For the next two years my favorite number is definitely going to be "60". It must be the favorite number of every American that wants to see this Muslim in our White House made irrelevant. In pure fact, it is really the only way this man can be stopped.
Currently there are fifty-four GOP Senators in Congress. We all know a law passed in the Senate onto the president's desk must have sixty signatures affixed to the law. If not then the president can, and in the next two years, most likely will veto any bill from the Senate.
Forget about Fast & Furious, Benghazi, IRS, DOJ, and Obamacare. Just focus on what he's doing now. This man is not the leader we need to move our great country forward. He will take no action at all to keep our country safe. It's all about him and protecting his power base.
He wants to get in bed with Iran. He refuses to even recognize the radical Islamist ISIS that is gaining ground on us by the day. How can you destroy an evil force like ISIS if you won't even call it by its name. And he seems proud in acting this way.
Does anyone really think this man wants to help the American middle class? All he cares about is power. Americans just want to go back to work to take care of their families. He could put thousands back to work by just approving the Keystone Pipeline, and he's already announced that without sixty votes he will surely veto the bill. Now does that seem like a leader that wants to improve our economy?
Tonight he will spit right in the faces of Congress. He knows his tax increases will not get through the House nor the Senate, but he's just using this to tell his entitlement "freebie" base that "those terrible Republicans won't let me help you". Is this the type of leader our country needs right now? I think not.
Tonight he will not talk about strengthening our military to fight ISIS, or how we can be a strong ally of Isreal, or how to stop Iran from building a nuclear bomb, or how we're going to annihilate ISIS. He is nothing more than a charasmatic empty suit. Tonight will be the same old thing; tax, tax, tax. Does he really think there's such a thing as "FREE" Junior College? Taxpayers will surely pay for this. Yes, it's nice to travel the country and feed Kool-Aid to his entitlement "freebie" base and tell them college is free, but we're all smart enough to know who's going to pay for Barry's "free" college.
Forget any impeachment hearings. That will never happen. The only viable tool we have available to us now is for the Senate to garner sixty votes on a bill to pass on to the president's office. We know the answer to that is plain and simple. We need sixty votes.
With sixty votes on all Senate passed bills we can then put Barry Soetero out to the golf course, or vacationing, or schmoozing with his celebrity fawners. This man is so self-centered he's letting it known that he has no reason to work with this Congress.
We elected this people to Congress. Send them messages by mail, phone, or email to let them know to work as hard as they can to reach the number sixty when passing bills. If we can reach that success Barry won't veto and just lay around watching ESPN, and go golfing. We can make this man irrelevant in his last two years.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(please follow me on my You Tube v-blog Politics with Pete)
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