Monday, March 9, 2015

Did ya hear about Harrison Ford?

Oh my God....did you hear about Harrison Ford? He skidded his plane on a golf course, got a few scratches and had to go to the hospital. But don't worry folks.  His scratches were not "life-threatening", and he's going to be just fine. He's resting comfortably in an upgraded private room in the hospital, and is being watched by a very competent nursing and medical staff around the clock. Gotta be ready for that next multi-million movie.

And please folks don't worry about Harrison's progress. The media will be following this story non-stop. It will be the opening dialogue in most all media outlets, especially ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN.  Very soon now Harrison will most likely be on 60-Minutes with a gut-wrenching heroic story about how he saved countless lives by maneuvering his plane onto a golf course, rather than downtown Santa Monica.   

Isn't he just a true modern day hero? He's making us believe that he's really Indiana Jones. I can see Steven Spielberg getting the documentary together now. I think we should start calling him "IJ" Ford, for Indiana Jones. Sounds good huh?

By the way did you happen to hear on the news that about the same time our "hero" IJ was skidding his plane on the golf course ISIS was dousing an 11-year old boy with gasoline, putting him in a cage and setting him on fire in front of his family? You mean you haven't heard about it?  And has the news reported yet about the young teen-age girl in Iraq that committed this dastardly crime against Allah, she just wanted to get educated, and what did ISIS do? They dragged her to the middle of town and beheaded her.

Can you guess who the only network was that carried the Kayla Mueller memorial? Wait, first of all, does everyone know who Kayla Mueller was?  She was the young woman doing charity work in Afghanistan that ISIS executed. Recently someone asked me, "how can you watch Fox all the's so depressing....I gotta laugh when I watch TV". 

Guess what I said....absolutely nothing. If an individual wants to watch Seinfeld and King of Queen re-runs that's certainly their choice and I respect that. But for me, I want to know what's going on in the world today. I'm very close to 80, and as long as I can speak, write, and pray I'll do all I can for this great country. Heck, if the USAF would take me back I'd re-enlist. 

It's about now that I have this strong "movement" in my mind and body to push back against all those that rag on me for being a Fox News Junkie. Yes, I am, and if there ever comes another network that will start reporting the news honestly and truthfully I'll be a news junkie for them too. 

ISIS is slaughtering hundreds of Jews and Christians every week, and ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN refuses to mention a word of it on their broadcasts. Why? Because it just may upset their beloved leader Barry Soetero. Barry himself, and his merry gang of Jarrett, Biden, and Kerry are labeling these slaughterings as just "random acts".  Really Barry? Random?

ISIS is slaughtering Jews and Christians, Supreme Court is about to debunk Obamacare, Hillary won't come clean on her e-mails, Barry won't even speak to Israel while he plays "footsie" with Iran, Holdr wants a Federal Police force starting in Ferguson, and this is all going on behind the scenes because Americans will never be told what's happening to our great

You'll never hear about this on ABC, CBS, NBC, or CNN, and you wonder why I watch Fox?
But don't worry folks; stay tuned to the major networks to find out all the news on IJ Ford.
Can I get an address for him? Want to send flowers and a get-well card.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(pls. follow me on my You Tube video blog, "Politics with Pete")

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