Today's blog is a very insightful transition from yesterday's blog. Yesterday we reviewed the enormous payouts by states to welfare recipients. As I wrote yesterday, Hawaii is leading this payout "race" with $60,590. per year per recipient This calculates to $29.13 per hour. One scenario that came to light was a couple that secretly, without the government's knowledge, moved in together and their gross was over $121,000. per year. Wow!!
Today there are thousands of jobs available for Americans. One of the problems is that the majority of welfare recipients are not qualified to apply for these available jobs. Many of the jobs re technical and above manual labor skills. However, there is another factor/problem, which may be the most dangerous facing our nation today involving jobs.
Maybe the largest problem/question to be addressed is where is the incentive for welfare recipients to better learn and prepare themselves for the available jobs in society today?
In many cases technology and automation in manufacturing today may be forcing manual workers to become obsolete.
And I'm sure in many, many cases you hear the echo, "why should I get a job, or try to learn some new technical job when I'm making more on welfare"? Is this great country creating a population of lazy shiftless people?
This great country was built on creativity, learning, and a constant pride in trying to do better for one's self and family. Are we destroying this philosophy? Are we going to stand by and watch other countries pass us by in growth, technology, and an overall well being?
Of course I place the majority of blame on Barry Soetero's administration. Barry and the media have these welfare recipients fooled into believing that the Republican party wants to take these "freebies' away from them. What's tragic is many welfare recipients believe this.
Barry and his minions are telling people to stay on welfare, don't bother working or getting educated for a better job. Why should they? In this manner Barry and the liberal progressive party can better control their welfare masses. And with ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN supporting this ideology they have been succeeding since Barry has been in office.
Since January, 2009 the welfare rolls have increased to 50 million, while minimum wages have escalated to surpass the average income of hard working Americans. I mean, this can be very hard to banter against. To know that a young man/woman in many states can sleep till noon, and spend the day watching TV and heading for the beach without even trying to work for a living can cause the U.S. to follow the downfall of the Roman Empire.
Take a journey with me please. Have you wondered if Thomas Edison, Alexander Bell, and many other American inventors and entrepreneurs had the chance to get welfare, food stamps, and other government freebies equivalent to todays welfare payouts? Sad huh? And the poor sad labor unions today. How can they unionize workers when the 50 million welfare recipients do better by just staying at home? What are unions supposed to protect today?
Final question folks: When is the last time someone on welfare, unemployment, or food stamps ever created a job?
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(please follow me on my Your Tube video blogs...Politics with Pete)
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