Monday, March 24, 2014

Heil Barry

In the 1930's Adolph Hitler just about goose-stepped with the teachings of Socialist-Communist Saul Alinsky. Also believing in the Saul Alinsky's teachings, like Adolph Hitler  were dictators like Mussolinni, Lenin, Castro, and Chavez.

Of course I'm not suggesting that Barry Soetero is as evil as the aforementioned ruthless corrupt murdering dictators, however as the curious quote states, "if you lie with dogs you end up with fleas". 

Let's review the philosophies and ultimate policies of these evil dictators starting with healthcare.
These ruthless leaders believed if their government controlled healthcare, then they controlled the masses. (See Obamacare)

They also believed if you keep the masses in poverty, and continue to raise the level of poverty, these "useful idiots" will not be able to fight back; therefore once again able to control.  Their view of the national debt is to continue to increase the national debt; thereby justifying to increase taxes; to increase more poverty. (See Barry's increase in welfare & food stamps)

Align strong government organizations like the Occupational Safety and Health Organization (OSHA) with strong union leaders to shut down non-union businesses; thereby creaing government union control over the free market destroying capitalism. (See Barry's union waivers on Obamacare)

Control the ability of the masses to defend themselves from the tyrannical control of the government. With this being accomplished a police state (Gestapo) is easier to form.These leaders created and expanded their welfare states, enabling to control the masses through housing, food (food stamps, unemployment, and income. (See Barry & Holders attempts to repeal the 2nd Amendment)

Make sure how are children are indoctrinated (educated) in schools in their philosophical beliefs, denying children the right to any freedom of education to make their own decisions in life. (See Barry's control of charter schools)

Assure that in public schools there will be no belief in God. Remove all Christian and religious beliefs in public schools that reflect any teachings of God. (What Christian church does Barry and his husband Michael belong to?)

And maybe the most impacting: These ruthless murdering dictators strong believed in a class system by dividing the masses into the wealthy and the poor. This will not only cause class warfare, but it will become easier to impose higher taxes on corporations and the wealthy.

Now, as I wrote earlier, I'm not suggesting Barry Soetero is as evil as these dictators I mentioned earlier, but take a long hard look at what this man is doing now. All I can write now is Heil Barry!
 We must stop this man, and take our first step in 216 days.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.


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