Wait a minute Barry; you're carrying this lame duck a little too far. At least go through the motions that you're our Dear Leader. Whew, can you get any more "lame"? Yeah, I think you can and undoubtedly you will.
Just two days after a few radical Islamic jihadist Muslims slaughtered eleven innocent civilians in a Paris newspaper office, four more in a Kosher Market, and an innocent female police officer, our Dear Leader would not call it what it, in pure fact, really was.
He called it a horrific evil terrorist act, but he refused to call it an act committed by radical Islamic jihadist Muslims. And to further spit in the face of freedom throughout the world what else does this Lame-Duck-In-Chief do? He refused to join other world leaders in protest to these terrorist crimes.
Yes, world leaders, too many to mention in this blog, from all over the world joined a million very peaceful protestors on the streets of Paris to march, arms linked, in protest to these evil dastardly crimes against innocent people. I'm watching it now on TV. It's truly a beautiful site, and a significant act of solidarity.
And where is Barry in all this? His absence from joining these other world leaders speaks volumes. What is worse is that he just doesn't care. He's actually laughing in our faces. Right now he's probably on the golf course, and getting ready to kick back and watch the NFL play off games. He can't be bothered; and didn't even send Biden or Kerry. Instead he sends his flunky lame duck Attorney General "henchman" Holder.
I began to ask myself what does Barry's absence in Paris have to do with Camp Gitmo and the Keystone Pipeline? Even if no one will believe that this man is a Muslim himself, we can all agree that he has had a very strong allegiance to Islam and all Muslims. Remember in 2009 when he declared, "those who slander the prophet Muhammed, will not be accepted". It's clear this man has a romance with Islam and Muslims.
First of all, Barry has already declared he will veto the Keystone Pipeline legislation as soon as the law crosses his desk. Every wonder why? Two reasons; he gets a lot of "donations" from his base that want to encourage solar panels and electric cars. Secondly, he wants to assure his mid-east Muslim brothers that the U.S. will continue to buy oil from them, and assure that Keystone will not lower gas prices for America.
Let's not forget what our Dear Leader is doing surrounding the Camp Gitmo fiasco. He and his "Goring" henchman Holder continue to release convicted radical Islamic jihadist Muslim terrorists from Gitmo back to the mid-east, so they can restart their jihadist terrorist acts against western civilization. Dear Leader Barry is even "sneaking out" Gitmo prisoners in the dark of night. Ever wonder why he continues to take these actions?
The very core of the truth to this is that no one really has the answer, and that is because this man has gone to great expense and work to make sure no one knows this man's true background. Could we really have a true radical Islamic Muslim in America's White House? We just might folks. No birth certificate, no school transcripts, no one remembers him. I predict that many years after he's out of office the truth will prevail, and he'll just be laughing all the way to retirement.
What can America do at this point? Yes, impeachment sounds great, but in the meantime our GOP-controlled Congress must make sure we get our 68 votes in the Senate when bills are passed to avoid this man's veto power. That's the best we can do till the 2016 elections.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops
(and please follow me on my You Tube v-blog "Politics with Pete")
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