As a grandfather I remember never having been prouder when my grandson was accepted into the pre-med program at Duke University in North Carolina. Talk about buttons flying off my chest. Everyone I bumped into, including strangers, I was always talking about my grandson studying medicine at such a prestigious university.
My grandson was one of those school wizards, never having received less than an "A" since the second grade, enrolled in all the honors programs throughout his twelve years before college. I know he didn't get it from me. I barely got out of a state university here in Northeast Ohio with a C minus GPA.
It was also a personal thing for me. Living in Southern California for thirty five years, and being a John Wooden, UCLA college basketball junkie, I was looking for a coach and team to cheer for since the passing away of my hero John Wooden.
My wife and I visited the Duke campus several times,visiting our grandson, and clothed myself in just about all types of clothing with "DUKE" written on them. Even my golf tees golf wood covers, and ball markers had the Duke Blue Devil logo on them.
In our visits there it was so wonderful to sit in the honorable and hallowed Duke Chapel. Such a prestigious history this Chapel represents. It was so calming just to sit there and soak in the unforgettable ambiance. The bell tower is a landmark and can be seen from anywhere on campus.
My grandson, being a Republican conservative like "gramps", told me stories about the liberal students attending Duke and some of the outrageous speakers that Duke invited to speak. But we just joked and laughed about it.
Then, yesterday Duke University did a horrific, despicable move. Beginning today at noon in the famous, now infamous to me, the daily prayers to Muhammed, Allah, Islam, the Koran will be sung and broadcasted all through Duke University's campus.
Now, some will say, "that's OK...followers of Islam have a right to their daily prayer ritual, it's called diversity". But will someone tell me why is it that you will never hear a Jewish prayer or song of praise, nor a Christian prayer or song broadcasted through the chapel's bell tower.
Here's some facts to go along with Duke University's decision: (1) Barry Soetero continues to "sneak out" evil radical Islamic terrorsists from Camp Gito every day; even in the dark of night. (2) Barry's entire administration refuses to call these evil terrorist acts as radical jihadist Islamic acts. And now (3) Barry has befriended Iran and their quest for a nuclear bomb, while he turns his back on our greatest mid-east ally Israel. (4) He promises to veto the Keystone Pipeline law from congress, so that you and me will continue to buy oil from Barry's Muslim Islamic brothers.
While it means nothing to anyone, but for my own satisfaction I have turned my back on Duke University. Already I have collected all my "DUKE" logo clothing and trashed it. This Saturday I will be cheering for Louisville in their basketball game against Duke.
Soon Duke will have an on-campus Mosque. Be careful folks; with Barry's support there will be more Mosques on our campus' across the country. Be very careful.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(please follow me on You Tube on m v-blog "politics with Pete")
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