I will never forget February 26, 1954 when I raised my right hand and swore an oath when I enlisted into the U.S. Air Force. I'm a few weeks of turning 80, but will always honor my dedication, honor, and loyalty to this country. Heck, if the Air Force would take me today I'd go back in.
I never saw combat, but realized my duties as a cyrptographer as a vital contribution to the country I served. I still feel that way. I still get a thrill to stand for our national anthem. I would still do anything to protect my country. This is the greatest country to live in by any measure.
My point in today's blog is directed at our military leaders; our Generals and Admirals. You Generals and Admirals also took an oath to serve, honor, and protect our country at all costs.
You are to take all measures and means available to protect our country.
You also swore an oath to prosecute all matters of treason and traitorship directed at our great country. You have more than enough information at your disposal today to arrest Barry Soetero for failing to honor our Constitution, to which he was sworn to uphold.
His most recent act is the most horrendous, blatant act of treason by a president that this country has ever known. Barry Soetero knew full well that Sgt. Beau Bergdahl was a deserter and was consorting with the enemy even before he made the illegal trade. He knew this, and used it as a means to send five terrorists back to continue their war against the country he was sworn to protect.
It has now been authentically documented that three of these five released Gitmo terrorists are right now, today back on the battlefield murdering Jews, Christians, and any American military personnel they can.
This radical Islamist Muslim posing as our president stood on national TV at the White House with Burgdahl's parents proudly stating this man was an American hero, and welcomed him back to our country. He even smiled and warmly hugged Burgdahl's mother as Bergdahl's father spoke in Arabic welcoming his traitor son back home.
Barry then directed his NSA Director, Susan Rice, to go on national TV and proudly state that Sgt. Bergdahl was an American hero and served our country with honor and distinction.
When you add this treasonous act to what this president did to our best mid east ally Israel there is certainly more than enough evidence to show the man in America's White House is a traitor and needs to be removed from office.
My question is to the Generals, Admirals, and other military leaders of our country. Why are you not marching into our White House and putting the hand cuffs on this traitor? By Barry's last act he consorted with the enemy as much as Burgdahl did.
History will show in years to come that Barry Soetero actually made an illegal unconstitutional exchange with the radical Islamist Muslims. This definitely makes him a man at war against the U.S. of America.
Again, why are we not arresting this man? We cannot afford to have him loophole and dance around this terrorist act of his. Arrest him now.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)
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