Got a cousin in Phoenix, Arizona that sent me an article about a man from Texas, and how he compares rattlesnakes with radical Islamic Jihadist Muslims. Not only is it a very interesting read, it's very simple logic that many Americans want the White House to apply.
Our problem, however, is America has a man in our White House that won't even acknowledge who our enemy is. There are radical Islamic Jihadist Muslims slaughtering innocent people throughout the middle east, and we can't even apply a name to them.
They are actually raping and murdering women, even small children, when they discover they are just simply Christians. They are taking innocent journalists hostage, and then beheading them on television.
And what is the response of our Dear Leader Barry Soetero? He calls these ISIS radicals "an insignificant junior varsity team", while he even refuses to call them by name; radical Islamic terrorist Muslim Jihadists. He and his surrounding crew are condescendingly reporting that these terrorists do not represent Islam and all Muslims.
This brings me to the "rattlesnake logic" the rancher from Texas applies. When he sees a rattlesnake, he kills it. He doesn't have, nor does he want, to have a dialogue with a rattlesnake. Rattlesnakes want to bite and kill us. That's a forgone conclusion. Rattlesnakes are not be negotiated with. You cannot talk a rattlesnake out of attacking you, says the Texas rancher.
Before this Texan kills a rattlesnake he doesn't talk to the snake to find out where other rattlers are. The Texan knows that for every rattlesnake he kills, two more will be slithering close by.
This Texan respects that these dangerous snakes want to bite and kill him and his family, but he does not fear them. Why? It's simply because this Texan's mind set is very simple; when he sees a rattlesnake he kills it. No questions asked.
How does this relate to the murdering radical Islamic Jihadist Muslims? America must have the same attitude toward these Islamic radical terrorists the same way our Texan feels about the rattlesnakes he kills. No questions asked...just kill as many as you can.
We must declare war on ALL radical Islamic Jihadist Muslims. This group wants to kill ALL Christians, Jews, and anyone else who will not accept their prophet Muhammed and their Allah. We must treat this group of filth the same way our Texan treats the poisonous rattlesnakes he encounters.....kill them.
Just maybe if we take the offensive against these murderous filthy radical Islamic terrorist Jihadist Muslims, well just maybe they will fear us enough to back off. Of course the free world may never completely rid ourselves of this filth, but we may teach them who the boss is. Right now this filth does not even fear us.
However, our first step is for the man in America's White House must acknowledge who these evil murderers are, and start calling them by name; RADICAL ISLAMIC JIHADIST MUSLIM TERRORISTS, and start have the same approach as our Texan does. I's simply called "Rattlesnake Logic".
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(pls. follow me on my YouTube v-blog "Politics with Pete")
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