I want to talk (write) to our President. Mr. President, do you fully understand the meaning and machinations of the three words Gross Domestic Product? Many Americans really don't think you do.
Our country's Gross Domestic Product simply means the total monetary value of goods and services produced in our country. Now, do you understand our national debt, and what the phrase, "debt to GDP means"?
Since you've been in office Mr. President you have raised our national debt $5.3 trillion dollars, and are well on your way to $6 trillion by the end of only one term. This is more than ALL previous Presidents COMBINED. Most Americans are now praying you're only getting one term to spend our money.
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has factually reported that under your watch our debt to GDP has increased to 67% in 2010, and the CBO has projected that by year's end in 2012 our debt to GDP will increase to 70%.
In case you don't get it, this means that 70% of all the revenue we make from goods and services in our country goes to paying off our national debt. Further, it is predicted that should our country stay on your paths we will reach 200% by year 2037. Is this the future debt you want for our future generations? Is your only answer, "turn on the printing machines"?
If we stay on this course the only alternative our country has is to increase our national debt, by borrowing and printing more money. This will surely downgrade our triple-A rating significantly. Mr. President you have, by far, caused this travesty that will further cause a horrific economical and financial atmosphere, from which they may never recover.
Mr. President you promised that your $835.Billion stimulus dollars would drop the unemployment to 6%. We are now at 8.3% and climbing. First week jobless claims for unemployment is averging close to 400,000 per week. How can there be growth with these numbers Mr. President?
The average household annual income has dropped 5% since you've been in office. We now have 110 million people receiving welfare benefits, mostly Medicaid or food stamps. This is the highest since the great depression, and you are driving our country down that path again.
Currently the government health programs are 5% of GDP. With Obamacare our government health programs will grow to a cost of 10% of GDP. What do you say to our youths when they realize that in twenty years this will grow to 16%.
You still refuse to drill for energy here in the U.S. As our energy and gasoline prices continue to rise you continue to buy oil from the Middle East and countries that actually hate our country.
Your administration made fun of Sarah Palin when she spoke of all the unclaimed oil reserves in Alaska by making jokes of her statement of "drill baby drill". Well, Mr. President we're very close again to $4.00 a gallon for gasoline at the pumps. Is there any humor in that Mr. President?
You looked and sounded good in early 2009 and people were drinking the Kool-Aid when you stood in front of your telepromtors and told us you amassed the great economical team of Summers, Romer, Goolsbee, Orszag, Geithner, and Volker. The problem was Mr. President is that you didn't lead this team, and with no leadership most of them resigned and walked away.
Mr. President, we have no growth under your failed leadership. You predicted that under your watch we would grow to 3.2% in 2010, 4.0% in 2011, and 4.6% in 2012. Now here's the true figures of growth presented by the CBO; 2.4% in 2010, 1.8% in 2011, and further projects that we will only grow 2.3% this year.
Mr. President, what in heaven's name are you doing? Get off the golf course, get off the basketball court, quit hanging out with the celebrities and rich athletes that pump up your ego.
If someone put someone on an assignment to economically ruin our country, there could not be a better person to you.
Your administration is so ashamed of what you've done, and what you've projected that a budget has not been passed in over three years. The last budget you tried to squeeze through was defeated 0-99 by your own Democrat controlled Senate. Ironically, you tried to blame that on the Republicans in the House and Senate.
Please Mr. President be a man, step up and admit the failures of your "Hope & Change" policies. Tell Michelle to start packing and to call the movers. That's the very best you can do for our great country.
Americans really don't want to hear that this is all your predecessor's fault. You have done nothing to help us at all. Please Mr. President get out of OUR White House.
And that's Politics with Pete for today.....God Bless our country, and God Bless our troops.
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