Remember the time when all Americans were proud that this great country, supported by what our Founding Fathers and declared in the Constitution, that we were founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs. Having faith in those principals helped make America the greatest country ever.
Now it seems the religious beliefs in America are being attacked by the "politically correct", and are being supported by the non-Christian, Barry Soetero, who resides in our White House. This man, and his husband Michael and their two off-springs won't even declare a religion or a church to attend.
Now, it also seems fashionable to attack anyone who dare believes in God, whether of the Jewish belief or Christian belief. Our infamous ACLU conjures up lawsuits to have Christian crosses removed from schools, cemeteries, public hospitals, and government buildings.
Lawsuits have been successfully filed prohibiting Christmas mangers on public city parks. Children are being sent home from school for wearing religious jewelry or even T-Shirts with religious sayings on them.
Hold it now, wait a minute. These attacks are on all religious beliefs except one, and you know which one that is. Yes, the Islamic Muslim religion. Would you believe there are public schools that actually allow Muslim children to bring their prayer rugs with them to school, while providing time for them to get on their knees saying praises to Allah.
Our country even has a network that allows a program anchored by Pig Maher that allows him to swear about God. This Pig even calls God horrible names, even going so far as to call God and his son Jesus Christ murderers.
Being raised by Italian immigrants in the Roman Catholic faith I really take personal all the attacks on the Catholic church. Sure, there are many man-made laws within the church that I disagree with, but my parents raised me to honor my Catholic faith.
So it is with great honor and pride I write about the wonderful contributions of the Catholic faith.
In New Orleans the Charity Hospital run by the Sisters of Charity, in sync with Upjohn company developed the plasma systems in the 1930's that went on to save lives in WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and today in the wars in the middle east.
As far back as the Civil War, over ninety per cent of the battlefield nurses were Catholic nuns. When the Catholic church was founded there were no hospitals, but today one out of five people in this country receive their medical care at a Catholic hospital.
When the Catholic church was founded there were no schools, but today the Catholic church teaches over three million students a day, in its more than 250 Catholic colleges and universities, and its more than 5,000 Catholic grade schools.
Every day, yes every day, the Catholic church feeds, clothes, and shelters more people than any other organization in the world. Did you know that today's Obamacare mandate could end all of this, and hard working American taxpayers would have to make up the loss.
Also, did you know that all Catholic adoption services would come to an end under Obamacare?
There are more than 77 million Catholics in the United States today, and it takes an estimated 50 million Catholic votes to elect a president. Please remember this in 214 days, please.
Remember when Barry Soetero and his husband claimed "the U.S.A. is not a Christian nation"?
This coming from a man raised as a Muslim, and today will not claim a church or a religion to raise his two daughters in.
Barry Soetero and his fawning media, along with people like Reid, Jarret, Pelosi, etc., are constantly giving praise to the Islamic Muslim faith, but consider the following:
Have you ever been to a Muslim hospital? Have you ever heard a Muslim orchestra or band march in a parade? Do you know of a Muslim charity? Have you ever seen a Muslim shake hands with a Muslim girl scout? Do you know of any Muslim candy-stripers volunteering in a hospital?
To sum it up, has anyone known of anything a Muslim person or Muslim organization that contributes anything or service in a positive way to improve the American way of life?
This blog comes to you by a proud and devout Roman Catholic that wants to remind you that in 214 days you can take the first step in taking our country back to live in the Judeo-Christian values were were taught in the Constitution by our Founding Fathers.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country..and our troops
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