Sunday, March 9, 2014

EPA= Erratic Propaganda Anarchists

The Erratic Propaganda Anarchists, known as the EPA, is likely the most corrupt government agency we have in our country today. Probably the most terrifying news surrounding this corrupt government organization is they could very well be the most powerful organization we have ever had in this country.

This corrupt EPA group is on a mission to destroy employment opportunities in our contiguous 48 states, along with Alaska and Hawaii.  It is extremely difficult for citizens and businesses to combat this corrupt Erratic Propaganda Anarchists, as they have the complete support of the DOJ, also known as the Derelict Overpaid Jerks. These Derelicts are being led by another overpaid and corrupt jerk, Eric "Goebbel" Holder. He is in charge of Barry Soetero''s Gestapo.

I've often wondered just what help this Erratic Propaganda Anarchy gives to America. There certainly is no argument that our economy strongly needs jobs for Americans so families can be provided for, so businesses can flourish to invest and create more jobs, stimulating our economy to grow. 

Isn't it tragically sad that we have man in OUR White House that is actually afraid of the Erratic Propaganda Anarchists. Ever wonder why this man is so afraid? Barry Soetero's main goal is to assure the mid-east oil and Asian coal dictators that our United States of America stay energy dependent on them.

In turn Barry receives millions from these dictators for his own personal coffers. Another thing I wonder is how this man in OUR White House has amassed so much wealth since he's spent most of his time on the golf course beginning in 2009. You thin maybe donations from....well, you get the message.

The Erratic Propaganda Anarchists (EPA), along with the support of the Derelict Overpaid Jerks (DOJ), has almost single-handedly stopped the wheels of growth in employment in this country.

While Americans are paying nearly $4.00/gallon for gasoline, the EPA will not allow Barry Soetero to drill, frack, or even open the Keystone Pipeline. Our great neighbor to the north, Canada, is standing by ready to turn on the spigot to let the oil flow into the U.S., but the EPA is making Barry say "no way".  These are pure facts. Opening the Keystone Pipeline and drilling and fracking here and in Alaska would serve a two-fold purpose. 

We would put thousands to work and drive the cost of oil down. Beneath the soil here and in Alaska we have more oil reserves than the entire mid-east. Of course if we do this then Barry stops getting his millions from his Muslim friends in the mid-east.

Barry Soetero has remained silent while the EPA has shut down over 200 coal mines in West Virgina, while he travels around the country reading from his teleprompters just how great our economy is recovering. Congressman Joe Wilson was correct when he called Barry a liar during his state of the union lie brigade a few years ago.

The EPA wants to protect a small smelt fish in central California by prohibiting water flowing into their dried up acres of farmland stopping the good farmers of California to harvest their lands.
Someone please tell me how this will help a nation that has a true unemployment of nearly 13%.

Please don't be misled that this group of Erratic Propaganda Anarchists are looking to "prevent global warming" by making Barry stop oil and coal drilling. This is all political, and it's time we stop taking the "whatever" attitude. If we don't stop these EPA and DOJ regimes we will pass on an economically devastated country to our children and grandchildren.

Yeah, yeah, I're asking "what the hell can I do"? Well for the few of you that may read this blog you can do what I'm doing: (1) contact your House and Senate representative to let them know how disappointed you are in not trying to stop the EPA and DOJ from raping our economy. And then (2) get to that voting booth in 238 days, and vote to stop this bureaucratic nonsense.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops 


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