There's an old say that coincidentally was just repeated yesterday by Dr. Benjamin Carson. It goes something like this: "if you keep repeating the same lies over and over, and over again to the masses, soon they will believe the lies as truth".
Now, more than ever we need our media to wake up to help Americans restore our country. They, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC, will not report the true facts on any current issue facing our country today.
Yes, I did not mention Fox News, as they are the only cable news network that will continue to report all aspects of the news. There's a reason that for twelve years running that Fox News has maintained the number one ranking among news viewers.
I am not writing this to prop up Fox. I want to appeal to our main stream media, and ask them do you really and truly love this country, and want to see us reigning back in prosperity? Why won't the media start report ALL the facts surrounding the news today? It seems they just pick and choose the news that will continue to support their man Obie.
The media refuses to report on topics they should be addressing. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC will arbitrarily "drop" current issues that in any way could question the way this current administration is operating.
What happened to finding out the story of "Fast & Furious"? What happened to the White House going back on their words by going back on their promise to open the Keystone Pipeline? What happened to investigating the bankruptcy and criminal investigation of all those energy companies like Solyndra?
Why won't the media tell Americans the true facts about Obamacare? Why won't they explain the true machinations of Obamacare? We will not have enough Doctors, to the point where physician assistants will be giving medical attention instead of Doctors? Everyone knows the trouble our country is heading for because of Obamacare, but the media completely and totally refuses to even discuss it on air.
Why does the media continue to pamper and prop us this White House resident? Steven Kroft on 60-minutes actually made a love-in with Obie and Hillary a few Sundays ago. Why did the media attack Sarah Palin, while giving a pass to everyone else on the topic of death panels?
I predicted that within two days of Dr. Benjamin Carson's comments at the breakfast prayer meeting last week that the media would come out in droves to crucify the great Doctor. What did the Doctor do? Simply stood up fearlessly and explained the problems that have emanated from the White House. And now the media says he was disrespectful to Obie. Hey, Obie was an invited to the meeting same as Dr. Carson. What about the First Amendment?
I guess it's OK for the media to make disgusting personal attacks on anyone that opposes Obie, including calling Mitt Romney a killer, but the media will lie and continue to attack any anti-Obie situation? Does the media expect Obie to take care of them when the bottom falls out in our economy? Oh no...he'll be "retired", and living the good life forever beginning in January, 2017. You don't think he's going to care for all his welfare "buddies" when he leaves the White House?
Our country is economically in shambles. The media won't even discuss the rising gasoline prices, along with not discussing that Obie refuses to build refineries and drill oil right here in our country. Remember when Pelosi wanted to impeach Bush for 4.5% unemployment and $1.84 for a gallon of gas? Boy the media was all over that.
Whether Americans are Democrat, Republican, or Independent when they want the true up to date facts surrounding the news they go to Fox on TV, and Rush on the radio. Last night during a Fox commercial I switched to MSNBC, and Ed "Sgt" Schultz was degrading the GOP, saying they were taking food from childrens' mouths, stopping seniors getting medical care. Does MSNBC really believe the American people are buying into that diatribe?
And what does the White House do? Well, of course they continue to pander to their media supporters. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC will continue to discuss gun control issues and other issues that will throw the masses away from the real true problems in this country; and that is jobs and our dwindling economy.
If the media loves this country like the rest of us do they'll start reporting the facts truthfully, and stop the blubbering fawning over "their man". This country deserves truth.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops
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