This news flash just in: MISSING IN ACTION ARE Barry Soetero,"Henchman" Holder, and our esteemed race inciter "Rev" Sharpton.
Yes, these three are nowhere to be seen now since two police officers were slain while doing their job of patrolling a crime-laden Black neighborhood. And these two brave NYPD officers in blue were assassinated by a Black criminal thug.
Remember way back when some racist professor from Princeton were confronted by Cambridge, MA police officers? Yeah, the first thing Barry said was, "the cops acted stupidly".
Then there was the 18-year old black criminal thug that was shot by a Ferguson, MO and killed by a police officer while charging the officer, and trying to disarm the officer. So, because it was a White officer and a Black thug Barry immediately sent his henchman Holder to Ferguson to support the Black looters and rioters in Ferguson.
Even our esteemed "Rev" Sharpton couldn't get to Ferguson fast enough to fan the flames of racism that we all know what followed in the form of looting and rioting.
Barry Soetero quickly went on the TV networks that fawn all over him to denounce the police officers for their actions; poor Mike Brown, and poor Eric Garner that died while resisting arrest in New York. And with that Soetero, Holder, and Sharpton acquired another Black criminal supporter in the name of "Big Bird" Bill Deblasio, mayor of New York.
Big Bird Deblasio went so far as to proclaim that he has instructed his bi-racial son "to be on the alert when dealing with NYPD police officers". Big Bird further said he believed officers of the NYPD should be retrained in dealing with the citizens of New York. Really Big Bird?
We all know that Big Bird comes from a strong Communist background. He even ran for mayor of New York on that platform.......and what is tragic is that he won.
So to continue, we all know what has recently happened that has caused the disappearance of Soetero, Holder, and Sharpton. Yes, you know what I mean. A police officer in Tampa, FL, and two officers of the NYPD were assassinated by disgusting Black criminal thugs.
And as of yesterday two NYPD officers were gunned down by two Hispanic criminal thugs while doing their job of responding to a robbery in progress.
NOTE: Message to Big Bird Deblasio. Yes, the NYPD have openly turned their backs on you in public demonstration. But please know Mr. Mayor, while the NYPD are justified in turning their backs on you....they will not turn their backs on protecting the citizens of New York. That was proven last night.
Soetero, Holder, and Sharpton are completely quiet on the crimes these Black thugs have committed on police officers. Soetero was actually on the golf course when notified of the assassination of the NYPD officers, and what did he do? Why, he finished his eighteen holes of golf.
It's strange isn't it, that nary a word from Soetero, Holder, and Sharpton on the despicable slaughter police heroes. Where are you Barry? Where is Sharpton? Where is Holder? Their absence speaks volumes of the Black on White racism that is being projected from America's White House.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(Please follow me on my You Tube video blog "Politics with Pete")
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