Recently a critic of one of my blogs responded in the only way it seems he could; by name calling.
Kind of reminds me of another quote by Abraham Lincoln during the civil war. Lincoln was verbally attacked by many, complaining Lincoln's top General U.S. Grant was nothing more than a drunkard. Lincoln's response, "Well, considering the success Grant is having in ending the war, find out what Scotch he's drinking and send a case to each of my other Generals".
I would like to suggest to my critical friend: When you are up against someone who is doing so much better than you, or those whom you have loyalty to, find some facts, or find out some useful information about your enemy. When you do nothing more than cast virile statements and lies you make yourself look so small.
Let's take a look at the journalists and broadcasters at the network that you seem to pledge your allegiance to. Of course I'm speaking (writing) about MSNBC. There's Matthews, Schultz, Maddow, Sharpton, Basir, Ratigan, Basir, and let's not forget Andrea Mitchell.
The ratings of these broadcasters are so poor, they barely are staying on the air. And they feel the only way Comcast allows them to continue is they get some attention with lies and personal attacks on the number one cable TV news network, and to help in any way they can to help get Obama reelected. Of course you know who that number one cable TV network is...Fox!
If Romney wins in November, and there are strong indications he will, I can only imagine, maybe predict, that Comcast will change the format at MSNBC, and your icons will most likely flee to Gore's network to join Olberman.
So, my dear liberal-progressive Democrat, find out what Fox is doing right, and try to understand why they are number one, rather than spewing lies and personal attacks at them.
Don't you find it interesting that the relatively new Fox show, The Five, has a very strong liberal Democrat on the show every day, and they have immediately jumped ahead of all the viewerships at MSNBC? What is Fox doing right? You think MSNBC can come up with a show like that? I think not.
And that's Politics with Pete for today
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