Serving in the military for four years I had the opportunity, stationed in London, England to travel through Europe for almost three years. The highlight for me was visiting the country that both my parents were born in, which is Italy. I first went there in 1956 for a two-week stay with only $80.00 in my pocket.
Being a broke G.I. my buddy and I lived on one meal a day and stayed in the hostels where other G.I.'s and traveling college students stayed for $2.00 a day. Met some wonderful young people from all over the world. It was an experience I'll never forget.
One evening after visiting the beautiful sights of Rome, I returned to our hostel and penned a five-page letter to my parents relating to them of the beautiful things I had experienced in their birth country.
At the close of my letter to them I wrote, "this Italy is a beautiful and great country, but thanks for catching the boat to Ellis Island, cause the U.S. is still the best country ever....can't wait to come home". I'll never forget that letter. I wrote it to my parents in 1956 from Rome, Italy.
What's my point in all this bloviating about my country? Well, I don't know about you, but I'm sick and tired of a lot of our celebrities continually downgrading our great country. It starts with Barry Soetero. Look what he did in his very first few months on office in 2008. He traveled to Europe to "apologize" for America's greatness.
He called America "dismissive and arrogant". Then he went on to announce that he would "bring America's greatness down to the level of other countries". It was then, back in 2008, that I felt this man, who attacked the very country and its people that elected him, would ever get reelected in 2012. Well, you know what happened.
Now enter Sean Penn, Louie Farrakhan, Michael Moore, Rosie O'Donnel, Roseann Barr, Joy Behar, Pig Maher, and certain hosts on MSNBC. These people are being paid millions of dollars in their professions from a country that they continue to desecrate, verbally attack and bad mouth.
All of the folks mentioned above, along with too many others, strongly believe our great country should be a Socialist state. Well, not only was our great country founded on Socialism, it has prospered over the years on a capitilistic belief.
Here are some contradictions of Socialism here in America. While these Socialists call America capitalistic and greedy, we have half of the population on subsidies. And while half of the population is subsidized the progressive liberals want them to believe they are victims.
So those on subsidies that believe they are victims elect representative to Congress to run our government to keep the poor on entitlements, so they can control them to stay in office. So while these representatives keep running the government the "victims" keep getting poorer.
On of my favorite retired basketball players is Charles Barkley, and I always remember his quote, "poor people been votin' Democrat for a hundred years, and they're still poor". Think about that. The poor keep getting poorer and complain about our country, and yet the poor here have things that people in other countries only dream about.
I'm also confused about another idiom among poor people here in America; while the poor have things that people in other countries only dream about the Socialists here want America to be more like those other countries. This great freedom-loving country offers more opportunities for hard working people than any other country in the world.
So I ask Rosie O'Donnel, Sean Penn, Joy Behar, Whoopi Goldbert, Pig Maher, Roseann Barr, and the hosts at MSNBC, if you hate our country so much why not just leave? We don't want you here. You don't deserve to live and prosper in this great country.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
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