Friday, June 29, 2012

Just the facts maam

Any out there who reads my blogs know that I lean to the right. While I try to research facts, there are some issues that are my own personal views.

I have endured some personal attacks by left-leaning liberals that take my views out of context.
Most retorts from my Democrat critics have been unfounded. Of course I will not call them lies.

So, today I wanted to publish a blog supported solely by facts.  Some of the facts are from polls and educated surveys, however most of the facts are derived from the Congressional Budget Office. I think even my Democrat friends will believe the CBO. I mean, after all many of these facts come from Peter Orsag, one of Clinton's and Obama's strong supporters.

Let's get "W" out of the way immediately. The current administration began blaming Bush on January 22, 2009, when Obama was sworn in as our President.  So before we go any further on the Bush blame let's look at pure facts.

On January 3, 2007 the House and the Senate became Democrat-controlled. Nancy Pelosi was Speaker of the House, and Hairless Reid was the Senate majority leader.

On January 3, 2007 the DOW closed at 12,621.77.  GDP was 3.5, and unemployment was 4.6%
On that day Barney Frank & Chris took over the Financial Services Committe and the Senate Banking Committee.

These two members of Congress, trying to establish housing for all, managed to dump $6 Trillion Dollars of toxic loans on the economy from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

"W" was still the President and CBO facts bear out that he attempted seventeen times to stop this Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac process. He was shot down all seventeen times by a Democrat-controlled House & Senate. But because he was still the President, he was loaded up by Democrats and the media as the main blame for all this.

By the way there was a Democrat Senator from Illinois named Obama that voted to keep the Dodd-Frank fiasco in place. And it got worse because banks and lending institutions were threatened that they must approve loans that should never have been approved.

Well, we all know what happened within the following fifteen months. The housing bubble burst, thousands of homes became "under water", and were foreclosed upon. Hundreds of thousands of jobs were lost, and unemployment rose to 9%.

So, when President Obama claims he "inherited" an economic mess from Bush, maybe he should be honest with the American people, and come forth and say that he, along with the Democrat-controlled House and Senate are the major part of that inheritance for Americans.

Please save this blog. Starting tomorrow I will write more blogs that are related to the facts, just plain facts that has caused our great country to be in the shape we're in today. Just remember these pure facts every time you hear, "it's Bush's fault".

And that's Politics with Pete for today


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