Finally, a little breakthrough, outside of Fox News. It's very obvious folks that the great Messiah Socialist-in-Chief is very afraid of one of the world's leading journalist, Bob Woodward. The famed 70-year old Washington Post journalist, along with fellow journalist Carl Bernstein, investigated and reported the famed Watergate scandal during Richard Nixon's presidency.
Their reporting of the Watergate scandal was so concise, accurate and thorough that President Nixon was forced to resign his presidency. In thirty-five years Woodward authored or co-authored sixteen non-fiction books surrounding policies and politics. He was involved in two Pulitzer prize awards. His credibility in the world of professional and honest journalism is among the finest.
Recently Journalist Woodward wrote, and voiced his critique of our current President's handling of the White House handling of the infamous "sequester". Woodward has accused the President of scare tactics, and said that in all his years he has never seen a President respond to the needs of the American people the way this President has. Mr. Woodward claims this president lacks the necessary leadership to lead our country.
The White House became enraged, not for accusing Bob Woodward of reporting any lies; they became frightened and outraged of the TRUTH Bob Woodward was reporting. The President and his White House staff became so frightened Mr. Woodward may begin another "Watergate" investigation that they are now trying scare tactics against this honored journalist.
The President and his White House has dispatched one of Obama's top advisers, Gene Sperling, to go on record to threaten Mr. Woodward claiming that Mr. Woodward "will regret" all the reporting he's doing. The problem facing the White House now is that Mr. Woodward is not backing down on reporting the facts surrounding Obama's sequester methods.
You see the problem the Socialist-in-Chief is having now is the truthful reporting of Mr. Woodward is frightening the White House so much they've decided to ban Mr. Woodward from the White House. The sadness in this is the media that fawns all over Obama is now trying to discredit Mr. Woodward and his honest journalistic reporting.
Mr. Woodward is not known to be a right wing advocate. Actually he is more known as a liberal journalist. However, in this case of Obama's scare tactics to the American people, Mr. Woodward is simply not sitting still. And this scares Obama and his White House that another "Watergate" investigation may be started. Ever wonder why the White House is so frightened?
No wonder there is fear. There's Benghazi, Obamacare, birth certificate, college transcripts, and lying that may accumulate to the "I" word. Yes, there is so much fear of impeachment that Obama and his White House have only one course of action, and that is to destroy Mr. Woodward.
We should all feel heartened by this famed journalist. Some may think he's only one man and can't do much to bring to light the workings of the Teflon-in-Chief, but I clearly remember 1972, and I bet President Nixon felt the same "untouchable" way. That is why our Socialist-in-Chief is so frightened. Obama should be. Please don't back down Mr. Woodward.
Be afraid Mr. Obama; be very afraid. There's a credible journalist out there that's not afraid of you.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Sometime fear is good
The last time other countries, including the radical Muslims, respected and even feared our great country was during the time the great Ronald Reagan was our President. When it came to defending our great country the Gipper believed, "In strength there can be peace". During his eight years in office the U.S. was respected and even feared in mostly all cases.
Today we have a Socialist-in-Chief occupying space in or White House that surrounds himself with Muslim sympathizers much like himself. Can you believe we have a CIA Director that is of the Islam faith? No, I'm not against freedom of religion, but during these times when there is so much tension in the mid-east is it feasible to have an Islamic CIA Director?
Then there's our infamous Secretary of State that proclaimed his disdain for our own military during the Vietnam war by likening our own military, for which he served, to "that of Genghis Khan...slaughtering women and children". If that wasn't enough John Kerry physically threw his Vietnam medals and ribbons over a fence. I will never refer to this man as Secretary of State; to me he will be just John Kerry the Ketchup man.
And to prove Mr. Kerry's worth there are now countries refusing to meet with him, and even mocking and laughing at him. Is he the Secretary of State our country needs? He actually wants to sit down with the Syrian rebels and the Syrian government. If that isn't enough he's declaring that we should sit down with the Iranian leader to "discuss" Iran's nuclear war heads. Yes, Mr. Kerry, you sit down with these people who hate us and want to annihilate our way of life. Then you can hold hands and sing "We Are The World". Yeah, right.
And what does our Socialist-in-Chief do? Of course he appoints cabinet members and czars that are like him, Muslim sympathizers. It is no secret that these mid east countries hate us, and what's worse is we actually give financial support while buying oil from these countries. As someone recently asked, "why give them financial aid...they'll still hate us if we stop giving them aid, they just want us to keep buying their oil".
Most Americans believe that the Socialist-in-Chief's first order of business in January, 2009 was to close Camp Gitmo. No, no, closing Camp Gitmo was his SECOND order of business.
Am I the only one that wonders why his FIRST order of business when he got sworn into residency of our White House was to block all his school records, his passport records, along with his questionable birth certificate?
Isn't it odd that he is the only White House resident in the history of our great country to overtly hide any records of his past? No, I'm not a birther; as I've said many times, I don't care where he was born....I care where he lives now. Beginning with George Washington America has had open disclosure of all our Presidents; where they were born; where they were schooled, close friend associations, everything we wanted to know about our previous Presidents was an open book to all Americans.
Why is it we know so much about all previous Presidents, but know absolutely nothing about this Socialist? There is only one reason for this; the Socialist-in-Chief is hiding something. He's also so very good at adding insult to injury by adding Hagel and Brennan to his staff of minions. The extreme sadness in all this is this man has a fawning media that spends their everyday broadcasting hours and written publications protecting this man.
If Barack Hussein Obama were a Caucasian, Republican named Barry Jones you can bet the media would be investigating this man to their extreme depths to find out everything there is to know about this man.
I'll close today's blog citing the most dastardly act a President could ever do in his sequester fight. He is now releasing illegal alien criminals to the our American streets, and his shortening our border protection. These acts will almost assuredly bring harm to the very people he swore to protect. Is this a man for America? This man's meanness borders on being outright evil.
Years from now we will learn all the secrecy behind this Socialist-in-Chief, and it's going to be scary to Americans. Right now be very afraid and do all we can to ready ourselves for the 2014 mid term elections.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country..and our troops.
Today we have a Socialist-in-Chief occupying space in or White House that surrounds himself with Muslim sympathizers much like himself. Can you believe we have a CIA Director that is of the Islam faith? No, I'm not against freedom of religion, but during these times when there is so much tension in the mid-east is it feasible to have an Islamic CIA Director?
Then there's our infamous Secretary of State that proclaimed his disdain for our own military during the Vietnam war by likening our own military, for which he served, to "that of Genghis Khan...slaughtering women and children". If that wasn't enough John Kerry physically threw his Vietnam medals and ribbons over a fence. I will never refer to this man as Secretary of State; to me he will be just John Kerry the Ketchup man.
And to prove Mr. Kerry's worth there are now countries refusing to meet with him, and even mocking and laughing at him. Is he the Secretary of State our country needs? He actually wants to sit down with the Syrian rebels and the Syrian government. If that isn't enough he's declaring that we should sit down with the Iranian leader to "discuss" Iran's nuclear war heads. Yes, Mr. Kerry, you sit down with these people who hate us and want to annihilate our way of life. Then you can hold hands and sing "We Are The World". Yeah, right.
And what does our Socialist-in-Chief do? Of course he appoints cabinet members and czars that are like him, Muslim sympathizers. It is no secret that these mid east countries hate us, and what's worse is we actually give financial support while buying oil from these countries. As someone recently asked, "why give them financial aid...they'll still hate us if we stop giving them aid, they just want us to keep buying their oil".
Most Americans believe that the Socialist-in-Chief's first order of business in January, 2009 was to close Camp Gitmo. No, no, closing Camp Gitmo was his SECOND order of business.
Am I the only one that wonders why his FIRST order of business when he got sworn into residency of our White House was to block all his school records, his passport records, along with his questionable birth certificate?
Isn't it odd that he is the only White House resident in the history of our great country to overtly hide any records of his past? No, I'm not a birther; as I've said many times, I don't care where he was born....I care where he lives now. Beginning with George Washington America has had open disclosure of all our Presidents; where they were born; where they were schooled, close friend associations, everything we wanted to know about our previous Presidents was an open book to all Americans.
Why is it we know so much about all previous Presidents, but know absolutely nothing about this Socialist? There is only one reason for this; the Socialist-in-Chief is hiding something. He's also so very good at adding insult to injury by adding Hagel and Brennan to his staff of minions. The extreme sadness in all this is this man has a fawning media that spends their everyday broadcasting hours and written publications protecting this man.
If Barack Hussein Obama were a Caucasian, Republican named Barry Jones you can bet the media would be investigating this man to their extreme depths to find out everything there is to know about this man.
I'll close today's blog citing the most dastardly act a President could ever do in his sequester fight. He is now releasing illegal alien criminals to the our American streets, and his shortening our border protection. These acts will almost assuredly bring harm to the very people he swore to protect. Is this a man for America? This man's meanness borders on being outright evil.
Years from now we will learn all the secrecy behind this Socialist-in-Chief, and it's going to be scary to Americans. Right now be very afraid and do all we can to ready ourselves for the 2014 mid term elections.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country..and our troops.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Sequester this!!
This Socialist-in-Chief that is sleeping at our White House believes without a doubt that his arrogance gives him the free pass to continue his lying and overt threats to the American people. He believes in using fear as his motivator when dealing with the citizens of this great country.
This man works for us. Unfortunately there were 51%, of Americans, made up mostly of welfare recipients, that granted this Socialist-In-Chief the right to continue to destroy our great country for four more years.
Sadly, this is likened to a cult, especially where the media is concerned. Think about it; he continues to grow the welfare community in leaps and bounds, and in return they will follow him right down to the bowels of complete collapse of this great country. The media continues to bow to him at every turn, even when he dismisses them, as he just did at the Governor's banquet. His Hollywood faithful are given enormous tax breaks to continue to make more movies. And what does the Hollywood faithful do in return? They continue to "prop up" our Socialist-in-Chief with fawning interviews and a cult-like allegiance.
The problem we are having is the media and Hollywood couldn't care less about the economy, the national debt, unemployment or the dismal future our country is heading towards under the tutelage of the Socialist-in-Chief that sleeps in our White House. The media and Hollywood elite, and even the Socialist himself, all "have theirs", so why should they care about John and Jane Doe? They don't care about anyone but their selfish selves.
His arrogance was so foolish that he actually believed Congress was going to "fold" under his sequester threats, even after he is sending all his minions like Janet Napolitano out on threat speeches throughout the country. His scare tactics are failing so poorly that Americans are now saying, "sequester this, Obie...bring it on"
His scare tactics are so bad that he is actually going to follow through with cuts and lay-offs to departments that do not need to be cut. He's doing this just to be a playground bully so he can say, "I told you so". Are you 51%'ers paying attention? What will you do when the freebies expire from this Socialist? You will most likely try to become like Greece.
What is wonderful about this great country is that the private sector will not suffer from the Socialist's sequster threats. Come Saturday morning it will be business as usual for the private sector. However, this Socialist will make sure his threats come to fruition even if not necessary. He will furlough government employees, stop funding where stoppage is not necessary.
I don't know about anyone else, but to me these are impeachable offenses. This Socialist is not looking out for the citizens of this great country. He's only out to destroy anyone that stands in his way. How do we stop this?
Well, we can start right now by getting the word out to anyone will listen. Write blogs when necessary. Set our sights on the mid-term 2014, and pray that the fawning media wakes up and starts speaking the truth about this Socialist- in-Chief to the American people.
This man will not rest until our complete competitive capitalistic freedom is totall destroyed, and replaced with Socialism-Marxism-Communism. While America continues to suffer this man will continue to destroy our way of life. We must stop him the only positive way we can; start in 2014, and carry through in 2016. It's really the only sure fire way there is.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
This man works for us. Unfortunately there were 51%, of Americans, made up mostly of welfare recipients, that granted this Socialist-In-Chief the right to continue to destroy our great country for four more years.
Sadly, this is likened to a cult, especially where the media is concerned. Think about it; he continues to grow the welfare community in leaps and bounds, and in return they will follow him right down to the bowels of complete collapse of this great country. The media continues to bow to him at every turn, even when he dismisses them, as he just did at the Governor's banquet. His Hollywood faithful are given enormous tax breaks to continue to make more movies. And what does the Hollywood faithful do in return? They continue to "prop up" our Socialist-in-Chief with fawning interviews and a cult-like allegiance.
The problem we are having is the media and Hollywood couldn't care less about the economy, the national debt, unemployment or the dismal future our country is heading towards under the tutelage of the Socialist-in-Chief that sleeps in our White House. The media and Hollywood elite, and even the Socialist himself, all "have theirs", so why should they care about John and Jane Doe? They don't care about anyone but their selfish selves.
His arrogance was so foolish that he actually believed Congress was going to "fold" under his sequester threats, even after he is sending all his minions like Janet Napolitano out on threat speeches throughout the country. His scare tactics are failing so poorly that Americans are now saying, "sequester this, Obie...bring it on"
His scare tactics are so bad that he is actually going to follow through with cuts and lay-offs to departments that do not need to be cut. He's doing this just to be a playground bully so he can say, "I told you so". Are you 51%'ers paying attention? What will you do when the freebies expire from this Socialist? You will most likely try to become like Greece.
What is wonderful about this great country is that the private sector will not suffer from the Socialist's sequster threats. Come Saturday morning it will be business as usual for the private sector. However, this Socialist will make sure his threats come to fruition even if not necessary. He will furlough government employees, stop funding where stoppage is not necessary.
I don't know about anyone else, but to me these are impeachable offenses. This Socialist is not looking out for the citizens of this great country. He's only out to destroy anyone that stands in his way. How do we stop this?
Well, we can start right now by getting the word out to anyone will listen. Write blogs when necessary. Set our sights on the mid-term 2014, and pray that the fawning media wakes up and starts speaking the truth about this Socialist- in-Chief to the American people.
This man will not rest until our complete competitive capitalistic freedom is totall destroyed, and replaced with Socialism-Marxism-Communism. While America continues to suffer this man will continue to destroy our way of life. We must stop him the only positive way we can; start in 2014, and carry through in 2016. It's really the only sure fire way there is.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Can't impeach-think 2014
How many times have we heard, or even uttered ourselves, "We gotta impeach him".? I know I've said this to anyone who will listen to me. I've read true justifications of this in most newspaper articles, and heard it on TV and radio talk shows hundreds of times.
The Benghazi massacre enough is an impeachable offense. This Socialist-in-Chief was in Vegas raising money for his campaign and even sound asleep in a warm bed while Ambassador Stevens and three other American heroes were being slain. When asked about it our chief Socialist just responded, "well, it was during a campaign time". When he was later questioned later he replied the Benghazi massacre was "just bumps in the road".
In 2011 our infamous Socialist-in-Chief authored The Sequester. He even went so far as to proclaim that he would veto any laws to stop the sequester if it ever passed his desk. Now he's vehemently accusing the Republican House and Senate members of "stopping first offenders, letting criminals out of jail, stopping law enforcement from having enough people to protect us, mothers would not have adequate child care, seniors would not get medical treatment, border patrol agents would be furloughed, Head-Start would be shut down, unemployment would rise, millions of jobs would be lost, national parks will be closed, TSA inspectors will not be able to protect Americans on flights, federal food inspectors will be furloughed fearing tainted food be sold to Americans". Are you afraid yet?
These are the same scare tactics that Hitler and Stalin used to corral their "masses". What is devastating is that it worked back then in history. Yes, it worked until the U.S. and its allies put an end to it. Don't know how else to say it folks; we have an arrogant evil man in our White House, and like Stalin and Hitler wants to control Americans through fear. The sequester is just a platform for his distraction techniques. I mean, we're only talking about $85.billion to immediately cut.
Today, what is so horrifying and tragic is that we have our own White House resident that is trying to do the same thing. How many lies have we caught him in? I could fill ten blogs with his lies, but Obamacare must be at the top of the list of impeachable offenses.
This Socialist-in-Chief put his hand on our Christian Bible in 2009 and 2013 pledging to uphold the ENTIRE Constitution of the United States, not just his own egotistic choices of the Constitution.
He promised, "if you like your doctor and your plan you can keep it". For me, a senior citizen that alone is an impeachable offense. Then he promised Obamacare would save billions from our national debt. Another outright blatant lie. Why has he allowed companies of his favorite donors and his favorite unions a "pass" on participating in Obamacare?
We now have thirty states, and counting, to opt out of Obamacare. Companies are cutting hours, laying off employees, and refusing to invest and expand to to increasing health care costs. In fact the CBO reports the average family wanting to keep their existing health care plan will have their premiums raised over $1,000. per year.
Then our thoughtful, wonderful Socialist-inChief claims he "owes it to the middle class to raise taxes on the wealthy". Well, he also halted the payroll tax deduction to the tune of approximately $40-$50 per week for average wage-earning Americans. This equates that average income families are now seeing on average $200.00 a month less in their paycheck.
Our Socialist-in-Chief keeps preaching, "we have to ask our wealthy to pay a little more". Has someone told this Hitleresque-Stalinesque White House resident that the top 5%of American wage/salary income earners pay over 40% of our tax revenue. He wants to continue to raise taxes for revenue, however, he won't answer the main question: What are you going to do Mr. Socialist-inChief when the money runs out?
Yes, all this is going on today, along with rising gasoline prices, while he refuses to open the Keystone Pipeline and drill for oil here and in Alaska in our fertile oil fields. Impeachment seems the most logical answer doesn't it?
If our Socialist-in-Chief were a Republican and we had a Democrat controlled House and Senate he would most certainly be impeached. But we must face reality folks. This man is on a mission to crush our American way of life by starting with our values in competitive capitalism.
The reality is our Democrat controlled Senate and our "in Obie's pocket" Supreme Court will never impeach this horrible Socialist. So the true reality is we must chip away at this man, by starting in 2014 to take back our Senate, and in 2016 elect a President whose main charter is to undo all the terrible things this Socialist is doing now, and what he will continue to do in the next four years.
We've always been a country to overcome the evils that try to destroy our freedoms and rights. Let's not stop now. Think 2014...we can stop this.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops.
The Benghazi massacre enough is an impeachable offense. This Socialist-in-Chief was in Vegas raising money for his campaign and even sound asleep in a warm bed while Ambassador Stevens and three other American heroes were being slain. When asked about it our chief Socialist just responded, "well, it was during a campaign time". When he was later questioned later he replied the Benghazi massacre was "just bumps in the road".
In 2011 our infamous Socialist-in-Chief authored The Sequester. He even went so far as to proclaim that he would veto any laws to stop the sequester if it ever passed his desk. Now he's vehemently accusing the Republican House and Senate members of "stopping first offenders, letting criminals out of jail, stopping law enforcement from having enough people to protect us, mothers would not have adequate child care, seniors would not get medical treatment, border patrol agents would be furloughed, Head-Start would be shut down, unemployment would rise, millions of jobs would be lost, national parks will be closed, TSA inspectors will not be able to protect Americans on flights, federal food inspectors will be furloughed fearing tainted food be sold to Americans". Are you afraid yet?
These are the same scare tactics that Hitler and Stalin used to corral their "masses". What is devastating is that it worked back then in history. Yes, it worked until the U.S. and its allies put an end to it. Don't know how else to say it folks; we have an arrogant evil man in our White House, and like Stalin and Hitler wants to control Americans through fear. The sequester is just a platform for his distraction techniques. I mean, we're only talking about $85.billion to immediately cut.
Today, what is so horrifying and tragic is that we have our own White House resident that is trying to do the same thing. How many lies have we caught him in? I could fill ten blogs with his lies, but Obamacare must be at the top of the list of impeachable offenses.
This Socialist-in-Chief put his hand on our Christian Bible in 2009 and 2013 pledging to uphold the ENTIRE Constitution of the United States, not just his own egotistic choices of the Constitution.
He promised, "if you like your doctor and your plan you can keep it". For me, a senior citizen that alone is an impeachable offense. Then he promised Obamacare would save billions from our national debt. Another outright blatant lie. Why has he allowed companies of his favorite donors and his favorite unions a "pass" on participating in Obamacare?
We now have thirty states, and counting, to opt out of Obamacare. Companies are cutting hours, laying off employees, and refusing to invest and expand to to increasing health care costs. In fact the CBO reports the average family wanting to keep their existing health care plan will have their premiums raised over $1,000. per year.
Then our thoughtful, wonderful Socialist-inChief claims he "owes it to the middle class to raise taxes on the wealthy". Well, he also halted the payroll tax deduction to the tune of approximately $40-$50 per week for average wage-earning Americans. This equates that average income families are now seeing on average $200.00 a month less in their paycheck.
Our Socialist-in-Chief keeps preaching, "we have to ask our wealthy to pay a little more". Has someone told this Hitleresque-Stalinesque White House resident that the top 5%of American wage/salary income earners pay over 40% of our tax revenue. He wants to continue to raise taxes for revenue, however, he won't answer the main question: What are you going to do Mr. Socialist-inChief when the money runs out?
Yes, all this is going on today, along with rising gasoline prices, while he refuses to open the Keystone Pipeline and drill for oil here and in Alaska in our fertile oil fields. Impeachment seems the most logical answer doesn't it?
If our Socialist-in-Chief were a Republican and we had a Democrat controlled House and Senate he would most certainly be impeached. But we must face reality folks. This man is on a mission to crush our American way of life by starting with our values in competitive capitalism.
The reality is our Democrat controlled Senate and our "in Obie's pocket" Supreme Court will never impeach this horrible Socialist. So the true reality is we must chip away at this man, by starting in 2014 to take back our Senate, and in 2016 elect a President whose main charter is to undo all the terrible things this Socialist is doing now, and what he will continue to do in the next four years.
We've always been a country to overcome the evils that try to destroy our freedoms and rights. Let's not stop now. Think 2014...we can stop this.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops.
Friday, February 22, 2013
Marxism-you ready?
Yesterday was a pretty depressing day for me. First, I woke around 4:00 A.M., couldn't sleep, so I continued reading, for the second time in my 77 years, "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire". I read it first as a young G.I. when I was 20. I've been interested in reading it again since the Socialist-in-Chief has been in our White House.
Then my wife dragged me along for grocery shopping. She knows I don't like it, but she said, "I want you to see how grocery store prices have gone out of sight". Wow, what an awakening I had.
My grocery shopping used to consist of just running in for milk and bread when we were running low. But this was ridiculous. A store clerk overheard me, and remarked, "And it's gonna get worse with the rising gas of the drivers just told me it cost him over $1,000. to fill the gas tank on his rig".
If that wasn't enough, last night my wife and I watched the movie, Argo, that Ben Affleck starred in and directed. Of course, not only did it bring back memories of the American Embassy in Iran in 1979, it made me think of the Benghazi massacre. By the way I now know why Hollywood snubbed this great movie: It didn't put former President Carter in favorable light. I think Carter started the Teflon principle that the Socialist-in-Chief now adopts.
And what is the Socialist-in-Chief's answer to the rising gas prices? He says we should use less gas and support alternative energy. Really Obie? You have given money to no less than 120 alternative energy producing companies, and guess what Mr. Socialist? Over 90% of them have gone the bankrupt route, and the rest only make up 4% of energy.
And while this is happening, you refuse to open the Keystone Pipeline, and furthermore you refuse to drill for our oil rich reserves here and in Alaska. Someday you'll have to answer for continuing to spend taxpayers money to purchase oil from "your friendly" Muslim countries. Yes, Mr. Socialist, someday you'll answer for that.
Folks, are you ready for Marxism? There is a proposed bill underway by Democrat congressman Jose Serrano to pass H.J. Resolution 15, that would pave the way for the Socialist in the White House to have additional presidential terms.
Now compare the true meaning of Marxism to what the Socialist in the White House is doing.
Marxism relies on building a strong central government, while making the "masses" totally dependent on central government, thereby destroying the existing culture and civilization.
Marxism also relies on weakening the existing military while replacing it with a special/select military that openly displays their allegiance to the Marxist Head of State. Marxism flousishes when they control the media, State Treasury finances, along with government controlled health care.
Total Marxism will rise up when they succeed in removing individual liberties that our servicemen/women fought and died for, such as voting, the right to bear arms, and even the right to choose our own religion.
Folks, we must wake up. This is exactly what the Socialist-in-Chief in our White House is aiming for right now, and by all indications he's making headway.
My ultimate question to you is very simple: After everything this great country has endured are you going to stand by and let an unknown community organizer do to our great country what Marx, Stalin, and Hitler did to their masses? Let's start in the 2014 elections and get our Senate back. That will surely point us in the right direction to eradicate what this Socialist-in-Chief is trying to accomplish.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops.
Then my wife dragged me along for grocery shopping. She knows I don't like it, but she said, "I want you to see how grocery store prices have gone out of sight". Wow, what an awakening I had.
My grocery shopping used to consist of just running in for milk and bread when we were running low. But this was ridiculous. A store clerk overheard me, and remarked, "And it's gonna get worse with the rising gas of the drivers just told me it cost him over $1,000. to fill the gas tank on his rig".
If that wasn't enough, last night my wife and I watched the movie, Argo, that Ben Affleck starred in and directed. Of course, not only did it bring back memories of the American Embassy in Iran in 1979, it made me think of the Benghazi massacre. By the way I now know why Hollywood snubbed this great movie: It didn't put former President Carter in favorable light. I think Carter started the Teflon principle that the Socialist-in-Chief now adopts.
And what is the Socialist-in-Chief's answer to the rising gas prices? He says we should use less gas and support alternative energy. Really Obie? You have given money to no less than 120 alternative energy producing companies, and guess what Mr. Socialist? Over 90% of them have gone the bankrupt route, and the rest only make up 4% of energy.
And while this is happening, you refuse to open the Keystone Pipeline, and furthermore you refuse to drill for our oil rich reserves here and in Alaska. Someday you'll have to answer for continuing to spend taxpayers money to purchase oil from "your friendly" Muslim countries. Yes, Mr. Socialist, someday you'll answer for that.
Folks, are you ready for Marxism? There is a proposed bill underway by Democrat congressman Jose Serrano to pass H.J. Resolution 15, that would pave the way for the Socialist in the White House to have additional presidential terms.
Now compare the true meaning of Marxism to what the Socialist in the White House is doing.
Marxism relies on building a strong central government, while making the "masses" totally dependent on central government, thereby destroying the existing culture and civilization.
Marxism also relies on weakening the existing military while replacing it with a special/select military that openly displays their allegiance to the Marxist Head of State. Marxism flousishes when they control the media, State Treasury finances, along with government controlled health care.
Total Marxism will rise up when they succeed in removing individual liberties that our servicemen/women fought and died for, such as voting, the right to bear arms, and even the right to choose our own religion.
Folks, we must wake up. This is exactly what the Socialist-in-Chief in our White House is aiming for right now, and by all indications he's making headway.
My ultimate question to you is very simple: After everything this great country has endured are you going to stand by and let an unknown community organizer do to our great country what Marx, Stalin, and Hitler did to their masses? Let's start in the 2014 elections and get our Senate back. That will surely point us in the right direction to eradicate what this Socialist-in-Chief is trying to accomplish.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Distractions at their best
This week first time unemployment claims were at 362,000. We have been averaging close to 400,000 first time claims for so long that Americans are starting to accept it, and even starting to believe that it will not get any better. Are we truly realizing what this means? Every single week, in this, the greatest country in the world, there is not enough work for nearly 400,000 Americans to earn a living and take care of their families. To me this is devastating.
But does the Socialist-in-Chief really care about those Americans that cannot find work to take care of their families? No, of course he doesn't care. In fact he's hoping that figure goes to 500,000 a week or even more.
Please remember folks, the more the White House Socialist can move Americans to the welfare/freebie role the more "masses" he can acquire to depend on him. We all know what follows; the more of the masses he gets to depend on him, the more he can control the masses. Hey wait, that's what Stalin, Hitler, Chavez, Castro, and other dictators accomplished. If we don't make a move in 2014 then this dictatorship will continue, only with a different Socialist.
To continue; our country is now suffering 7.9% unemployment, 400,000 first time unemployment claims weekly, $16.Trillion national debt, his own Democrats fighting over the machinations of his Obamacare, thirty States suing to get out of Obamacare, threats to let homes burn down if sequestration takes place, and the list goes on and on.
And what does our Socialist-in-Chief's fawning media report? They actually think Americans want to know about his golf outing with America's worst example of marriage, Tiger Woods.
John/Jane Doe are sitting at the kitchen table worrying about their jobs, the monthly mortgage and car payments, their childrens' braces, etc.. Does anyone really care about Obie's golf outing?
The Socialist-in-Chief will not allow press conferences, as he is so frightened of having to answer difficult questions. Instead he goes on Google town meetings, Facebook meetings, local TV, TMZ, The View, 60 minutes, even The Pimp with a Limp. This Socialist-in-Chief soaks in Teflon daily. He even knows his gun laws will not pass and are considered a catastrophe, so what does he do? Of course, he sends his chief gaffer, Joey Biden.
What is really sad folks, is that during the reigns of Stalin, Hitler, and other dictators there were also organizations similar to Fox News; there also were news anchors like Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and my favorite Bill O'Reilly. But dictators at the time had their own particular fawning media supporting them by feeding the masses only information they wanted them to know so they could be controlled. In time the dictators were able to abolish these few truthful media representatives of their times.
Sound familiar? At 77 years young I remember reading of these times. It was a time when history class in school printed the truth in our history books. We all know what our history books are printing today; distortion and nothing truly factual. There was the 90 something year old Austrian woman who remembered, as a little girl, that Hitler did not overtake Austria with troops and tanks. He came in as a smooth talker promising the people of Austria a better way of life. Hitler won his first election with an 89% approval rating. We know what followed. That's what the Socialist in our White House wants to do now. Remember this in 2014.
Don't be fooled by Obie's threats concerning sequestration. It's only $85.Billion, and the Socialist-in-Chief is the author of the cuts. Now his far left merry bandits, along with his D.C. spenders want him to blame the GOP for sequestration. I'm sure if he could he'd blame Bush for this mess he started.
It doesn't matter folks. What's truly on the main menu is the direction our country is heading towards, and all Obie wants to do is read his teleprompters for the next four years, and off to Hawaii he goes. He cares about no one in this country but himself.
Thanks to our early constitutional history that authored the Second Amendment, that allows Americans the right to protect ourselves if the Socialist-in-Chief decides to self proclaim he's the Communist-in-Chief Dictator. Don't ever forget 2014.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
But does the Socialist-in-Chief really care about those Americans that cannot find work to take care of their families? No, of course he doesn't care. In fact he's hoping that figure goes to 500,000 a week or even more.
Please remember folks, the more the White House Socialist can move Americans to the welfare/freebie role the more "masses" he can acquire to depend on him. We all know what follows; the more of the masses he gets to depend on him, the more he can control the masses. Hey wait, that's what Stalin, Hitler, Chavez, Castro, and other dictators accomplished. If we don't make a move in 2014 then this dictatorship will continue, only with a different Socialist.
To continue; our country is now suffering 7.9% unemployment, 400,000 first time unemployment claims weekly, $16.Trillion national debt, his own Democrats fighting over the machinations of his Obamacare, thirty States suing to get out of Obamacare, threats to let homes burn down if sequestration takes place, and the list goes on and on.
And what does our Socialist-in-Chief's fawning media report? They actually think Americans want to know about his golf outing with America's worst example of marriage, Tiger Woods.
John/Jane Doe are sitting at the kitchen table worrying about their jobs, the monthly mortgage and car payments, their childrens' braces, etc.. Does anyone really care about Obie's golf outing?
The Socialist-in-Chief will not allow press conferences, as he is so frightened of having to answer difficult questions. Instead he goes on Google town meetings, Facebook meetings, local TV, TMZ, The View, 60 minutes, even The Pimp with a Limp. This Socialist-in-Chief soaks in Teflon daily. He even knows his gun laws will not pass and are considered a catastrophe, so what does he do? Of course, he sends his chief gaffer, Joey Biden.
What is really sad folks, is that during the reigns of Stalin, Hitler, and other dictators there were also organizations similar to Fox News; there also were news anchors like Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and my favorite Bill O'Reilly. But dictators at the time had their own particular fawning media supporting them by feeding the masses only information they wanted them to know so they could be controlled. In time the dictators were able to abolish these few truthful media representatives of their times.
Sound familiar? At 77 years young I remember reading of these times. It was a time when history class in school printed the truth in our history books. We all know what our history books are printing today; distortion and nothing truly factual. There was the 90 something year old Austrian woman who remembered, as a little girl, that Hitler did not overtake Austria with troops and tanks. He came in as a smooth talker promising the people of Austria a better way of life. Hitler won his first election with an 89% approval rating. We know what followed. That's what the Socialist in our White House wants to do now. Remember this in 2014.
Don't be fooled by Obie's threats concerning sequestration. It's only $85.Billion, and the Socialist-in-Chief is the author of the cuts. Now his far left merry bandits, along with his D.C. spenders want him to blame the GOP for sequestration. I'm sure if he could he'd blame Bush for this mess he started.
It doesn't matter folks. What's truly on the main menu is the direction our country is heading towards, and all Obie wants to do is read his teleprompters for the next four years, and off to Hawaii he goes. He cares about no one in this country but himself.
Thanks to our early constitutional history that authored the Second Amendment, that allows Americans the right to protect ourselves if the Socialist-in-Chief decides to self proclaim he's the Communist-in-Chief Dictator. Don't ever forget 2014.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Our 2nd. Amendment
The British monarchy, Stalin, and Hitler all attempted to take arms away from their citizens. The British monarchy, as we all know created the Revolutionary War trying to make Americans their "subjects" instead of freedom loving Americans. Our ancestors won that war, declared our freedom, and later our founding fathers created our beloved and much respected Second Amendment, which gives me the right, within legal laws, to strap on my .357 whenever I leave the house.
Stalin and Hitler were much more successful than the British monarchy in removing guns from their citizens. No, they didn't start out going door-to-door to physically remove private arms from its masses. With the overwhelming support of the radio, newspapers, and school educators they convinced their masses that if only the police and military were allowed to carry guns then crime would be stopped.
Soon, it did become "physical". Police and the military went through the houses confiscating all arms from its masses And many times those owning arms were thrown in prisons. History has told us what happened next under the dictatorship of Stalin and Hitler.
Today, we have the very same situation taking place. This man occupying our White House has convinced the media to report that guns alone are causing gun violence. Our media, of course, is going along with it, reporting that we need strict gun laws, even to the extreme that guns should be removed from citizens. Didn't Stalin and Hitler do the same thing? We know how that worked out.
After a mini stroke left me very weak on the right side of my body, I had a conversation with the police chief of our city. I expressed that I felt very physically vulnerable. It was the police chief that suggested I take a conceal-carry course, take the state test, purchase a weapon, and learn how to use it to protect my family.
I even graduated to make target shooting and bullet reloading a hobby. My wife also has a conceal carry license to carry her snub-nosed .38 special. We pray that we will never have to point and shoot at anything more than a target, but our Second Amendment right gives us the right to protect ourselves.
A left wing progressive liberal wrote in his blog that police forces nationwide do not want citizens to carry guns. This is a blatant lie. Along with our city police chief advising me, I was on a pistol shooting league, along with several active and retired police officers. They all felt that a well informed citizen with the proper training is actually an asset to police officers.
The media is reporting that gun ownership is un-American, and guns should be taken off the streets by law. We all know that criminals will just laugh at the rest of us, and will be very happy if law-abiding citizens aren't allowed to carry a gun for protection.
Like Stalin and Hitler did in history past, the man in the White House would have you believe our streets will be safer if guns are completely removed from responsible cities. Of course the media goes along with it, and no one will ever ask the question as to why that doesn't work in cities like Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles. Citizens have no rights to carry guns to protect themselves in those cities, and they have more gun violence than any other major cities.
In Chicago, Obie's home town, more people have been killed with gun violence than were killed during the reign of Al Capone. Speaking of Al Capone, can you imagine what he would've done if Chicago had told him to turn in his guns? Are you still laughing? It's ironic that last week when Obie was in Chicago preaching about gun laws there were several gun violence crimes going on.
The media will never report the crimes and violence that were prevented because a citizen brandished a gun and stopped the crime and violence before it erupted. In over 2,500 cases in 2012 legal gun owners stopped violent crimes because they legally used their gun to prevent the crime. These preventions were without police assistance.
As I've written and said many times, I pray that I never point or shoot anything more than a target, but when I go to sleep at night my .357 is on my night stand loaded with hollow points rounds, then I set my home alarm, and sleep like a new born.
We all have our Second Amendment right to arm and protect ourselves within the laws of our founding fathers and our individual States. Don't let anyone take that away from us. Guns in the hands of law abiding citizens don't kill people; only guns in the hands of criminals do.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops.
Stalin and Hitler were much more successful than the British monarchy in removing guns from their citizens. No, they didn't start out going door-to-door to physically remove private arms from its masses. With the overwhelming support of the radio, newspapers, and school educators they convinced their masses that if only the police and military were allowed to carry guns then crime would be stopped.
Soon, it did become "physical". Police and the military went through the houses confiscating all arms from its masses And many times those owning arms were thrown in prisons. History has told us what happened next under the dictatorship of Stalin and Hitler.
Today, we have the very same situation taking place. This man occupying our White House has convinced the media to report that guns alone are causing gun violence. Our media, of course, is going along with it, reporting that we need strict gun laws, even to the extreme that guns should be removed from citizens. Didn't Stalin and Hitler do the same thing? We know how that worked out.
After a mini stroke left me very weak on the right side of my body, I had a conversation with the police chief of our city. I expressed that I felt very physically vulnerable. It was the police chief that suggested I take a conceal-carry course, take the state test, purchase a weapon, and learn how to use it to protect my family.
I even graduated to make target shooting and bullet reloading a hobby. My wife also has a conceal carry license to carry her snub-nosed .38 special. We pray that we will never have to point and shoot at anything more than a target, but our Second Amendment right gives us the right to protect ourselves.
A left wing progressive liberal wrote in his blog that police forces nationwide do not want citizens to carry guns. This is a blatant lie. Along with our city police chief advising me, I was on a pistol shooting league, along with several active and retired police officers. They all felt that a well informed citizen with the proper training is actually an asset to police officers.
The media is reporting that gun ownership is un-American, and guns should be taken off the streets by law. We all know that criminals will just laugh at the rest of us, and will be very happy if law-abiding citizens aren't allowed to carry a gun for protection.
Like Stalin and Hitler did in history past, the man in the White House would have you believe our streets will be safer if guns are completely removed from responsible cities. Of course the media goes along with it, and no one will ever ask the question as to why that doesn't work in cities like Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles. Citizens have no rights to carry guns to protect themselves in those cities, and they have more gun violence than any other major cities.
In Chicago, Obie's home town, more people have been killed with gun violence than were killed during the reign of Al Capone. Speaking of Al Capone, can you imagine what he would've done if Chicago had told him to turn in his guns? Are you still laughing? It's ironic that last week when Obie was in Chicago preaching about gun laws there were several gun violence crimes going on.
The media will never report the crimes and violence that were prevented because a citizen brandished a gun and stopped the crime and violence before it erupted. In over 2,500 cases in 2012 legal gun owners stopped violent crimes because they legally used their gun to prevent the crime. These preventions were without police assistance.
As I've written and said many times, I pray that I never point or shoot anything more than a target, but when I go to sleep at night my .357 is on my night stand loaded with hollow points rounds, then I set my home alarm, and sleep like a new born.
We all have our Second Amendment right to arm and protect ourselves within the laws of our founding fathers and our individual States. Don't let anyone take that away from us. Guns in the hands of law abiding citizens don't kill people; only guns in the hands of criminals do.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
I just finished writing and publishing my daily blog that highlighted the 51% when some information that I was researching came to light. This short blog is just an add-on.
So, folks this is just some more information that supports what I wrote just a few minutes ago. Remember when I wrote about the ever increasing number of Americans on welfare? These are the people that voted Obie into office. He convinced them that their freebie world would continue as long as he and his Socialist-Communist agenda stayed in power.
And 51% of Americans bought it hook, line, and sinker.
The great country of the U.S.A. now currently has eleven states that have more people on welfare then are employed. Want to know what's worse? Obie, in the traditions of Hitler and Stalin want to increase this to all 50 states.
The Senate Budget Committee (SBC) has reported that the U.S. household below the poverty line now receives $168.00 per day in government support. This includes food stamps, housing support, child care, Medicaid, and other benefits.This purports to over $61,000. per year.
The median household income in the U.S. is $50.000. per year, or $137.13 per day. This, of course, averages out to $25.00 an hour, while those on welfare, not working at all averages out to $30.00 per hour.
So, wouldn't it make more sense to stay on welfare at $61,000. rather than go to work everyday for only $50,000.?
I just have one crazy misguided question. What happens when we have more states on welfare than are working and the working class shrinks, and there is no more tax money to pay the welfare masses?
Last question....does this scenario remind you of something that Hitler and Stalin did?
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops.
So, folks this is just some more information that supports what I wrote just a few minutes ago. Remember when I wrote about the ever increasing number of Americans on welfare? These are the people that voted Obie into office. He convinced them that their freebie world would continue as long as he and his Socialist-Communist agenda stayed in power.
And 51% of Americans bought it hook, line, and sinker.
The great country of the U.S.A. now currently has eleven states that have more people on welfare then are employed. Want to know what's worse? Obie, in the traditions of Hitler and Stalin want to increase this to all 50 states.
The Senate Budget Committee (SBC) has reported that the U.S. household below the poverty line now receives $168.00 per day in government support. This includes food stamps, housing support, child care, Medicaid, and other benefits.This purports to over $61,000. per year.
The median household income in the U.S. is $50.000. per year, or $137.13 per day. This, of course, averages out to $25.00 an hour, while those on welfare, not working at all averages out to $30.00 per hour.
So, wouldn't it make more sense to stay on welfare at $61,000. rather than go to work everyday for only $50,000.?
I just have one crazy misguided question. What happens when we have more states on welfare than are working and the working class shrinks, and there is no more tax money to pay the welfare masses?
Last question....does this scenario remind you of something that Hitler and Stalin did?
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops.
What you deserve 51'ers
Today's blog is mainly for the 51% who voted the radical Muslim Socialist into OUR White House for a second term.
During the last two campaigns folks we just didn't have a snowball-in-hell's chance. Remember when Governor Romney promised that on his first day in the White House he would approve the Keystone Pipeline and pump oil from Canada, put thousands to work, and force lower gas prices from our oil suppliers.
Then Romney promised he would approve fracking to harvest natural gas. Well, Obie, and the media just completely ostracized Governor Romney during this last campaign. Obie's merry bandits, along with the media were completely successful in convincing the American public that Governor Romney was an elitist, and would ruin the American middle class.
Then to make matters worse, during Obie's campaign he "alluded" to "increasing energy resources here in America". Obie wanted Americans to believe he would be opening up the Keystone Pipeline. Of course we now know the Keystone Pipeline will only be pumping oil for China. let's fast forward to today.
I would love to have a simple conversation with anyone of the 51% that voted Obie back into our White House as they're standing at a gas pump pouring in gas at $5.00/gallon. Are they still happy that they cast their vote for him?
How about the pure simple fact that since Obie's been in our White House gasoline prices have increased by 104%. To put it more realistically; when Obie walked into our White House gase was $1.84/gallon.'s all Bush's fault. We all know that Obie is not going to open up the Keystone Pipeline mainly because his EPA base won't allow him. This should convince the 51%, along with the rest of us that this Socialist doesn't care about the middle class. He's already in lame-duck mode and doesn't even care if he goes down as the worst president we've ever had.
On January 20, 2017 Obie and his family are taking off for Hawaii and will live happily ever after on a pension we taxpayers will be paying for to support him and his family for the rest of his life. At this time do you honestly you think he's going to care about the welfare/freebie people that voted him in office. Please remember that 75% of the 51% that voted him in are still on welfare. Does anyone think he's going to be making speeches or campaigning for them?
The very, very sad "frosting on the cake" is that, God forbid, if any other country were to take over the U.S., the very first thing they would do would be to open the Keystone Pipeline, and then start fracking for natural gas, then start drilling in Alaska and other oil rich places here in the U.S. Just why won't Obie do that now? Any answer? Thought so.
If Governor Romney had been elected, like he should have been, America would now have lower gasoline prices, access to natural gas, continued drilling here and in Alaska, and thousands of Americans would be back to work. If Obie isn't acting "Hitleresque" I don't know what else he's up to.
Next time you're at a gas pump, and you hear someone complaining about $5.00/gallon for gas ask them if they voted for Obie. If they say "yes", remind them they're getting what they deserve. Remember that Obie's utopia would be that every single American send all their assets, money, etc., to him in D.C., and then he would "spread the wealth" like he promised Joe the plumber back in '08. We should have woken up back then folks. It's still not too late; think 2014
Please read tomorrow's blog. It's all about Obie's gun laws, and gun control.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
During the last two campaigns folks we just didn't have a snowball-in-hell's chance. Remember when Governor Romney promised that on his first day in the White House he would approve the Keystone Pipeline and pump oil from Canada, put thousands to work, and force lower gas prices from our oil suppliers.
Then Romney promised he would approve fracking to harvest natural gas. Well, Obie, and the media just completely ostracized Governor Romney during this last campaign. Obie's merry bandits, along with the media were completely successful in convincing the American public that Governor Romney was an elitist, and would ruin the American middle class.
Then to make matters worse, during Obie's campaign he "alluded" to "increasing energy resources here in America". Obie wanted Americans to believe he would be opening up the Keystone Pipeline. Of course we now know the Keystone Pipeline will only be pumping oil for China. let's fast forward to today.
I would love to have a simple conversation with anyone of the 51% that voted Obie back into our White House as they're standing at a gas pump pouring in gas at $5.00/gallon. Are they still happy that they cast their vote for him?
How about the pure simple fact that since Obie's been in our White House gasoline prices have increased by 104%. To put it more realistically; when Obie walked into our White House gase was $1.84/gallon.'s all Bush's fault. We all know that Obie is not going to open up the Keystone Pipeline mainly because his EPA base won't allow him. This should convince the 51%, along with the rest of us that this Socialist doesn't care about the middle class. He's already in lame-duck mode and doesn't even care if he goes down as the worst president we've ever had.
On January 20, 2017 Obie and his family are taking off for Hawaii and will live happily ever after on a pension we taxpayers will be paying for to support him and his family for the rest of his life. At this time do you honestly you think he's going to care about the welfare/freebie people that voted him in office. Please remember that 75% of the 51% that voted him in are still on welfare. Does anyone think he's going to be making speeches or campaigning for them?
The very, very sad "frosting on the cake" is that, God forbid, if any other country were to take over the U.S., the very first thing they would do would be to open the Keystone Pipeline, and then start fracking for natural gas, then start drilling in Alaska and other oil rich places here in the U.S. Just why won't Obie do that now? Any answer? Thought so.
If Governor Romney had been elected, like he should have been, America would now have lower gasoline prices, access to natural gas, continued drilling here and in Alaska, and thousands of Americans would be back to work. If Obie isn't acting "Hitleresque" I don't know what else he's up to.
Next time you're at a gas pump, and you hear someone complaining about $5.00/gallon for gas ask them if they voted for Obie. If they say "yes", remind them they're getting what they deserve. Remember that Obie's utopia would be that every single American send all their assets, money, etc., to him in D.C., and then he would "spread the wealth" like he promised Joe the plumber back in '08. We should have woken up back then folks. It's still not too late; think 2014
Please read tomorrow's blog. It's all about Obie's gun laws, and gun control.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
Monday, February 18, 2013
Since this radical Muslim Socialist has been in OUR White House there has been a more serious and horrific division of races and ethnic groups than ever before. Since Obie has been in OUR White House there is not a topic discussed that doesn't eventually becomes a heated bed of controversy.
Weren't we all promised that this man Obie was going to cement America, and we were all going to hold hands and sing "We are the World"? What the hell happened? Has anyone explained to Obie the difference between Presidency and Emperor? He really believes he's an Emperor.
This is evidenced by the EPA regulations passed since he's been in office. I'm not going to bore you with numbers. Let's just say it's hundreds per day. Most presidents prior to Obie have only exercised executive privilege a few times while in office. "Emperor" Obie has exercised executive privilege over 900 times and he's just starting his second term.
This man Obie works for us; he represents ALL the people of this great country. He is supposed to work in tandem with Congress. Instead he doesn't "waste his time" with Congress. If he wants something done he just waves his magic wand. This is not supposed to happen.
It seems this man is on a mission to desecrate our Christian-Capitalistic free enterprise way of life and replace it with Socialism, coated with Muslim traditions. If he was given carte-blanche to go out and ruin our country and our economy he couldn't do a more horrific job than he's doing right now.
I asked this question in several of my blogs during the campaign; ARE YOU BETTER OFF NOW THAN YOU WERE FOUR YEARS AGO? It's clear that 51% of Americans thought they were. Of course the majority of these people were from the welfare/freebie community.
So my mantra for the remainder of this lame duck man in our White House will now be:
Within the past 32 days our gasoline has increased to nearly $5.00 per gallon in certain states, and yet this man refuses to open our Keystone Pipeline. In fact, he wouldn't even mention drilling for our own energy during his State-of-Obie speech last week, but he sure wanted to talk about gay right marriages, abortions, and global warming. It was hard to believe these were his main topics. Of course we all know his main topics were "I", "me", "my", and "mine".
He is pandering to those that want gas and oil prices to continue to rise so that our planet can be "saved" from global warming. This also helps him in his love for his Muslim middle east country where we now buy so much of their oil. I wouldn't be surprised if he's a spokesman for Iran or Egypt when his term is over. I'd like to follow one of the anti-Keystone protesters and listen to them as they pump $5.00/gallon gas into their car. You think they'll be happy with $5.00/gallon? Don't think so.
This man in our White House cannot call himself a president for the middle class. I cannot even call him a true American. I don't care about where his birth certificate originated from. I care on what's going on today, and what he's doing to this great country. I cannot be convinced that he really and honestly cares for us.
I was hoping that his lame duck status wouldn't start till he had only a few months left in his second term, but he's starting already with his vacationing, golfing, schmoozing, and handing out favors and exemptions to his donors. Hey Obie, did you know we're now at 30 states that are not going to enforce Obamacare?
Instead of waving his executive hand to secretly grant amnesty, and leave for a golfing trip with Tiger Woods, why not stay home and talk to the President of Mexico. Mexico is a beautiful country with fantastic resources in oil, agriculture, manufacturing, and tourism.
Why not work out plan with Mexico's president to assure security of the border and offer National Guard help to assist in eradicating the Cartel? We would be welcomed to assist. That country can be restored to make Mexico as beautiful as it once was so the Mexican masses will want to stay in Mexico instead of illegally migrating to our country.
This man has the responsibility to do everything he can, and be our leader to restore our great country. He is not in our White House to pander to his favorites. Please, TPC'ers we must do all we can pointing toward 2014. Get the word out...NOW!
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Weren't we all promised that this man Obie was going to cement America, and we were all going to hold hands and sing "We are the World"? What the hell happened? Has anyone explained to Obie the difference between Presidency and Emperor? He really believes he's an Emperor.
This is evidenced by the EPA regulations passed since he's been in office. I'm not going to bore you with numbers. Let's just say it's hundreds per day. Most presidents prior to Obie have only exercised executive privilege a few times while in office. "Emperor" Obie has exercised executive privilege over 900 times and he's just starting his second term.
This man Obie works for us; he represents ALL the people of this great country. He is supposed to work in tandem with Congress. Instead he doesn't "waste his time" with Congress. If he wants something done he just waves his magic wand. This is not supposed to happen.
It seems this man is on a mission to desecrate our Christian-Capitalistic free enterprise way of life and replace it with Socialism, coated with Muslim traditions. If he was given carte-blanche to go out and ruin our country and our economy he couldn't do a more horrific job than he's doing right now.
I asked this question in several of my blogs during the campaign; ARE YOU BETTER OFF NOW THAN YOU WERE FOUR YEARS AGO? It's clear that 51% of Americans thought they were. Of course the majority of these people were from the welfare/freebie community.
So my mantra for the remainder of this lame duck man in our White House will now be:
Within the past 32 days our gasoline has increased to nearly $5.00 per gallon in certain states, and yet this man refuses to open our Keystone Pipeline. In fact, he wouldn't even mention drilling for our own energy during his State-of-Obie speech last week, but he sure wanted to talk about gay right marriages, abortions, and global warming. It was hard to believe these were his main topics. Of course we all know his main topics were "I", "me", "my", and "mine".
He is pandering to those that want gas and oil prices to continue to rise so that our planet can be "saved" from global warming. This also helps him in his love for his Muslim middle east country where we now buy so much of their oil. I wouldn't be surprised if he's a spokesman for Iran or Egypt when his term is over. I'd like to follow one of the anti-Keystone protesters and listen to them as they pump $5.00/gallon gas into their car. You think they'll be happy with $5.00/gallon? Don't think so.
This man in our White House cannot call himself a president for the middle class. I cannot even call him a true American. I don't care about where his birth certificate originated from. I care on what's going on today, and what he's doing to this great country. I cannot be convinced that he really and honestly cares for us.
I was hoping that his lame duck status wouldn't start till he had only a few months left in his second term, but he's starting already with his vacationing, golfing, schmoozing, and handing out favors and exemptions to his donors. Hey Obie, did you know we're now at 30 states that are not going to enforce Obamacare?
Instead of waving his executive hand to secretly grant amnesty, and leave for a golfing trip with Tiger Woods, why not stay home and talk to the President of Mexico. Mexico is a beautiful country with fantastic resources in oil, agriculture, manufacturing, and tourism.
Why not work out plan with Mexico's president to assure security of the border and offer National Guard help to assist in eradicating the Cartel? We would be welcomed to assist. That country can be restored to make Mexico as beautiful as it once was so the Mexican masses will want to stay in Mexico instead of illegally migrating to our country.
This man has the responsibility to do everything he can, and be our leader to restore our great country. He is not in our White House to pander to his favorites. Please, TPC'ers we must do all we can pointing toward 2014. Get the word out...NOW!
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
It's my right
Fellow TPC'ers I'm going to exercise my First Amendment rights, much in the same way the gang at MSNBC does, along with HBO's Pig Maher, Farrakhan, Letterman, and many other names that I could fill up this blog with.
Let's start with some common knowledge; in the people's White House there is living a radical Muslim-Socialist that is strongly leaning toward the teaching's of Hitler. Remember Hitler's strong belief was that only police and his military should have arms. Eventually Hitler was victorious in having citizens banned from carrying arms, much like Obama is currently attempting to do.
Right now, as I'm typing this someone is assaulted with a gun in Obie's home town of Chicago, which has the strictest gun laws in the country. Chicago's "fish-man"Emanuel keeps enforcing strong gun laws; but the only problem is criminals don't pay any attention to his laws.
Our U.S. Marine Corps is one of the greatest fighting unit this country has ever known, and arguablyy the world, has ever seen, and how does Obie show them respect? In his inaugurable parade last month he saw to it that the rifle bolts were removed from every rifle carried by Marines in the parade. What does that tell you about how he wants to desecrate our military?
If the leg man Matthews from MSNBC can intimate that we should abolish the first two amendments of our Constitution, then I certainly have the right to call Matthews an un-American Socialist that needs a trip to the dentist to fix his teeth, so he doesn't spit all over the camera during his programs, while he's spewing lies and personal attacks.
If Dave Letterman, on national TV, can claim that during the seventh inning stretch of a Yankees game a Yankee player impregnated Sarah Palins's daughter, the I guess I can say; this from a man that has a criteria to all females on his staff, "you can only work for me if you have sex with me".
Pig Maher, on national TV, claimed a sexual act was performed on Sarah Palin's daughter and a baby popped out. Only he said it in a more disgusting vile way. Can you imagine if Maher was a Republlican and said that about Michelle? The only way the Pig-man got away with it is because he donated one million dollars to Obie's campaign.
And speaking of donations, Obie is so corrupt he's actually allowing Facebook NOT to have to pay any income taxes, and yes, oh yes, Facebook is actually getting over $400.million in a tax refund. Now would you believe me if I wrote that Facebook is a big donor to Obie. Sure you would.
Louis Farrakhan claims the blood of Blacks flowing in the gutters of Chicago is the fault of the Whites. Really "Bongo Louie"? If the blood of Whites were flowing in the gutters of Chicago would you blame the Blacks? I don't think so. This from a man who's only claim to fame is he's got a loud deep voice and can play the bongo drums.
Remember then Stalin was the Czar of Russia? He was living like the supreme dictator, like the Messia that Obie is yearning to become. At the time the citizens of the USSR were living in filth and poverty. Reminds me of our economic situation today; John/Jane Doe probably celebrated Valentine's Day with a bowl of popcorn and a Neflix movie. You know what Obie and his "Michelle my belle" did on Valentine's Day don't you? They spent $9,000. of our taxpayer's money to have a beautiful cozy dinner at an exclusive restaurant. Yeah, he's for the middle class.
During the Christmas Holidays Obie took his belle Michelle and his children to Hawaii for a holiday vacation. That was less that 45 days ago. That cost us taxpayers well into the millions. Do you know what the Obamas are doing this weekend. Well the belle Michelle and the girls are flying without Obie to Aspen, Colorado for some fun in the snow. Of course, not to be outdone, Obie is spending the weekend in Florida golfing with Tiger or Tiger's coach, or both. Wonder how many millions that's going to cost us.
This man has no right whatsoever to claim he's the leader of our middle class. Just a few days ago he was complaining that he could not do more because he was "just a President, not a dictator". I mean come on Obie, is that the excuse you're using for screwing up our country?
TPC'ers don't get complacent because our website is growing so fast. We've got so much more to do. We're up against the liberal media of ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC, plus the money of the radicals headed up by Soros and Adrienne Huffington.
It's up to us at the TPC to get the word out. Don't expect the media, except for Fox, to report that we now have thirty states that are suing to opt out of Obamacare. Don't expect the medi to report that the CBO has reported there really are no funds to promote health coverage for pre-existing health conditions, that was promised by Obie and his sidekick Pelosi. It's up to us to get this word to the public before the vote in 2014.
Hitler and Stalin, along with their media, contaminated the masses with lies and false promises so much that they eventually believed it. In 1776 the first publication of "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire", was authored by Edward Gibbon. I read this book as a 20-year old, and now at 77 I'm reading it again. I strongly urge everyone to read it, then think of Hitler and Stalin, and then think of what Obie is trying to do today.
We have a big fight ahead of us folks. Don't let this man and his "army" take our country away from us.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Let's start with some common knowledge; in the people's White House there is living a radical Muslim-Socialist that is strongly leaning toward the teaching's of Hitler. Remember Hitler's strong belief was that only police and his military should have arms. Eventually Hitler was victorious in having citizens banned from carrying arms, much like Obama is currently attempting to do.
Right now, as I'm typing this someone is assaulted with a gun in Obie's home town of Chicago, which has the strictest gun laws in the country. Chicago's "fish-man"Emanuel keeps enforcing strong gun laws; but the only problem is criminals don't pay any attention to his laws.
Our U.S. Marine Corps is one of the greatest fighting unit this country has ever known, and arguablyy the world, has ever seen, and how does Obie show them respect? In his inaugurable parade last month he saw to it that the rifle bolts were removed from every rifle carried by Marines in the parade. What does that tell you about how he wants to desecrate our military?
If the leg man Matthews from MSNBC can intimate that we should abolish the first two amendments of our Constitution, then I certainly have the right to call Matthews an un-American Socialist that needs a trip to the dentist to fix his teeth, so he doesn't spit all over the camera during his programs, while he's spewing lies and personal attacks.
If Dave Letterman, on national TV, can claim that during the seventh inning stretch of a Yankees game a Yankee player impregnated Sarah Palins's daughter, the I guess I can say; this from a man that has a criteria to all females on his staff, "you can only work for me if you have sex with me".
Pig Maher, on national TV, claimed a sexual act was performed on Sarah Palin's daughter and a baby popped out. Only he said it in a more disgusting vile way. Can you imagine if Maher was a Republlican and said that about Michelle? The only way the Pig-man got away with it is because he donated one million dollars to Obie's campaign.
And speaking of donations, Obie is so corrupt he's actually allowing Facebook NOT to have to pay any income taxes, and yes, oh yes, Facebook is actually getting over $400.million in a tax refund. Now would you believe me if I wrote that Facebook is a big donor to Obie. Sure you would.
Louis Farrakhan claims the blood of Blacks flowing in the gutters of Chicago is the fault of the Whites. Really "Bongo Louie"? If the blood of Whites were flowing in the gutters of Chicago would you blame the Blacks? I don't think so. This from a man who's only claim to fame is he's got a loud deep voice and can play the bongo drums.
Remember then Stalin was the Czar of Russia? He was living like the supreme dictator, like the Messia that Obie is yearning to become. At the time the citizens of the USSR were living in filth and poverty. Reminds me of our economic situation today; John/Jane Doe probably celebrated Valentine's Day with a bowl of popcorn and a Neflix movie. You know what Obie and his "Michelle my belle" did on Valentine's Day don't you? They spent $9,000. of our taxpayer's money to have a beautiful cozy dinner at an exclusive restaurant. Yeah, he's for the middle class.
During the Christmas Holidays Obie took his belle Michelle and his children to Hawaii for a holiday vacation. That was less that 45 days ago. That cost us taxpayers well into the millions. Do you know what the Obamas are doing this weekend. Well the belle Michelle and the girls are flying without Obie to Aspen, Colorado for some fun in the snow. Of course, not to be outdone, Obie is spending the weekend in Florida golfing with Tiger or Tiger's coach, or both. Wonder how many millions that's going to cost us.
This man has no right whatsoever to claim he's the leader of our middle class. Just a few days ago he was complaining that he could not do more because he was "just a President, not a dictator". I mean come on Obie, is that the excuse you're using for screwing up our country?
TPC'ers don't get complacent because our website is growing so fast. We've got so much more to do. We're up against the liberal media of ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC, plus the money of the radicals headed up by Soros and Adrienne Huffington.
It's up to us at the TPC to get the word out. Don't expect the media, except for Fox, to report that we now have thirty states that are suing to opt out of Obamacare. Don't expect the medi to report that the CBO has reported there really are no funds to promote health coverage for pre-existing health conditions, that was promised by Obie and his sidekick Pelosi. It's up to us to get this word to the public before the vote in 2014.
Hitler and Stalin, along with their media, contaminated the masses with lies and false promises so much that they eventually believed it. In 1776 the first publication of "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire", was authored by Edward Gibbon. I read this book as a 20-year old, and now at 77 I'm reading it again. I strongly urge everyone to read it, then think of Hitler and Stalin, and then think of what Obie is trying to do today.
We have a big fight ahead of us folks. Don't let this man and his "army" take our country away from us.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Dammit-No more!
It started with the media yesterday, and carried over today when I visited the old web site that I used to write blogs for, so I've decided that if the left wing blogs and the media and the Democrat-Socialist Party can do it, then I certain can exercise my First Amendment rights also.
The site that I used to write blogs for has invited a left-wing blogging Socialist to write blogs for them. This person does nothing more than lie and initiate personal attacks on the GOP. I still find it hard to believe this site still allows this person to vomit on their site
The media, left wing bloggers, and the aforementioned Democrat-Socialist party has been unmerciful in their lies and personal attacks on the GOP and Tea Party. I'm going to fight back against these people. We have to go back at these people. Where in the hell do they get a free pass to say and write, and in some cases, not report the truth, any way they please. And they will continue to get away with it as long as they are slobbering all over our Socialist-in-Chief.
Their man Obie just completely and outright lied for his entire time at the teleprompter Tuesday. There should have been a hologram of him doing robotic moves; we would have been more entertained. He never talked about his failed promise of the Keystone Pipeline. He threatens all of us by saying the GOP needs to pass a debt ceiling increase.
I hope I can convince someone, anyone to join me in hitting back. For example: that mush-mouth Al Sharpton called it "Watergate", when Rubio wanted a sip of water. Have you heard mush-mouth Sharpton speak? You can't even understand him. Remember the time he was supposed to say, "we must", and what he really said was, "we much".
Senator Rubio's "sip of water" received more press than Senator Menendez having sex with underage girls. I mean Chris "thrill up my leg" Matthews called Rubio juvenile and immature for taking a sip of water. The media will create a scandal about a sip of water, but will not mention any news at all of Menendez having sex with an underage girl. That is disgraceful.
The media refuses to broadcast any truths at all. I just am not going to back down, and accept it any more. Their own Obie and his side-kick Gaffer Joe have uttered more mistated junk than any other duo since Abbot & Costello. Remember Obie when he said, "I've been to 57 states, and I have two more to visit". And the media called Bush stupid. How about Obie reading the teleprompter talking about our Navy corpsmen, and kept pronouncing the silent "p" in corpsmen; not once but about four times. Duh.
And Obie certainly doesn't know the true meaning of Memorial Day. Remember when he said "today we honor our fallen heroes, and I see many are here today". He clearly doesn't have a thought of his own. He only knows what he reads off the teleprompter. He's an out and out disgrace to our White House and our country.
I'm hoping and praying that the GOP, with the help of the TPC, will start growing a pair, and start fighting back by reporting and writing the pitfalls and lies of the media and of our Socialist-in-Chief. Remember Sean Connery in The Untouchables, "the other guy brings a knife to a bring a gun...the other guy puts one of yours in the put one of his in the morgue....that's the Chicago way". Obie will appreciate that...he's from Chicago.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
The site that I used to write blogs for has invited a left-wing blogging Socialist to write blogs for them. This person does nothing more than lie and initiate personal attacks on the GOP. I still find it hard to believe this site still allows this person to vomit on their site
The media, left wing bloggers, and the aforementioned Democrat-Socialist party has been unmerciful in their lies and personal attacks on the GOP and Tea Party. I'm going to fight back against these people. We have to go back at these people. Where in the hell do they get a free pass to say and write, and in some cases, not report the truth, any way they please. And they will continue to get away with it as long as they are slobbering all over our Socialist-in-Chief.
Their man Obie just completely and outright lied for his entire time at the teleprompter Tuesday. There should have been a hologram of him doing robotic moves; we would have been more entertained. He never talked about his failed promise of the Keystone Pipeline. He threatens all of us by saying the GOP needs to pass a debt ceiling increase.
I hope I can convince someone, anyone to join me in hitting back. For example: that mush-mouth Al Sharpton called it "Watergate", when Rubio wanted a sip of water. Have you heard mush-mouth Sharpton speak? You can't even understand him. Remember the time he was supposed to say, "we must", and what he really said was, "we much".
Senator Rubio's "sip of water" received more press than Senator Menendez having sex with underage girls. I mean Chris "thrill up my leg" Matthews called Rubio juvenile and immature for taking a sip of water. The media will create a scandal about a sip of water, but will not mention any news at all of Menendez having sex with an underage girl. That is disgraceful.
The media refuses to broadcast any truths at all. I just am not going to back down, and accept it any more. Their own Obie and his side-kick Gaffer Joe have uttered more mistated junk than any other duo since Abbot & Costello. Remember Obie when he said, "I've been to 57 states, and I have two more to visit". And the media called Bush stupid. How about Obie reading the teleprompter talking about our Navy corpsmen, and kept pronouncing the silent "p" in corpsmen; not once but about four times. Duh.
And Obie certainly doesn't know the true meaning of Memorial Day. Remember when he said "today we honor our fallen heroes, and I see many are here today". He clearly doesn't have a thought of his own. He only knows what he reads off the teleprompter. He's an out and out disgrace to our White House and our country.
I'm hoping and praying that the GOP, with the help of the TPC, will start growing a pair, and start fighting back by reporting and writing the pitfalls and lies of the media and of our Socialist-in-Chief. Remember Sean Connery in The Untouchables, "the other guy brings a knife to a bring a gun...the other guy puts one of yours in the put one of his in the morgue....that's the Chicago way". Obie will appreciate that...he's from Chicago.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Put 'em on welfare
As long as this disgrace to the office of the Presidency continues to lie, I'm going to continue to write blogs to call him out on his disgraceful lies and policies. Yes, it's only February, 2013, but the vote for the House and Senate in 2014 will be here before we know it. It's not too early to start becoming ready folks.
If any of us had a rich uncle that was so generous with his millions, and told you he would "take care of you", and you didn't have to work, of course if you were lazy you'd be bowing at his feet. The operative word here is lazy. Remember the old saying that people don't want a hand out; they want a hand up to stand on their own two feet?
Well, Obie is reversing that, especially with his raising of minimum wages from $7.25 to $9.00. Doing that is just another diet of constant Kool-Aid, especially to our younger generation. Did you hear Obie in his State of Obie message on Tuesday? He said, "we must raise minimum wage, so people can live better". Obie, you will not garner more young generation votes that way.
I'll tell you why: History and statistics reveal that when you raise the minimum wages, the unemployment among young people rises substantially. Employers cut back hours, lay-off employees, and what happens? Obie's welfare base just grows and grows, and who pays for it?
Of course, we the taxpayers.
Now, logic and common sense will also report that if you lower taxes and lower the minimum wage rate, then small businesses will have the incentive to create more jobs and hire more people. Duh...make sense Obie?
Please remember Obie, minimum wage was created to be a "starting point" for workers, not a constant employment comfort zone. If you keep raising the minimum wage rate you're not helping employees, you're hurting them. Also remember you make our younger generation lazy if they get "comfortable" on it. Our younger generation needs incentives to break away from minimum wage, strive to get a job that pays more; not be comfortable on it.
The CBO has reported that when the minimum wage was increased to $7.25 a few years ago, the unemployment among the younger generation jumped to nearly 25%. What does that tell you Obie? It just moved more younger people to the welfare roles, and my taxpayer dollars helped pay for it. Think about it.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
If any of us had a rich uncle that was so generous with his millions, and told you he would "take care of you", and you didn't have to work, of course if you were lazy you'd be bowing at his feet. The operative word here is lazy. Remember the old saying that people don't want a hand out; they want a hand up to stand on their own two feet?
Well, Obie is reversing that, especially with his raising of minimum wages from $7.25 to $9.00. Doing that is just another diet of constant Kool-Aid, especially to our younger generation. Did you hear Obie in his State of Obie message on Tuesday? He said, "we must raise minimum wage, so people can live better". Obie, you will not garner more young generation votes that way.
I'll tell you why: History and statistics reveal that when you raise the minimum wages, the unemployment among young people rises substantially. Employers cut back hours, lay-off employees, and what happens? Obie's welfare base just grows and grows, and who pays for it?
Of course, we the taxpayers.
Now, logic and common sense will also report that if you lower taxes and lower the minimum wage rate, then small businesses will have the incentive to create more jobs and hire more people. Duh...make sense Obie?
Please remember Obie, minimum wage was created to be a "starting point" for workers, not a constant employment comfort zone. If you keep raising the minimum wage rate you're not helping employees, you're hurting them. Also remember you make our younger generation lazy if they get "comfortable" on it. Our younger generation needs incentives to break away from minimum wage, strive to get a job that pays more; not be comfortable on it.
The CBO has reported that when the minimum wage was increased to $7.25 a few years ago, the unemployment among the younger generation jumped to nearly 25%. What does that tell you Obie? It just moved more younger people to the welfare roles, and my taxpayer dollars helped pay for it. Think about it.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Pants on fire
Obie, stood at his podium reading his teleprompter, and spent his entire State of Obie time lying about our country, the economic failure we're in, and, did I mention more lying? Yes, he keeps on proving he's the White House main liar-in-chief. And he keeps on rolling along, while not caring.
Why should he care? He's got a lock on his job for four years. Yes, we must endure this liar in chief for four more years. Forget about distorting the truth. He just plain outright lies, and is getting away with it. Why wouldn't he....he's got the entire media, except for Fox, in his back pocket.
Now, my worst subject in high school and college was always math. In fact, as a college freshman, I'd take my math homework home on the weekend to have my younger sister do it for me. Now that's bad. However, I do OK in simple subtraction.
The Congressional Budget Office has factually reported that we now have 3.2 less Americans working since Obie took office than before he lied his way in back in '08. Someone explain how then does Obie get away with loudly bragging that since he's been in office his administration has created nearly six million jobs.
The truth is he is actually taking credit for the jobs that created when President Bush was still in office. Yes, we were at a high pinnacle of jobs lost when G.W. was in office, but then there was a recovery taking place while he was still in office in 2007. Well, do you believe that Obie is actually taking credit for it.
This arrogant Liar-In-Chief really believes the American people are stupid. He thinks we're going to drink his Kool-Aid by simply changing the words from "raising taxes" and "stimulus" to words of "government investing". Really Obie; what do you take us for? We are not your welfare/freebie that voted you back into our White House. Watch them run from you when your money runs out to give them their freebies.
Instead of the media reporting your lies, along with the fact that this was the least watched S.O.T.U. message in fourteen years, what do they focus on? Yep, let's start our crucifixion of Marco Rubio taking a sip of water. Obie must know why the TV ratings of his speech was so low. Most Americans have listened to his lies for four previous messages. What is going to change?
And let me get some more "shots" in about our fantastic, truthful, unbiased media. Yesterday, CNN was actually giving kudos to the ex-LAPD killer Chris Dorner. Even after this man savagely murdered the daughter of an ex-LAPD police officer, along with her fiance. Dorner then called the dead daughter's father to tell him he killed her.
Dorner then killed two police officers while trying to escape, and yet CNN in their programming yesterday stated that Dorner may be a victim of racism. That not enough? CNN took another step and said they "can see a Danziel Washington playing Dorner in a movie showing the police force doing wrong to this victim".
Joining CNN is MSNBC touting the poor mistreatment of Chris Dorner eluding he may have been a victim of racism in the LAPD. These two networks are the same networks that reported Ambassador Stevens must take some responsibility for his murder by going to Benghazi in the first place.
How about the bearded one, Wolf Blitzer, reporting that maybe Marco Rubio's career is over because he took a sip of water during his SOTU rebuttal speech on TV. Enough? Nah, I'll leave you with this. The wonderfl, truthful, factual, unbiased media reported, "well we assume there was water in that bottle", and then squeezed away with, "be right back after these messages".
So I've decided to jump on the bandwagon of calling the man in our White House, along with ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC are one gigantic pack of liars. Watch Fox folks.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Why should he care? He's got a lock on his job for four years. Yes, we must endure this liar in chief for four more years. Forget about distorting the truth. He just plain outright lies, and is getting away with it. Why wouldn't he....he's got the entire media, except for Fox, in his back pocket.
Now, my worst subject in high school and college was always math. In fact, as a college freshman, I'd take my math homework home on the weekend to have my younger sister do it for me. Now that's bad. However, I do OK in simple subtraction.
The Congressional Budget Office has factually reported that we now have 3.2 less Americans working since Obie took office than before he lied his way in back in '08. Someone explain how then does Obie get away with loudly bragging that since he's been in office his administration has created nearly six million jobs.
The truth is he is actually taking credit for the jobs that created when President Bush was still in office. Yes, we were at a high pinnacle of jobs lost when G.W. was in office, but then there was a recovery taking place while he was still in office in 2007. Well, do you believe that Obie is actually taking credit for it.
This arrogant Liar-In-Chief really believes the American people are stupid. He thinks we're going to drink his Kool-Aid by simply changing the words from "raising taxes" and "stimulus" to words of "government investing". Really Obie; what do you take us for? We are not your welfare/freebie that voted you back into our White House. Watch them run from you when your money runs out to give them their freebies.
Instead of the media reporting your lies, along with the fact that this was the least watched S.O.T.U. message in fourteen years, what do they focus on? Yep, let's start our crucifixion of Marco Rubio taking a sip of water. Obie must know why the TV ratings of his speech was so low. Most Americans have listened to his lies for four previous messages. What is going to change?
And let me get some more "shots" in about our fantastic, truthful, unbiased media. Yesterday, CNN was actually giving kudos to the ex-LAPD killer Chris Dorner. Even after this man savagely murdered the daughter of an ex-LAPD police officer, along with her fiance. Dorner then called the dead daughter's father to tell him he killed her.
Dorner then killed two police officers while trying to escape, and yet CNN in their programming yesterday stated that Dorner may be a victim of racism. That not enough? CNN took another step and said they "can see a Danziel Washington playing Dorner in a movie showing the police force doing wrong to this victim".
Joining CNN is MSNBC touting the poor mistreatment of Chris Dorner eluding he may have been a victim of racism in the LAPD. These two networks are the same networks that reported Ambassador Stevens must take some responsibility for his murder by going to Benghazi in the first place.
How about the bearded one, Wolf Blitzer, reporting that maybe Marco Rubio's career is over because he took a sip of water during his SOTU rebuttal speech on TV. Enough? Nah, I'll leave you with this. The wonderfl, truthful, factual, unbiased media reported, "well we assume there was water in that bottle", and then squeezed away with, "be right back after these messages".
So I've decided to jump on the bandwagon of calling the man in our White House, along with ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC are one gigantic pack of liars. Watch Fox folks.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Not even a mention?
Two years ago I sat down with two former Marine Vietnam war heroes, some good cigars, and a bottle of single malt scotch. I consider these warriors as close friends. Their sons are married to two of my daughters.
Both of these Marines are now in their 70's, and both were decorated for their service. One received both Silver & Bronze Stars with the Purple Heart, along with many campaign ribbons. One is featured in a book that soon may be made into a movie.
For me, a four-year Air Force vet that never saw any combat, it was unbelievable at times to hear their stories. It was an evening I will never forget. We discussed the negative moods of many in the media and public that were against the Vietnam conflict from the very beginning.
These two Marines, along with thousands of other fighting men and women served in the Vietnam conflict, as they put it, "just doing our job to fight for our country...we joined to protect".
We even talked about the celebrities, namely "Hanoi Jane Fonda", using their stardom to wildly protest against the Vietnam conflict. Remember Jane sitting on the Vietnam tank?
Both of these Marines are two of many heroes this country has honored through the years. We all owe a patriotic debt of gratitude to the thousands of men and women who fight to preserve our freedoms. I'm proud to call these two Marines "family". How does this relate to Obie?
Now, I'm not one to call Obie a Muslim, but I have been scratching my head these past few days. If he's not a Muslim, then he certainly has proven he's a Muslim sympathizer at least. I am convinced of that. Just take a look at his actions.
A few years ago at Fort Hood in Texas a U.S. Army Major, Malik Hasan carried two handguns into a work station, shot and killed twelve military personnel and one civilian. This man is an avowed Muslim radical. While he was attacking and murdering the twelve military personnel and one civilian he was screaming, "Allah Akbar".
Now this was a Muslim radical terrorist killing Americans, and yet Obie refuses to call this "an act of terrorism", and honor those killed and wounded with Purple Heart medals. Instead Obie has labeled it "workplace violence". What a joke that is.
Recently America lost one of its true heroes. A former heavily decorated sniper, Sgt. Chris Kyle. He was at a local gun range helping fellow veteran with P.T.S.D., when he was shot and killed. Sgt. Kyle was awarded with a heroe's burial, with thousands in attendance in Texas.
Yet, Obie refuses to acknowledge those slain or wounded in the Ft. Hood massacre. He is making sure that no Purple Heart medals will be awarded the victims or their families. He's making it a political issue, so he can brag that "no terrorist attacks in the U.S. on my watch".
That is deplorable, and a clear case of putting his own personal legacy ahead of true American heroes.
Obie also refuses to acknowledge a true war hero, Sgt. Chris Kyle, in any way. He had a beautiful opportunity last night in his State of Obie speech. Instead he acknowledged gun violence victims to support his goal of repealing our Second Amendment.
Benghazi and Ft. Hood are clear indications of Muslim radical terrorists attacking and slaying Americans, and Obie will not even comment on these two massacres against Americans. He even left the White House for a fund raiser in Vegas as Ambassador Stevens was being murdered by terrorists.
We need an American President that loves our country, and will honor those who died serving and protecting our freedom and rights. Please remember that in the 2014 election.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
Both of these Marines are now in their 70's, and both were decorated for their service. One received both Silver & Bronze Stars with the Purple Heart, along with many campaign ribbons. One is featured in a book that soon may be made into a movie.
For me, a four-year Air Force vet that never saw any combat, it was unbelievable at times to hear their stories. It was an evening I will never forget. We discussed the negative moods of many in the media and public that were against the Vietnam conflict from the very beginning.
These two Marines, along with thousands of other fighting men and women served in the Vietnam conflict, as they put it, "just doing our job to fight for our country...we joined to protect".
We even talked about the celebrities, namely "Hanoi Jane Fonda", using their stardom to wildly protest against the Vietnam conflict. Remember Jane sitting on the Vietnam tank?
Both of these Marines are two of many heroes this country has honored through the years. We all owe a patriotic debt of gratitude to the thousands of men and women who fight to preserve our freedoms. I'm proud to call these two Marines "family". How does this relate to Obie?
Now, I'm not one to call Obie a Muslim, but I have been scratching my head these past few days. If he's not a Muslim, then he certainly has proven he's a Muslim sympathizer at least. I am convinced of that. Just take a look at his actions.
A few years ago at Fort Hood in Texas a U.S. Army Major, Malik Hasan carried two handguns into a work station, shot and killed twelve military personnel and one civilian. This man is an avowed Muslim radical. While he was attacking and murdering the twelve military personnel and one civilian he was screaming, "Allah Akbar".
Now this was a Muslim radical terrorist killing Americans, and yet Obie refuses to call this "an act of terrorism", and honor those killed and wounded with Purple Heart medals. Instead Obie has labeled it "workplace violence". What a joke that is.
Recently America lost one of its true heroes. A former heavily decorated sniper, Sgt. Chris Kyle. He was at a local gun range helping fellow veteran with P.T.S.D., when he was shot and killed. Sgt. Kyle was awarded with a heroe's burial, with thousands in attendance in Texas.
Yet, Obie refuses to acknowledge those slain or wounded in the Ft. Hood massacre. He is making sure that no Purple Heart medals will be awarded the victims or their families. He's making it a political issue, so he can brag that "no terrorist attacks in the U.S. on my watch".
That is deplorable, and a clear case of putting his own personal legacy ahead of true American heroes.
Obie also refuses to acknowledge a true war hero, Sgt. Chris Kyle, in any way. He had a beautiful opportunity last night in his State of Obie speech. Instead he acknowledged gun violence victims to support his goal of repealing our Second Amendment.
Benghazi and Ft. Hood are clear indications of Muslim radical terrorists attacking and slaying Americans, and Obie will not even comment on these two massacres against Americans. He even left the White House for a fund raiser in Vegas as Ambassador Stevens was being murdered by terrorists.
We need an American President that loves our country, and will honor those who died serving and protecting our freedom and rights. Please remember that in the 2014 election.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
We need the media (2/12/13)
There's an old say that coincidentally was just repeated yesterday by Dr. Benjamin Carson. It goes something like this: "if you keep repeating the same lies over and over, and over again to the masses, soon they will believe the lies as truth".
Now, more than ever we need our media to wake up to help Americans restore our country. They, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC, will not report the true facts on any current issue facing our country today.
Yes, I did not mention Fox News, as they are the only cable news network that will continue to report all aspects of the news. There's a reason that for twelve years running that Fox News has maintained the number one ranking among news viewers.
I am not writing this to prop up Fox. I want to appeal to our main stream media, and ask them do you really and truly love this country, and want to see us reigning back in prosperity? Why won't the media start report ALL the facts surrounding the news today? It seems they just pick and choose the news that will continue to support their man Obie.
The media refuses to report on topics they should be addressing. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC will arbitrarily "drop" current issues that in any way could question the way this current administration is operating.
What happened to finding out the story of "Fast & Furious"? What happened to the White House going back on their words by going back on their promise to open the Keystone Pipeline? What happened to investigating the bankruptcy and criminal investigation of all those energy companies like Solyndra?
Why won't the media tell Americans the true facts about Obamacare? Why won't they explain the true machinations of Obamacare? We will not have enough Doctors, to the point where physician assistants will be giving medical attention instead of Doctors? Everyone knows the trouble our country is heading for because of Obamacare, but the media completely and totally refuses to even discuss it on air.
Why does the media continue to pamper and prop us this White House resident? Steven Kroft on 60-minutes actually made a love-in with Obie and Hillary a few Sundays ago. Why did the media attack Sarah Palin, while giving a pass to everyone else on the topic of death panels?
I predicted that within two days of Dr. Benjamin Carson's comments at the breakfast prayer meeting last week that the media would come out in droves to crucify the great Doctor. What did the Doctor do? Simply stood up fearlessly and explained the problems that have emanated from the White House. And now the media says he was disrespectful to Obie. Hey, Obie was an invited to the meeting same as Dr. Carson. What about the First Amendment?
I guess it's OK for the media to make disgusting personal attacks on anyone that opposes Obie, including calling Mitt Romney a killer, but the media will lie and continue to attack any anti-Obie situation? Does the media expect Obie to take care of them when the bottom falls out in our economy? Oh no...he'll be "retired", and living the good life forever beginning in January, 2017. You don't think he's going to care for all his welfare "buddies" when he leaves the White House?
Our country is economically in shambles. The media won't even discuss the rising gasoline prices, along with not discussing that Obie refuses to build refineries and drill oil right here in our country. Remember when Pelosi wanted to impeach Bush for 4.5% unemployment and $1.84 for a gallon of gas? Boy the media was all over that.
Whether Americans are Democrat, Republican, or Independent when they want the true up to date facts surrounding the news they go to Fox on TV, and Rush on the radio. Last night during a Fox commercial I switched to MSNBC, and Ed "Sgt" Schultz was degrading the GOP, saying they were taking food from childrens' mouths, stopping seniors getting medical care. Does MSNBC really believe the American people are buying into that diatribe?
And what does the White House do? Well, of course they continue to pander to their media supporters. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC will continue to discuss gun control issues and other issues that will throw the masses away from the real true problems in this country; and that is jobs and our dwindling economy.
If the media loves this country like the rest of us do they'll start reporting the facts truthfully, and stop the blubbering fawning over "their man". This country deserves truth.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops
Now, more than ever we need our media to wake up to help Americans restore our country. They, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC, will not report the true facts on any current issue facing our country today.
Yes, I did not mention Fox News, as they are the only cable news network that will continue to report all aspects of the news. There's a reason that for twelve years running that Fox News has maintained the number one ranking among news viewers.
I am not writing this to prop up Fox. I want to appeal to our main stream media, and ask them do you really and truly love this country, and want to see us reigning back in prosperity? Why won't the media start report ALL the facts surrounding the news today? It seems they just pick and choose the news that will continue to support their man Obie.
The media refuses to report on topics they should be addressing. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC will arbitrarily "drop" current issues that in any way could question the way this current administration is operating.
What happened to finding out the story of "Fast & Furious"? What happened to the White House going back on their words by going back on their promise to open the Keystone Pipeline? What happened to investigating the bankruptcy and criminal investigation of all those energy companies like Solyndra?
Why won't the media tell Americans the true facts about Obamacare? Why won't they explain the true machinations of Obamacare? We will not have enough Doctors, to the point where physician assistants will be giving medical attention instead of Doctors? Everyone knows the trouble our country is heading for because of Obamacare, but the media completely and totally refuses to even discuss it on air.
Why does the media continue to pamper and prop us this White House resident? Steven Kroft on 60-minutes actually made a love-in with Obie and Hillary a few Sundays ago. Why did the media attack Sarah Palin, while giving a pass to everyone else on the topic of death panels?
I predicted that within two days of Dr. Benjamin Carson's comments at the breakfast prayer meeting last week that the media would come out in droves to crucify the great Doctor. What did the Doctor do? Simply stood up fearlessly and explained the problems that have emanated from the White House. And now the media says he was disrespectful to Obie. Hey, Obie was an invited to the meeting same as Dr. Carson. What about the First Amendment?
I guess it's OK for the media to make disgusting personal attacks on anyone that opposes Obie, including calling Mitt Romney a killer, but the media will lie and continue to attack any anti-Obie situation? Does the media expect Obie to take care of them when the bottom falls out in our economy? Oh no...he'll be "retired", and living the good life forever beginning in January, 2017. You don't think he's going to care for all his welfare "buddies" when he leaves the White House?
Our country is economically in shambles. The media won't even discuss the rising gasoline prices, along with not discussing that Obie refuses to build refineries and drill oil right here in our country. Remember when Pelosi wanted to impeach Bush for 4.5% unemployment and $1.84 for a gallon of gas? Boy the media was all over that.
Whether Americans are Democrat, Republican, or Independent when they want the true up to date facts surrounding the news they go to Fox on TV, and Rush on the radio. Last night during a Fox commercial I switched to MSNBC, and Ed "Sgt" Schultz was degrading the GOP, saying they were taking food from childrens' mouths, stopping seniors getting medical care. Does MSNBC really believe the American people are buying into that diatribe?
And what does the White House do? Well, of course they continue to pander to their media supporters. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC will continue to discuss gun control issues and other issues that will throw the masses away from the real true problems in this country; and that is jobs and our dwindling economy.
If the media loves this country like the rest of us do they'll start reporting the facts truthfully, and stop the blubbering fawning over "their man". This country deserves truth.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops
Monday, February 11, 2013
Impeach now!
If anyone out there would rather watch a basketball game on ESPN tomorrow and still watch the Horrid State Of Obie's Union message then just watch his speech from last year. Did you think anything will change? Afraid not folks. Same-old, same-old. Everything will still be Bush's fault. Now, remember not to laugh when Obie says, "improving economy...getting the middle class back to work is MY number one priority". Also remember to take your big swallow of Kool-Aid right after he says that so you don't fall off your couch.
He's just our "reader-in-chief" anyway. Reid, Pelosi, Jarret, and Axelrod wrote his speech. He just reads it off the teleprompter. Obie actually spends more time "community organizing" his golf four-somes than he does in our White House.
Benghazi and Obamacare are reasons enough to impeach this man. Then add to these debacles the increase in welfare and food stamps, his gigantic increase in our national debt, and his lack of leadership in foreign policy, especially in the middle east. I mean, really, he is increasing money and arms to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt as I'm writing this, while strong proposing to slice our own military defense programs. Come on people; wake up your Senators and Congressmen/women.
Wouldn't it be great if just one of the main stream media news outlets would broadcast the truth about this man? ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN. Just one telling the good American folks the bare truth about Obie. He'll stand up there, read his lies off the teleprompter, and then later Chris "thrill up my leg" Matthews will sit around on TV and tell Americans just, "how great the president was tonight...he really got his message across..didn't he Rachel?" And of course Rachel Maddow will say, "you're right Christ...he was sure the man tonight". Puulllease!!, you're not going to buy that; are you folks?
Remember when Obie jammed 2,977 pages of Obamacare down our throats, and kept repeating how this was going to cut costs? And then when the private sector companies began to rebel against Obamacare, along with private hospitals, universities, and churches initiating lawsuits, the media kept calling them, "anti-Obama right wing whackos that will do anything to protest the president".
Well, folks more and more facts about Obamacare are starting to "ooze" out of the woodwork. Now, we're discovering that even some government agencies, including state colleges are opting out of Obamacare. There are federal agencies downsizing and notifying part time employees they can only work up to 29 hours. This is so the agency will not have to provide health insurance. The state of Virginia says it will cost them $100.million per year in premiums in order to provide adequate health insurance to its federal employees.
Now, on record, is a fact that 23 states are currently suing our federal government to opt out of Obamacare in order to initiate the individual states own health care programs. Further, we're discovering that Obie himself is offering Obamacare waivers to his "favorites", which include his donors, special union interests, and recently a government appointee. If Obamacare is so great why is everyone trying to get away from it?
If that wasn't bad enough; buried in the 2,977 pages are directions that the millions originally promised to be covered under Obamacare will really not be covered. If Obamacare is so great why are so many hospitals closing down their emergency services? Why are so many companies preparing to pay the fine rather than offer health care coverage to employees, forcing employees to seek their own means of health care coverage. Some small businesses are going to offer only part time work up to 29 hours per week. Some will even consider shutting down altogether. Isn't Obamacare great? Yeah, right.
Then we further discover that a family of two adults and two children averaging an income of $50,000. per year will pay an additional $7.40 per working hour to pay for healthcare through his employer. The IRS and CBO agree that within two years of the U.S. living within Obamacare may push the country into a worse financial situation that Europe. Costs may increase beyond recovery. In some cases health insurance will increase to $20,000. per year.
I've talked to many young people that say they will not subscribe to any health care at all, instead when and if the time emerges for health care needs they will pay the $750. fine. And remember how the media completely cruicified, criticized, and attacked Sarah Palin when she uttered the words "death panels"? Well now the strong left wing progressive New York Times writer Paul Krugman just last week wrote in his column, "death panels will help offset the cost of Obamacare". Want more? Recently a Democrat member of Congress spoke almost the very same words interjecting the "need" for death panels. Someone please tell the media we need them now more than ever.
Then there's Benghazi. No one from the State Department or the White House will step forward to tell us the basic truth that caused the death of four American heroes. Now we discover that Obie was nowhere near the White House during the Benghazi attack. He was in Vegas, and furthermore he never even check back into Panetta or Hillary to find out what was happening in Benghazi at the time. He was too busy at a fund raiser in Vegas.
Folks, we have more than enough facts and figures to impeach this man right out of our White House. Can you imagine if Obie was a Caucasian Republican what the media would be doing now? We only need one of you media outlets to get the ball rolling.
Anyway, I'm a college basketball junkie, and I'm sure ESPN will have a good game on tomorrow for me to watch. Therefore I won't be watching the Teflon Don, Liar-in-chief read from his teleprompter. You already know what he's going to read. Wish he would talk about his golf handicap instead. That would be more interesting and more sense than to promise to improve jobs and the economy that he is destroying.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
He's just our "reader-in-chief" anyway. Reid, Pelosi, Jarret, and Axelrod wrote his speech. He just reads it off the teleprompter. Obie actually spends more time "community organizing" his golf four-somes than he does in our White House.
Benghazi and Obamacare are reasons enough to impeach this man. Then add to these debacles the increase in welfare and food stamps, his gigantic increase in our national debt, and his lack of leadership in foreign policy, especially in the middle east. I mean, really, he is increasing money and arms to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt as I'm writing this, while strong proposing to slice our own military defense programs. Come on people; wake up your Senators and Congressmen/women.
Wouldn't it be great if just one of the main stream media news outlets would broadcast the truth about this man? ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN. Just one telling the good American folks the bare truth about Obie. He'll stand up there, read his lies off the teleprompter, and then later Chris "thrill up my leg" Matthews will sit around on TV and tell Americans just, "how great the president was tonight...he really got his message across..didn't he Rachel?" And of course Rachel Maddow will say, "you're right Christ...he was sure the man tonight". Puulllease!!, you're not going to buy that; are you folks?
Remember when Obie jammed 2,977 pages of Obamacare down our throats, and kept repeating how this was going to cut costs? And then when the private sector companies began to rebel against Obamacare, along with private hospitals, universities, and churches initiating lawsuits, the media kept calling them, "anti-Obama right wing whackos that will do anything to protest the president".
Well, folks more and more facts about Obamacare are starting to "ooze" out of the woodwork. Now, we're discovering that even some government agencies, including state colleges are opting out of Obamacare. There are federal agencies downsizing and notifying part time employees they can only work up to 29 hours. This is so the agency will not have to provide health insurance. The state of Virginia says it will cost them $100.million per year in premiums in order to provide adequate health insurance to its federal employees.
Now, on record, is a fact that 23 states are currently suing our federal government to opt out of Obamacare in order to initiate the individual states own health care programs. Further, we're discovering that Obie himself is offering Obamacare waivers to his "favorites", which include his donors, special union interests, and recently a government appointee. If Obamacare is so great why is everyone trying to get away from it?
If that wasn't bad enough; buried in the 2,977 pages are directions that the millions originally promised to be covered under Obamacare will really not be covered. If Obamacare is so great why are so many hospitals closing down their emergency services? Why are so many companies preparing to pay the fine rather than offer health care coverage to employees, forcing employees to seek their own means of health care coverage. Some small businesses are going to offer only part time work up to 29 hours per week. Some will even consider shutting down altogether. Isn't Obamacare great? Yeah, right.
Then we further discover that a family of two adults and two children averaging an income of $50,000. per year will pay an additional $7.40 per working hour to pay for healthcare through his employer. The IRS and CBO agree that within two years of the U.S. living within Obamacare may push the country into a worse financial situation that Europe. Costs may increase beyond recovery. In some cases health insurance will increase to $20,000. per year.
I've talked to many young people that say they will not subscribe to any health care at all, instead when and if the time emerges for health care needs they will pay the $750. fine. And remember how the media completely cruicified, criticized, and attacked Sarah Palin when she uttered the words "death panels"? Well now the strong left wing progressive New York Times writer Paul Krugman just last week wrote in his column, "death panels will help offset the cost of Obamacare". Want more? Recently a Democrat member of Congress spoke almost the very same words interjecting the "need" for death panels. Someone please tell the media we need them now more than ever.
Then there's Benghazi. No one from the State Department or the White House will step forward to tell us the basic truth that caused the death of four American heroes. Now we discover that Obie was nowhere near the White House during the Benghazi attack. He was in Vegas, and furthermore he never even check back into Panetta or Hillary to find out what was happening in Benghazi at the time. He was too busy at a fund raiser in Vegas.
Folks, we have more than enough facts and figures to impeach this man right out of our White House. Can you imagine if Obie was a Caucasian Republican what the media would be doing now? We only need one of you media outlets to get the ball rolling.
Anyway, I'm a college basketball junkie, and I'm sure ESPN will have a good game on tomorrow for me to watch. Therefore I won't be watching the Teflon Don, Liar-in-chief read from his teleprompter. You already know what he's going to read. Wish he would talk about his golf handicap instead. That would be more interesting and more sense than to promise to improve jobs and the economy that he is destroying.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Why I went to the TPC
No politics today. Just a straight forward message to my TPC members and TPC advocates. A little over a year ago I was asked by a local well known newspaper to join their media lab and write a conservative political blog.
Of course I was humbly honored, and decided I was going to write a blog a day reflecting my conservative political views on the current topics. Topics would focus on unemployment, Obamacare, GDP, national debt, welfare, food stamps, etc.
I was grateful that the majority of my blog readers agreed with me, and it just encouraged me to keep writing and try to get more informative, more entertaining, and increase my topic researching. Of course I would welcome opposing views. I enjoyed the challenging responses, and would engage in friendly back and forth blog messages.
Stay with me please. Then the newspaper invited a liberal progressive left-leaning Democrat to join their media lab. What I discovered immediately was most of the contents of his blogs were filled with lies and personal attacks on any who opposed his liberal progressive views, mainly yours truly, and even my family.
His personal attacks along with his lies got so bad I approached the director of the media lab and asked that they contact the individual and suggest a more friendly adversarial response to my blogs. Then the "young" director commented, "why don't you just ignore him, and he may go away".
So I tried that, and the more I ignored this left-leaning progressive liberal the more vile his blogs became filled with lies and personal attacks.
The final blow was the day he responded to my blog about gun control. Now this individual, through my blogs, knew I was an NRA member, a gun advocate, owned guns for target shooting and personal protection. He also knew my wife and I both have concealed-carry permits.
He wrote in his blog that the reason I like guns is because I harbor latent homosexual tendencies. He further wrote my wife caresses the barrel of my guns like she caresses my penis, and the bullet that fires from my gun is my sexual ejaculation. This man, through my blogs, knows I have a lesbian daughter, and also knows that my wife and I have six children and nine grandchildren. It was that day I cancelled my newspaper subscription and resigned from their media lab. I chose not to be associated with this group any longer.
Shortly thereafter I cancelled my Facebook membership and joined the Tea Party Community web site. My point in all this folks is that these "trolls" are afraid, very afraid of the growing membership of the TPC. Be prepared because the worst is yet to come. They will lie, distort, and most of all make disparaging personal attacks on anyone who leaves Facebook and joins the TPC. See Huffington Post.
We must continue to fight the good fight. Ignore the "trolls". They will continue to throw insults, attack the TPC, lash lies at us. Why? Pure and simple folks....they are afraid, very afraid of us. The TPC web site is actually growing faster than Facebook did when they started.
People are leaving Facebook in gigantic droves to join the TPC.
Contact as many as you can to join us on the TPC. Even billionaire Soros won't be able to stop us. Let's start making plans now pointing to 2014 to dethrone this Socialist-Messiah that's in OUR White House.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Of course I was humbly honored, and decided I was going to write a blog a day reflecting my conservative political views on the current topics. Topics would focus on unemployment, Obamacare, GDP, national debt, welfare, food stamps, etc.
I was grateful that the majority of my blog readers agreed with me, and it just encouraged me to keep writing and try to get more informative, more entertaining, and increase my topic researching. Of course I would welcome opposing views. I enjoyed the challenging responses, and would engage in friendly back and forth blog messages.
Stay with me please. Then the newspaper invited a liberal progressive left-leaning Democrat to join their media lab. What I discovered immediately was most of the contents of his blogs were filled with lies and personal attacks on any who opposed his liberal progressive views, mainly yours truly, and even my family.
His personal attacks along with his lies got so bad I approached the director of the media lab and asked that they contact the individual and suggest a more friendly adversarial response to my blogs. Then the "young" director commented, "why don't you just ignore him, and he may go away".
So I tried that, and the more I ignored this left-leaning progressive liberal the more vile his blogs became filled with lies and personal attacks.
The final blow was the day he responded to my blog about gun control. Now this individual, through my blogs, knew I was an NRA member, a gun advocate, owned guns for target shooting and personal protection. He also knew my wife and I both have concealed-carry permits.
He wrote in his blog that the reason I like guns is because I harbor latent homosexual tendencies. He further wrote my wife caresses the barrel of my guns like she caresses my penis, and the bullet that fires from my gun is my sexual ejaculation. This man, through my blogs, knows I have a lesbian daughter, and also knows that my wife and I have six children and nine grandchildren. It was that day I cancelled my newspaper subscription and resigned from their media lab. I chose not to be associated with this group any longer.
Shortly thereafter I cancelled my Facebook membership and joined the Tea Party Community web site. My point in all this folks is that these "trolls" are afraid, very afraid of the growing membership of the TPC. Be prepared because the worst is yet to come. They will lie, distort, and most of all make disparaging personal attacks on anyone who leaves Facebook and joins the TPC. See Huffington Post.
We must continue to fight the good fight. Ignore the "trolls". They will continue to throw insults, attack the TPC, lash lies at us. Why? Pure and simple folks....they are afraid, very afraid of us. The TPC web site is actually growing faster than Facebook did when they started.
People are leaving Facebook in gigantic droves to join the TPC.
Contact as many as you can to join us on the TPC. Even billionaire Soros won't be able to stop us. Let's start making plans now pointing to 2014 to dethrone this Socialist-Messiah that's in OUR White House.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
What's goin' on?
Not too political in the blog today. Well, a little, especially when you factor in the young people we are leaving our great country to.
This morning, like a good 77-year old trying to maintain a modicum of good health I went to the gym to attempt to raise my heart rate and work out on the Nautilus gear. Thankfully I brought my iPhone that had all my music stored into it, along with my ear buds.
Loudly blaring through the speakers, and I do mean loud, were screaming rap songs that a human could not understand the words. Well, I take that back; there were some words that were very easy to understand; F_ _ _, S_ _ _, P_ _ _ Y, B_ _ ch, and many other words that I just can't write here, but I know you get the message.
So I pushed my ear buds to my iPhone and my ears, tuned in "Greatest Hits By Melissa Manchester", turned it up very loud to drown out the rap junk, and breezed through an enjoyable workout. Here's the best: As I was putting my stuff away in my gym bag I noticed two young guys on the treadmill side by side, and a woman on the next to one of the young guys.
With no regard to the woman on the treadmill well within hearing range the two young guys (cant call them men) were talking about the "night before". Their language was laced with deplorable swearing and cursing. I was at least ten yards away from them, and could hear every word they were saying. I know the woman next to them clearly heard every single word. The sadness is the young guys didn't have a clue that they were doing anything wrong. To them, they were just exercising their First Amendment.
While this scenario at the treadmill was occurring, the loud blaring sounds of rap music laced with swearing and cursing was coming through the speakers. What's my point here?
So many adults have the notion that the best way to raise their children is to make sure they have more material things than they had growing up. No, I'm not going to write anything stupid like, "when I was your age". No youngster wants to hear or read that.
However, it seems solid family values are laughed at today. Mothers and fathers want to be buddies and friends of their children. If done correctly, raising children is the toughest, but most rewarding job a parent will ever undertake. I just want to interject a personal note here.
As a facilitator for John Walsh's National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, I would always tell my parenting audiences that I was raised on LSD; Love, Support, and Discipline.
Dad had the biggest and warmest heart I've ever known, but could bring me to my knees with just a look. He didn't want to be my buddy, pal, or friend, but WOW, he did a great job with my two sisters and I. He never went to the first grade himself, but made sure my sisters and I received college educations. OK...enough with the "when I was your age" stories.
All the gun violence and shootings going on today is not the fault of some inanimate object; a gun or knife. These crimes started to fester in those young killers when they were in their family cocoon. We need to return back to teaching our young children true family values, decency, respect, and generosity.
Years ago, doing business with an Asian-American lady she commented, "I am amazed at America. It is the only country that is so heavily populated with old-age nursing homes. Instead of drawing from the wisdom of your elderly you just sweep them out of the way into a nursing home. We would never do that in Japan". Years later an Irish-American reiterated the very same words to me.
It seems many of our younger generation, not all by any means, are more interested in "the good times". They feel it's their right; it's their life, and us old timers do not understand anything that makes sense in today's changing world.
After last November's election, I asked a twenty-one year old why she didn't even vote. She commented, "I didn't want to vote to contribute to the problems that you old people created". I commented that us "old people" going to turn this world over to them, and soon. She just walked away and disrespectfully sneered, "whatever old man".
I guarantee that if parents take the time to instill strong family values in our youngsters at their earliest possible age our whole world will be a better planet. Yeah, call me old-fashioned, a old man, a dreamer, but it's appearing the alternative isn't working well today. Parents, please work on making it better.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops.
This morning, like a good 77-year old trying to maintain a modicum of good health I went to the gym to attempt to raise my heart rate and work out on the Nautilus gear. Thankfully I brought my iPhone that had all my music stored into it, along with my ear buds.
Loudly blaring through the speakers, and I do mean loud, were screaming rap songs that a human could not understand the words. Well, I take that back; there were some words that were very easy to understand; F_ _ _, S_ _ _, P_ _ _ Y, B_ _ ch, and many other words that I just can't write here, but I know you get the message.
So I pushed my ear buds to my iPhone and my ears, tuned in "Greatest Hits By Melissa Manchester", turned it up very loud to drown out the rap junk, and breezed through an enjoyable workout. Here's the best: As I was putting my stuff away in my gym bag I noticed two young guys on the treadmill side by side, and a woman on the next to one of the young guys.
With no regard to the woman on the treadmill well within hearing range the two young guys (cant call them men) were talking about the "night before". Their language was laced with deplorable swearing and cursing. I was at least ten yards away from them, and could hear every word they were saying. I know the woman next to them clearly heard every single word. The sadness is the young guys didn't have a clue that they were doing anything wrong. To them, they were just exercising their First Amendment.
While this scenario at the treadmill was occurring, the loud blaring sounds of rap music laced with swearing and cursing was coming through the speakers. What's my point here?
So many adults have the notion that the best way to raise their children is to make sure they have more material things than they had growing up. No, I'm not going to write anything stupid like, "when I was your age". No youngster wants to hear or read that.
However, it seems solid family values are laughed at today. Mothers and fathers want to be buddies and friends of their children. If done correctly, raising children is the toughest, but most rewarding job a parent will ever undertake. I just want to interject a personal note here.
As a facilitator for John Walsh's National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, I would always tell my parenting audiences that I was raised on LSD; Love, Support, and Discipline.
Dad had the biggest and warmest heart I've ever known, but could bring me to my knees with just a look. He didn't want to be my buddy, pal, or friend, but WOW, he did a great job with my two sisters and I. He never went to the first grade himself, but made sure my sisters and I received college educations. OK...enough with the "when I was your age" stories.
All the gun violence and shootings going on today is not the fault of some inanimate object; a gun or knife. These crimes started to fester in those young killers when they were in their family cocoon. We need to return back to teaching our young children true family values, decency, respect, and generosity.
Years ago, doing business with an Asian-American lady she commented, "I am amazed at America. It is the only country that is so heavily populated with old-age nursing homes. Instead of drawing from the wisdom of your elderly you just sweep them out of the way into a nursing home. We would never do that in Japan". Years later an Irish-American reiterated the very same words to me.
It seems many of our younger generation, not all by any means, are more interested in "the good times". They feel it's their right; it's their life, and us old timers do not understand anything that makes sense in today's changing world.
After last November's election, I asked a twenty-one year old why she didn't even vote. She commented, "I didn't want to vote to contribute to the problems that you old people created". I commented that us "old people" going to turn this world over to them, and soon. She just walked away and disrespectfully sneered, "whatever old man".
I guarantee that if parents take the time to instill strong family values in our youngsters at their earliest possible age our whole world will be a better planet. Yeah, call me old-fashioned, a old man, a dreamer, but it's appearing the alternative isn't working well today. Parents, please work on making it better.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops.
Friday, February 8, 2013
Politics with Pete: Politics with Pete (2/8/13)
Politics with Pete: Politics with Pete (2/8/13): Remember the guy on the playground that brought the ball? Yeah, the instant he didn't get his way he said, "well, I'm taking my ball and go...
Politics with Pete (2/8/13)
Remember the guy on the playground that brought the ball? Yeah, the instant he didn't get his way he said, "well, I'm taking my ball and going home". This playground bully would do anything to get his way in the game. You remember him growing up don't you?
Well, the sad news folks is we have a bully like that in OUR White House right now. And bless the Republicans in Congress for calling his bluff, and he just can't handle it. Way to go Republicans in Congress.
Obie is pulling out all the stops to avoid any spending cuts, while continuing to raise taxes. What's the very first thing he does? he threatens seniors by telling Americans that he, the great Messiah, may have to stop sending seniors their monthly Social Security checks if those horrible Republicans force sequestration to go into effect. STOP ! right there Obie. That is a bold face lie. The Federal Reserve mandates that there will always be funds for seniors' monthly Social Security checks.
Then he parades out his "little dog" Panetta to scare Americans by saying that if spending cuts take place over 500,000 Department of Defense employees will go on shortened hours.
Then Obie further states that maybe, "there will be no money to send paychecks to our military men and women". STOP ! Another lie Obie. Congress and our Federal Reserve also mandates there will always be funds available to pay our troops.
Hey, Obie, why is it that you never mention that you may have to slow down or stop all the welfare/food stamps/subsidized housing/unemployment benefits? Nah, you won't do that. These people make up 75% of the 51% that voted you into OUR White House.
This man is finding out that there is a push back going on now. There's a bluff being shoved right down your throat Obie. Yes, you go ahead, and threaten Americans by raising taxes with no spending cuts. Here's a news flash Obie: There is no one around to blame anymore but you.
Surveys and polls are showing our country economically is far worse since you've been in office than it's ever been. Unemployment, GDP scores, welfare, food stamps,and the negative economic list goes on and on. Yet, your fawning media, starting with MSNBC keeps propping you up, with the help of CBS, that you are doing great.
Obie, you better get on your rug and bow to the media instead of mecca every day, because if the media ever stops slobbering all over you, you will be in deep, deep trouble. Even with your fawning media your approval ratings are plummeting faster than falling snow right now.
You only got so far with your European Socialist agenda, and now the good people of America are pushing back and are going to stop you. In 2014 we'll take back the Senate, and then you, Michelle, and the girls can spend your last two years surfing in Hawaii.We'll just get you out of the way.
The Benghazi cover up was one of the worst in our military history. Now, it's been discovered that you weren't even in OUR White House when our heroes in Benghazi were screaming for help. You should be ashamed and resign the presidency. Good Americans have no more trust in you. You don't deserve to be the leader of our free world.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Well, the sad news folks is we have a bully like that in OUR White House right now. And bless the Republicans in Congress for calling his bluff, and he just can't handle it. Way to go Republicans in Congress.
Obie is pulling out all the stops to avoid any spending cuts, while continuing to raise taxes. What's the very first thing he does? he threatens seniors by telling Americans that he, the great Messiah, may have to stop sending seniors their monthly Social Security checks if those horrible Republicans force sequestration to go into effect. STOP ! right there Obie. That is a bold face lie. The Federal Reserve mandates that there will always be funds for seniors' monthly Social Security checks.
Then he parades out his "little dog" Panetta to scare Americans by saying that if spending cuts take place over 500,000 Department of Defense employees will go on shortened hours.
Then Obie further states that maybe, "there will be no money to send paychecks to our military men and women". STOP ! Another lie Obie. Congress and our Federal Reserve also mandates there will always be funds available to pay our troops.
Hey, Obie, why is it that you never mention that you may have to slow down or stop all the welfare/food stamps/subsidized housing/unemployment benefits? Nah, you won't do that. These people make up 75% of the 51% that voted you into OUR White House.
This man is finding out that there is a push back going on now. There's a bluff being shoved right down your throat Obie. Yes, you go ahead, and threaten Americans by raising taxes with no spending cuts. Here's a news flash Obie: There is no one around to blame anymore but you.
Surveys and polls are showing our country economically is far worse since you've been in office than it's ever been. Unemployment, GDP scores, welfare, food stamps,and the negative economic list goes on and on. Yet, your fawning media, starting with MSNBC keeps propping you up, with the help of CBS, that you are doing great.
Obie, you better get on your rug and bow to the media instead of mecca every day, because if the media ever stops slobbering all over you, you will be in deep, deep trouble. Even with your fawning media your approval ratings are plummeting faster than falling snow right now.
You only got so far with your European Socialist agenda, and now the good people of America are pushing back and are going to stop you. In 2014 we'll take back the Senate, and then you, Michelle, and the girls can spend your last two years surfing in Hawaii.We'll just get you out of the way.
The Benghazi cover up was one of the worst in our military history. Now, it's been discovered that you weren't even in OUR White House when our heroes in Benghazi were screaming for help. You should be ashamed and resign the presidency. Good Americans have no more trust in you. You don't deserve to be the leader of our free world.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Politics with Pete: Is a gun political?
Politics with Pete: Is a gun political?: With all the political accusations, conflicts, and diatribe going around about guns today, one has to wonder if the gun by itself is Republi...
Saturday, February 2, 2013
My new site
Yesterday I wrote a "farewell" to the News-Herald media lab and have discontinued writing any more of my blogs, "Politics with Pete" for the News-Herald.
No reason to bring up the main reason I'm leaving. No need to give any more credence to the individual that caused it. I've decided he can have the N/H media lab all to himself.
I have two points of information I'd like to share with you now.
First, a heart filled gratitude of thanks for all the kind words I received from those of you who read and enjoyed my "Politics with Pete". You have humbled me with your kind responses.
The good, no great news, is if you are so inclined to continue reading my blogs, and I hope you do, I am on a new site. Today I joined the new website, Tea Party Community, and will continue with "Politics with Pete" on that website.
The Tea Party Community (TPC) is the conservative's answer to Facebook. I have severed my Facebook account, and am in the process of encouraging my conservative friends to join me on the TPC.
The new TPC is just starting, and growing in leaps and bounds. I encourage all who believe in the conservative values of this great country to join TPC. And, of course I hope you continue to read "Politics with Pete" on the TPC.
Again, thanks....and I hope to communicate with you again soon.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God Bless our country....and our troops.
No reason to bring up the main reason I'm leaving. No need to give any more credence to the individual that caused it. I've decided he can have the N/H media lab all to himself.
I have two points of information I'd like to share with you now.
First, a heart filled gratitude of thanks for all the kind words I received from those of you who read and enjoyed my "Politics with Pete". You have humbled me with your kind responses.
The good, no great news, is if you are so inclined to continue reading my blogs, and I hope you do, I am on a new site. Today I joined the new website, Tea Party Community, and will continue with "Politics with Pete" on that website.
The Tea Party Community (TPC) is the conservative's answer to Facebook. I have severed my Facebook account, and am in the process of encouraging my conservative friends to join me on the TPC.
The new TPC is just starting, and growing in leaps and bounds. I encourage all who believe in the conservative values of this great country to join TPC. And, of course I hope you continue to read "Politics with Pete" on the TPC.
Again, thanks....and I hope to communicate with you again soon.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God Bless our country....and our troops.
Friday, February 1, 2013
Last blog
When I was first invited to write a daily blog, "Politics with Pete" for the News-Herald I was humbly grateful to have a forum to write my daily conservative points of view. I will always feel a debt of gratitude to the editor and communications director for the opportunity.
I became very enthused about my blog, and maintained a daily stream of conservative blogs. Some of my blogs were even approved for printing in the daily News-Herald newspaper. Of course that encouraged me to go on and try my best to improve.
I was always grateful for the supportive comments I received from those that read and agreed with my political philosophy and point of view. I also welcomed those who disagreed with me, and respected their opposite points of view. After all I was used to it, as one of my daughters, and both of my sisters are very strong Obama supporters, and consider themselves liberal progressives.
Then along came a very negative responder to my blogs. Immediately he became vile enough in his lies and personal attacks that I approached the communications director who schooled me in how to review his comments and delete them instead of publishing his personal attack comments. The lab communications director then suggested I just ignore his comments and he may "go away".
Well, the more I ignored his comments the more vile his remarks of lies and personal attacks became. At first my wife just teased me, "watch out Pete, he may find out where you live". At first I thought this was just a little disturbing. I thought about contacting this person in hopes we could become friendly adversaries. I even thought we would meet at a blogger's media lab meeting at the News-Herald, share a cup of coffee and have a friendly debate.
Then his blog responses became so vile that my wife actually started to become frightened. At first she just mildly suggested that I opt out of blog writing for the News-Herald.
Then the News-Herald allowed this man a blog site; he goes by the blog name of Zwicky-RWT, or something like that. With that I guess he felt this entitled him to increase his vile personal attacks to me with inferences to my family, along with his lies. He began calling me moron, stupid, whitey racist, a_ _h_ _ e, the "F" bomb, and some names not fit to print in this blog today. I will not stoop to his level.
It came to be that the more I ignored this Zwicky-RWT the more his responses became more vile and objectionable. This RWT, or whoever he is knows what a strong gun advocate I am.
He knows I am a strong supporter of Rush Limbaugh and Fox News, along with being an NRA member. His comments about Rush being a drug addict, and his comments about Fox, which is the number one news channel today was full of lies.
But after reading today's comments my wife strongly urged me to stop writing blogs anymore for any news media that would allow this type of writing. Yes, we all need to respect our First Amendment rights, but we should also all be mindful of..., well the best way to describe Zwicky-RWT is that he is a combination of Martin Bashir and Ed Schultz from MSNBC, and Bill Maher from HBO.
Proof of that is his response to me today. He wrote that my hobby of target shooting stems from latent homosexual tendencies. He further wrote inferring that my wife stroked the barrel of my gun thinking of my penis, and the bullet that fired from my barrel was similar to a sexual and ultimate ejaculation. Upon reading that my wife quickly responded, "that's it....this man is dangerous...stop writing for that media can find another venue...he can't take away your writing capabilities".
I can no longer associate myself with a media lab and a newspaper that would allow a person to write such vile gutteral comments. So Mr. Zwicky-RWT, you win, I lose. You The more I ignored you the worse you became, and I will not take the chance of you seeking out where my wife and I live. So you can start your celebration, and gloat. I won't be writing any more blogs for the News-Herald.
Special note to the News-Herald: Please keep Zwicky-RWT in your media lab blogger role. If he was asked to leave because of his vile written language he may erupt and seek me out. Keep him on. Please
Thanks again to all who took the time to read my blogs.
As always....God bless our country....and our troops.
I became very enthused about my blog, and maintained a daily stream of conservative blogs. Some of my blogs were even approved for printing in the daily News-Herald newspaper. Of course that encouraged me to go on and try my best to improve.
I was always grateful for the supportive comments I received from those that read and agreed with my political philosophy and point of view. I also welcomed those who disagreed with me, and respected their opposite points of view. After all I was used to it, as one of my daughters, and both of my sisters are very strong Obama supporters, and consider themselves liberal progressives.
Then along came a very negative responder to my blogs. Immediately he became vile enough in his lies and personal attacks that I approached the communications director who schooled me in how to review his comments and delete them instead of publishing his personal attack comments. The lab communications director then suggested I just ignore his comments and he may "go away".
Well, the more I ignored his comments the more vile his remarks of lies and personal attacks became. At first my wife just teased me, "watch out Pete, he may find out where you live". At first I thought this was just a little disturbing. I thought about contacting this person in hopes we could become friendly adversaries. I even thought we would meet at a blogger's media lab meeting at the News-Herald, share a cup of coffee and have a friendly debate.
Then his blog responses became so vile that my wife actually started to become frightened. At first she just mildly suggested that I opt out of blog writing for the News-Herald.
Then the News-Herald allowed this man a blog site; he goes by the blog name of Zwicky-RWT, or something like that. With that I guess he felt this entitled him to increase his vile personal attacks to me with inferences to my family, along with his lies. He began calling me moron, stupid, whitey racist, a_ _h_ _ e, the "F" bomb, and some names not fit to print in this blog today. I will not stoop to his level.
It came to be that the more I ignored this Zwicky-RWT the more his responses became more vile and objectionable. This RWT, or whoever he is knows what a strong gun advocate I am.
He knows I am a strong supporter of Rush Limbaugh and Fox News, along with being an NRA member. His comments about Rush being a drug addict, and his comments about Fox, which is the number one news channel today was full of lies.
But after reading today's comments my wife strongly urged me to stop writing blogs anymore for any news media that would allow this type of writing. Yes, we all need to respect our First Amendment rights, but we should also all be mindful of..., well the best way to describe Zwicky-RWT is that he is a combination of Martin Bashir and Ed Schultz from MSNBC, and Bill Maher from HBO.
Proof of that is his response to me today. He wrote that my hobby of target shooting stems from latent homosexual tendencies. He further wrote inferring that my wife stroked the barrel of my gun thinking of my penis, and the bullet that fired from my barrel was similar to a sexual and ultimate ejaculation. Upon reading that my wife quickly responded, "that's it....this man is dangerous...stop writing for that media can find another venue...he can't take away your writing capabilities".
I can no longer associate myself with a media lab and a newspaper that would allow a person to write such vile gutteral comments. So Mr. Zwicky-RWT, you win, I lose. You The more I ignored you the worse you became, and I will not take the chance of you seeking out where my wife and I live. So you can start your celebration, and gloat. I won't be writing any more blogs for the News-Herald.
Special note to the News-Herald: Please keep Zwicky-RWT in your media lab blogger role. If he was asked to leave because of his vile written language he may erupt and seek me out. Keep him on. Please
Thanks again to all who took the time to read my blogs.
As always....God bless our country....and our troops.
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