Monday, August 6, 2012

Facts & Sources Mr. Reid

Now I get it. The Senate leader, Honorable(?) Harry Reid can use the Senate floor as his forum as he spews lies about his boss's Presidential rival, and it's OK.

Then Senator Reid goes on Sunday TV shows, and then to a  Huntington Post interview to just about openly admit he's a "Dirty Harry" liar. He has no proof of what he spoke, and yet the media lets him openly get away with it. 

And then it spread like a dirty disease to Wasserman-Scultz, Axelrod, and Stephenapoulus on ABC. The lie spoken by "Dirty Harry"? GOP hopeful Governor Romney hasn't paid any income tax for ten years.  Of course it's a lie. Governor Romney has not missed a year in paying his taxes. That is a fact that is clearly proven.

I'll tell you what can't be proven.Who are the sources of Harry Reid's lies?  Is this truly our First Amendment rights? What prompts the Senate Majority Leader to stand in the revered chambers of our Senate and spread lies and rumors that have no basis for proof?

I need something explained to me. Maybe a member of the progressive-liberal persuasion can educate me. Does this mean if the Senate Majority Leader can stand in the chambers of our Senate and spread lies and personal attacks, does this mean I can say, and write anything I want also, and just grin and say, "it's my First Amendment rights".

Now it's becoming clear why other news outlets get away with their lies and personal attacks, i.e., (MS)NBC, CNN, TMZ, NPR, and of course our three leaders in lies ABC, NBC, and CBS.

Reid and his partners in crime must think we voting Americans are really stupid. The Democrat party wants us to focus on "Dirty Harry's" lies, so we wont think about the high unemployment rate, the high increase in entitlements like food stamps and welfare. It ain't working Harry. We know what you're trying to do.

This President has not record, at all, to run on, and the only way he can hope to garner votes is for his minions to attack Governor Romney. By the way Harry, in all the polls taken want to know what comes in last in the interests of voters: Romney's taxes. John and Jane Doe want a job, not information on Governor Romney's taxes.

The liar in chief, Dirty Harry wants you to agree with him, without any valid and truthful sources, that Governor Romney has not paid taxes in ten years, and yet Dirty Harry has not filed any tax returns since 1987. His answer: "I'm not running for President". Yeah, Harry, but you are a public official and the leader of our Senate. What are you hiding?

Could it be what you're hiding is that you and your son are investing millions of dollars in China's building of solar panels?  You are not only a liar Mr. Reid, you are un-American.

Ask yourself Dirty Harry, if Obama were a Republican would you go after his unknown past?
Would you investigate that President Obama and his legal staff have spent almost $4million for nothing more than to cover up his past, i.e., where he was born, his college grades, the origin of his social security number, his own tax records, and a firm original copy of his birth certificate.
What is our own President hiding?

So, all you can say is, "If Romney doesn't have anything to hide tell him to release his ten years of taxes".  Well, Mr. Liar in Chief, if President Obama doesn't have anything to hide why is he spending millions to hide his past from the American people? Can you give us an answer?

Not being like you Mr. Reid I'll let you in on facts, and give you the true sources.  First of all, President Obama had to surrender his law license in 2008 in order to escape charges he lied on his bar application. My proof: State of Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Committee. You can go on-line to

Another fact Mr. Reid: Michelle Obama voluntarily surrendered her law license in 1993, after a Federal Judge gave her the option to surrender her license or face trial for Insurance fraud.
My source:

An Assistant Dean for Communication and Law Lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School states Barack Obama did not hold the title of Professor of Law.

See, Mr. Reid how easy to make statements when you have the facts? You should try it.

And that's Politics with Pete for today.....God Bless our Troops. 

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