Sunday, February 10, 2013

Why I went to the TPC

No politics today. Just a straight forward message to my TPC members and TPC advocates. A little over a year ago I was asked by a local well known newspaper to join their media lab and write a conservative political blog.

Of course I was humbly honored, and decided I was going to write a blog a day reflecting my conservative political views on the current topics.  Topics would focus on unemployment, Obamacare, GDP, national debt, welfare, food stamps, etc.

I was grateful that the majority of my blog readers agreed with me, and it just encouraged me to keep writing and try to get more informative, more entertaining, and increase my topic researching. Of course I would welcome opposing views. I enjoyed the challenging responses, and would engage in friendly back and forth blog messages.

Stay with me please.  Then the newspaper invited a liberal progressive left-leaning Democrat to join their media lab. What I discovered immediately was most of the contents of his blogs were filled with lies and personal attacks on any who opposed his liberal progressive views, mainly yours truly, and even my family.

His personal attacks along with his lies got so bad I approached the director of the media lab and asked that they contact the individual and  suggest a more friendly adversarial response to my blogs. Then the "young" director commented, "why don't you just ignore him, and he may go away".

So I tried that, and the more I ignored this left-leaning progressive liberal the more vile his blogs became filled with lies and personal attacks.

The final blow was the day he responded to my blog about gun control. Now this individual, through my blogs, knew I was an NRA member, a gun advocate, owned guns for target shooting and personal protection. He also knew my wife and I both have concealed-carry permits.

He wrote in his blog that the reason I like guns is because I harbor latent homosexual tendencies. He further wrote my wife caresses the barrel of my guns like she caresses my penis, and the bullet that fires from my gun is my sexual ejaculation. This man, through my blogs, knows I have a lesbian daughter, and also knows that my wife and I have six children and nine grandchildren. It was that day I cancelled my newspaper subscription and resigned from their media lab. I chose not to be associated with this group any longer.

Shortly thereafter I cancelled my Facebook membership and joined the Tea Party Community web site.  My point in all this folks is that these "trolls" are afraid, very afraid of the growing membership of the TPC. Be prepared because the worst is yet to come. They will lie, distort, and most of all make disparaging personal attacks on anyone who leaves Facebook and joins the TPC. See Huffington Post.

We must continue to fight the good fight. Ignore the "trolls". They will continue to throw insults, attack the TPC, lash lies at us. Why?  Pure and simple folks....they are afraid, very afraid of us. The TPC web site is actually growing faster than Facebook did when they started.
People are leaving Facebook in gigantic droves to join the TPC. 

Contact as many as you can to join us on the TPC. Even billionaire Soros won't be able to stop us. Let's start making plans now pointing to 2014 to dethrone this Socialist-Messiah that's in OUR  White House. 

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.

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I welcome all views, and am open for discussion, but will not tolerate personal attacks