The last time other countries, including the radical Muslims, respected and even feared our great country was during the time the great Ronald Reagan was our President. When it came to defending our great country the Gipper believed, "In strength there can be peace". During his eight years in office the U.S. was respected and even feared in mostly all cases.
Today we have a Socialist-in-Chief occupying space in or White House that surrounds himself with Muslim sympathizers much like himself. Can you believe we have a CIA Director that is of the Islam faith? No, I'm not against freedom of religion, but during these times when there is so much tension in the mid-east is it feasible to have an Islamic CIA Director?
Then there's our infamous Secretary of State that proclaimed his disdain for our own military during the Vietnam war by likening our own military, for which he served, to "that of Genghis Khan...slaughtering women and children". If that wasn't enough John Kerry physically threw his Vietnam medals and ribbons over a fence. I will never refer to this man as Secretary of State; to me he will be just John Kerry the Ketchup man.
And to prove Mr. Kerry's worth there are now countries refusing to meet with him, and even mocking and laughing at him. Is he the Secretary of State our country needs? He actually wants to sit down with the Syrian rebels and the Syrian government. If that isn't enough he's declaring that we should sit down with the Iranian leader to "discuss" Iran's nuclear war heads. Yes, Mr. Kerry, you sit down with these people who hate us and want to annihilate our way of life. Then you can hold hands and sing "We Are The World". Yeah, right.
And what does our Socialist-in-Chief do? Of course he appoints cabinet members and czars that are like him, Muslim sympathizers. It is no secret that these mid east countries hate us, and what's worse is we actually give financial support while buying oil from these countries. As someone recently asked, "why give them financial aid...they'll still hate us if we stop giving them aid, they just want us to keep buying their oil".
Most Americans believe that the Socialist-in-Chief's first order of business in January, 2009 was to close Camp Gitmo. No, no, closing Camp Gitmo was his SECOND order of business.
Am I the only one that wonders why his FIRST order of business when he got sworn into residency of our White House was to block all his school records, his passport records, along with his questionable birth certificate?
Isn't it odd that he is the only White House resident in the history of our great country to overtly hide any records of his past? No, I'm not a birther; as I've said many times, I don't care where he was born....I care where he lives now. Beginning with George Washington America has had open disclosure of all our Presidents; where they were born; where they were schooled, close friend associations, everything we wanted to know about our previous Presidents was an open book to all Americans.
Why is it we know so much about all previous Presidents, but know absolutely nothing about this Socialist? There is only one reason for this; the Socialist-in-Chief is hiding something. He's also so very good at adding insult to injury by adding Hagel and Brennan to his staff of minions. The extreme sadness in all this is this man has a fawning media that spends their everyday broadcasting hours and written publications protecting this man.
If Barack Hussein Obama were a Caucasian, Republican named Barry Jones you can bet the media would be investigating this man to their extreme depths to find out everything there is to know about this man.
I'll close today's blog citing the most dastardly act a President could ever do in his sequester fight. He is now releasing illegal alien criminals to the our American streets, and his shortening our border protection. These acts will almost assuredly bring harm to the very people he swore to protect. Is this a man for America? This man's meanness borders on being outright evil.
Years from now we will learn all the secrecy behind this Socialist-in-Chief, and it's going to be scary to Americans. Right now be very afraid and do all we can to ready ourselves for the 2014 mid term elections.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country..and our troops.
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