Monday, August 27, 2012

Scariest movie ever

I have been watching scary movies since I was a young squirt; Frankenstein, Werewolf, Exorcist, Freddie Kruger & Elm Street. Even to this day I go to the theater or RedBox to get all the latest scary movies. However, today my wife and I went to the theater and saw the scariest movie ever made. It was "2016-Obama's America". 

First of all, it was today at a 1:00 P.M., and the theater was packed. At the end of the movie-documentary all stood up and applauded. 

Let's face it folks...we know the conservative Republicans and the liberal Democrats have already made up their mind as to how they will vote. The Independents and the Undecideds will decide the outcome of this Presidential election.

This movie is a powerful eye-opener. I wish I could send a VHS tape or a DVD to everyone in the U.S.A.  before they step into the voting booth in November.

It was an awakening reflecting in great detail the roots of our President and what and who has formed his thinking. It's how certain mentors helped him shape his thinking on leading this country. Many questions are answered....questions regarding our debt and his philosophies on governing America.

The movie is not a movie, but a documentary, focusing solely on the background of our President, and the people and family members that shaped his life. It reflects as to why our President has turned his back on the Jewish country of Israel, and of his support of Palestine, and why he wouldn't challenge Iran while they are amassing nuclear warheads. 

It reflects how he has refused to help the rebels in Saudi Arabia, while the movie shows our President's philosophy of supporting Muslims to the point that some think, Obama is helping build the Middle East into the United States of Islam. A map is shown on the movie screen showing how is advancing toward this end.

The documentary reflects how our President wants to downsize Europe and the United States, while he continues his support of the Middle East's Muslim growth. He has done this in a very prominent way; refusing to drill for energy here in the United States, while we continue to purchase oil from the Middle East to promote their growth.

He is weakening our own military power. His reduction of our warheads proves this beyond a doubt. President Obama is anti-colonization and personal pursuit of all free people. He is striving to "level the playing field" by weakening the United States. Another way he is weakening us is increasing our national debt. This President has made us dependent on other countries by raising our debt more in his first term than all our other Presidents combined.

President Obama will scare our entitlement population by telling them that the Republican party wants to take away their "rights" to food stamps/welfare/extended unemployment. He continues his programs of increasing the power of Government, making more and more people less dependent on their own natural rights to progress as they choose, and more dependent on his administration. 

He does this in a smooth charismatic way, with his charm and speaking prowress. In his own words in his book, President Obama says the best way to deal with white people is to smile, and make them think you will help them, even if you don't believe in it.

The documentary will review the people that Mr. Obama were close to in college, and why he preferred certain types over others. He even has most of the media believing if they support him "all the way" then he will be a big help in their ratings.

I'm sure there are some who will not agree with this blog. So rather than start a dispute with these people, let me close with writing: please don't take my interpretation of the documentary.
Just please see the documentary for yourself, and please see it within the next 70 days before you vote.  You will be amazed. I was, and still am.

And that's Politics with Pete for today.....God Bless our country and our troops.


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