Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Take it-it's yours

Starting with Fast & Furious, and continuing on down the line; IRS, DOJ, Benghazi, Obamacare, $17.Trillion debt, etc., etc., etc., it seems these horrific tragedies are nothing more to our youth than fodder for the late night comics. 

We've even taken it a step further; TV entertainment shows are now doing "man-on-the-street" episodes for their respective shows. Oh, it's hilarious all right. The reporter will ask a young person a simple question, i.e., "Do you think Sarah Palin is doing a good job as Obama's vice-president". Or how about, "Who is the governor of the state of Washington D.C.?".

I could fill a book of blogs with ridiculous  humorous questions and equally ridiculous answers that are meant to make Americans, especially young Americans appearvery uninformed. Ask a youngster to recite the words to Beyonce's latest song, and they'll light up and ramble on with the correct lyrics. But ask the same youngster, "Benghazi is the capital of what state in our country?"

While living in California I served on the board of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children as the media relations representative. I spent many hours talking to children of all ages about "stranger danger", and many other topics surrounding the protection of our children.

Many times I spoke to teens on the subject, "Power of Choice".  I tried to drive home the important issue that "someday us old-timers are going to turn this country and world over to you to run it". I tried to tell them that the late heroes and leaders of this great country worked hard and will on pass this reins of our country to them for the future well being and growth of this great country.

I also tried to drive home the fact that someday it will be their decisions that guide our country. I would ask them, "Are you up for the challenge to make this country great?"   A few of the young teens would show an interest, and in the discussions periods we would have interesting topics.
But it's so sad to write that most were just hoping the hour would pass soon so they could get back to their cell phones.

I always closed the hour starting with a few moments of silence, then in a stern, and a little stronger decibel output, I would say to the teens, "Guess what...I've got news for you...whether you like it or not, whether you want to or not, us old-timers are going to turn over this whole entire world to you. It'll be up to you what you want to do with will work hard to make this country great to leave to your children someday, or you can sit back and let the world pass you by".

I'd get a lot of questioning and eye-opening looks with that. Then I'd close with a quote from one of my favorite heroes, Lee Iacoco, "When you're in this world, and as you grow, you will either lead, follow, or get out of the way of those that want to make this a better world".

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

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