Monday, June 25, 2012

I promise..... nothing!

I know more people than me remember in 2007 and 2008 when Senator Obama was campaigning for President of the country when he made a startling promise.

He promised he would initiate policies and laws that would enable the U.S. to be free of importing oil from foreign lands.

Fifty-Two percent of the country believed him so much that he was voted as the number one leader of the free world; our United States President.

So, what say we review exactly what our President has done since January, 2009 to stop oil importing from foreign countries:
1.  With pressure from the EPA he banned coal mining capacities in West Virginia.
2. Loaned over two Billion dollars to Brazil so they can drill for oil, and then promised that the 
    U.S. would be Brazil's biggest customer. George Soros owns the drilling company.
3. Will not allow the Keystone Pipeline to process oil to the U.S., forcing Canada to consider
     selling its oil rights to China.
4.  Is hold up oil lease distribution to areas in the the contiguous U.S.
5.  Will not allow oil drilling in Alaska.

And maybe the most horrendous thing he has done for oil drilling for the United States is he gave, free of charge, seven islands off the coast of Alaska to Russia. Under some obscure maritime law, that he could have changed at any time, he granted these seven islands to Putin of Russia. All seven of these islands have large oil reserves under them.

Remember the microphone faux paux with Medvedev, when Obama whispered "After this election I will have more flexibility".  Ever wonder what he meant by that statement?

Yes, Mr. President, I, along with millions of hard working Americans suffering from true 14% unemployment would like to thank you for all you've done to drill for oil and create jobs for fellow Americans. Any future plans to stop oil importing Mr. President?

And that's Politics with Pete for today.

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