Yesterday a group of evil jihadist Muslim terrorists attacked a Paris, France newspaper outlet, and brutally assassinated eleven people in the building, then they shot a French police officer in the back as he pleaded for his life. All during the shootings the terrorists were screaming, "Allah Akbar".
The President of France immediately labeled it, "a horrific brutal act of terrorism", and then put the wheels in motion to track down these evil terrorists. Can you guess what our Dear Leader Barry Soetero called it? C'mon now guess. OK give up? Well, initially he called it "an evil act of violence". It wasn't till later in the day, when advised by his staff, that he called it terrorism. And yet he still wouldn't say radical jihadist Muslims were behind it.
Barry Soetero then declared in his condescending manner and delivery, that "these were just the actions of a few, and not Islamic or Muslim, and we should not be quick to judge a peaceful religion such as Islam".
Of course this was followed up by my favorite TV network MSNBC claiming that we don't have all the evidence yet if these were terrorists....maybe just a few radicals. We sure can't forget old Howard Dean on "Meet the Press", when he said, "I don't think these radicals were truly Muslims". You remember Howard don't you? He's the Democrat that yelled "Yaaaaa...we're gonna take back the White House". We all know how credible old Howard is.
Even after it was discovered that this terrorist attack originated from a cell with strong jihadist ties to Yemen, this man in America's White House still gives more support to Islam and Muslims than he does to Christianity here in America. This is not right. Barry wants to become an ally of Iran, even after Iran declared that Israel should be obliterated, and the Holocaust was a joke.
Since Barry has been in office he has increasingly and strongly suggested that Christianity should not challenge Islam, and we should all even be careful not to insult, but to embrace the Islam faith.
And what has followed? While we are almost being forced to accept the Islam faith this man also supports the tearing down of Christianity. This is being recognized by not allowing the Bible to be read in childrens' free time in school, the words Merry Christmas not allowed to be spoken in many schools and businesses, manger scenes forbidden to be erected, people losing their jobs because they declare their Christian faith.
Is this what our Founding Fathers wanted for us when they drafted our Constitution? I think not. The Constitution and Laws of this country do not say we must all pay our taxes, unless we're "Rev" Al Sharpton. And nothing is going to be done about it because "Sneaky Snaky Sharpton" has three best friends; Barry Soetero, Eric Holder, and Bill Deblasio. He'll never be arrested.
All true law-abiding hard working Americans want Al thrown in jail for extortion. He actually gets paid by companies NOT to harass and picket them. Just imagine if old Al were a White Republican. Holder would have his a** in jail by now.
If Satan himself instructed Barry to overthrow America he couldn't be doing any more damage. Black thug protestors yelling and screaming at White in a restaurant recently because they were angry that Whites could afford brunch, but they and their other Black thug friends couldn't. Barry's double standards just maybe can be told in a "tongue-in-cheek" bit of humor. Whites, especially White cops are dangerous criminals, but if Black Panthers, along with other Black thugs rob a bank, it's not considered a's called "undocumented withdrawals.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops
(don't forget to follow me on on You Tube V-Blog....Politics with Pete
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