This Socialist-in-Chief that is sleeping at our White House believes without a doubt that his arrogance gives him the free pass to continue his lying and overt threats to the American people. He believes in using fear as his motivator when dealing with the citizens of this great country.
This man works for us. Unfortunately there were 51%, of Americans, made up mostly of welfare recipients, that granted this Socialist-In-Chief the right to continue to destroy our great country for four more years.
Sadly, this is likened to a cult, especially where the media is concerned. Think about it; he continues to grow the welfare community in leaps and bounds, and in return they will follow him right down to the bowels of complete collapse of this great country. The media continues to bow to him at every turn, even when he dismisses them, as he just did at the Governor's banquet. His Hollywood faithful are given enormous tax breaks to continue to make more movies. And what does the Hollywood faithful do in return? They continue to "prop up" our Socialist-in-Chief with fawning interviews and a cult-like allegiance.
The problem we are having is the media and Hollywood couldn't care less about the economy, the national debt, unemployment or the dismal future our country is heading towards under the tutelage of the Socialist-in-Chief that sleeps in our White House. The media and Hollywood elite, and even the Socialist himself, all "have theirs", so why should they care about John and Jane Doe? They don't care about anyone but their selfish selves.
His arrogance was so foolish that he actually believed Congress was going to "fold" under his sequester threats, even after he is sending all his minions like Janet Napolitano out on threat speeches throughout the country. His scare tactics are failing so poorly that Americans are now saying, "sequester this, Obie...bring it on"
His scare tactics are so bad that he is actually going to follow through with cuts and lay-offs to departments that do not need to be cut. He's doing this just to be a playground bully so he can say, "I told you so". Are you 51%'ers paying attention? What will you do when the freebies expire from this Socialist? You will most likely try to become like Greece.
What is wonderful about this great country is that the private sector will not suffer from the Socialist's sequster threats. Come Saturday morning it will be business as usual for the private sector. However, this Socialist will make sure his threats come to fruition even if not necessary. He will furlough government employees, stop funding where stoppage is not necessary.
I don't know about anyone else, but to me these are impeachable offenses. This Socialist is not looking out for the citizens of this great country. He's only out to destroy anyone that stands in his way. How do we stop this?
Well, we can start right now by getting the word out to anyone will listen. Write blogs when necessary. Set our sights on the mid-term 2014, and pray that the fawning media wakes up and starts speaking the truth about this Socialist- in-Chief to the American people.
This man will not rest until our complete competitive capitalistic freedom is totall destroyed, and replaced with Socialism-Marxism-Communism. While America continues to suffer this man will continue to destroy our way of life. We must stop him the only positive way we can; start in 2014, and carry through in 2016. It's really the only sure fire way there is.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
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