Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Not even a mention?

Two years ago I sat down with two former Marine Vietnam war heroes, some good cigars, and a bottle of single malt scotch. I consider these warriors as close friends. Their sons are married to two of my daughters.

Both of these Marines are now in their 70's, and both were decorated for their service. One received both Silver & Bronze Stars with the Purple Heart, along with many campaign ribbons. One is featured in a book that soon may be made into a movie.

For me, a four-year Air Force vet that never saw any combat, it was  unbelievable at times to hear their stories. It was an evening I will never forget. We discussed the negative moods of many in the media and public that were against the Vietnam conflict from the very beginning.

These two Marines, along with thousands of other fighting men and women served in the Vietnam conflict, as they put it, "just doing our job to fight for our country...we joined to protect".
We even talked about the celebrities, namely "Hanoi Jane Fonda", using their stardom to wildly protest against the Vietnam conflict. Remember Jane sitting on the Vietnam tank?

Both of these Marines are two of many heroes this country has honored through the years. We all owe a patriotic debt of gratitude to the thousands of men and women who fight to preserve our freedoms. I'm proud to call these two Marines "family". How does this relate to Obie? 

Now, I'm not one to call Obie a Muslim, but I have been scratching my head these past few days. If he's not a Muslim, then he certainly has proven he's a Muslim sympathizer at least. I am convinced of that. Just take a look at his actions.

A few years ago at Fort Hood in Texas a U.S. Army Major, Malik Hasan carried two handguns into a work station, shot and killed twelve military personnel and one civilian. This man is an avowed Muslim radical. While he was attacking and murdering the twelve military personnel and one civilian he was screaming, "Allah Akbar". 

Now this was a Muslim radical terrorist killing Americans, and yet Obie refuses to call this "an act of terrorism", and honor those killed and wounded with Purple Heart medals. Instead Obie has labeled it "workplace violence". What a joke that is.

Recently America lost one of its true heroes. A former heavily decorated sniper, Sgt. Chris Kyle. He was at a local gun range helping fellow veteran with P.T.S.D., when he was shot and killed. Sgt. Kyle was awarded with a heroe's burial, with thousands in attendance in Texas. 

Yet, Obie refuses to acknowledge those slain or wounded in the Ft. Hood massacre. He is making sure that no Purple Heart medals will be awarded the victims or their families.  He's making it a political issue, so he can brag that "no terrorist attacks in the U.S. on my watch".
That is deplorable, and a clear case of putting his own personal legacy ahead of true American heroes.

Obie also refuses to acknowledge a true war hero, Sgt. Chris Kyle, in any way. He had a beautiful opportunity last night in his State of Obie speech. Instead he acknowledged gun violence victims to support his goal of repealing our Second Amendment.

Benghazi and Ft. Hood are clear indications of Muslim radical terrorists  attacking and slaying Americans, and Obie will not even comment on these two massacres against Americans. He even left the White House for a fund raiser in Vegas as Ambassador Stevens was being murdered by terrorists.  

We need an American President that loves our country, and will honor those who died serving and protecting our freedom and rights. Please remember that in the 2014 election.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops 

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