We can all expect the hate to start flowing from the Democrat party starting next week. And we should all be prepared to sift through it, and use our own God-given abilities to make our own decisions on the upcoming Presidential election.
We must remember what has happened since President Obama took office in January, 2009 is the main reason we must be prepared for the distractions coming from the Democrats starting next week in Charlotte, North Carolina at the Democrat convention.
President Obama certainly has no record to run on. He has broken every promise he has made to the American people while campaigning for our great office in 2008. So how do you think he's going to try to get reelected?
President Obama, and his administration, his loyal followers, along with the media will use lies, hatred, and outrageous vitriol to attempt to distract Americans from the true issues that face our country today, and how much worse off our country has become under President Obama's lack of leadership.
Actually, the hatred, lies, and vitriol is already starting with the media covering the Republican convention. Have you noticed it? There's one news network that is very deep in President Obama's back pocket. This network I write about is now broadcasting from the Republican convention calling Republicans "whitey racists", and accusing Republicans of being against minorities.
Some networks at the convention will prove their hatred and bias by refusing to televise a minority speaker or an African-American speaker. A spin is put on every issue that comes from the convention.
It appears the Democrat party thinks we Americans are really stupid, and are going to buy the President's Kool-Aid again now, as 52% of Americans did in 2008. Americans aren't going to allow the hate and vitriol spewing out from the Democrat party and the media to blindside Americans from the true issues at hand.
I won't bring up the President's failed issues in this blog, as I have in others. I will ask the critics of my conservative Republican views in my blogs, to contact me and tell one just one thing President Obama has done in his first term that you want him to repeat. Also, I'd like everyone to ask yourself, are you better off today than you were four years ago?
The President has a lot of support from people that constantly spew out racist remarks against anyone who happens to disagree with the President and his policies; Jessee Jackson, Al Sharpton, Rev. Wright, Bill Ayres, Louie Farrakhan, and of course, the media. You can be sure this group of people will quickly spew lies and hatred on all who disagree with the President.
I caution all Americans to be aware of this starting next week in Charlotte, North Carolina at the Democrat convention. Their whole convention will be based on personal attacks on Governor Romney and Congressman Ryan. You can also be sure the remaining days of this Presidential race there will be an endless amount of lies and vitriol coming from Mr. Obama and his administration. He must do that. What record can he run on?
I'll close by asking any American who reads this; do you want another four years of what this President has done? Of course you don't.
Just please be aware and sift through all the distractions you are about to get heaped upon you.
And that's Politics with Pete for today......God Bless our country and our Troops.
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