I'm just an insignificant old man that lives in northeastern Ohio, and there may not be many readers who take a look at this blog, but with 90 days left before the Presidential election I'm going to do all I can to help oust this current administration.
What the President's team is doing now is the epitome of lies, double standards and personal attacks on those that disagree with they believe in.
The attacks on Governor Romney's tax records is a complete joke. In fact if Governor Romney chooses not to release any tax records he is protected under law. not to do so. It is his right.
If Governor Romney chooses not to release his taxes he is joined by the same elected public officials that have not released their taxes in decades, i.e., Pelosi, Reid, and mot of the members of Congress.
Our liar-in-chief, Dirty Harry claims that Governor Romney "must have something to hide".
Mr. Reid wouldn't you serve the American people better by at least trying to pass a budget, or even present a budget on the Senate floor instead of worrying about Romney's taxes.
Governor Romney's taxes are so very far down the list of what's really important to the American people. It is actually ranked at the very bottom of the list on recent polls.
Can you see the scenario now? John Doe comes home from work, tells his wife that he just got laid off, and now they can't make the house payment, or come up with money for little Johnny's braces. His wife looks at him and says, "John, I don't care about you losing your job....we got bigger problems....Romney's tax returns". Yeah, right Harry.
Harry, you stand in the Senate chambers, and claim, "there's only one reason Romney won't release his taxes....he has something to hide". Well, Harry what do you, Pelosi, and most members of Congress have to hide? Maybe lobbyists in your pockets?
Let's start with the most prolific "hider-in-Chief", our own President. It seems acceptable for our President to hide EVERYTHING about himself. The American public knows it is clearly because he has something to hide. I had three daughter in college; one completed two Master's Degrees programs. When any of them received a good grade they couldn't wait to tell the rest of the family. By the same token they didn't expound too much when they didn't get the grade they wanted. They even tried to hide certain grades at times. Kind of a natural thing parents accept.
It is "coming out of the woodwork" now by some reliable sources that President Obama was actually a very poor student at Occidental, Columbia, and Harvard. No wonder his grades are not up for public knowledge.
Add to that so many other issues of his private life that the President is spending millions to hide, while you claim Governor Romney has not paid taxes in ten years.
And now here's living proof that you are truly a Dirty Liar in Chief. If you have undeniable proof that Governor Romney has not paid taxes in ten years, then as an elected public official you are obligated to have Governor Romney arrested for failing to pay taxes.
Oh, I would pay to see you try to do that. Harry, do your job as our Senate Majority Leader. Bring a budget to the floor. You do know how to do that don't you? I just wonder because you haven't done that in nearly four years.
Harry, you are living by the sword, and guess what? The same sword is going to bring you down.
Folks, we have 90 days left to oust these kind of lying public officials from OUR White House.
Get all the facts, and question that Harry and Pelosi tells you. However, can you really blame them? They certainly can't run on any of Obama's accomplishments. Vote the right way folks.
And that's Politics with Pete for today.....God Bless our Troops
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I welcome all views, and am open for discussion, but will not tolerate personal attacks