Saturday, June 16, 2012

Ahh, those Unions

Recently, in the News-Herald opinion page, a writer wrote in that he was appalled that 27% of Union workers in Wisconsin, voted against the recall of Governor Walker.

Someone should explain to the writer who wrote the article that those 27% were private sector union members. 

Most private sector union member in Wisconsin, in fact, most across the country are content with their union contracts. Moreover, private sector union members want more of a voice as to where their union dues are going.

On the other hand, police, fire, and teachers unions want more strength to their union protection in wages, vacations, and pensions. A fact is that union members in police, fire, and teachers make nearly twice as their counterparts in non-union atmospheres.

When I consider the jobs of and responsibilities of our police, fire, and teacher employees I am a strong believer there should be no unions in these three areas.  A condition of employment should be that you will not join any union, go on strike or invoke any type of "blue flu" days off.

If a police union is on strike does that mean they will not protect the citizens of their community, or stop a crime in progress? Will fire fighters on strike refuse to stop a fire in a burning house to save the lives of others? Will a teacher on strike refuse to educate our children? 

The placement in our education ranks among the lowest in the world now. We need the right to stimulate our education by eliminating "tenure" teachers that have no right to teach our children. Is it any wonder that people who can afford it will send our children to private schools.

Maybe the next step will be to unionize our military. Can you envision a troop refusing to go into combat because of their wages, or vacation time, or some other nonsensical issue?  

By the way, at 14.2% true unemployment or underemployment where are the jobs that unions are supposed to be protecting? We know where their dues are going.

And that's Politics with Pete for now.

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