame on the way this man is trying to ruin our country but ourselves. You'd think we would've learned from the first four years, but no, not us.  I remember an acquaintance of mine that said he's was going to vote for Obama again, because "he needs another four years to fix the mess that Bush got us into". Now that's true Obama loyalty for you.

Why continue to blame this poor inept man who has no idea whatsoever about being a leader. Hey, I would like the job of being President. I'd appoint my lawyer cousin as Attorney General.
Then my crazy high school brawling friend Bob would be Secretary of Defense. My good friend Ted would be my national security adviser, with my wife as my Vice President. 

I would have a blast. It would be great. I mean, if you citizens are crazy enough to vote me in office I will accept the job. Just think what I'd be doing; living in that great big house with parties every Wednesday with Hollywood stars, scores of Secret Service opening doors for me, while guarding me. Dining on festive lavish dinners with leaders of other countries, with photo ops.

And every time a problem would arise, I would just call it a "phony scandal", and lie about it in front of my teleprompters. When something occurred that really needed attention, I'd just send out one of my friends that I gave good positions to, then go golfing.  I would promise the unions, and all my donors everything they wanted, then just lie about it.

It would be great. Golfing with my buddies, vacationing with my wife to exotic places while you stupid Americans pay for it. Wow, is this a great country or what?

Well, the truth is that you Americans really would be stupid for voting me into the highest office in the land. But then, isn't that what you did do, not once, but TWICE, so what are you complaining about so much.

And you know the truth? I could do just as good job as the guy that's in there now. We'd sure be drilling and fracking, and telling the middle east to "pound salt".

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.



Saturday, September 14, 2013

You think we're stupid?

I mean, really, Mr. President, how stupid do you think the American people are? Do you honestly think any of us are buying what you're saying and doing now?  The only person that's happy with you right now is former president Jimmy Carter. You're making him seem like a decisive warrior.  Do you think we don't know what you're doing? Or should I write, what you're not doing?

After you actually threatened to attack Syria you discovered that an overwhelming majority of Americans, including many in your own Democrat party did not want any type of attack in Syria. So you go on national TV and almost in the same sentence of speaking of an attack on Syria you almost whisper, "but I'll wait for Congress to vote on it".

You couldn't even get support from your Hollywood gang. I never saw the likes of Springsteen, Sarandon, Clooney, Moore, Jay-Z, Hanks, etc., along with the rest of your Hollywood posse remain so silent. It was laughable. So there you were in a hole you couldn't dig out of.

And talk about stupid mixed messages. Kerry comes out and with a strong presidential message supporting your stance with a promise to take action against Syria slaughtering it's people with chemical weapons, with a promise you were definitely going to move forward with or without Congress.

Later, you stand in front of a teleprompter for seventeen minutes with your usual diatribe of "I", "me", and "mine", expecting the American people to believe your comment that you're going to wait for Congress to decide. As I wrote earlier; do you think we're stupid?  You are so spineless, you couldn't even stand by your 2012 "red line" decision.

Even your fawning slave media began to question your leadership. Well there is that Sharpton guy over at MSNBC, who still thinks you're the greatest. Of course we know of his credibility.
Even your famous "thrill up my leg" Chrissy Matthews began to question you.

And what happens while you shrink into the background, unable to make a decision, and desperately seeking someone to lead? Here comes one of our country's worst adversaries, Vladimar Putin, and what does old shirtless Vlad do? He makes  you look like he's your pimp, and you're his b****. 

In just a few hours Vladimar Putin turned you into the biggest disgrace the office of the Presidency has ever known. Late night TV comics made you the blunt of their jokes. One even suggested we trade to Russia for Putin. Another TV comic said to his audience that your ratings have dropped so low that even Kenya is denying your were born there.

Have you felt the tide starting to turn a little Mr. President? And it couldn't come at a better time. We're just a little over a year from the mid-term 2014 elections. Thank you for all the ammunition. Here we come Mr. Disgracer-in-Chief.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops. 

Friday, September 13, 2013

Something's wrong with me!

I think my wife may have spiked my coffee with something this morning. What the heck is wrong with me?  I mean, really, I'm a good American. I grew up with this strong disdain, and even hatred at times, for the infamous USSR, Communism, and don't even get me started on the infamous KGB.

I proudly wore the U.S. Air Force uniform for four years, went on to college, and lived the good American life. Speeding and parking tickets are the only laws I've ever broken. I just love this great U.S.A. I live in. 

I never thought global issues surrounding the U.S. and the world would get as confusing and mixed up as they have become lately.  I'm having a tough time having more confidence in a former KGB agent, who is the former USSR prime minister, and the current president of Russia than I am in our own current American president.

This spineless man that plays golf from our White House is more interested in his legacy and what is good for him, then he is in what's good for the people of our country. Does anyone believe he cares what Americans want? Of course he doesn't. He only wants what's good for him.  

There are evil dictators all over the world slaughtering their own people, however these tragic stories don't even make our evening news programs. With the exception of a few humanitarian assists, and some Hollywood types that want to feel good about themselves like Clooney and Angelie, our own U.S. along with the U.N. Council, does just about nothing to stop the genocide that occurs daily in these dictator run countries.

And we all know why, but hide behind the truth don't we? These other countries have nothing to offer the human race except dirt and dirty water. And, of course, we all know why we jump like kangaroos when there's a "burp" anywhere in the middle east. The answer is OIL!!

As a father of six and a grandfather of nine, my heart sinks and I shed tears when I see children suffering from chemical weapons in the streets of Syria. But you know what would cause me to shed more tears; if chemical warfare happened here on American soil to our own children.

I know I may catch some flak for this, but what's going on in Syria is NONE OF OUR DAM BUSINESS! And it doesn't take a brain storm to realize that Putin is only doing this "aid", so that he can control the flow of oil and energy. You know what will happen then.

And if we fracked and drilled for our own oil here and in Alaska, and built more refineries, we could become energy independent, and thumb our noses at the evil dictator Asaad, and Putin. Why go into Syria, give arms to Islam radicals that hate the U.S. anyway, and will most likely turn those weapons on our own assets someday.

Citizens of Syria should find their own leader and over-take the evil Asaad. We have no business spending time and funds to arm and free up rebels that hate us. Yes, it's sad and horrible that Asaad is using chemicals to kill his own children. But, while this may sound caustic, can our children here in the U.S. be assured that those children we save won't grow up to take up arms against our own children someday? Of course not.

I have several reasons for my strong dislike of our president Hitler Jr., but my utter disgust, disdain, and hatred stems mostly from his refusal to push for our own country to become energy independent by drilling and fracking right here in our own country.  Tens of thousands of Americans could be put back to work while drilling and fracking. Gasoline prices at the pumps would plummet.

These are the main reasons I continue to question why this Hitler Jr. will continue to buy oil from his Muslim people, instead of helping grow our own economy here. I know something is wrong with me; I don't trust Putin, but I respect him more than our own Hitler Jr.

Hitler Jr. must be impeached. He's destroying our country from within.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Whaddya expect?

At first I was going to skip writing a blog today, but as I sit here and watch my Brownies play  another season opening loss, (please no Cleveland Browns jokes, I've heard 'em all) I decided to write a blog to help me forget about the game.

My wife walked by and I asked, "got any ideas for a good blog today"? So, as she's leafing through a magazine, without looking up, she responds, "why not write about why this country is expecting so much out of a guy who's nothing more than a community organizer"?

As always, my wife is right (I ain't sleepin' on the couch tonight), so I came to the conclusion Barack Obama as president of the U.S. is like allowing me to perform brain surgery because I sold medical equipment for thirty years and knew all the medical terms.

Did we really expect this man to make any effective leadership decisions, when his only experience is that of a community organizer? Sure he looks good in a blue suit, and he is very adept at reading a teleprompter, but come on people, what else has he done?

It's so bad that 51% of Americans voted for a man that "claims" to have credentials that cannot and will never be verified. There are some major issues, however, that we do know about this man.  First of all, the only "job" this man ever held was that of a community organizer. By the way, what does a community organizer really do? Let me know if you ever find out OK?

This man puts a whole new meaning to "leading from behind". He certainly knows how to lead from behind all right.....way behind; like from another planet. Whenever a tragedy or crisis arises testing the mettle of our country what does this man do? He runs and hides and lets others make a decision. If the decision is correct, which is seldom, he parades out his famous words, "I", "me", and "mine".

And when it's a bad decision or bad result, as is usually the case, this man either denies it, or is nowhere to be found. I am still ready to offer a bottle of 15-year old single malt Scotch to anyone who can tell me where this man was when our Benghazi consulate was under attack.
I am not surprised that no one has contacted me yet to claim their bottle of Scotch.

Just a few days ago, looking sharp in his dark blue suit, teleprompters in place, and his ever loyal Joe Biden at his side, our president announces that he's going to attack Syria. And what does our president do next? Instead of meeting with his generals or cabinet members to discuss strategy, why, instead, he jumps in his golf cart and heads to the links.

I mean, really folks, did you expect anything more from this man? Actually, I should probably thank this man. He's made a "prophet" of me since he first ran for office back in '07.  I knew back then this man would turn out this way, but did anyone listen to me...NO, of course not. As my brilliant wife always says to me, "no one's listening to you".

Well, at least I can now brag, "neener, neener, neener, I told you so, so there".  Don't know about you, but I'm so looking forward to this upcoming week.

Our president is "taking his show on the road" to try to convince the major TV networks that "attacking Syria is the right thing to do", and as if that isn't enough guess what he's following that up with? On Tuesday, the 10th., he's putting on his pretty blue suit, getting his teleprompters primed up, and at 9:00 PM EST he's going on TV to try to convince the American people that "attacking Syria is the right thing to do".

I know I'm not the only one questioning this overkill. This man must think the American people are really stupid. We know why he's all over the TV networks with his nonsensical plea to attack Syria. It's simply because he knows Congress is not going to approve an attack on Syria, so he's trying to save face with the American people.

I confidently predict this man will ramble on and on to the American people Tuesday night on TV, and make a complete fool of himself, and no one will understand a word he's saying.  I almost find myself with pity and feeling sorry for this man...nah, not really. I mean, he's just a community organizer to me.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.


Saturday, September 7, 2013

'splain someting to me OK Lucy?

I can see the current Obama-Syria scenario playing out on the Lucille Ball TV show "I Love Lucy".  Remember when Ricky would act like he was upset and yell out "Lucy, please 'splain someting to me OK"? Us old timers can remember with great laughter when Lucy would do something crazy and Ricky would scratch his head trying to understand what she just did.

What's my point? Well, I listened to Hitler Jr.'s press conference at the G-20 Summit while he was answering questions from the press corps. This man would not give a truthful answer to any question asked of him by the reporters. Never have I watched a person speak so many words without really saying anything truthful, sincere, nor worthwhile.

As he kept rambling on with his "answers" I continued to scratch my head, turning to my wife, asking, "what the heck is he saying? Is he or is he not going to attack Syria"? All this caused, of course, was my wife becoming irritated with me as she responded, "why are you asking me...I can't make heads or tails out of what he's saying....makes no sense to me at all".

So then a reporter asks the fateful question, "Mr. President, if Congress does not approve your request to attack Syria, will you go anyway"? And for the next ten minutes this man rambled, and rambled, and rambled so incoherently that I defy anyone to understand what his major point was. I declare that even he didn't know what he wanted to say. If anyone could really understand what he was saying, please contact me. He actually sounded like that double-talking comedian that Huckabee had on his show Saturday night.

First, in 2012 he threatened Syria with an attack if they "crossed the red line".  This threat was seen and heard by billions throughout the world, and so last week our liar-in-chief denies the ever spoke those words.  Like I wrote earlier, "someone please 'splain".

When G.W. Bush was president he received the approval of Congress to attack Iraq, along with several U.N. countries, including our strongest ally, England. Today, Hitler Jr. not only is without any support of any other country, it appears our own Congress will not approve his request to attack Syria. He initiates his infamous sequester to weaken our military, and now he wants to send "my military" in harm's way to attack Syria. Well, that's what he said last week. Right now we still don't know what he's going to do. As I said, please 'splain this to me.

Now, we add to that the indecision and back tracking by this man just shows Congress must step forward to impeach this man.  This man cannot be allowed to be the leader of this country  that he is sworn to protect from all adversaries. He is making a laughing stock of this country to the world.

He attempted to appear so presidential last year when he threw down the gauntlet against Syria with his red line threat. At first the very same Democrats that condemned George Bush for attacking Iraq and initially supporting Hitler Jr. are now slowly beginning to withdraw their support of attacking Syria. 

Now it appears that our very own president is standing alone with his 2012 red line threat of attacking Syria. Suddenly, the U.S. president is withdrawing his red line threat, stating "I never threatened Syria with a red line threat".  Then in his arrogant hubris manner he proudly states, "my credibility is not on the line here...Congress and the American people's credibility is on the line".

Really, is this the type of indecisive leader our country wants or needs now?  Of course not! We need a strong leader; someone who represents all American citizens. We are being ridiculed and laughed at by other countries, especially the mid-east countries. This is certainly not what the American people want or need right now. 

This Tuesday Hitler Jr. will be speaking via TV to the American people. I can't wait for his double talk as he tries to 'splain to the American people what he's going to do.

If we had a fair media, and a fair Senate, and a fair minded Supreme Court Justice this man would be in the midst of impeachment hearings right now. 

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops



Friday, September 6, 2013

Crisis after crisis after crisis!

OK, can you guess what all these "news stories" have in common; Benghazi, IRS spying, DOJ spying, Fast & Furious, $17.Trillion national debt, Obmacare, unemployment, jobs, our failing economy, welfare, and of course, Joe Biden. OK, have you guessed what all these topics have in common? Sure you have!

Well, I've concluded through one of great news surveys, that all the aforementioned topics have not been talked about for over a week now. Syria, Syria, Syria, Asaad, Asaad; now there, I've written it; the only words that are highlighting all the news reporting for the past week. Oh yes, let's not forget the other two favorite words; red line.

Remember when Rahm Emanuel said, "never let a good crisis go to waste"? Well, this current administration has taken it one step further. King Hitler Jr., along with his followers and his slave media now is taking the stance: LET'S CONTINUE TO CREATE CRISIS AFTER CRISIS SO THAT AMERICANS WON'T TAKE THE TIME TO FOCUS ON THE TRUE ISSUES HARMING THE COUNTRY TODAY, ALONG WITH THE PREVIOUS CRISIS.

I remember a time when all the news reports were about illegal guns crossing the Mexican border, and one of those illegal weapons killed our own border patrol agent. Yes, we even nick-named it "Fast & Furious".  In fact, congress was getting "uncomfortably close" to indicting Eric Holder and his merry band for criminal behavior. Then presto, the investigation went away, as we noticed another crisis emerging on the horizon.

Suddenly, we were all shocked at the news outbreak of a terrorist massacre in our American Benghazi consulate. Ambassador Stevens, along with three American heroes were slaughtered by radical Islamic terrorists.  Soon the Benghazi massacre became the number one news story, and "fast & furious", along with the death of the border agent was soon forgotten.

Then along came the IRS spying on conservative businesses, and Benghazi was forgotten. The IRS and Lois Lerner were almost immediately forgotten with the advent of the NSA spying on Americans.  

With all these scenarios floating throughout Hitler Jr.'s slave media it was easy to get confused and focus on any one definitive issue. Seems as though these media scenarios were actually created.  Remember when Hitler Jr. called these issues "phony scandals made up by Republicans"?  Gee, Mr. President, it wasn't the GOP or Tea Party that made up these "scandals" was you, with the help of your slave media.

Last year Hitler Jr. sat back and did nothing while over 100,000 Syrians were slaughtered by their president Asaad.  Hitler Jr. tried to sound presidential and said if Asaad used chemical warfare against his own people, that would be considered "crossing the red line".

Remember recently Hitler Jr. went on a bus tour to promise middle class citizens that the economy and jobs were his number one priority. The slave media won't tell you that Hitler Jr.'s job approval ratings dropped significantly while he was touring the states with his false promises.

Nothing seemed to work for this man. He seemed to be failing in all his endeavors, including the ever-rising national debt, unemployment, IRS, NSA, Benghazi, and on and on.   Soon his own supporters seemed to question him, while his ratings continue to drop more and more.

And then just when Americans began to think about all the issues confronting our country it seemed another "saving crisis" appeared; Asaad used chemical warfare on 1,426 of its own citizens, including women and children.  

And just like that, another "crisis" appears and presto, soon the American people, with the help of the slave media, all too soon forget about our failing economy, unemployment, food stamp crisis, Benghazi, the IRS, the NSA, and all the other failures to our country initiated by Hitler Jr.

It's clear our country needs a strong decisive leader to challenge the pitfalls that face our great nation today. It's also clear that Hitler Jr. is not the man for the job. When a serious crisis arrives on the scene you can bet Hitler Jr. can be found at a fund-raiser or on the golf course.

It's gone so far that late night comedians are even making Hitler Jr. the blunt of jokes belying his failures. We will never know what truly happened in Benghazi, Lois Lerner of the IRS will continue to get paid, and probably even promoted, Eric Holder will continue to avoid the fast & furious criminal fiasco, the NSA will continue to spy on Americans, and before Hitler Jr. leaves office our national debt will be close to $20.Trillion.

President Bush had fifty countries supporting him when he declared the Iraqi attack on Sadam Hussein. The majority of the slave media, and the progressive liberal Democrats labeled President Bush a war-monger, and called him names unfit to write in this blog.

Yet, today, because of his "red line" mistake and his ego Hitler Jr. wants to insert out military into an unknown civil war. The community organizer in chief announced last week he wants to attack, then instead of contacting other country leaders or his generals, he goes golfing.

I know I'm not the only one who has noticed that Hitler Jr. cannot garner one single ally to support him in his ego maniacal  move. And have you noticed the very same Democrats who criticized Bush for his attack on Iraq are the Democrats who now support Hitler Jr. with his "lonely" attack on Asaad.

Has anyone else wondered just what the next "tragedy" that Hitler Jr. will conjure up to make us forget Syria, as he fails there, just like he's done to make us forget all the other "scandals" this evil man has conjured up.

My dream is to take back the Senate next November, keep the house, and get Chief Justice Roberts out of Hitler Jr.'s back pocket. Then maybe we can start impeachment proceedings.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops.



Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Lead from somewhere!

OK, here's how it looks; C R E D I B I L I T Y.  That's the word, in case you're wondering what it looks like Mr. President. Does anyone in this administration know what credibility means? Of course not. This President has done so much of "kicking the can down the road" maybe he should give up golf and take up soccer.

Since this man walked into our White House our credibility among countries around the world, including our allies, has plummeted to the lowest it has ever been. We have countries that we are sending foreign aid of billions a year that still hate us while they burn our flag in their streets screaming their hatred for the United States.

Will someone please tell this President to lead from somewhere; behind, front, sideways, up, down, etc., but for the sake of our country, please lead. That's why you were voted in as the leader of the free world in 2008.  People from all over the world are watching this man continue to fail as the leader of our United States, and the free world.

And all this does is continue to lose our credibility around the world. He actually believes the American people don't know what he's doing in regards to Syria. He is so afraid of losing his political capital that he won't even create a plan regarding Syria. He stands in front of his teleprompters in the Rose Garden for five minutes, and then goes golfing.

Why isn't he communicating with his Generals? Why doesn't he call Congress back early from their August recess? This man cannot make a decision of any kind. America knew this in 2008 when they decided to allow an inexperienced community organizer move into our White House.

And what did he do in his first four years in office that America would like him to repeat? Not a darn thing. Well, there is that Obamacare, that everyone is trying to escape from. Then what does 51% of Americans turn around and do in November, 2012? They allow him again to stay in our White House.

He has continued to play "hide & seek" from all the main issues surrounding our country and our allies; fast & furious, Benghazi, DOJ spying, NSA spying, IRS scandals.  He has yet to lead our country in all these scandals, but he hasn't missed his vacations and golfing. 

He has made our great country the laughing stock around the world. He can't even make a definitive plan about Syria. Regardless of what any may believe about attacking Asaad in Syria, we need our President to come up with a plan, any plan.  He just continues to hold his meetings, read from his teleprompters, and then you can bet he'll be heading to the golf course this afternoon.

Where is the U.N. in all this? They have remained completely silent. There are evil leaders in many countries around the world committing genocide against their own people, and we rarely hear about it. If we were drilling for our own oil here and in Alaska and building refineries would we even consider attacking Syria? No one has the answer.

Now, more than ever, our country needs a strong decisive leader; not a community organizer. This man is so hubris and arrogant that he refuses to discuss any issue with anyone who disagrees with him. That is not the true definition of a leader.

This man must be impeached. He is openly trying to dismantle the truths and freedoms of what so many before us have sacrificed for. Maybe, just maybe, if we retain the House and recapture the Senate in 2014 we can take steps to impeach this man.

If not, God help us.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops