I did a lot of channel-surfing today. The unemployment climbed to 8.2%, and many pundits have summarized that the true unemployment is 14.8%. In May we only added 69,000 jobs, and April's job creation was reconfigured from 117,000 to 77,000. And so I decided, with the help of my remote, to visit ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, & Fox to hear and see how this "spin" was being broadcasted to the public.
With the exception of Fox the other news networks gave little or no information on these mportant subjects. I even became amused when MSNBC broadcasted a campaign speech by our President today, where he is stating that he is continuing to create jobs, and if we reelect him things are really going to get better. After all, as he says, "Look what I inherited".
There are so many issues that the media will just not report on at all. It seems they just like to "pick & choose". So I, your humble blogger, has decided to put a list of "Did You Know's" together and hope you wonder, as I do, why we don't see the following issues:
Did You Know:
1. President Obama has given the Hollywood producers most of the classified details of the bin Laden attack, but has spent over $300,000. blocking his college grades. Some, like Donald Trump, say it just may show our President was a foreign student.
2. The media was so quick to report GOP candidate Romney played a playground prank at the age of fifteen, but would not report that Al Sharpton of MSNBC called the GOP a group of Adolph Hitlers, and Louis Farrakhan has threatened that "American cities will burn" . One wonders if someone called the Black Panthers a group of Hitlers or called Farrakhan an Adolph Hitler. I can see Sharpton & Jackson now yelling "whites are racists".
3. The media will not report that in 2008 our President surrendered his law license in order to escape charges he falsified information on his law application.
4. Our First Lady surrendered her law license in 1993 to escape standing trial for insurance fraud.
5. According to a spokeswoman from the University of Chicago, our President never served as a professor of law, and only taught on a part-time basis, even though he claimed such.
There are so many other issues and news that our media refuses to broadcast, or will "pick & choose" those topics that will enhance their network views and leanings. We need the entire media to report all information on the news.
We are being cheated. Don't let the certain facets of the media be your only deciding factor in this November's election.
And that's Politics with Pete for today
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