I knew it....I knew it. This United States is the greatest country since mankind started. We Americans only take so much pushing and shoving, and then we start pushing back, and that's what we're seeing now in this Presidential election campaign.
Remember when President Lincoln said, "You can't fool all the people all the time"? For me it started when the Pilgrims landed here in search of a better life. You bet life and times were tough, but we've been fighting off all the challenges since we came here to always assure our future generations that we are, in fact, the best country in the world.
This has been proven time and time again; Revolutionary War, Civil War, WW's I & II, and so on and so on. We're a great resilient country, and we will keep making sure we stay the greatest country in the world, regardless of what some may say, including our current President.
Well, now were are being challenged again, and now there are signs creeping up that we have started to "push back" against the challenge, and also signs that we may take the first big step to restoring our great country for future generations come November.
In 2008 our great country was so excited to vote our first African-American Bi-racial man into the highest office in our country. I refer to him as bi-racial, as he had a Caucasian mother. Many felt this new African-American Bi-Racial President was going to help cohesiveness between races in our country.
Then after a short time in office it became clear what the President's agenda was, and still is.
And we now now what that agenda is; spread the wealth by taxing the rich to increase our country's entitlement programs. I've mentioned this in previous blogs, so I'm not going to bring it up again. You know what our President has done, and hasn't done.
This message is about the people of this great country "pushing back". The trends in the latest polls of likely voters are distinctly reflecting this. Americans want our country back with smaller government and free market values, and freedom of pursuing our dreams through honest and decent capitalism.
Americans are now showing strong disbelief and strong negativity towards the media that is in the President's back pocket. Our main stream media are now suffering their lowest approval ratings of all time. Is it possible they are supporting a President who has no accomplishments to campaign on, and is campaigning the only way he knows how?
Our President's campaign is built on lying verbal personal attacks on Governor Romney and Congressman Ryan, and the main stream media is falling fast in their approval ratings because of their support for this President's agenda.
What I am so excited about, however, is that the American people are strongly starting to push back, and line up with the quote of President Lincoln; "can't fool all the people all the time".
Americans have weathered the President's storm of personal attacks of Governor Romney for over five months now, and plainly we aren't taking it any more.
Not being able to run on his accomplishments, and even with his pandering to his special interest groups the President even attacked candidate Romney's taxes. Americans really don't care about Governor Romney's taxes. Americans want jobs to get our economy back on track.
In fact tax returns are almost last in the issues that concern Americans.
Do you believe John Doe comes home from work, and when he tells his wife that he just got laid off that she responds, "Oh John, I don't care that you lost your job....I'm more interested in Romney's tax returns". I don't think so.
Americans are not pushing back from the main stream media, and are making their own decisions on the direction they want our country to move. Americans are showing what we're made of, and we don't need the media to tell us how to vote.
Actually Americans are starting to feel confident and even laughing at the media. We are starting to disbelieve what is being "sold" us by the media. I love what is starting to emerge from the great people of this great country.
I'm old enough to remember a Russian immigrant comedian, Yakeem Smirnoff, who came to this country and had a successful show business career. He would close his comedy routine, here in America, by saying, "Is this a great country, or what"? Yes, Mr. Smirnoff, this is a great country, and we only take so much pushing and shoving before we push back.
And when the great people of this great country start to push back, well then, watch out Mr. President, here we come. Watch us in another 74 days.
I think you should tell Michelle to start packing and calling the movers.
And that's Politics with Pete for today.......God bless the people of this great country, and God bless our troops.
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