Wednesday, August 8, 2012

C'mon Mitt, grow a pair!

Governor Romney, please know that I will be the first in the voting booth on November 6th., casting my vote for you. On the way out I will pray that enough Americans join me so you can score the electoral votes to oust this man from OUR White House.

But, Governor Romney, you must help yourself. Yes, a good defense may be a good offense at times, but you must also be aggressive on offense. You can't keep "coughing up the ball".

Did you see the movie "The Untouchables"? Remember Sean Connery's great scene when he said, "if the other guy brings a knife to the fight, you bring a gun...if the other guy sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue".

No, of course I'm not advocating physical violence of any sort. I am speaking metaphorically naturally. It seems you are sitting back and letting Obama, his minions, and the media just dump all over you. You're not fighting back.

We all know the strategy of President Obama and his staff. It is very obvious that this President has absolutely no accomplishments to run on. He has accomplished nothing that Americans want repeated for another four years.

President Obama's Health Care Plan is going to become such a gigantic failure because information from the enormous 2,970 pages bears that out. The President won't even mention his health care plan in his campaign speeches. There are 27 states that currently will not honor his policies on health care. Why is he giving nearly all Unions a waiver on his health care plan?

The President's campaign is doing nothing more than smearing you with lies. He is "dumping" on you so much it seems he's got you in a "prevent defense" mode.  Stop your darn back peddling, and get on offense, and do it now. There's only 90 days left.

And Governor Romney you have so much ammunition readily available to you.  Of course you're better than him, and you don't want to "roll around the mud", but enough is enough.
He heaps lies upon you, he's alluded you're responsible for the death of someone, he's alluded that you're a felon, and your only answer is, "That's not true".

Governor Romney, you need to do more than that.  Yes, he's the incumbent, and he's got the media supporting him, but you've got honesty, truth, integrity, and most Americans, and a much better plan for America than he has on your side.

First of all, if anyone leans towards a felonious lifestyle it's President Obama. Look at his dealings with Rezko, Ayres, Blogoyovich, the un-American Rev. Wright, the dishonest Holder, and many others. If his health care plan is not repealed many senior citizens will die because they will not be able to receive proper health care. Isn't that newsworthy information?

But, Governor Romney, you have the largest and most effective "Ace in the hole". I know you're familiar with Wayne Allen Root. He was a 1983 classmate of President Obama at Columbia University.

Mr. Root has stated there were 700 students in the 1983 Columbia graduating class, with approximately 250 students in the Political Science department. Not a single student  of the 700 knew of Barack Obama or his other name, Barry Sotero.  The Wall Street Journal also did a survey of over 400 students at Columbia, and no one knew of him.

Harry Reid has indicated you are a felon because you have not filed tax return for ten years.
Harry Reid himself has not filed any tax returns since 1987, but the media will not report that.

Wayne Allen Root, along with many other Americans, want you to fight back. A great suggestion would be for you to hold a press conference, and tell America that you will not release your tax returns until President Obama unseals his college records.

What is the President hiding? Why is he spending millions to keep his college records sealed
To get into Occidental College, Columbia University, and Harvard you need  extremely high grades and very high SAT scores.

However, there is another way for admittance into these fine schools; and that is Barack Obama or Barry Sotero was a foreign exchange student. Where did all the funds for college come from? Why is that information not available to the media and the Americans?

Governor Romney, along with President Obama's failed policies, the high unemployment, the nerly $16Trillion debt, you have so much ammunition available to you regarding his sealed college life. Harry Reid says the American people have a right to know about your tax records.

Well, the American people also have a right to know everything about the man who occupies OUR White House.  Hurry, Governor Romney. You've only got 90 days left.
You need to "grow a pair".  Don't worry; Americans will support you.

And that's Politics with Pete for today.......God Bless our Troops.

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