In this campaign riddled with vitriol by President Obama's staff, the American people want answers on how we're going to right this sinking ship of an economy. The American people want answers, not speeches.
Really, does anyone care about the wealth of Governor Romney? At last survey and records none of Governor Romney's wealth is government money. Can the President say the same?
Our President has spent not millions, but trillions of dollars of taxpayer's money, and has nothing but a long list of failures to show for it.
Want to know why this President is going to lose in 71 days? There are so many reasons. First, his administration is spending our money, yes our money, to increase entitlement programs to the highest rate they have ever been. Our President has no business savvy, and does not know how to right our failing economic ship.
Our President has got to be the worst leader this country has ever known. Rather than roll up his sleeves to dig into our economical problems he blames his predecessor, and then he appoints commissions and committees to solve our problems. While the commissions and committees are working he is either on the golf course, or taking his family on vacation, again on taxpayer's money.
With the economy becoming worse with every week's job reports, and our growing unemployment our President is out campaigning with with Hollywood celebrities, and elite athletes. This President has golfed over one-hundred times since he took office.
After tremendous pressure he finally held a very short press conference with our White House press corps. It was the first press conference since early March of this year. Most reporters cannot even remember his answers to their questions. He just rambled on and bloviated, then left after a few questions.
Yes, the President inherited a tough time when he took office. However, for the President's first two years he had a Democrat controlled House and Senate, and still could not pass a budget. As a matter of fact the only two things our President did was take $850. billion dollars in stimulus money from the taxpayers, and get the Democrat House & Senate to pass his infamous Obamacare.
Everything else he has attempted has failed. His head of the jobs council has quit, and says he's voting for Romney His final "robbery" from the taxpayers has been his robbing Medicare of $716. billion dollars from Medicare to help pay for his signature Obamacare.
Governor Romney has stated there are forty-eight truly unnecessary Government programs he will start cutting as soon as he takes oath of office.If these programs are cut it will mean a total savings of $2.5 Trillion over ten years. These are foolish programs that have no meaningful effect on the American people, especially those out of work.
These forty-eight foolish programs will not be written here, but just to show how ridiculous they are, can you imagine our taxpaying money goes to Mohair subsidies to the tune of one million dollars a year? Seventeen million dollars ($17.Million) is set aside each year for the International Fund for Ireland. Why Mr. President?
Amtrak is a complete economic failure, yet $1.56 Billion is programmed for them each year.
There are others, more ridiculous that I've already mentioned that have no impact whatsoever on the 23 million Americans out of work or underemployed.
Folks, we have to make a change. Tomorrow I'm going to the movies to see "2016". I'll have a blog for you after I'm home from the movie.
Mr. President, what are you doing, except for reading off your telepromters, to get our unemployed and under employed back to work? What's that Mr. President? We can't hear you, but you'll hear us in November.
And that's Politics with Pete for today......God Bless our Troops.
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