I've never been a fan of the words "double standard". I mean, really, who creates standards? Is it the media, is it our bosses, is it our parents, friends, family. Wouldn't it be great if the media presented ALL of these so called "standards", and let us freedom loving Americans decide which standard we accept. Here's a few examples of "standards" we should stop calling "double", and just decide ourselves how we feel:
1. Why do people who don't pay ANY income taxes, want so called rich people, who already pay over eighty per cent of all taxes, to pay "their fair share".
2. Why is this current administration in D.C., spending seven million dollars a minute, have increased our current debt deficit by six trillion dollars, and yet complains the U.S. has no money?
3. Whys is it OK to teach Arabic and homosexuality in our schools, but can't fly the flag or use the word God?
4. Not too much thought is given to killing an unborn in an abortion clinic, but front page news is made when protesters amass at a prison when a mass murderer of children is executed?
5. Why won't the media report that over forty Catholic organizations are suing our current Administration over a clause in "Obamacare" which states they must provide health insurance coverage users of birth control?
6. Why does some like Rev. Al Sharpton, Jessee Jackson, and the NAACP scream "racist" when we disagree with Obama's policies, yet forget that African-Americans make up only twelve per cent of our population. That means eighty-eight per cent of votes were from white Americans, so who are the racists?
7. Why are the Democrats screaming about "the greed of the rich", but will gladly accept their thirty-five thousand dollar a plate contribution during a campaign dinner?
8. Why do we give large sums of money to Pakistan in foreign aid, only to stand aside while they imprison the man who helped us take down bin Laden?
9. Why does this Administration throw stones and crucify Governor Romney and Bain Capital, but won't say a single word about their own failures; i.e., Amtrak, U.S. Postal Service, Solyndra, and many other ventures that failed on taxpayers' money?
10. Why does this Administration promise the repeal of the Second Amendment, preventing Americans the right to bear arms, and yet will not even take action on "Fast & Furious" that actually killed a U.S. border agent?
11. Why are millions spent to continue the protection of Korea's 38th. parallel, yet we refuse to protect our own U.S.-Mexican border?
12. Why do we broadcast pornography on the Internet, movies, TV, however you will be jailed if you try to put a Nativity scene at a public park?
13. Why is it considered racist to protest against Obama's policies, but you are exercising your First Amendment rights when you presented a movie on how to kill former President Bush?
14. Why is it called workplace violence when a Muslim U.S. Army Major kills a dozen people while he screams Allah Akbhar, and yet the broadcasters at MSNBC call the Tea Party terrorists?
15. Why does the media crucify the "fat cat oil companies", but will actually praise the riots in stores when crowds rush in the purchase a Nike shoe product? Has anyone bothered to investigate that Nike actually makes twice as much profit than the oil companies, and pays less taxes because they are over seas?
1. Why do you need a driver's license to cash a check or even buy liquor, but do not need one to vote?
2. Why does Chris Matthews of MSNBC, a Roman Catholic himself, say that maybe all the Catholic Bishops who are against the Catholic church providing contraception are Republicans?
And that's Politics with Pete for today
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