Thursday, August 30, 2012

Here comes hate!

We can all expect the hate to start flowing from the Democrat party starting next week.  And we should all be prepared to sift through it, and use our own God-given abilities to make our own decisions on the upcoming Presidential election.

We must remember what has happened since President Obama took office in January, 2009 is the main reason we must be prepared for the distractions coming from the Democrats starting next week in Charlotte, North Carolina at the Democrat convention.

President Obama certainly has no record to run on. He has broken every promise he has made to the American people while campaigning for our great office in 2008. So how do you think he's going to try to get reelected?

President Obama, and his administration, his loyal followers, along with the media will use lies, hatred, and outrageous vitriol to attempt to distract Americans from the true issues that face our country today, and how much worse off our country has become under President Obama's lack of leadership.

Actually, the hatred, lies, and vitriol is already starting with the media covering the Republican convention. Have you noticed it?  There's one news network that is very deep in President Obama's back pocket. This network I write about is now broadcasting from the Republican convention calling Republicans "whitey racists", and accusing Republicans of being against minorities.

Some networks at the convention will prove their hatred and bias by refusing to televise a minority speaker or an African-American speaker.  A spin is put on every issue that comes from the convention. 

It appears the Democrat party thinks we Americans are really stupid, and are going to buy the President's Kool-Aid again now, as 52% of Americans did in 2008. Americans aren't going to allow the hate and vitriol spewing out from the Democrat party and the media to blindside Americans from the true issues at hand. 

I won't bring up the President's failed issues in this blog, as I have in others. I will ask the critics of my conservative Republican views in my blogs, to contact me and tell one just one thing President Obama has done in his first term that you want him to repeat. Also, I'd like everyone to ask yourself, are you better off today than you were four years ago?

The President has a lot of support from people that constantly spew out racist remarks against anyone who happens to disagree with the President and his policies; Jessee Jackson, Al Sharpton, Rev. Wright, Bill Ayres, Louie Farrakhan, and of course, the media. You can be sure this group of people will quickly spew lies and hatred on all who disagree with the President.

I caution all Americans to be aware of this starting next week in Charlotte, North Carolina at the Democrat convention.  Their whole convention will be based on personal attacks on Governor Romney and Congressman Ryan. You can also be sure the remaining days of this Presidential race there will be an endless amount of lies and vitriol coming from Mr. Obama and his administration. He must do that.  What record can he run on?

I'll close by asking any American who reads this; do you want another four years of what this President has done? Of course you don't. 

Just please be aware and sift through all the distractions you are about to get heaped upon you.

And that's Politics with Pete for today......God Bless our country and our Troops.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Mr. President...what is GDP?

I want to talk (write) to our President.  Mr. President, do you fully understand the meaning and machinations of the three words Gross Domestic Product? Many Americans really don't think you do.

Our country's Gross Domestic Product simply means the total monetary value of goods and services produced in our country. Now, do you understand our national debt, and what the phrase, "debt to GDP means"?

Since you've been in office Mr. President you have raised our national debt $5.3 trillion dollars, and are well on your way to $6 trillion by the end of only one term. This is more than ALL previous Presidents COMBINED. Most Americans are now praying you're only getting one term to spend our money.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has factually reported that under your watch our debt to GDP has increased to 67% in 2010, and the CBO has projected that by year's end in 2012 our debt to GDP will increase to 70%.

In case you don't get it, this means that 70% of all the revenue we make from goods and services in our country goes to paying off our national debt. Further, it is predicted that should our country stay on your paths we will reach 200% by year 2037. Is this the future debt you want for our future  generations? Is your only answer, "turn on the printing machines"?

If we stay on this course the only alternative our country has is to increase our national debt, by borrowing and printing more money. This will surely downgrade our triple-A rating significantly.  Mr. President you have, by far, caused this travesty that will further cause a horrific economical and financial atmosphere, from which they may never recover.

Mr. President you promised that your $835.Billion stimulus dollars would drop the unemployment to 6%.  We are now at 8.3% and climbing. First week jobless claims for unemployment is averging close to 400,000 per week. How can there be growth with these numbers Mr. President?

The average household annual income has dropped 5% since you've been in office. We now have 110 million people receiving welfare benefits, mostly Medicaid or food stamps. This is the highest since the great depression, and you are driving our country down that path again.

Currently the government health programs are 5% of GDP. With Obamacare our government health programs will grow to a cost of 10% of GDP. What do you say to our youths when they realize that in twenty years this will grow to 16%.

You still refuse to drill for energy here in the U.S. As our energy and gasoline prices continue to rise you continue to buy oil from the Middle East and countries that actually hate our country.
Your administration made fun of Sarah Palin when she spoke of all the unclaimed oil reserves in Alaska by making jokes of her statement of "drill baby drill". Well, Mr. President we're very close again to $4.00 a gallon for gasoline at the pumps. Is there any humor in that Mr. President?

You looked and sounded good in early 2009 and people were drinking the Kool-Aid when you stood in front of your telepromtors and told us you amassed the great economical team of  Summers, Romer, Goolsbee, Orszag, Geithner, and Volker. The problem was Mr. President is that you didn't lead this team, and with no leadership most of them resigned and walked away.

Mr. President, we have no growth under your failed leadership. You predicted that under your watch we would grow to 3.2% in 2010, 4.0% in 2011, and 4.6% in 2012.  Now here's the true figures of growth presented by the CBO; 2.4% in 2010, 1.8% in 2011, and further projects that we will only grow 2.3% this year. 

Mr. President, what in heaven's name are you doing? Get off the golf course, get off the basketball court, quit hanging out with the celebrities and rich athletes that pump up your ego.
If someone put someone on an assignment to economically ruin our country, there could not be a better person to you.

Your administration is so ashamed of what you've done, and what you've projected that a budget has not been passed in over three years. The last budget you tried to squeeze through was defeated 0-99 by your own Democrat controlled Senate. Ironically, you tried to blame that on the Republicans in the House and Senate.

Please Mr. President be a man, step up and admit the failures of your "Hope & Change" policies. Tell Michelle to start packing and to call the movers. That's the very best you can do for our great country.

Americans really don't want to hear that this is all your predecessor's fault. You have done nothing to help us at all. Please Mr. President get out of OUR White House.

And that's Politics with Pete for today.....God Bless our country, and God Bless our troops.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Scariest movie ever

I have been watching scary movies since I was a young squirt; Frankenstein, Werewolf, Exorcist, Freddie Kruger & Elm Street. Even to this day I go to the theater or RedBox to get all the latest scary movies. However, today my wife and I went to the theater and saw the scariest movie ever made. It was "2016-Obama's America". 

First of all, it was today at a 1:00 P.M., and the theater was packed. At the end of the movie-documentary all stood up and applauded. 

Let's face it folks...we know the conservative Republicans and the liberal Democrats have already made up their mind as to how they will vote. The Independents and the Undecideds will decide the outcome of this Presidential election.

This movie is a powerful eye-opener. I wish I could send a VHS tape or a DVD to everyone in the U.S.A.  before they step into the voting booth in November.

It was an awakening reflecting in great detail the roots of our President and what and who has formed his thinking. It's how certain mentors helped him shape his thinking on leading this country. Many questions are answered....questions regarding our debt and his philosophies on governing America.

The movie is not a movie, but a documentary, focusing solely on the background of our President, and the people and family members that shaped his life. It reflects as to why our President has turned his back on the Jewish country of Israel, and of his support of Palestine, and why he wouldn't challenge Iran while they are amassing nuclear warheads. 

It reflects how he has refused to help the rebels in Saudi Arabia, while the movie shows our President's philosophy of supporting Muslims to the point that some think, Obama is helping build the Middle East into the United States of Islam. A map is shown on the movie screen showing how is advancing toward this end.

The documentary reflects how our President wants to downsize Europe and the United States, while he continues his support of the Middle East's Muslim growth. He has done this in a very prominent way; refusing to drill for energy here in the United States, while we continue to purchase oil from the Middle East to promote their growth.

He is weakening our own military power. His reduction of our warheads proves this beyond a doubt. President Obama is anti-colonization and personal pursuit of all free people. He is striving to "level the playing field" by weakening the United States. Another way he is weakening us is increasing our national debt. This President has made us dependent on other countries by raising our debt more in his first term than all our other Presidents combined.

President Obama will scare our entitlement population by telling them that the Republican party wants to take away their "rights" to food stamps/welfare/extended unemployment. He continues his programs of increasing the power of Government, making more and more people less dependent on their own natural rights to progress as they choose, and more dependent on his administration. 

He does this in a smooth charismatic way, with his charm and speaking prowress. In his own words in his book, President Obama says the best way to deal with white people is to smile, and make them think you will help them, even if you don't believe in it.

The documentary will review the people that Mr. Obama were close to in college, and why he preferred certain types over others. He even has most of the media believing if they support him "all the way" then he will be a big help in their ratings.

I'm sure there are some who will not agree with this blog. So rather than start a dispute with these people, let me close with writing: please don't take my interpretation of the documentary.
Just please see the documentary for yourself, and please see it within the next 70 days before you vote.  You will be amazed. I was, and still am.

And that's Politics with Pete for today.....God Bless our country and our troops.


Sunday, August 26, 2012

Show us the money

In this campaign riddled with vitriol by President Obama's staff, the American people want answers on how we're going to right this sinking ship of an economy. The American people want answers, not speeches.

Really, does anyone care about the wealth of Governor Romney?  At last survey and records none of Governor Romney's wealth is government money. Can the President say the same?
Our President has spent not millions, but trillions of dollars of taxpayer's money, and has nothing but a long list of failures to show for it.

Want to know why this President is going to lose in 71 days?  There are so many reasons. First, his administration is spending our money, yes our money, to increase entitlement programs to the highest rate they have ever been. Our President has no business savvy, and does not know how to right our failing economic ship.

Our President has got to be the worst leader this country has ever known. Rather than roll up his sleeves to dig into our economical problems he blames his predecessor, and then he appoints commissions and committees to solve our problems. While the commissions and committees are working he is either on the golf course, or taking his family on vacation, again on taxpayer's money.

With the economy becoming worse with every week's job reports, and our growing unemployment our President is out campaigning with with Hollywood celebrities, and elite athletes. This President has golfed over one-hundred times since he took office. 

After tremendous pressure he finally held a very short press conference with our White House press corps. It was the first press conference since early March of this year.  Most reporters cannot even remember his answers to their questions. He just rambled on and bloviated, then left after a few questions.

Yes, the President inherited a tough time when he took office. However, for the President's first two years he had a Democrat controlled House and Senate, and still could not pass a budget. As a matter of fact the only two things our President did was take $850. billion dollars in stimulus money from the taxpayers, and get the Democrat House & Senate to pass his infamous Obamacare.

Everything else he has attempted has failed. His head of the jobs council has quit, and says he's voting for Romney His final "robbery" from the taxpayers has been his robbing Medicare of $716. billion dollars from Medicare to help pay for his signature Obamacare.

Governor Romney has stated there are forty-eight truly unnecessary Government programs he will start cutting as soon as he takes oath of office.If these programs are cut it will mean a total savings of $2.5 Trillion over ten years. These are foolish programs that have no meaningful effect on the American people, especially those out of work.

These forty-eight foolish programs will not be written here, but just to show how ridiculous they are, can you imagine our taxpaying money goes to Mohair subsidies to the tune of one million dollars a year? Seventeen million dollars ($17.Million) is set aside each year for the International Fund for Ireland. Why Mr. President?

Amtrak is a complete economic failure, yet $1.56 Billion is programmed for them each year.

There are others, more ridiculous that I've already mentioned that have no impact whatsoever on the 23 million Americans out of work or underemployed.

Folks, we have to make a change.  Tomorrow I'm going to the movies to see "2016". I'll have a blog for you after I'm home from the movie. 

Mr. President, what are you doing, except for reading off your telepromters, to get our unemployed and under employed  back to work? What's that Mr. President? We can't hear you, but you'll hear us in November.

And that's Politics with Pete for today......God Bless our Troops.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Is this a great country or what?

I knew it....I knew it. This United States is the greatest country since mankind started. We Americans only take so much pushing and shoving,  and then we start pushing back, and that's what we're seeing now in this Presidential election campaign.

Remember when President Lincoln said, "You can't fool all the people all the time"? For me it started when the Pilgrims landed here in search of a better life. You bet life and times were tough, but we've been fighting off all the challenges since we came here to always assure our future generations that we are, in fact, the best country in the world.

This has been proven time and time again; Revolutionary War, Civil War, WW's I & II, and so on and so on. We're a great resilient country, and we will keep making sure we stay the greatest country in the world, regardless of what some may say, including our current President.

Well, now were are being challenged again, and now there are signs creeping up that we have started to "push back" against the challenge, and also signs that we may take the first big step to restoring our great country for future generations come November.

In 2008 our great country was so excited to vote our first African-American Bi-racial man into the highest office in our country. I refer to him as bi-racial, as he had a Caucasian mother. Many felt this new African-American Bi-Racial President was going to help cohesiveness  between races in our country.

Then after a short time in office it became clear what the President's agenda was, and still is.
And we now now what that agenda is; spread the wealth by taxing the rich to increase our country's entitlement programs.  I've mentioned this in previous blogs, so I'm not going to bring it up again. You know what our President has done, and hasn't done.

This message is about the people of this great country "pushing back".  The trends in the latest polls of likely voters are distinctly reflecting this. Americans want our country back with smaller government and free market values, and freedom of pursuing our dreams through honest and decent capitalism.

Americans are now showing strong disbelief and strong negativity towards the media that is in the President's back pocket. Our main stream media are now suffering their lowest approval ratings of all time. Is it possible they are supporting a President who has no accomplishments to campaign on, and is campaigning the only way he knows how?

Our President's campaign is built on lying verbal personal attacks on Governor Romney and Congressman Ryan, and the main stream media is falling fast in their approval ratings because of their support for this President's agenda.

What I am so excited about, however, is that the American people are strongly starting to push back, and line up with the quote of President Lincoln; "can't fool all the people all the time".
Americans have weathered the President's storm of personal attacks of Governor Romney for over five months now, and plainly we aren't taking it any more.

Not being able to run on his accomplishments, and even with his pandering to his special interest groups the President even attacked candidate Romney's taxes. Americans really don't care about Governor Romney's taxes. Americans want jobs to get our economy back on track.
In fact tax returns are almost last in the issues that concern Americans.

Do you believe John Doe comes home from work, and when he tells his wife that he just got laid off that she responds, "Oh John, I don't care that you lost your job....I'm more interested in Romney's tax returns". I don't think so.

Americans are not pushing back from the main stream media, and are making their own decisions on the direction they want our country to move. Americans are showing what we're made of, and we don't need the media to tell us how to vote.

Actually Americans are starting to feel confident and even laughing at the media. We are starting to disbelieve what is being "sold" us by the media.  I love what is starting to emerge from the great people of this great country.

I'm old enough to remember a Russian immigrant comedian, Yakeem Smirnoff, who came to this country and had a successful show business career. He would close his comedy routine, here in America, by saying, "Is this a great country, or what"?  Yes, Mr. Smirnoff, this is a great country, and we only take so much pushing and shoving before we push back.

And when the great people of this great country start to push back, well then, watch out Mr. President, here we come. Watch us in another 74 days.

I think you should tell Michelle to start packing and calling the movers. 

And that's Politics with Pete for today.......God bless the people of this great country, and God bless our troops.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Do you want

My Democrat friends, relatives, and acquaintances tease me that the President (Obama) will get reelected "cause people just like him more than Romney". When I come back with "yeah, but the polls are showing strongly that Americans want Romney to fix the economy, create more jobs, and repeal Obamacare", They just remind me that Obama is ahead in popularity and, "it doesn't matter, he'll be back in, cause people just like him more".

Did you ever wonder why a lot of people will state that they trust Romney with their money, and to create jobs, but "like" Obama more?

Well, it's an easy answer.  Obama's friends at ABC, CBS, NBC, (MS)NBC, CNN, and PBS will not report the truth of the "Greece" state we're in. They will only report to you what Obama wants you to hear and watch.

Now,  Obama will pander to his special group of entitlement groupies by having his media cronies tell you that the Republicans want to take away their unemployment benefits, food stamps, and welfare. So it's easy to understand why the millions  currently receiving these entitlements will  want to make sure they don't lose their freebies and God forbid, have to try to find work.

Governor Romney is being attacked because of his tax promotions. Rather than argue or debate that issue, I just want to simply ask, "When is the last time one of the entitlement people on unemployment/welfare/food stamps ever created a job"?

Do Americans really want four more years of an administration, with Obama at the helm, that raised unemployment to the highest consistent level (8.2%) we've had since WW2?

The Congressional Business Office has reported we will definitely be in a recession if we don't immediately change the path we are currently on, and the President's answer is to rob $716 billion dollars from Medicare, beginning in 2013. Someone should tell Mr. Obama robbing Medicare and raising taxes on the job creators is not the answer to our economic problems.

Today, when the White House press secretary was asked by the press corps, "why isn't the President meeting with Congressional officials to discuss the economy is sinking badly every day"?
The White House secretary just simply replied, "the President feels that 98% of Americans agree with what the President wants to do". 

Really, is that our President's answer to an ever continuing economy in a downward spiral?
Do we want four more years of a President who wants to allow millions of illegal aliens to enter our workforce at a time when we have 23.5 million Americans out of work or underemployed?

Do we Americans want four more years of a President who created a jobs council, but has not met with them in months? This, at a time when our economy is headed for Greece.  Now there's a business reporter on TV that reports today that a very good source is saying jobs czar Jeffrey Immelt is leaving Obama and will vote for Romney.

Do we want four more years of a President who has increased our national debt in less than four years more than all our Presidents before him COMBINED! Yes, I just wrote combined. His media friends won't report how close we are to a recession/depression because Obama is telling them not to so he can raise taxes on anyone earning over $200,000. a year

By the way Mr. President how were you able to give hundreds of thousands of dollars to your biggest media crony, (MS)NBC, to buy advertising. Now tell us, where did you get this money...yep from your great stimulus package that went to Solyndra, and GM, and may other entities that went bankrupt.

Do we want four more years of a President that since he's been in office, middle class families have lost on average over $4,000., and have raised our national debt over a trillion dollars a year?  Are Americans going to vote in a President that refuses to drill for oil here in the good old U.S.A., while gas prices reach all time highs, as we continue to buy oil from countries that hate us? Are you going to vote for a President that believes, "the private sector is fine", or vote for him even if he says to business owners, "you didn't build that business...someone else did?

I sometimes think if we wanted to create a person who's only job was to go out and try to economically destroy this country we could not have created a more adept person than our current President.

Please don't take my word for all of this folks. I encourage you to do your own researching about Obama and his media friends that he has in his back pocket. We have 75 days to delve into what the President wants back pocket media wants you to hear and what the real truth is.

Are you really better off today than you were four years ago? You're probably not, and do you really think another four years with this President is going to make things any better?  We need to abolish "Hope & Change", and focus on change this November.

And that's Politics with Pete for today......God Bless our troops

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Hey, who's this FICA guy?

On a TV comedy show one of the comedians said, "I just got my first paycheck...boy this is great huh?" Then after examining their pay stub, they asked, "Hey how come I gotta pay this FICA guy...who's he?"

That's great for comedy, but there are still many Americans  that do not understand the Federal  Insurance  Contributions  Act (F.I.C.A.), and how it affects them, and  what  will  F.I.C.A.'s effect on the upcoming election.

Seniors have been paying into F.I.C.A. since their first working day. I'm 77 years of age, and paid into the program since I was in my teens. I must write that I was proud to do it while feeling that one day I would be rewarded. I'm proud and happy to write today I feel rewarded.

For all seniors now receiving a Social Security check each month the fact is 12.4% of your paycheck was payroll deducted for future Social Security payments. Also, 2.9% was deducted for future Medicare health insurance coverage. In addition employers were mandated to match these payroll deductions to Social Security and Medicare.

Now, President Obama wants to insure over 30 million Americans who do not currently have health insurance. Where are the funds coming from to cover the cost of health insurance for these 30 million? Of course it's coming directly from seniors now receiving a monthly Social Security check starting in 2013.

Yes, in order to pay for health insurance for the 30 million will come from Medicare to the tune of $716 Billion dollars effective in 2013.  Simply, this means the Medicare deductions from the seniors' monthly payment will be increased.

Under the Romney-Ryan plan any American over the age of 55 will not be affected by any plan, and will stay under the current plan, and there will be no increase in Medicare deductions, and $716 Billion dollars will NOT be robbed from Medicare to pay for the uninsured 30 million Americans who currently do not have health insurance.

Furthermore, any American under the age of 55 will have ten years to have the option of keeping their Medicare coverage as it is currently, or they may "voucherize" their Medicare, which would increase competition among health insurance providers outside of Medicare.

In addition, the Medicare chief actuary, Richard Foster, has reported that under President Obama's health insurance plan of robbing $716 Billion dollars from Medicare, "approximately 15% of hospitals and nursing homes will become unprofitable over a decade".

President Obama has called the Romney-Ryan plan a "snake oil" approach to seniors, and would cost seniors an additional $6,400 per year in Medicare payments. Of course this is not true, but the President wants you to believe it so he can cover up his $716 Billion dollar robbing of our current Medicare. 

We currently have our worst economy since the depression, which is led by a $16Trillion dollar national debt, unemployment at 8.2%, and an ever increasing first time claims every week, so what does the President do?  Well, of course, he robs existing seniors 65 and over of $716 Billion dollars starting in 2013.

Does this President like the sound of the United States of Greece? Is he purposely trying to drive our great country into a poverty level for seniors today and future seniors from which we may never recover?

I encourage all seniors to research the President's plan and the Romney-Ryan plan in depth before you walk into the voting booth in November. I strongly believe that after one term in office we need something stronger than speeches on Hope & Change. We need action.

And that's Politics with Pete for today......God Bless our Troops


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Hey media...thanks for the gifts

I'm sure this is going to fall on deaf ears because I'm directing it at the media, especially the main stream media that continues to live their lives in President Obama's back pocket.

The main stream I'm writing about is ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, (MS)NBC, and PBS. I really want to know if you are going to continue supporting the President so much that you are refusing to report the up-to-date news that Americans want to know about?

The President and Vice President, and their supporting staff from the campaign and the White House continue to tell lies, and make horrendous lying personal attacks on Governor Romney and Congressman Ryan.

Why do you think they are doing this? The President's approval ratings and likeability ratings are dropping by the hour. Governor Romney has now pulled ahead in all the battle-ground states.

What are you going to do in November when your President gets voted out of office. Are you still going to back him? You know, of course, if you continue this your ratings are going to plummet faster than you can imagine.

Have you researched why the President's ratings have dropped so drastically? You should research it and report it. Believe me that's good advice.  It seems you do not hesitate to report all the lies and personal attacks that are made on Governor Romney and Congressman Ryan.

First, Reid claims Romney has paid no taxes in twelve years. Then Governor Romney killed a woman, then Pelosi says Romney wants to kill children, Paul Ryan wants to kill the elderly.
And now the latest is Congressman Ryan, a devout Christian and family man is a member of the Irish mafia.  Should I bring up Biden? He's now accusing Romney of wanting to go back to chaining and enslaving Americans. Of course Biden is the gift that keeps on giving.

Well, let me clue you in. All this is now catching up to the President's gutter political attacks, 
and it's going to help the Romney-Ryan ticket take back OUR White House. 

Of course this does not pertain to certain broadcasters who are beyond any modicum of decent reporting. I speak of the gang at (MS)NBC; Matthews, Schultz, Sharpton, Maddow, and O'Donnell. And you have to include Blitzer and good old Soledad from CNN, in there also.

Ever wonder why Fox continues to beat you guys every day, in every hour? It's because they report the news fair & balanced. People will tune into Fox when they don't want lies and vicious attacks on the opposition as most of you do. A great example of this would be Brian Ross of ABC intimating that the shooter in Aurora, Colorado may be a Tea Party member. He said this on national TV without even checking the true facts.

I used to be angry with your reporting policy, but now I think of you the way most Americans think of Biden.....the gift that keeps on giving. The more you infuse your bias into your reporting from Obama's back pocket the more you can count on being in serious trouble with your ratings now and worse, in November.

There's still time...wake up media

And that's Politics with Pete for today.....God Bless our Troops

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Robbing seniors? Really?

Last week the News-Herald was good enough to print a blog of mine, "C'mon Young People Wake Up".  I received a lot of positive feed-back from it. Thanks again News-Herald.

With 84 days left before the Presidential election I'd like to focus on us Senior citizens.  I'm hoping that the News-Herald can help me get the CORRECT Medicare message to seniors.

The progressive Democrat left is at it again. They're back on the "untruth trail", and I sure welcome any Democrat reader of this article to refute this.

Thirty-five seconds, yes, thirty-five seconds after Governor Romney announced that Congressman Paul Ryan was his Vice Presidential running mate, the media, with the aid of the Democrat progressives, ran the video showing Ryan pushing an elderly lady over a cliff.

Progressive liberals are urging the media to broadcast and print that the Romney-Ryan plan will "gut" Medicare for seniors as we know it today.  The profound truth is there is only one person who is on the path to "gut" Medicare, and his name is Barrack Obama. Obamacare's first order of business is to gouge $717.Billion from Medicare to help pay for Obamacare.

Nothing is further from the truth that the Romney-Ryan budgetary plan will take money from any seniors on Medicare today. That is straight from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).

To you seniors, and at 77 years young,  I'm very interested in  Medicare,  I have some pure straight facts for you. I hope you take a minute to read the rest of this.

First of all, and maybe the most important is that if you are 55 years or older the Romney-Ryan Budgetary policy will have no effect on your Medicare plan whatsoever. This is another fact that I welcome any liberal Democrat to refute.

Another ingredient in the Romney-Ryan plan is that anyone under 55 years young will have the option to accept vouchers for their Medicare plan, stay on the plan that's in effect now, or another very important fact, people under 55 can opt to have the same Medicare plan as our own members of Congress. Of course the progressive Democrats won't tell you this.

The media, along with the likes of Axelrod, Jarret, Wasserman-Schultz, and yes even President Obama will keep spreading the untruths that the Romney-Ryan plan will gut Medicare for all seniors starting in 2013. 

The main thing the President and his minions don't count on is that we seniors are pretty savvy people, and we're not going to let their untruths overshadow what the CBO is reporting to be true. The Romney-Ryan plan is to strengthen the current Medicare plan for seniors and not to harm it as Obamacare's plan does. Obamacare actually wants to rob Medicare immediately starting in 2013. Now that will hurt seniors, but the media won't report that untruth.

Congressman Ryan has stated that he would not author a policy to gouge a Medicare plan that his own grandmother is on. Of course when he stated this on the TV show 60 Minutes that part was edited out. The Democrats also won't tell you that a leading Democrat, Weiden,

As I'm typing this Congressman Ryan is traveling throughout the country talking to seniors and telling them the truth, the factual truth, about the safety and security of Medicare under the Romney-Ryan budget plan.

I'm encouraging all seniors on Medicare to listen and/or read to the facts about your existing plan, along with the plan President Obama has in his Obamacare, and the Romney-Ryan plan is proposing. It will certainly help your voting in November.

And that's Politics with Pete for today........God Bless our Troops

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Would you??

With eighty-six days left before election, I have to ask you potential voters to think seriously about something, and then ask yourself some questions.

Would you vote for someone as President of the United States:
  1.  If in his first act of business he signed into act a law to shut down Camp Gitmo,and it
       it is still open?
  2.  If he has not passed a budget in his first term, and his last proposal was shot down in the 
       Senate 0-99?
  3.  If he has spent $825.Billion of taxpayer's money for companies that have gone bankrupt?
  4.  That has appointed a Jobs Czar whose company made profits of $5.1Billion, and has paid 
       no taxes on those profits?
  5.  If this same Jobs Czar has just finished a deal with China with $2Billion dollars to produce
  6.  Has increased unemployment from 5.27% to 8.3% since he took office the first time?
  7.  Who has increased the National Debt to $16.Trillion, more than all previous U.S. Presidents
  8.  Who claims that no one started their own business; someone else did it for you?
  9.  Who has stated "the private sector is doing fine...we need help in the public sector"?
 10.  Who has produced a health care bill of 2,970 pages that contain 22 hidden taxes on the 
        American population?
 11.  If he has increased food stamp dependency from 23.5 million to 39.5 million in three years?
 12.  If he wants to raise taxes, during this current recession and unemployment of 8.3%, 
        on any individual grossing $200,000, or more per year?
 13.   Who has spent over $4.Million to conceal his personal history from the American
          people, that include his original birth certificate, and all his college grades?
 14.  That could not pass a vetting process for an entry level government position?
 15.  That travels to other countries, "apologizing" for our great country?
 16.  That refuses to visit our greatest middle east ally, Israel, but has made time to golf close to 
         200 times since he's been in office, and visits premiers of countries that hate the U.S.?
 17.  Whose oil drilling permits have decreased by 36% in the United States since he's been
         in office, including the stoppage of the Keystone Pipeline?
 18.  Who has continued to stop oil drilling here and in Alaska, while we continue to have oil
        dependency on countries who hate us, and gasoline prices hover around $4.00 a gallon.
 19.  Who refuses to release documents on "Fast & Furious", whose activities killed an 
        American border agent?
 20.  Who allows aliens to cross our southern border with only their word?

Now, really would you vote for someone like this for President of the United States, leader of the free world......wait a second, you already did in 2008.

Are you going to let it happen again? if you give this man four more years can you imagine the damage he will continue to do?  vote this man out of OUR White House in November. 

And that's Politics with Pete for today.....God Bless our Troops

Friday, August 10, 2012

And it's going to get worse

Ever notice what professional teams do that are in last place. They have give-away programs, T-Shirt nights, bobble-head doll nights, kids and ladies get in free days and nights. Why do you think they have these programs?

It's simply because they're in last place, and they have to find ways to distract you from how bad their team is performing. Teams that are in first place have no need to do this. They want their fans to know how well they're performing.

It's the same thing we're experiencing today in politics. Our current administration, under President Obama, has created the worst economic condition this country has ever experienced.
Under this President our national debt has skyrocketed to $16Trillion, our unemployment rose to 8.2% even after a stimulus package of $825Billion of taxpayer's money was spent.

This President refuses to drill for oil here in the U.S., and has blocked the Keystone Pipeline from Canada as gas prices continue to rise every day. Companies he has given our taxpayer's money to have gone bankrupt. Solar panel production, along with car production is being sent  to foreign countries.

The President campaigns that "the private sector is doing fine....we need help in the public sector". Do you remember one of his most famous statements, with the teleprompters running, "if you have a didn't build that...someone else built it".

And just what is our President doing about this? He's doing exactly what a last place professional team does. He uses gimmicks, lies, personal attacks so that voting Americans will not focus on just how poorly President Obama is doing. 

The President uses Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid to spew lies stating, "the word is out....Governor Romney hasn't filed his taxes, and paid no taxes in ten years". Of course we know this is a lie. Well, the President and Reid simply answers, so what? We have the media in our back pocket. You can't do anything about it.

And of course there is now the most despicable lie and personal attack TO DATE: the President's team is now putting an ad out that accuses Governor Romney of closing down a steel company that caused a Joe Soptic to lose his health insurance, and shortly thereafter his wife died of cancer because he, no his wife had no insurance coverage.

Would you like to read the facts? First of all Mr. Soptic later confessed he was offered a buy-out by Bain Capital when the steel plant was closed. Secondly, Governor Romney had left Bain Capital five years before the steel company was closed down.

And now the frosting on the cake. Mr. Soptic's wife died seven, yes seven years later, and had health insurance from another company, on her own, that she lost. What does President Obama's team say? So what...the media will never report it, even though some prominent Democrats are degrading such a disgusting lie and personal attack. President Obama's team actually wants Americans to believe that Governor Romney had something to do with Mrs. Soptic's death from cancer.

Of course this is a gigantic falsehood, but while Americans are thinking of this lie, guess what they're not thinking about? Yep, you guessed it...just how poorly President Obama is doing while he's in OUR White House. 

Currently we have approximately 100Million people on entitlement programs in addition to Social Security and MediCare. President Obama's latest scheme while on his campaign stumps is to try to convince these 100Million people that Governor Romney will take away their entitlements if he is elected.

So, while the 100Million people are thinking of losing their welfare/unemployment/food stamps, under Governor Romney, guess what they're not thinking of?  Yep, you guessed it...they're not focusing on just how bad our economy is doing, the 8.2% unemployment, and the $16Trillion debt our President has gotten us into.

Now, should President Obama get reelected just who is going to pay for all these growing entitlement programs in future years as our debt and unemployment grows by leaps and bounds.

Folks, the truth is that the lies and personal attacks by the President teams are going to escalate and get worse, mainly because no one is going to stop them, and the media will not only not report any of these lies and personal attacks, they will actually support the lies and personal attacks.

Stand by folks....the attacks from President Obama's team are just going to get worse. Of course there is a solution, and you know what it is; vote Obama out of OUR White House in November.

And that's Politics with Pete for today.....God Bless our Troops


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

C'mon Mitt, grow a pair!

Governor Romney, please know that I will be the first in the voting booth on November 6th., casting my vote for you. On the way out I will pray that enough Americans join me so you can score the electoral votes to oust this man from OUR White House.

But, Governor Romney, you must help yourself. Yes, a good defense may be a good offense at times, but you must also be aggressive on offense. You can't keep "coughing up the ball".

Did you see the movie "The Untouchables"? Remember Sean Connery's great scene when he said, "if the other guy brings a knife to the fight, you bring a gun...if the other guy sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue".

No, of course I'm not advocating physical violence of any sort. I am speaking metaphorically naturally. It seems you are sitting back and letting Obama, his minions, and the media just dump all over you. You're not fighting back.

We all know the strategy of President Obama and his staff. It is very obvious that this President has absolutely no accomplishments to run on. He has accomplished nothing that Americans want repeated for another four years.

President Obama's Health Care Plan is going to become such a gigantic failure because information from the enormous 2,970 pages bears that out. The President won't even mention his health care plan in his campaign speeches. There are 27 states that currently will not honor his policies on health care. Why is he giving nearly all Unions a waiver on his health care plan?

The President's campaign is doing nothing more than smearing you with lies. He is "dumping" on you so much it seems he's got you in a "prevent defense" mode.  Stop your darn back peddling, and get on offense, and do it now. There's only 90 days left.

And Governor Romney you have so much ammunition readily available to you.  Of course you're better than him, and you don't want to "roll around the mud", but enough is enough.
He heaps lies upon you, he's alluded you're responsible for the death of someone, he's alluded that you're a felon, and your only answer is, "That's not true".

Governor Romney, you need to do more than that.  Yes, he's the incumbent, and he's got the media supporting him, but you've got honesty, truth, integrity, and most Americans, and a much better plan for America than he has on your side.

First of all, if anyone leans towards a felonious lifestyle it's President Obama. Look at his dealings with Rezko, Ayres, Blogoyovich, the un-American Rev. Wright, the dishonest Holder, and many others. If his health care plan is not repealed many senior citizens will die because they will not be able to receive proper health care. Isn't that newsworthy information?

But, Governor Romney, you have the largest and most effective "Ace in the hole". I know you're familiar with Wayne Allen Root. He was a 1983 classmate of President Obama at Columbia University.

Mr. Root has stated there were 700 students in the 1983 Columbia graduating class, with approximately 250 students in the Political Science department. Not a single student  of the 700 knew of Barack Obama or his other name, Barry Sotero.  The Wall Street Journal also did a survey of over 400 students at Columbia, and no one knew of him.

Harry Reid has indicated you are a felon because you have not filed tax return for ten years.
Harry Reid himself has not filed any tax returns since 1987, but the media will not report that.

Wayne Allen Root, along with many other Americans, want you to fight back. A great suggestion would be for you to hold a press conference, and tell America that you will not release your tax returns until President Obama unseals his college records.

What is the President hiding? Why is he spending millions to keep his college records sealed
To get into Occidental College, Columbia University, and Harvard you need  extremely high grades and very high SAT scores.

However, there is another way for admittance into these fine schools; and that is Barack Obama or Barry Sotero was a foreign exchange student. Where did all the funds for college come from? Why is that information not available to the media and the Americans?

Governor Romney, along with President Obama's failed policies, the high unemployment, the nerly $16Trillion debt, you have so much ammunition available to you regarding his sealed college life. Harry Reid says the American people have a right to know about your tax records.

Well, the American people also have a right to know everything about the man who occupies OUR White House.  Hurry, Governor Romney. You've only got 90 days left.
You need to "grow a pair".  Don't worry; Americans will support you.

And that's Politics with Pete for today.......God Bless our Troops.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I ain't giving up!

I'm just an insignificant old man that lives in northeastern Ohio, and there may not be many readers who take a look at this blog, but with 90 days left before the Presidential election I'm going to do all I can to help oust this current administration.

What the President's team is doing now is the epitome of lies, double standards and personal attacks on those that disagree with they believe in.

The attacks on Governor Romney's tax records is a complete joke. In fact if Governor Romney chooses not to release any tax records he is protected under law. not to do so. It is his right.

If Governor Romney chooses not to release his taxes he is joined by the same elected public officials that have not released their taxes in decades, i.e., Pelosi, Reid, and mot of the members of Congress.

Our liar-in-chief, Dirty Harry claims that Governor Romney "must have something to hide".
Mr. Reid wouldn't you serve the American people better by at least trying to pass a budget, or even present a budget on the Senate floor instead of worrying  about Romney's taxes.

Governor Romney's taxes are so very far down the list of what's really important to the American people. It is actually ranked at the very bottom of the list on recent polls.

Can you see the scenario now? John Doe comes home from work, tells his wife that he just got laid off, and now they can't make the house payment, or come up with money for little Johnny's braces. His wife looks at him and says, "John, I don't care about you losing your job....we got bigger problems....Romney's tax returns".  Yeah, right Harry.

Harry, you stand in the Senate chambers, and claim, "there's only one reason Romney won't release his taxes....he has something to hide". Well, Harry what do you, Pelosi, and most members of Congress have to hide? Maybe lobbyists in your pockets?

Let's start with the most prolific "hider-in-Chief", our own President. It seems acceptable for our President to hide EVERYTHING about himself. The American public knows it is clearly because he has something to hide. I had three daughter in college; one completed two Master's Degrees programs.  When any of them received a good grade they couldn't wait to tell the rest of the family. By the same token they didn't expound too much when they didn't get the grade they wanted. They even tried to hide certain grades at times. Kind of a natural thing parents accept.

It is "coming out of the woodwork" now by some reliable sources that President Obama was actually a very poor student at Occidental, Columbia, and Harvard. No wonder his grades are not up for public knowledge.

Add to that so many other issues of his private life that the President is spending millions to hide, while you claim Governor Romney has not paid taxes in ten years.

And now here's living proof that you are truly a Dirty Liar in Chief. If you have undeniable proof that Governor Romney has not paid taxes in ten years, then as an elected public official you are obligated to have Governor Romney arrested for failing to pay taxes.

Oh, I would pay to see you try to do that.  Harry, do your job as our Senate Majority Leader. Bring a budget to the floor. You do know how to do that don't you? I just wonder because you haven't done that in nearly four years.

Harry, you are living by the sword, and guess what?  The same sword is going to bring you down.

Folks, we have 90 days left to oust these kind of lying public officials from OUR White House.
Get all the facts, and question that Harry and Pelosi tells you. However, can you really blame them? They certainly can't run on any of Obama's accomplishments. Vote the right way folks.

And that's Politics with Pete for today.....God Bless our Troops

Monday, August 6, 2012

Facts & Sources Mr. Reid

Now I get it. The Senate leader, Honorable(?) Harry Reid can use the Senate floor as his forum as he spews lies about his boss's Presidential rival, and it's OK.

Then Senator Reid goes on Sunday TV shows, and then to a  Huntington Post interview to just about openly admit he's a "Dirty Harry" liar. He has no proof of what he spoke, and yet the media lets him openly get away with it. 

And then it spread like a dirty disease to Wasserman-Scultz, Axelrod, and Stephenapoulus on ABC. The lie spoken by "Dirty Harry"? GOP hopeful Governor Romney hasn't paid any income tax for ten years.  Of course it's a lie. Governor Romney has not missed a year in paying his taxes. That is a fact that is clearly proven.

I'll tell you what can't be proven.Who are the sources of Harry Reid's lies?  Is this truly our First Amendment rights? What prompts the Senate Majority Leader to stand in the revered chambers of our Senate and spread lies and rumors that have no basis for proof?

I need something explained to me. Maybe a member of the progressive-liberal persuasion can educate me. Does this mean if the Senate Majority Leader can stand in the chambers of our Senate and spread lies and personal attacks, does this mean I can say, and write anything I want also, and just grin and say, "it's my First Amendment rights".

Now it's becoming clear why other news outlets get away with their lies and personal attacks, i.e., (MS)NBC, CNN, TMZ, NPR, and of course our three leaders in lies ABC, NBC, and CBS.

Reid and his partners in crime must think we voting Americans are really stupid. The Democrat party wants us to focus on "Dirty Harry's" lies, so we wont think about the high unemployment rate, the high increase in entitlements like food stamps and welfare. It ain't working Harry. We know what you're trying to do.

This President has not record, at all, to run on, and the only way he can hope to garner votes is for his minions to attack Governor Romney. By the way Harry, in all the polls taken want to know what comes in last in the interests of voters: Romney's taxes. John and Jane Doe want a job, not information on Governor Romney's taxes.

The liar in chief, Dirty Harry wants you to agree with him, without any valid and truthful sources, that Governor Romney has not paid taxes in ten years, and yet Dirty Harry has not filed any tax returns since 1987. His answer: "I'm not running for President". Yeah, Harry, but you are a public official and the leader of our Senate. What are you hiding?

Could it be what you're hiding is that you and your son are investing millions of dollars in China's building of solar panels?  You are not only a liar Mr. Reid, you are un-American.

Ask yourself Dirty Harry, if Obama were a Republican would you go after his unknown past?
Would you investigate that President Obama and his legal staff have spent almost $4million for nothing more than to cover up his past, i.e., where he was born, his college grades, the origin of his social security number, his own tax records, and a firm original copy of his birth certificate.
What is our own President hiding?

So, all you can say is, "If Romney doesn't have anything to hide tell him to release his ten years of taxes".  Well, Mr. Liar in Chief, if President Obama doesn't have anything to hide why is he spending millions to hide his past from the American people? Can you give us an answer?

Not being like you Mr. Reid I'll let you in on facts, and give you the true sources.  First of all, President Obama had to surrender his law license in 2008 in order to escape charges he lied on his bar application. My proof: State of Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Committee. You can go on-line to

Another fact Mr. Reid: Michelle Obama voluntarily surrendered her law license in 1993, after a Federal Judge gave her the option to surrender her license or face trial for Insurance fraud.
My source:

An Assistant Dean for Communication and Law Lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School states Barack Obama did not hold the title of Professor of Law.

See, Mr. Reid how easy to make statements when you have the facts? You should try it.

And that's Politics with Pete for today.....God Bless our Troops. 

Sunday, August 5, 2012

C'mon young people-wake up!

Do you do this pretty regularly: You walk into a Dr.'s office, and the receptionist says, "Dr. will be right with you....please have a seat".

As you sit in the uncomfortable vinyl chairs you notice two magazines next to your chair. One is a news magazine with headlines, sub-headlines, and printed news on the cover reflecting topics of Iran's threat to attack Israel, the high rise of gasoline prices, high unemployment, costs of raising a family with today's rising prices, and so on, and so on.

The other magazine broadcasts headlines of Linday Lohan's latest nite club binge, Paris Hilton's lastest romance, Charlie Sheen's "tiger blood" episodes, and of course Justin Beiber's latest hit song, and is he romantically linked with whoever.

Come on tell the truth; what magazine do you pick up to read while waiting for your Dr.? Come on now, tell the truth.  Do you really care about the middle east conflict between Muslims and Jews, or do you want to read about Miley Cyrus's latest tatoo?

The other day I asked a high school senior to name the three branches of government. Her answer amazed me. She responded, "Is it Republican, Democrat, and Independent"? Then I asked if she knew who Snookie was. Her response, "are you kiddin'? I never miss her show. I think she's gonna have a boy".

Of course our young people always have an answer; "Ah, you're just an old news junkie...what did you do when you were my age"?  And they're absolutely right. However, when I try to explain our country and our relationship with the rest of the world has never been as dire as it is now.  They usually get the last word with, "I'm too young to vote anyway, so what can I do"? Or the ones that can vote usually respond, "They're all crooks in Washington...I'm not even gonna vote".

Then I try to explain that in a few short years that are going to fly by,  us old washed up news junkies are going to turn this country over to them, and they better be informed to make the right decisions.  Most of the time they just put in their ear buds, turn on Beiber's latest hit, shake their head, smile at me and walk away.

Like most "old news junkies", I can blink and float back to the ages of our young people. I had a great teen-age life growing up, and was proud to serve in our military, but I will always wish that I had taken more time to absorb current events through the radio and newspapers. You old timers remember most of our news were through radio, newspapers, and of course just CBS, NBC, and ABC.

Today our youth has the Internet, Cable TV, radio, news magazines, and news papers at their available to them.. They have every opportunity to become informed to help them make the right decisions in the future when they do reach the age to make decisions about their families, their careers, and our country.

It really doesn't really matter if you're a Republican, Democrat, or and Independent. It doesn't matter what religion you are, or how you worship. It doesn't matter what educational status you're in. No matter, you must realize that this country will be in your hands sooner than you realize. Will you be ready? Will you be informed?

Parents, grandparents, and other relatives, don't be so concerned with heaping our young children with the latest video games and the latest clothing fashions. Your responsibility as the adult is to help as best you can to prepare our young people so they will make the right decisions about our country in the future. 

By the way, when I told the high school senior the three branches of government are Judicial, Legislative, and Executive, she just responded with a very highly intellectual response, "Huh, what are those"?

And that's Politics with Pete for today......God Bless our Troops



Friday, August 3, 2012

Before you vote-wait

The next time our President is stumping around on his campaign giving speeches about how he's for the middle class, maybe you should pay attention to a couple of details.

President Obama's administration is slashing $650.billion from the Defense budget. This is the deepest Defense budget cut ever to our military. This means thousands of Defense workers will be laid off.

Under Federal law, the Marn Act, these laid off employees will lose their jobs January 1, 2013.  However they must be notified sixty days prior to lay-off. This means should  be officially notified November 1, 2012. Yes, you're right this is five days before the election, and of course, this will not sit right with President Obama seeking reelection.

The White House is now trying to convince the Defense Department to hold off in notifying the soon-to-be laid off workers. There is speculation with this budget cut the U.S. may not have the power to assist our ally Israel should they attack Iran.

Is it a coincidence he's never been to Israel since he's been President, but he's bowed down to the leaders of Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Maybe he doesn't want to help our biggest ally Israel.

So, let me try to understand this. President Obama wants to hold off notifying workers that they will lose their jobs.  Instead, he wants to wait till he gets some or all of their votes, and then after he's reelected John Doe, defense worker will wake up one day with a pink slip.

So, the next time President Obama is talking through his teleprompter trying to convince you that he's for the middle class, just remember the only true thing he's for is getting reelected. He will not care at all for the middle class worker after he gets their vote.

One more thing before I say good night. President Obama knows he is not in good favor with the military, so he's actually suing Ohio, and maybe other states to prevent military personell from having three extra days to get their votes registered.

It's OK for a soldier to hoist on eighty pounds of gear, travel the desert of Afghanistan, get shot at, have fear of stepping on a land mine; all to keep our freedom safe back here. And now they'd like ample time to get their vote in, and President Obama is trying to stop our service men/women from having a few extra days to get their votes in.

I wish I could wave a magic wand to have every military person and Defense worker that's "on the fence" about voting for Obama read this message. This man wants your vote to get him reelected. Don't believe for a second that he wants another term in office to make life better for you. He wants a better life golfing, playing basketball, and vacationing with his wife. 

Do you want this man in office again for four more years? This is one blog out of all that I've written that I feel is the most important.

And that's Politics with Pete for today......God Always Bless our Troops

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Oh no Senator Reid

I guess it's OK for a high ranking U.S. Senator to act like a young gossip mongering teen-ager, without hardly any of the media reporting it.

Senator Harry Reid said, "someone told me Governor Romney didn't pay any income taxes for ten years".  When someone asked who the Senator's source was, he replied, "that's confidential, I can't reveal the person's name". If Senator Reid knew that to be a fact he would definitely give us the person's name.

Want some fact folks?  Only fifteen members of the House and Senate have filed their income taxes for years.  Can anyone guess who has not filed their income tax since 1987? Come on folks guess. Anyone that guessed Harry Reid wins the prize. Yes, it's a fact that Harry Reid has not filed his income taxes since 1987. Think he's hiding something? Like how he made his millions in Nevada?

So, help me try to understand this: it's OK for Senator Reid to withhold his taxes since 1987,  and it's still OK for Reid to possibly lie about Romney's taxes without any proof.

So, I try to find humor in everything. Senator Reid went on further to say that Governor Romney could not pass a House & Senate approval for a Cabinet position.

This promptly had me set up a scenario where President Obama is sitting in front of a House & Senate approval hearing, and answering their inquiries. 
Question 1:  Mr. President, where were you born?
Question 2:  Mr. President, can you tell this committee the circumstances leading to the     surrender of your law practice? 
Question 3:  Mr. President, what college or university issued you your college law degree?
Question 4:  Mr. President, will you please supply the committee here a transcript of your college grades?
Question 5:  Mr. President, why did your wife have to surrender her law practicing rights?
Question 6:  Mr. President, can you explain why your social security number is from the state of Connecticut, and yet you've never held residency there?
Question 7:  Mr. President, were you a foreign student studying here in the U.S., and if not where did you get the funds to study at the prestigious universities in this country?
Question 8:  Mr. President, can you supply this committee with your original birth certificate?
Question 9:  Mr. President, can you give this committee the name(s) of your childhood friends, and the name of your first girlfriend?
                            And the final question;
Question 10: Mr. President, can you please explain your theory of growing our economy and jobs from "the middle out"?

I believe we can all agree that if this scenario would ever materialize and President Obama were forced to answer these questions truthfully, our President Obama would be impeached before day's end.

So, Senator Reid, it's best you stop wishing for things that may backfire on you. You should be grateful that Governor Romney isn't saying he'll release his tax records when Obama releases his college grades.  By the way Senator Reid, can you even find any of your tax records from the 1980's?

And that's Politics with Pete for today......God Bless our Troops 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Chicken and Politics

Just what does a chicken sandwich have to do with politics? Maybe I'll never really understand the correlation, but today I got a great education.

By now you've heard that the mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel tried to block the Chick-fil-A franchise from obtaining a license to operate in Chicago.

Now, Chicago has surpassed Mexico city in homicidal crimes committed. This should be at the top of Mayor Emanuel's list. Instead, however the Mayor seems more interested in attacking the owner of Chick-fil-A for his religious beliefs.

In fact the mayors of the cities of Boston, Washington, D.C., and Chicago have all tried vehemently to block Chick-Fil-A's franchises from operating in their cities. Of course all three cities have failed.

The owner of Chick-Fil-A, a devout Christian, has openly proclaimed his views on same-sex marriage. Across the U.S. all Chick-Fil-A's are closed on Sunday.  He believes Sunday is a day for church and family.

This view is only the owner's personal views. He does not push his views on others, nor does he refuse food service to anyone with different religions or political views than his own.

The owner declares this is about the First Amendment, not religion. No, no city,  has the right to condemn another person or business because of their religious beliefs. That's strongly stated in the Constitution of this great country.

Homicidal crime is up 39% in Chicago. Maybe the Mayor of Chicago should try to take a bite out of crime, instead of trying to stop the people of Chicago from taking a bite out of chicken.

Former Governor of Arkansas, Mike Huckabee, declared today, August 1, 2012 as Chick-Fil-A day, and asked everyone to support this franchise by stopping in to buy a sandwich and show support.

So, today, my wife and I visited a local Chick-Fil-A eatery for lunch. I could not believe the crowd. The cars for the drive-through was a sight to behold. The cars were wrapped around the parking lot.  The lines for eating in the eatery was wrapped  inside the store three times.

Everyone, and I mean everyone, including the workers was in a great cheerful mood. Everyone there was proclaiming in their own way, that no mayor of any city was going to challenge their First Amendment rights, along with the First Amendment rights of the owner of Chick-Fil-A.

My oldest daughter is a lesbian, and she agrees that everyone has their own religious rights and beliefs, and no on has the right to judge another person's beliefs because they don't agree with theirs. My daughter further knows that for me personally I believe in marriage between a man and a woman, but respects the rights of all others, including my own daughter to their own personal and religious beliefs and practices.

 Mayor Emanuel went so far as to say, "Chick-Fil-A's values do not express the values of the people of Chicago".  What right does he have to speak for someone other than himself. Mr. Emanuel please focus on the high crime rate in your city, rather than someone's religious beliefs.

Oh yes, by the way, the chicken sandwich was delicious, and my wife and I intend to eat there often.

And that's Politics with Pete for today.......God Bless our Troops