At this time of the year we honor the most prominent sacrifice to mankind on this earth. We honor our Savior Jesus Christ for dying on the cross for our sins, as we honor his Father, our Lord for giving up his only son to die for our sins and trespasses.
It's only two days till we acknowledge (Good Friday) Jesus being nailed to the cross, and Sunday we rejoice in his rising from the dead. Good Friday and Easter Sunday are two days Christians should never forget as we honor Jesus and his Father.
As we celebrate this great religious season there is so much being spoken and written about love and peace, and how we must share it throughout our world. So many are saying we "must turn the other cheek, and honor and love all mankind, even our enemies".
While most of the TV news anchors are calling Islam a religion of peace ISIS is beheading Jews and Christians. While Barry Soetero refuses to call ISIS an Islamic terrorist organization the ISIS are raping and murder innocent women and young children. And while Jen Psaki and Marie Sharf are telling us we should give ISIS terrorists jobs these terrorists are invading and destroying all Christian and Jewish religious artifacts. Is that a nation of peace?
And let's not forget Hillary. While she urges us to "show empathy towards ISIS and try to look at this war from their perspective", the ISIS vows they will destroy America city by city.
I am a peaceful God loving and God fearing Christian. The only laws I've ever broken are speeding and parking tickets, but I've had it with this Islam peace stuff. Why aren't the so-called peaceful Islamists and Muslims cleaning up their own mess? If not their own, must America stand by while our president does absolutely nothing about this terrorist group?
The evil ISIS readily knows that under Barry Soetero's watch America has become a land of wusses. They know we want to hold hands with them and sing kumb-bay-ah(sp?). ISIS knows they have a sympathizer in the White House that will do nothing to combat their evil acts.
Have we not had enough of these evil people? Did we learn nothing from Reagan when he said, "there can only be peace through strength". Remember Harry Truman? he gave the Imperial Japanese two days notice to surrender, and when they didn't old Harry dropped two big ones on them. We need another Harry right about now.
To me that means the old proverb, "if the other guy brings a knife to a fight you bring a gun. if the other guy puts one of yours in the hospital, you put one of his in the morgue". Barry Soetero will never act in this manner. He won't even discuss it. He know Iran sends arms to the terrorists. He knows Iran's leaders cry out "death to America", while they proclaim "not destroying Israel is not an option". And Barry is still in bed with them.
Barry has also proclaimed, "I will veto any bill from Congress that adds sanctions to Iran". Why do you think he proclaims this evil diatribe? Could it be he as a profound hatred of Jews, Israel, and Netanyahu, and wants to see Iran obliterate Israel? Do you think maybe it's because he's a radical Istamist Muslim himself?
The pure facts are that in six years Barry and his husband Michael has only been to a Christian church once, and that was for a photo op. Another fact is he cancelled National Prayer Day, but continues to honor Muslims in America's White House. Why? Why? Why?
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(please follow me on my You Tube video blog...Politics with Pete)
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