The British monarchy, Stalin, and Hitler all attempted to take arms away from their citizens. The British monarchy, as we all know created the Revolutionary War trying to make Americans their "subjects" instead of freedom loving Americans. Our ancestors won that war, declared our freedom, and later our founding fathers created our beloved and much respected Second Amendment, which gives me the right, within legal laws, to strap on my .357 whenever I leave the house.
Stalin and Hitler were much more successful than the British monarchy in removing guns from their citizens. No, they didn't start out going door-to-door to physically remove private arms from its masses. With the overwhelming support of the radio, newspapers, and school educators they convinced their masses that if only the police and military were allowed to carry guns then crime would be stopped.
Soon, it did become "physical". Police and the military went through the houses confiscating all arms from its masses And many times those owning arms were thrown in prisons. History has told us what happened next under the dictatorship of Stalin and Hitler.
Today, we have the very same situation taking place. This man occupying our White House has convinced the media to report that guns alone are causing gun violence. Our media, of course, is going along with it, reporting that we need strict gun laws, even to the extreme that guns should be removed from citizens. Didn't Stalin and Hitler do the same thing? We know how that worked out.
After a mini stroke left me very weak on the right side of my body, I had a conversation with the police chief of our city. I expressed that I felt very physically vulnerable. It was the police chief that suggested I take a conceal-carry course, take the state test, purchase a weapon, and learn how to use it to protect my family.
I even graduated to make target shooting and bullet reloading a hobby. My wife also has a conceal carry license to carry her snub-nosed .38 special. We pray that we will never have to point and shoot at anything more than a target, but our Second Amendment right gives us the right to protect ourselves.
A left wing progressive liberal wrote in his blog that police forces nationwide do not want citizens to carry guns. This is a blatant lie. Along with our city police chief advising me, I was on a pistol shooting league, along with several active and retired police officers. They all felt that a well informed citizen with the proper training is actually an asset to police officers.
The media is reporting that gun ownership is un-American, and guns should be taken off the streets by law. We all know that criminals will just laugh at the rest of us, and will be very happy if law-abiding citizens aren't allowed to carry a gun for protection.
Like Stalin and Hitler did in history past, the man in the White House would have you believe our streets will be safer if guns are completely removed from responsible cities. Of course the media goes along with it, and no one will ever ask the question as to why that doesn't work in cities like Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles. Citizens have no rights to carry guns to protect themselves in those cities, and they have more gun violence than any other major cities.
In Chicago, Obie's home town, more people have been killed with gun violence than were killed during the reign of Al Capone. Speaking of Al Capone, can you imagine what he would've done if Chicago had told him to turn in his guns? Are you still laughing? It's ironic that last week when Obie was in Chicago preaching about gun laws there were several gun violence crimes going on.
The media will never report the crimes and violence that were prevented because a citizen brandished a gun and stopped the crime and violence before it erupted. In over 2,500 cases in 2012 legal gun owners stopped violent crimes because they legally used their gun to prevent the crime. These preventions were without police assistance.
As I've written and said many times, I pray that I never point or shoot anything more than a target, but when I go to sleep at night my .357 is on my night stand loaded with hollow points rounds, then I set my home alarm, and sleep like a new born.
We all have our Second Amendment right to arm and protect ourselves within the laws of our founding fathers and our individual States. Don't let anyone take that away from us. Guns in the hands of law abiding citizens don't kill people; only guns in the hands of criminals do.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops.
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