About four years ago film maker Dinesh Disooza produced a film, "2016". This is a great film depicting the woes of the middle east and the dangers of radical Islamic overtaking our greatest democratic mid east ally Israel.
Of course the main stream media did not give the film any credence or credibility. What may be even worse the "lame" stream media gave it virtually no coverage on their networks. And to many Americans that may be the biggest and most significant tragedy of all; not to report ALL aspects of the news, and the facts surrounding it.
In the movie 2016 it was shown in a cartoon makeshift on the screen a giant barbed wire fence strangling Israel. This was shown by exactly what Barry Soetero is doing right now. Barry is secretly negotiating with Iran promising them to lift sanctions against Iran, and also allowing them to keep many centrifuges for their nuclear arms program.
It is no secret Iran is giving arms, money, and support to the radical terrorists in the mid east, Hezbollo, ISIS, and the Taliban terrorists. It is also no secret that Iran is continuing to claim they will eradicate Israel off the face of the earth. All this is occurring while Barry is making nice and playing footsie with the Iranian leaders.
Barry Soetero is acting like a spoiled brat on the playground. He lost the Israelian election battle with Netanyahu, and how does he react? Well, he takes his ball and runs home to the White House crying to his mama Valerie. Barry sent one of his leader campaigners to Israel, along with nearly $400,000. to help promote the campaign of Netanyahu's rival in the campaign.
Iranian military leaders, along with the chief leader Ayatollah Khomeini, are chanting "death to America", while we send our most irrelevant insignificant representative, Lurch Kerry , to sit down with these people "to iron out a deal". Does anyone in this great country have any faith that Kerry can be a useful negotiator for us? Anyone?
Right now Israel is facing one of its greatest survival challenges to democratically exist and survive for its people. It is a critical time when America must stand and support its most important mid eastern ally. And what is Barry doing instead of helping to protect Israel's back? He continues to cozy up to gain favor with Iran, promising Iran conditions that Americans know nothing about. Why is America being kept from the details of the Iranian negotiations? Don't you want to know why?
Barry is trying to lift sanctions from Iran, and even allowing them to maintain a modicum amount of centrifuges for their nuclear efforts. Does anyone in the U.S. trust this man that all world leaders are beginning to hate. Even his strongest supporters from the Democrat House & Senate are now threatening to supply enough votes to continue sanctions against Iran to make the vote veto-proof.
The most tragic thing ever, regarding this man in our White House, is that he doesn't care what anyone says or does. He listens to no one but his radical side-kick Valerie. Barry Soetero has no concerns for the American people he swore to protect from all adversaries foreign and domestic. He has no respect for our Constitution laid before us by our Founding Fathers.
I've said many, many times that this man, Barry Soetero, is a radical Islamic Muslim, and is on a mission to do all he can to bring down our great country. Of course I've been strongly criticized for writing such things in my blogs. So now, I just ask you all; DO YOU BELIEVE ME NOW?
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(please follow me on my video You Tube..."Politics with Pete")
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