Thursday, March 20, 2014

Gettin' our mojo back

When you look back in world history you begin to understand what all the evil dictators had in common. Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Asaad, and so many others were all overcome and defeated by the good people in their countries; some with the help of other good people from other allied countries. Now, I'm not putting Barry Soetero on the same evil plane as the rest of the world's evil dictators, but just take a look at the path he's on, and where he's trying to take us.

Forget about Fast & Furious, the IRS, the DOJ, and Benghazi. Take a look at what he's doing right now on the home front, and how he reacts when a crisis hits  Putin is laughing at him, probably saying, "sanction this Barry". He'll probably end up bowing to Vladimar at the G7 Summit. 

Remember Barry sucking up to Medveded at the last summit when he said, "tell Putin that after this next election I will be more flexible". We're all still wondering what he meant with that utterance. Was he telling Medveded about his golf or basketball game?

However, have you noticed lately there's a slow, but powerful push-back against the failed leadership and dictatorship of Barry Soetero? More and more Americans are seeing through the utter failure of this man to do what's good for Americans of this great country.

He refuses to issue tort reform for medical lawsuits, and still refuses to allow health insurance companies to cross state lines, creating much needed competition which will help lower premium prices. He refuses to frack and drill for oil and construct new refineries here in our country, so we can become energy independent, while creating tens of thousands of jobs.

Not a lot of Americans know about central California. Living in California for thirty-five years I had the opportunity to travel through the farmlands of central California. I remember the acres and acres of farmland being sunny and green, while farm workers were planting and harvesting their crops to sell to markets so they could provide for their families.

Then along comes the Evil Propaganda Anarchists (EPA). Hard to believe; can't make this stuff up. The EPA, fearing the demise of a quarter-inch smelt fish actually has shut off the water flow into central California. This has caused acres of farmland to dry up, sowing and reaping of farm products to cease, therefore leaving  thousands of farm workers idle and unable to provide for their families.

And while this is on-going Barry Soetero and his band of Evil Propaganda Anarchists have no intention of allowing water to flow into the farmlands of central California. How can anyone believe this lying man when he stands in front of a teleprompter and tells us our economy is rebounding. 

Well Barry, we've had it with you; we are finished ingesting your lying diatribe. We are taking our first step in exactly 227 days. We are moving in the positive direction of taking our country back from Barry, Sebelius, Holder, Hillary, Jarret, Reid, Pelosi, and even Barry's husband Michael. Here we come. People, don't let people like Barry Soetero overtake this great nation.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.

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