Saturday, March 28, 2015

Wipe it clean Hillary

All we're hearing on the news from the lame stream media lately is that Hillary has over 86% approval rating from her Democrat party.  Well, it's pretty obvious isn't it? First of all, of course this 86% is a lie, but how do we challenge ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC on this lie? 

And even if it wasn't a lie, who else can the Democrats run? Sure they're going to put all their eggs in Hillary's basket. Does anyone think the Dems are stupid enough to run the Cherokee Warren, or the hot weather man Gore, or Lurch Kerry? Don't think so. Oh yes, might as well throw Holder, Sharpton, and even Michael Obama in that mix.

But one of the many things I love about this country is that no matter the lies that the lame stream media, and the Clintons throw at us, it's still the American people who will decide who sits in our White House in January, 2017.

Hillary actually believes, and very strongly I might add, that she is entitled to the presidency of this great country. Americans want to know from Hillary why she believes she's entitled. Lately she's been traveling around the country giving her $250,000 "donation" speeches, and starts each speech with, "isn't about time the U.S. elects a woman president"?

Well Hillary, you may be right on that quote, but we Americans sure don't want you as  the first woman president, and what have you accomplished that is convincing enough to make us vote for you? 

Before we visit your Benghazi mess, your illegal donations from foreign countries to your charity that you rob from, or your e-mail "wipe-out", there is one major reason why you should never get one American vote.

March 11, 2014 on national TV someone asked you what did you feel was your major accomplishment as our Secretary of State. Your answer was, and still is one of the most mind numbing quotations ever made.

Here's your quote verbatim"  "I'm glad you asked about my accomplishments as Sec'y of State. My proudest accomplishment in which I take most pride, mostly because of the opposition it faced early on, you know, the remnants of prior situations and mindsets that were too narrowly focused on in a manner whereby they may have overlooked the bigger picture, and we didn't do that, and I'm proud of that, very proud. I would say that's a major accomplishment.

Really Hillary, do you think this "accomplishment" is one of the reasons we should vote for you? Heck, we're even having trouble understanding just what you said.  And let's not forget when you were a 27-year old staff attorney for the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate investigation.

The Watergate investigation was led by lifelong Democrat Jerry Zeifman. When Mr. Zeifman was asked why he fired you from the committee he was quoted verbatim:  "She was a liar. She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer....she also conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the Judiciary Committee, and the rules of confidentiality".

Again I say, really Hillary? Is this another reason we should vote for you? And what the heck were you doing during the Benghazi massacre? You won't even tell us, and then you tell congress, "what difference does it make?"

And how many years now has it been that the charity operated by you, your husband Slick Willie, and your daughter Chelsea that has been receiving large monitary donations  from foreign country leaders whose names you refuse to disclose? And how much of this money finds its way to your campaign pocket, or to Slick's pocket?

And what did we discover just yesterday. Hillary's "home-grown" computer server has had all its emails wiped clean.  Hillary recently proclaimed on TV that she owned two cell phones,  a traveling computer tablet, an iPad, and a Blackberry. Then she tells the press reporters that she only had one cell phone and "it was convenient to run everything with just one apparatus".

The convenient part is when she called everything on her home-grown server as private emails and she wiped them all clean, so she won't have to testify about them. She wants us to believe those home-grown emails were private, and no one will have access to them. Do ya think she erased them only because they were private, or was she hiding something. You'll make the ultimate decision in November, 2016.

This woman should not be America's president. She should be fitted for an orange pants suit and put in a cell for all the white collar crimes she has committed, and still continues to commit.

Wake up America. Hillary just may be worse than Barry Soetero, if that's possible.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(please follow me on my You Tube videos, Politics with Pete)

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