Ever notice what professional teams do that are in last place. They have give-away programs, T-Shirt nights, bobble-head doll nights, kids and ladies get in free days and nights. Why do you think they have these programs?
It's simply because they're in last place, and they have to find ways to distract you from how bad their team is performing. Teams that are in first place have no need to do this. They want their fans to know how well they're performing.
It's the same thing we're experiencing today in politics. Our current administration, under President Obama, has created the worst economic condition this country has ever experienced.
Under this President our national debt has skyrocketed to $16Trillion, our unemployment rose to 8.2% even after a stimulus package of $825Billion of taxpayer's money was spent.
This President refuses to drill for oil here in the U.S., and has blocked the Keystone Pipeline from Canada as gas prices continue to rise every day. Companies he has given our taxpayer's money to have gone bankrupt. Solar panel production, along with car production is being sent to foreign countries.
The President campaigns that "the private sector is doing fine....we need help in the public sector". Do you remember one of his most famous statements, with the teleprompters running, "if you have a business...you didn't build that...someone else built it".
And just what is our President doing about this? He's doing exactly what a last place professional team does. He uses gimmicks, lies, personal attacks so that voting Americans will not focus on just how poorly President Obama is doing.
The President uses Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid to spew lies stating, "the word is out....Governor Romney hasn't filed his taxes, and paid no taxes in ten years". Of course we know this is a lie. Well, the President and Reid simply answers, so what? We have the media in our back pocket. You can't do anything about it.
And of course there is now the most despicable lie and personal attack TO DATE: the President's team is now putting an ad out that accuses Governor Romney of closing down a steel company that caused a Joe Soptic to lose his health insurance, and shortly thereafter his wife died of cancer because he, no his wife had no insurance coverage.
Would you like to read the facts? First of all Mr. Soptic later confessed he was offered a buy-out by Bain Capital when the steel plant was closed. Secondly, Governor Romney had left Bain Capital five years before the steel company was closed down.
And now the frosting on the cake. Mr. Soptic's wife died seven, yes seven years later, and had health insurance from another company, on her own, that she lost. What does President Obama's team say? So what...the media will never report it, even though some prominent Democrats are degrading such a disgusting lie and personal attack. President Obama's team actually wants Americans to believe that Governor Romney had something to do with Mrs. Soptic's death from cancer.
Of course this is a gigantic falsehood, but while Americans are thinking of this lie, guess what they're not thinking about? Yep, you guessed it...just how poorly President Obama is doing while he's in OUR White House.
Currently we have approximately 100Million people on entitlement programs in addition to Social Security and MediCare. President Obama's latest scheme while on his campaign stumps is to try to convince these 100Million people that Governor Romney will take away their entitlements if he is elected.
So, while the 100Million people are thinking of losing their welfare/unemployment/food stamps, under Governor Romney, guess what they're not thinking of? Yep, you guessed it...they're not focusing on just how bad our economy is doing, the 8.2% unemployment, and the $16Trillion debt our President has gotten us into.
Now, should President Obama get reelected just who is going to pay for all these growing entitlement programs in future years as our debt and unemployment grows by leaps and bounds.
Folks, the truth is that the lies and personal attacks by the President teams are going to escalate and get worse, mainly because no one is going to stop them, and the media will not only not report any of these lies and personal attacks, they will actually support the lies and personal attacks.
Stand by folks....the attacks from President Obama's team are just going to get worse. Of course there is a solution, and you know what it is; vote Obama out of OUR White House in November.
And that's Politics with Pete for today.....God Bless our Troops
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