Friday, February 22, 2013

Marxism-you ready?

Yesterday was a pretty depressing day for me. First, I woke around 4:00 A.M., couldn't sleep, so I continued reading, for the second time in my 77 years, "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire". I read it first as a young G.I. when I was 20. I've been interested in reading it again since the Socialist-in-Chief has been in our White House.

Then my wife dragged me along for grocery shopping. She knows I don't like it, but she said, "I want you to see how grocery store prices have gone out of sight". Wow, what an awakening I had.
My grocery shopping used to consist of just running in for milk and bread when we were running low. But this was ridiculous. A store clerk overheard me, and remarked, "And it's gonna get worse with the rising gas of the drivers just told me it cost him over $1,000. to fill the gas tank on his rig".

If that wasn't enough, last night my wife and I watched the movie, Argo, that Ben Affleck starred in and directed. Of course, not only did it bring back memories of the American Embassy in Iran in 1979, it made me think of the Benghazi massacre.  By the way I now know why Hollywood snubbed this great movie: It didn't put former President Carter in favorable light. I think Carter started the Teflon principle that the Socialist-in-Chief now adopts.

And what is the Socialist-in-Chief's answer to the rising gas prices?  He says we should use less gas and support alternative energy. Really Obie? You have given money to no less than 120 alternative energy producing companies, and guess what Mr. Socialist? Over 90%  of them have gone the bankrupt route, and the rest only make up 4% of energy. 

And while this is happening, you refuse to open the Keystone Pipeline, and furthermore you refuse to drill for our oil rich reserves here and in Alaska. Someday you'll have to answer for continuing to spend taxpayers money to purchase oil from "your friendly" Muslim countries. Yes, Mr. Socialist, someday you'll answer for that.

Folks, are you ready for Marxism? There is a proposed bill underway by Democrat congressman Jose Serrano to pass H.J. Resolution 15, that would pave the way for the Socialist in the White House to have additional presidential terms. 

Now compare the true meaning of Marxism to what the Socialist in the White House is doing.
Marxism relies on building a strong central government, while making the "masses" totally dependent on central government, thereby destroying the existing culture and civilization.

Marxism also relies on weakening the existing military while replacing it with a special/select military that openly displays their allegiance to the Marxist Head of State.  Marxism flousishes when they control the media, State Treasury finances, along with government controlled health care. 

Total Marxism will rise up when they succeed in removing individual liberties that our servicemen/women fought and died for, such as voting, the right to bear arms, and even the right to choose our own religion.

Folks, we must wake up. This is exactly what the Socialist-in-Chief in our White House is aiming for right now, and by all indications he's making headway.

My ultimate question to you is very simple: After everything this great country has endured are you going to stand by and let an unknown community organizer do to our great country what Marx, Stalin, and Hitler did to their masses?  Let's start in the 2014 elections and get our Senate back. That will surely point us in the right direction to eradicate what this Socialist-in-Chief is trying to accomplish.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops. 

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