Remember back in 2008 when Barry Soetero was elected to his first term as the temporary resident of America's White House? Remember the glorifying names the main stream media bestowed upon him, along with the social elites, Hollywood and sports stars.
He was the hope & change man. He was our savior. He was our Dear Leader. He was the great uniter. He was our great orator. One MSNBC guest even went so far as to consider Barry Soetero on the same plane as Jesus Christ.
No one could refuse this man anything he wanted. America even allowed Barry to relish in his new role and even become a little pompous. He really liked this new gig. He quickly surrounded himself with people he knew would be great buffers between him and the American people, while he vacationed and golfed, and schmoozed with the upper crust.
Soon the fawning media fell in love with this beloved man. They printed, aired, and broadcasted accolades no matter what the man did. Of course he didn't attend to matters of the presidency. He had his surrounding entourage, led by Valerie Jarret to make sure he could focus on taking care of cajoling with the elites of Hollywood, sports figures, and all who adored and followed our Dear Leader.
Soon, Barry began to believe the media hype along with the Hollywood, sports, and social elites. He was very adept at convincing wealthy liberal progressives to donate large sums of money in exchange for allowing them unblocked paths to their solar panel production, electric car manufacturing, eliminating gas and oil production, etc.
He quickly decided that being president of the United States was not enough. He journeyed to several countries to convince them he should be president of the World. He did this by condemning our Constitution and apologizing for America where ever he went.
Then slowly controversy began to seep into our Dear Leader's administration. No need to take the time to write them all here; that's not the message here in this blog. While he still had the following of some of the media, along with his Hollywood, sports, and social crowd, the names of praise and bountiful spoken accolades slowed to almost a screeching halt.
In the 2010 mid-term elections the first step was taken. America, fed up with the Democrat-controlled House, voted in the GOP, and if not for corruption led by Dingy Harry Reid, would have taken over the Senate. Soon thereafter Barry's poll numbers began to fade, followed by questions as to his leadership.
Even with Senate leader Dingy Harry blocking almost 400 legislative bills passed by the House, the GOP completed step two, by taking back the Senate and increasing their House numbers. The House and the Senate both are now in the hands of people that America feels will make some needed changes and legislation.
Then, with low poll numbers Barry and his thin skin, Barry began to hear adjectives that were not as glorifying as they were in the past six years. His inner circle seemed to have shrunk, but today they still feed him the necessary plaudits his ego needs.
And now our Dear Leader is showing his true colors more every day. He acts like a playground school boy saying, "names will never hurt me". He continues to get done what he wants through unconstitutional executive actions, while bragging he will veto all bills from the Senate, beginning with the bi-partisant Keystone Pipeline legislation.
And so for the next two years my favorite numbers will be 68.....that is the number of votes our Senate will need to make them veto proof from this hubris, self-centered, egomaniac.
This man cares not at all for the American people. He is proving that more and more each and every day. Even though the world has acknowledged that we are at war with the jihadist radical Islamic terrorists, this man even refuses to call it radical Islam.
Please remember this in 2016. America can well not afford any semblance of another Dear Leader like this man.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(please don't forget to follow me on my You Tube v-blog "Politics with Pete")
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