Sunday, February 24, 2013

Can't impeach-think 2014

How many times have we heard, or even uttered ourselves, "We gotta impeach him".? I know I've said this to anyone who will listen to me. I've read true justifications of this in most newspaper articles, and heard it on TV and radio talk shows hundreds of times.

The Benghazi massacre enough is an impeachable offense. This Socialist-in-Chief was in Vegas raising money for his campaign and even sound asleep in a warm bed while Ambassador Stevens and three other American heroes were being slain. When asked about it our chief Socialist just  responded, "well, it was during a campaign time".  When he was later questioned later he replied the Benghazi massacre was "just bumps in the road". 

In 2011 our infamous Socialist-in-Chief authored The Sequester. He even went so far as to proclaim that he would veto any laws to stop the sequester if it ever passed his desk. Now he's vehemently accusing the Republican House and Senate members of "stopping first offenders, letting criminals out of jail, stopping law enforcement from having enough people to protect us, mothers would not have adequate child care, seniors would not get medical treatment, border patrol agents would be furloughed, Head-Start would be shut down, unemployment would rise, millions of jobs would be lost, national parks will be closed, TSA inspectors will not be able to protect Americans on flights, federal food inspectors will be furloughed fearing tainted food be sold to Americans".  Are you afraid yet?

These are the same scare tactics that Hitler and Stalin used to corral their "masses". What is devastating is that it worked back then in history.  Yes, it worked until the U.S. and its allies put an end to it. Don't know how else to say it folks; we have an arrogant evil man in our White House, and like Stalin and Hitler wants to control Americans through fear. The sequester is just a platform for his distraction techniques. I mean, we're only talking about $85.billion to immediately cut.

Today, what is so horrifying and tragic is that we have our own White House resident that is trying to do the same thing. How many lies have we caught him in? I could fill ten blogs with his lies, but Obamacare must be at the top of the list of impeachable offenses.

This Socialist-in-Chief put his hand on our Christian Bible in 2009 and 2013 pledging to uphold the ENTIRE Constitution of the United States, not just his own egotistic choices of the Constitution.

He promised, "if you like your doctor and your plan you can keep it". For me, a senior citizen that alone is an impeachable offense. Then he promised Obamacare would save billions from our national debt. Another outright blatant lie. Why has he allowed companies of his favorite donors and his favorite unions a "pass" on participating in Obamacare?

We now have thirty states, and counting, to opt out of Obamacare. Companies are cutting hours, laying off employees, and refusing to invest and expand to to increasing health care costs. In fact the CBO reports the average family wanting to keep their existing health care plan will have their premiums raised over $1,000. per year.

Then our thoughtful, wonderful Socialist-inChief  claims he "owes it to the middle class to raise taxes on the wealthy".  Well, he also halted the payroll tax deduction to the tune of approximately $40-$50 per week for average wage-earning Americans. This equates that average income families are now seeing on average $200.00 a month less in their paycheck.

Our Socialist-in-Chief keeps preaching, "we have to ask our wealthy to pay a little more". Has someone told this Hitleresque-Stalinesque White House resident that the top 5%of American wage/salary income earners pay over 40% of our tax revenue. He wants to continue to raise taxes for revenue, however, he won't answer the main question: What are you going to do Mr. Socialist-inChief when the money runs out?

Yes, all this is going on today, along with rising gasoline prices, while he refuses to open the Keystone Pipeline and drill for oil here and in Alaska in our fertile oil fields. Impeachment seems the most logical answer doesn't it?

If our Socialist-in-Chief were a Republican and we had a Democrat controlled House and Senate he would most certainly be impeached.  But we must face reality folks. This man is on a mission to crush our American way of life by starting with our values in competitive capitalism. 

The reality is our Democrat controlled Senate and our "in Obie's pocket" Supreme Court will never impeach this horrible Socialist. So the true reality is we must chip away at this man, by starting in 2014 to take back our Senate, and in 2016 elect a President whose main charter is to undo all the terrible things this Socialist is doing now, and what he will continue to do in the next four years.

We've always been a country to overcome the evils that try to destroy our freedoms and rights. Let's not stop now. Think 2014...we can stop this.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops.


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