I have been strongly criticized by Barry Soetoero's supporters for paralleling Adolph Hitler to Barry Soetero. I just wish the Barry supporters would remain completely objective for just a few minutes and read this with an open mind. If anyone wants to respond I promise to keep an open mind, and read their responses openly and objectively before I respond back.
I can't even fathom what went through to minds of the Jewish men, women, and young children during the 1930's and '40's under the evil dictator Adolph Hitler. Adolph never personally put a hand to a Jewish man, woman, or young child. No, he traveled throughout Europe making charismatic speeches, while his Gestapo and Third Reich armies were physically "herding" Jews into rail cars to transport them to the camps for gassing and murder.
And while the slaughtering of Jews was taking place Adolph Hitler was parading around Europe bloviating to the masses that he was creating a master race and everything was fine. He had the assistance and support of the military and the media. And what stopped Adolph Hitler?
The united allies led by the strong military force of the United States of America.
There was no problem for U.S. presidents FDR and Harry Truman to recognize and act against the evil axis of Germany and ultimately Japan. Their decisions were never questioned, as they were in the best freedom interests of America and its allies.
Today, while I get challenged and criticized for comparing Adolph Hitler to Barry Soetero I just ask my critics to be objective and research what these two men represent and what Hitler did, and what Barry is doing now.
I think everyone will agree what the evil Hitler did to the defenseless Jews in Europe. History has factually reported the events with accuracy and clarity. Adolph paraded around Europe convincing the masses he was going to create a superior race. He did this because he had complete control of two vital areas; the military and the media. Think about it.
Now let's fast-forward to today. What's going on today? Jews and Christians are being captured, tortured, and murdered at an alarming rate like we haven't witnessed since Adolph Hitler. To all my critics, that isn't some made up fabrication by me. Those are pure facts. There are even overt facts depicting that there are radical Islamic cells here in the U.S.
Want some more facts? These murderous evil monsters are now thriving in the middle east, while attempting to spread their evil throughout the entire world. The ultimate goal of these evil murders is to overtake the United States of America, and indoctrinate their religious beliefs right here. And those that won't succumb to their beliefs will be slaughtered. It is written so in their evil Koran.
To everyone in the free world, including the United States, these evil people are named radical Islamic Muslims. These people are threatening America every time they stand in front of a camera. And what is Barry doing while the slaughtering of Jews and Christians are escalating?
He's going around the U.S., telling the country how great we're doing, and then its off to the golf course. He just doesn't care. Mayor Guilianni was right. Barry just doesn't love us.
Have you ever wondered why our president, Barry Soetero, will not call these evil radical Islamists by their true name? Have you ever wondered why Barry is currently negotiating with Iran, who is the world's biggest supporter of terrorism, and allowing them to build a nuclear bomb? Have you ever wondered why Barry refuses to support, meet with, and even acknowledge our biggest mid east ally Israel?
Ever wonder why Barry Soetero will not even address the slayings of Jews and Christians by ISIS? Have you ever wondered why Barry continues to downplay the success and growth of ISIS? Ever wonder why Barry's Secretary of State John Kerry says, "the world is now safer from terrorists than it's ever been", while James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence said yesterday, "in all my years in Intelligence 2014 was the worst terrorism has ever been, and may get worse again".
There is only one answer to all these questions....it's because Barry is a Muslim, and a radical Islamist sympathizer.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(pls follow me on my You Tube video blog "Politics with Pete")
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